List of Suffix in Hausa and English

To learn Hausa language common vocabulary is one of the important sections. Common Vocabulary contains common words that we can used in daily life. Here you learn Suffix words in English with Hausa translation. If you are interested to learn the most common Hausa Suffix words, this place will help you to learn Suffix words in Hausa language with their pronunciation in English. Suffix words are used in daily life conversations, so it is very important to learn all words in English and Hausa.

List of Suffix in Hausa and English

Read also: A-Z Dictionary | Quiz | Vocabulary | Alphabets | Grammar

List of Suffix words in Hausa

Here is the list of suffixes in Hausa language with meanings and their pronunciation in English.


Accuracy daidaito
Delicacy dadi
Democracy dimokuradiyya
Diplomacy diflomasiyya
Literacy karatu
Pharmacy kantin magani
Privacy sirri


Abdominal ciki
Aboriginal na asali
Accrual tarawa
Animal dabba
Approval yarda
Refusal ƙi


Acceptance yarda
Assistance taimako
Assurance tabbacin
Attendance halarta
Importance mahimmanci
Maintenance kiyayewa
Substance abu


Abdomen ciki
Chicken kaza
Eighteen goma sha takwas
Kitchen kitchen
Straighten daidaita
Strengthen karfafa
Written rubuta


Absence rashi
Audience masu sauraro
Conference taro
Confidence amincewa
Dependence dogara
Evidence shaida
Influence tasiri
Reference tunani


Better mafi kyau
Cheater mayaudari
Fiber zaren
Reader mai karatu
Trainer mai horo
Traveler matafiyi


Beautiful kyau
Careful mai hankali
Helpful taimako
Hopeful m
Painful mai zafi
Stressful damuwa
Thankful godiya
Truthful gaskiya
Wonderful ban mamaki


Communism kwaminisanci
Exceptionalism na kwarai
Narcissism narcissism
Sensationalism abin mamaki
Traditionalism gargajiya


Apologist mai gafara
Biologist masanin halittu
Dramatist mai wasan kwaikwayo
Finalist dan wasan karshe
Novelist marubuci
Realist mai gaskiya
Socialist gurguzu
Tourist yawon bude ido
Typist mai bugawa


Conditionality sharadi
Electricity wutar lantarki
Eligibility cancanta
Inactivity rashin aiki
Maintainability kiyayewa
Publicity jama'a
Responsibility alhakin
Reversibility juyawa


Effortless m
Endless mara iyaka
Harmless mara lahani
Hopeless rashin bege
Seamless m
Useless mara amfani
Wireless mara waya


Achievement nasara
Acknowledgement yarda
Argument hujja
Disappointment jin kunya
Endorsement yarda
Punishment hukunci


Brightness haske
Fairness adalci
Heaviness nauyi
Rudeness rashin kunya
Sadness bakin ciki
Smartness wayo
Smoothness santsi


Auditor mai dubawa
Counselor mashawarci
Editor edita
Narrator mai ba da labari
Protector majiɓinci
Visitor baƙo


Compression matsawa
Concession rangwame
Progression ci gaba
Subdivision yanki
Supervision kulawa


Abbreviation ragewa
Abortion zubar da ciki
Addition kari
Creation halitta
Emotion motsin rai
Ignition kunna wuta
Junction junction
Sanction takunkumi
Suction tsotsa
Transition mika mulki

Top 1000 Hausa words

Here you learn top 1000 Hausa words, that is separated into sections to learn easily (Simple words, Easy words, Medium words, Hard Words, Advanced Words). These words are very important in daily life conversations, basic level words are very helpful for beginners. All words have Hausa meanings with transliteration.

Eat ci
All duka
New sabo
Snore kururuwa
Fast sauri
Help taimako
Pain zafi
Rain ruwan sama
Pride girman kai
Sense hankali
Large babba
Skill gwaninta
Panic tsoro
Thank na gode
Desire sha'awa
Woman mace
Hungry yunwa

Daily use Hausa Sentences

Here you learn top Hausa sentences, these sentences are very important in daily life conversations, and basic-level sentences are very helpful for beginners. All sentences have Hausa meanings with transliteration.

Good morning Barka da safiya
What is your name Menene sunanka
What is your problem menene matsalar ku?
I hate you na ki jinin ka
I love you Ina son ku
Can I help you zan iya taimaka muku?
I am sorry Yi hankuri
I want to sleep ina so in yi barci
This is very important Wannan yana da matukar muhimmanci
Are you hungry kuna jin yunwa?
How is your life yaya rayuwarka take?
I am going to study zan yi karatu
Hausa Vocabulary
Hausa Dictionary

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