Religion vocabulary words in Icelandic and English - Common Icelandic Vocabulary

Learn common Icelandic vocabulary with this English-to-Icelandic list of Religion vocabulary words. Essential for daily conversations, this will help to build your Icelandic language skills through popular words and play Icelandic quizzes and also play picture vocabulary, play some games so you do get not bored. If you think too hard to learn the Icelandic language, then the 1000 most common Icelandic words will help you to learn the Icelandic language easily, they contain 2-letter words to 13-letter words. The below table gives the translation of Religion vocabulary words in Icelandic.

Religion vocabulary words in Icelandic and English - Common Icelandic Vocabulary

Read also: A-Z Dictionary | Quiz | Vocabulary | Alphabets | Grammar

List of Religion vocabulary words in Icelandic with English Pronunciation

Learn Religion in Icelandic, along with their English pronunciation. This vocabulary guide helps beginners and language enthusiasts expand their Icelandic vocabulary for daily conversations.

Religion vocabulary words - Icelandic

Acolyte acolyte
Adulteress hórkona
Angel engill
Anointed smurður
Apologist afsökunarbeiðni
Apostasy fráhvarf
Atonement friðþæging
Baptise skíra
Basilica basilíku
Beatification fagnaðarerindið
Belief trú
Canonical kanónískt
Ceremonial athöfn
Chapel kapella
Chastity skírlífi
Christian kristinn
Church kirkju
Cloister klaustri
Conclave ályktun
Confession játning
Conformist samræmdu
Congregation söfnuði
Consecrate vígja
Contrition iðrun
Crucifix krossfesta
Cult sértrúarsöfnuður
Damnation fordæming
Deceitful svikul
Deity guðdómur
Demon púki
Devil djöfull
Dignitary tignarmaður
Divine guðdómlega
Epiphany skýringarmynd
Exegesis skýring
Expiate friðþægja
Faith trú
Faithless trúlaus
Fetish fetish
Fiend djöfull
Fornication saurlifnað
Friar frændi
Genesis tilurð
Gentile heiðingi
God guð
Hallowed helgaður
Heathen heiðinn
Heaven himnaríki
Hell helvíti
Heresy villutrú
Hermitage einsetuheimili
Hindi hindí
Holiness heilagleika
Holy heilagur
Hymnal sálmabók
Idolatry skurðgoðadýrkun
Immolation brennslu
Incumbent sitjandi
Infidelity óheilindi
Inquisitor inquisitor
Interdict lögbann
Intone tónn
Invocation ákall
Lecher lecher
Lectern ræðustól
Legate legate
Legation ættingi
Litany litanía
Liturgy helgisiði
Lord herra
Majesty hátign
Malefactor illvirki
Marvel undur
Miracle kraftaverk
Monastic klaustur
Mortify drýgja
Mosque mosku
Mourner syrgjendur
Mundane hversdagslegt
Muslim múslimi
Nave skipshöfn
Nectar nektar
Nirvana nirvana
Nonbeliever trúlaus
Nunnery nunnukirkju
Oath eið
Obedience hlýðni
Officiate dæma
Omen fyrirboði
Omnipotent almáttugur
Oracular munnmæli
Oratory orðræða
Ordination vígslu
Orthodoxy rétttrúnaður
Pantheon pantheon
Papal páfi
Papist páfi
Parish sókn
Patriarch ættfaðir
Patriarchate feðraveldi
Penance iðrun
Pilgrimage pílagrímsferð
Pontiff páfi
Porch verönd
Prayer bæn
Preach prédika
Preacher prédikari
Priest prestur
Primate prímat
Priory klór
Profane óhreint
Prophesy spá
Proselytize trúboða
Providence forsjón
Psyche sálarlífið
Pulpit ræðustól
Rapt hrífandi
Rebirth endurfæðingu
Recant afturkalla
Recluse einfari
Rectory prestssetur
Refectory matsalur
Relic minjar
Religion trúarbrögð
Religiosity trúarbrögð
Reliquary minjagripur
Remission eftirgjöf
Repent iðrast
Reprobate refsað
Requiem requiem
Resurrect rísa upp
Resuscitate endurlífga
Reverend séra
Revivalist vakningarsinni
Rite helgisiði
Rosary rósakrans
Sacrifice fórn
Secular veraldlegt
Seminarian námskeiðamaður
Sermon prédikun
Sermonize prédika
Shroud líkklæði
Sin synd
Spirit anda
Supplicant biðjandi
Surplice surplice
Synod kirkjuþing
Tabernacle tjaldbúð
Taboo tabú
Tonsure tonsure
Transgress brot
Travail erfiði
Trespass brot
Tribulation þrenging
Trinity þrenning
Trusting treystandi
Ungodly óguðleg
Unholy vanheilagur
Unorthodox óhefðbundinn
Untouchable ósnertanlegt
Venerate virða
Veneration virðing
Verily sannarlega
Vow heit
Worshipper dýrkandi
Zealot ákafa

Top 1000 Icelandic words

Here you learn top 1000 Icelandic words, that is separated into sections to learn easily (Simple words, Easy words, Medium words, Hard Words, Advanced Words). These words are very important in daily life conversations, basic level words are very helpful for beginners. All words have Icelandic meanings with transliteration.

Eat borða
All allt
New nýr
Snore hrjóta
Fast hratt
Help hjálp
Pain sársauka
Rain rigning
Pride Stolt
Sense skyn
Large stór
Skill hæfni
Panic hræðsla
Thank þakka
Desire löngun
Woman konu
Hungry svangur

Daily use Icelandic Sentences

Here you learn top Icelandic sentences, these sentences are very important in daily life conversations, and basic-level sentences are very helpful for beginners. All sentences have Icelandic meanings with transliteration.

Good morning Góðan daginn
What is your name Hvað heitir þú
What is your problem Hvað er vandamálið þitt?
I hate you ég hata þig
I love you ég elska þig
Can I help you Get ég hjálpað þér?
I am sorry Fyrirgefðu
I want to sleep Ég vil sofa
This is very important Þetta er mjög mikilvægt
Are you hungry Ertu svangur?
How is your life Hvernig er líf þitt?
I am going to study Ég er að fara að læra
Icelandic Vocabulary
Icelandic Dictionary

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