Numbers in Hindi

To learn Hindi language, common vocabulary is one of the important sections. Common Vocabulary contains common words that we can use in daily life. Numbers are one part of common words used in daily life. If you are interested to learn Hindi numbers, this place will help you to learn numbers in Hindi language with their pronunciation in English. Hindi numbers are used in day to day life, so it is very important to learn Hindi numbers. The below table gives the translation of numbers in Hindi and their pronunciation in English.

Numbers in Hindi

Read also: A-Z Dictionary | Quiz | Vocabulary | Alphabets | Grammar

Hindi Numbers

Learn Hindi numbers from 1 to 100(hundred), 1000(thousand), 10,000(ten thousand), Million, Billion, etc... also learn symbols/characters in Hindi numbers with words.

0 शून्य shoony
1 एक ek
2 दो do
3 तीन teen
4 चार chaar
5 पांच paanch
6 छह chhah
7 सात saat
8 आठ aath
9 नौ nau
10 दस das
11 ग्यारह gyaarah
12 बारह baarah
13 तेरह terah
14 चौदह chaudah
15 पंद्रह pandrah
16 सोलह solah
17 सत्रह satrah
18 अठारह athaarah
19 उन्नीस unnees
20 बीस bees
21 इकीस ikees
22 बाईस baees
23 तेइस teis
24 चौबीस chaubees
25 पच्चीस pachchees
26 छब्बीस chhabbees
27 सताइस satais
28 अट्ठाइस atthais
29 उनतीस unatees
30 तीस tees
31 इकतीस ikatees
32 बतीस batees
33 तैंतीस taintees
34 चौंतीस chauntees
35 पैंतीस paintees
36 छतीस chhatees
37 सैंतीस saintees
38 अड़तीस adatees
39 उनतालीस unataalees
40 चालीस chaalees
41 इकतालीस ikataalees
42 बयालीस bayaalees
43 तैतालीस taitaalees
44 चवालीस chavaalees
45 पैंतालीस paintaalees
46 छयालिस chhayaalis
47 सैंतालीस saintaalees
48 अड़तालीस adataalees
49 उनचास unachaas
50 पचास pachaas

51 इक्यावन Ikyavan
52 बावन Baavan
53 तिरपन Tirepan
54 चौवन Chauwan
55 पचपन Pachpan
56 छप्पन Chappan
57 सतावन Satavan
58 अठावन Athaavan
59 उनसठ Unsadh
60 साठ Saadh
61 इकसठ Iksadh
62 बासठ Baasad
63 तिरसठ Tirsadh
64 चौंसठ Chausadh
65 पैंसठ Pensath
66 छियासठ Chiyasath
67 सड़सठ Sadhsath
68 अड़सठ Asdhsath
69 उनहतर Unahtar
70 सत्तर Sattar
71 इकहतर Ikahtar
72 बहतर Bahatar
73 तिहतर Tihatar
74 चौहतर Chauhatar
75 पचहतर Pachhatar
76 छिहतर Chiyahatar
77 सतहतर Satahatar
78 अठहतर Adhahatar
79 उन्नासी Unnasi
80 अस्सी Assi
81 इक्यासी Ikyasi
82 बयासी Byaasi
83 तिरासी Tirasi
84 चौरासी Chaurasi
85 पचासी Pachasi
86 छियासी Chiyaasi
87 सतासी Sataasi
88 अट्ठासी Athasi
89 नवासी Nauasi
90 नब्बे Nabbay
91 इक्यानवे Ikyaanave
92 बानवे Baanave
93 तिरानवे Tiranavay
94 चौरानवे Chauraanavay
95 पचानवे Pachaanavay
96 छियानवे Chiyaanavay
97 सतानवे Sataanavay
98 अट्ठानवे Adhaanavay
99 निन्यानवे Ninyaanavay
100 एक सौ Ek Sau
1K (1000) हज़ार hazaar
10K (10000) दस हज़ार das hazaar
1L / 100K (1,00,000) लाख laakh
10L / 1M (1,000,000) दस लाख das laakh
1C / 10M (10,000,000) करोड़ karod
1 x 109 एक अरब ek arab
1 x 1012 खरब kharab

Numbers in Hindi

5पांच paanch
10दस das
15पंद्रह pandrah
20बीस bees
25पच्चीस pachchees
30तीस tees
35पैंतीस paintees
40चालीस chaalees
45पैंतालीस paintaalees
50पचास pachaas
55पचपन Pachpan
60साठ Saadh
65पैंसठ Pensath
70सत्तर Sattar
75पचहतर Pachhatar
80अस्सी Assi
85पचासी Pachasi
90नब्बे Nabbay
95पचानवे Pachaanavay
100एक सौ Ek Sau
1K (1000) हज़ार hazaar
10K (10000) दस हज़ार das hazaar
1L / 100K (1,00,000) लाख laakh
10L / 1M (1,000,000) दस लाख das laakh
1C / 10M (10,000,000) करोड़ karod
1 x 109 एक अरब ek arab
1 x 1012 खरब kharab

Top 1000 Hindi words

Here you learn top 1000 Hindi words, that is separated into sections to learn easily (Simple words, Easy words, Medium words, Hard Words, Advanced Words). These words are very important in daily life conversations, basic level words are very helpful for beginners. All words have Hindi meanings with transliteration.

Eat खा kha
All सब saba
New नया naya
Snore सोते सोते चूकना sote sote cukana
Fast तेज teja
Help मदद करना madada karana
Pain दर्द darda
Rain बारिश barisa
Pride गौरव gaurava
Sense समझ samajha
Large बड़ा bara
Skill कौशल kausala
Panic घबड़ाहट ghabarahata
Thank धन्यवाद dhan'yavada
Desire इच्छा iccha
Woman महिला mahila
Hungry भूखा bhukha

Daily use Hindi Sentences

Here you learn top Hindi sentences, these sentences are very important in daily life conversations, and basic-level sentences are very helpful for beginners. All sentences have Hindi meanings with transliteration.

Good morning शुभ प्रभात shubh prabhaat
What is your name तुम्हारा नाम क्या हे tumhaara naam kya he
What is your problem आपकी समस्या क्या है? aapakee samasya kya hai?
I hate you मैं तुमसे नफ़रत करता हूं main tumase nafarat karata hoon
I love you मैं आपसे प्यार करती हूँ main aapase pyaar karatee hoon
Can I help you क्या मैं आपकी मदद कर सकता हूं? kya main aapakee madad kar sakata hoon?
I am sorry मैं माफी चाहता हूं main maaphee chaahata hoon
I want to sleep मैं सोना चाहती हूं main sona chaahatee hoon
This is very important यह बहुत महत्वपूर्ण है yah bahut mahatvapoorn hai
Are you hungry क्या आप भूखे हैं? kya aap bhookhe hain?
How is your life आपका जीवन कैसे चल रहा है? aapaka jeevan kaise chal raha hai?
I am going to study मेँ पढ़ने जा रहा हूं men padhane ja raha hoon
Hindi Vocabulary
Hindi Dictionary

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