1000 most common Igbo words
Table of content
¤ Simple words¤ Easy words
¤ Medium words
¤ Hard Words
¤ Advanced Words
¤ Daily use Sentences
¤ Picture Dictionary
Here you learn top 1000 words in English with Igbo translation. If you are interested to learn 1000 most common Igbo words, this place will help you to learn common words in Igbo language with their pronunciation in English. You may also learn Vocabulary words to learn Igbo language quickly and also play some Igbo word games so you get not bored. In this, we are separated into sections to learn easily (Simple words, Easy words, medium words, Hard Words, Advanced Words). These top 1000 words are useful in daily life conversations, basic level words are very helpful for beginners. So, it is very important to learn all words in English and Igbo.

1000 words in English to Igbo
Here is the list of 1000 most important common words in Igbo language and their pronunciation in English.
Simple words / 2 letter words
Easy words
3 letter words
Act | ime ihe |
Add | tinye |
Age | afọ |
Aim | ebumnuche |
Air | ikuku |
All | niile |
And | na |
Ant | ndanda |
Any | nke ọ bụla |
Ask | juo |
Bad | ọjọọ |
Big | nnukwu |
Buy | zụta |
Cry | akwa akwa |
Dam | dam |
Die | anwụ |
Dry | akọrọ |
End | ngwucha |
Ear | nti |
Eat | rie |
Egg | akwa |
Eye | anya |
Fat | abuba |
Fly | ofufe |
Fun | fun |
Get | nweta |
God | chi |
Hen | okuko |
Hot | na-ekpo ọkụ |
Job | ọrụ |
Leg | ukwu |
Lie | ịgha ụgha |
Low | ala |
Mad | ara |
Man | nwoke |
Not | ọ bụghị |
Now | ugbua |
New | ọhụrụ |
Old | ochie |
Own | nke onwe |
Run | na-agba ọsọ |
Sad | mwute |
Sea | oké osimiri |
See | hụ |
Shy | ihere |
Sit | nọdụ ala |
Sum | nchikota |
Sun | anyanwụ |
Tax | ụtụ isi |
Try | gbalịa |
Use | jiri |
War | agha |
Wet | mmiri mmiri |
Why | ihe kpatara ya |
Win | merie |
Yes | ee |
You | ị |
4 letter words
Also | nakwa |
Baby | nwa |
Back | azụ |
Bake | akpọọ nkụ |
Bald | isi nkwọcha |
Ball | bọọlụ |
Bark | ogbugbo |
Bath | ịsa ahụ |
Beet | biiti |
Bend | gbadaa |
Best | kacha mma |
Bird | nnụnụ |
Bold | obi ike |
Bone | ọkpụkpụ |
Book | akwụkwọ |
Born | amuru |
Both | ha abụọ |
Busy | ji n'aka |
Call | kpọọ |
Calm | wetuo obi |
Care | nlekọta |
Come | bia |
Cost | ọnụ ahịa |
Cute | mara mma |
Crow | uko |
Dare | anwa anwa |
Dark | ọchịchịrị |
Date | ụbọchị |
Deal | nkwekọrịta |
Diet | nri |
Dish | efere |
Door | ụzọ |
Down | gbadaa |
Dust | uzuzu |
Each | nke ọ bụla |
Earn | irite |
Easy | mfe |
Edge | onu |
Evil | ihe ojoo |
Exit | Ụzọ ọpụpụ |
Face | ihu |
Fact | eziokwu |
Fair | ngosi |
Fake | adịgboroja |
Farm | ugbo |
Fast | ngwa ngwa |
Fear | egwu |
Feel | mmetụta |
Find | chọta |
Fine | mma |
Fish | azụ |
Food | nri |
Fool | onye nzuzu |
Free | n'efu |
Frog | frog |
Full | juputara |
Gape | oghere |
Gift | onyinye |
Girl | nwa agbọghọ |
Goat | ewu |
Good | nke ọma |
Grab | jide |
Grow | eto |
Half | ọkara |
Hate | ịkpọ asị |
Head | isi |
Hear | nụ |
Heat | ikpo ọkụ |
Help | Enyemaka |
Here | Ebe a |
Hide | zoo |
High | elu |
Hold | jide |
Hole | oghere |
Home | ulo |
Huge | nnukwu |
Hurt | merụọ ahụ |
Idea | echiche |
Jump | wuo |
Just | dị nnọọ |
Kill | igbu |
Land | ala |
Last | ikpeazụ |
Late | mbubreyo |
Left | aka ekpe |
Life | ndu |
Line | ahịrị |
Lion | ọdụm |
Long | ogologo |
Look | lee anya |
Lost | furu efu |
Love | ihunanya |
Luck | chioma |
Lung | ngụgụ |
Many | ọtụtụ |
Meet | zute |
Melt | gbazee |
Milk | mmiri ara |
Must | aghaghi |
Name | aha |
Near | nso |
Neat | dị ọcha |
Neck | olu |
Need | mkpa |
Next | Osote |
Only | naanị |
Pain | mgbu |
Pair | ụzọ abụọ |
Park | ogige |
Path | uzo |
Play | gwuo egwu |
Poor | ogbenye |
Pull | Dọọ |
Pure | dị ọcha |
Quit | kwụsị |
Quiz | ajụjụ |
Race | agbụrụ |
Rain | mmiri ozuzo |
Rare | obere |
Real | ezigbo |
Rent | mgbazinye |
Rest | zuru ike |
Rich | ọgaranya |
Ride | gbaa |
Rise | bilie |
Risk | ihe ize ndụ |
Room | ime ụlọ |
Rope | eriri |
Rude | adịghị mma |
Sage | onye amamihe |
Sail | ụgbọ mmiri |
Salt | nnu |
Same | otu |
Sand | ájá |
Save | chekwaa |
Scam | ojoro |
Seed | mkpụrụ |
Seek | chọọ |
Self | onwe |
Sell | ere |
Send | zipu |
Shop | ụlọ ahịa |
Show | gosi |
Sick | na-arịa ọrịa |
Side | akụkụ |
Site | saịtị |
Size | nha |
Skin | akpụkpọ anụ |
Slow | nwayo |
Soft | nro |
Soil | ala |
Some | ụfọdụ |
Soon | ngwa ngwa |
Stay | nọrọ |
Stop | Kwụsị |
Such | dị otú ahụ |
Swap | gbanwee |
Swim | igwu mmiri |
Take | were |
Talk | ikwu okwu |
Tall | ogologo |
Team | otu |
Tell | gwa |
Tent | tent |
That | na |
Then | mgbe ahụ |
Thin | mkpa |
This | nke a |
Tide | tide |
Time | oge |
Tour | njegharị |
Town | obodo |
Tree | osisi |
Trip | njem |
Turn | tụgharịa |
Ugly | jọrọ njọ |
Vase | ite |
Vein | akwara |
Very | nke ukwuu |
View | ele |
Wage | ugwo |
Wait | chere |
Wake | teta |
Walk | ije |
Wall | mgbidi |
Want | chọrọ |
Warm | na-ekpo ọkụ |
Warn | dọọ aka ná ntị |
Weak | adịghị ike |
Wear | eyi |
Week | izu |
Well | nke ọma |
Went | gara |
What | Kedu |
When | mgbe ole |
Wide | obosara |
Wife | nwunye |
Wild | ọhịa |
Will | ga-eme |
Wind | ifufe |
Wine | mmanya |
Wish | chọrọ |
Wood | osisi |
Wool | ajị anụ |
Word | okwu |
Work | arụ ọrụ |
Worm | ikpuru |
Yarn | yarn |
Your | nke gị |
Zoom | mbugharị |
5 letter words
Above | n'elu |
Adapt | imeghari |
Admit | kweta |
Adult | okenye |
After | emechaa |
Again | ọzọ |
Agree | kwenye |
Alert | njikere |
Allow | kwe |
Alone | naanị ya |
Along | tinyere |
Anger | iwe |
Angle | akụkụ |
Angry | iwe |
Asset | ihe onwunwe |
Avoid | zere |
Awake | teta |
Aware | mara |
Begin | malite |
Birth | ọmụmụ |
Blood | ọbara |
Brain | ụbụrụ |
Built | wuru |
Bring | weta |
Build | wuo |
Camel | kamel |
Canal | kanaal |
Carry | ebu |
Cheap | ọnụ ala |
Cheat | aghụghọ |
Check | lelee |
Chest | obi |
Claim | Mgbarakwa |
Clean | dị ọcha |
Clear | doro anya |
Climb | rịgoro |
Close | nso |
Cloth | akwa |
Cloud | igwe ojii |
Color | agba |
Crime | mpụ |
Crowd | igwe mmadụ |
Crown | okpueze |
Daily | kwa ụbọchị |
Dance | agba egwu |
Death | ọnwụ |
Decay | ire ere |
Delay | igbu oge |
Devil | ekwensu |
Dirty | ruru unyi |
Dress | uwe |
Drink | ṅụọ |
Drive | ụgbọala |
Dwell | biri |
Eager | ịnụ ọkụ n'obi |
Eagle | ugo |
Early | n'oge |
Earth | ụwa |
Elder | okenye |
Empty | efu |
Enemy | onye iro |
Enjoy | nwee obi ụtọ |
Entry | ntinye |
Equal | nhata |
Essay | edemede |
Event | omume |
Every | nke ọ bụla |
Exact | kpọmkwem |
Exist | adị |
Extra | mgbakwunye |
Faith | okwukwe |
Fault | mmejọ |
Fever | ahụ ọkụ |
Field | ubi |
Final | ikpeazụ |
Fleet | ụgbọ mmiri |
Float | sere n'elu |
Flood | idei mmiri |
Floor | ala |
Flour | ntụ ọka |
Fluid | mmiri mmiri |
Focus | lekwasị anya |
Force | ike |
Fraud | wayo |
Fresh | ọhụrụ |
Front | n'ihu |
Fruit | mkpụrụ osisi |
Ghost | mmụọ |
Globe | uwa |
Going | na-aga |
Grain | ọka |
Grant | inye |
Grass | ahihia |
Great | nnukwu |
Group | otu |
Guard | nche |
Guest | ọbịa |
Habit | àgwà |
Heart | obi |
Honey | mmanụ aṅụ |
Horse | inyinya |
House | ụlọ |
Human | mmadu |
Ideal | ezigbo |
Issue | mbipụta |
Judge | ikpe |
Knife | mma |
Labor | arụ ọrụ |
Ladle | ladle |
Large | nnukwu |
Laugh | ochi |
Learn | ịmụta |
Leave | pụọ |
Legal | iwu |
Limit | oke |
Lunch | nri ehihie |
Metal | igwe |
Mixed | agwakọta |
Money | ego |
Month | onwa |
Mount | ugwu |
Mouth | ọnụ |
Music | egwu |
Maize | ọka |
Naked | gba ọtọ |
Never | ọ dịghị mgbe |
Night | abalị |
Niece | nwanne nwanne |
Noise | mkpọtụ |
Occur | ime |
Ocean | oke osimiri |
Onion | yabasị |
Offer | enye |
Order | ịtụ |
Organ | ngwa |
Other | ọzọ |
Owner | onye nwe ya |
Paddy | paddy |
Panic | ụjọ |
Peace | udo |
Place | ebe |
Plant | osisi |
Price | ọnụ ahịa |
Pride | mpako |
Proud | mpako |
Prove | gosi |
Quilt | akwa mkpuchi |
Quick | ngwa ngwa |
Quite | nnọọ |
Raise | bulie |
Reach | iru |
React | meghachi omume |
Ready | njikere |
Reply | zaa |
Right | nri |
Round | gburugburu |
Rural | ime obodo |
Saint | senti |
Scope | oke |
Score | Akara |
Sense | uche |
Shake | maa jijiji |
Shape | udi |
Share | òkè |
Sharp | nkọ |
Shrub | shrub |
Skill | nka |
Sleep | ura |
Slope | mkpọda |
Small | obere |
Smell | isi |
Smile | ịmụmụ ọnụ ọchị |
Snake | agwo |
Snore | snono |
Solid | siri ike |
Sound | ụda |
Space | oghere |
Speak | kwuo okwu |
Speed | ọsọ |
Spend | emefu |
Spent | nọrọ |
Sperm | spam |
Sport | egwuregwu |
Stand | guzoro |
Steam | uzuoku |
Stone | nkume |
Story | akụkọ |
Taste | atọ ụtọ |
Teach | nkuzi |
Teeth | ezé |
Thank | daalụ |
There | Ebe ahụ |
These | ndị a |
Thick | oké |
Thing | ihe |
Tiger | agu |
Today | taa |
Total | ngụkọta |
Treat | na-emeso |
Trend | omume |
Tried | nwara |
Trust | ntụkwasị obi |
Truth | eziokwu |
Twice | ugboro abụọ |
Under | n'okpuru |
Upper | elu |
Urban | obodo mepere emepe |
Visit | nleta |
Voice | olu |
Vomit | ịgbọ agbọ |
Waste | imefusị ihe |
Water | mmiri |
Wheat | ọka wit |
Where | ebee |
White | ọcha |
Whole | dum |
Woman | nwanyi |
World | uwa |
Worst | kacha njọ |
Write | dee |
Wrong | ezighi ezi |
Yield | Mmụba |
Young | nwata |
Youth | ntorobịa |
Medium words
6 letter words
Absent | anọghị |
Accept | nabata |
Admire | nwee mmasị |
Advice | ndụmọdụ |
Almost | fọrọ nke nta ka ọ bụrụ |
Always | mgbe niile |
Animal | anụmanụ |
Answer | zaa |
Appeal | mkpesa |
Appear | gosi |
Arrive | bịarutere |
Artist | nka |
Assist | nyere aka |
Attack | mbuso agha |
Attach | tinye |
Attend | gaa |
Bangle | bangle |
Before | mbụ |
Behind | n'azụ |
Bellow | n'okpuru |
Better | mma |
Borrow | ibiri |
Bottom | ala |
Broken | gbajiri agbaji |
Budget | mmefu ego |
Cancel | kagbuo |
Cancer | ọrịa kansa |
Carrot | karọt |
Cattle | ehi |
Common | nkịtị |
Compel | ịmanye |
Corner | nkuku |
Couple | di na nwunye |
Course | N'ezie |
Create | mepụta |
Custom | omenala |
Damage | mmebi |
Dancer | onye na-agba egwu |
Danger | Ihe egwu |
Decade | afọ iri |
Defeat | mmeri |
Delete | hichapụ |
Demand | ọchịchọ |
Desire | ọchịchọ |
Detail | nkọwa |
Dinner | nri abalị |
Divine | Chineke |
Donkey | ịnyịnya ibu |
Double | okpukpu abụọ |
Edible | oriri |
Effect | mmetụta |
Either | ma |
Empire | alaeze ukwu |
Energy | ike |
Enough | ezuru |
Ensure | hụ |
Entire | dum |
Except | ewezuga |
Expand | gbasaa |
Expect | na-atụ anya |
Export | mbupu |
Extend | gbatịa |
Facade | facade |
Family | ezinụlọ |
Famous | ama ama |
Faulty | ezighi ezi |
Favour | amara |
Female | nwanyi |
Fiance | onye chọrọ ịlụ |
Finish | imecha |
Flower | ifuru |
Forest | ọhịa |
Forgot | chefuru |
Freeze | ifriizi |
Friend | enyi |
Future | n'ọdịnihu |
Garage | ụgbọala |
Garden | ubi |
Garlic | galiki |
Ginger | ginger |
Global | zuru ụwa ọnụ |
Ground | ala |
Growth | uto |
Health | ahụike |
Hidden | zoro ezo |
Honest | eziokwu |
Honour | nsọpụrụ |
Hostel | ụlọ mbikọ |
Humble | dị umeala n'obi |
Hungry | agụụ |
Ignore | leghara anya |
Impact | mmetụta |
Impure | adịghị ọcha |
Income | ego |
Inform | gwa |
Insect | ahụhụ |
Inside | n'ime |
Jungle | oke ohia |
Kidnap | tọọrọ |
Kindle | ire ọkụ |
Labour | arụ ọrụ |
Leader | onye ndu |
Length | ogologo |
Letter | leta |
Liquid | mmiri mmiri |
Little | ntakiri |
Living | ibi |
Lizard | ngwere |
Locate | chọta |
Luxury | okomoko |
Making | ime |
Mammal | anu ara |
Manage | jikwaa |
Manual | akwụkwọ ntuziaka |
Market | ahịa |
Mental | nke uche |
Method | usoro |
Middle | etiti |
Monkey | enwe |
Mother | nne |
Muscle | akwara |
Narrow | warara |
Native | nwa afo |
Nature | okike |
Normal | nkịtị |
Number | nọmba |
Object | ihe |
Office | ụlọ ọrụ |
Option | nhọrọ |
Parent | nne na nna |
Parrot | nku |
People | ndị mmadụ |
Person | onye |
Pickle | pickle |
Picnic | picnic |
Pigeon | nduru |
Planet | mbara ala |
Please | Biko |
Plenty | otutu |
Police | uwe ojii |
Potato | nduku |
Praise | otuto |
Prayer | ekpere |
Pretty | mara mma |
Prince | onye isi |
Profit | uru |
Proper | kwesịrị ekwesị |
Public | ọha |
Rabbit | oke oyibo |
Recent | nso nso a |
Recipe | uzommeputa |
Record | ndekọ |
Reduce | belata |
Regret | akwa ụta |
Reject | jụ |
Remind | ichetara |
Remove | wepụ |
Repair | rụkwaa |
Repeat | kwugharịa |
Return | laghachi |
Rotate | bugharia |
Safety | nchekwa |
Salary | ụgwọ ọnwa |
Sample | sample |
School | ụlọ akwụkwọ |
Screen | ihuenyo |
Script | edemede |
Scroll | mpịakọta |
Search | chọọ |
Season | oge |
Secret | nzuzo |
Secure | nchekwa |
Select | họrọ |
Senior | agadi |
Shield | ọta |
Should | kwesịrị |
Shower | ịsa ahụ |
Silent | gbachi nkịtị |
Single | otu |
Sister | nwanne |
Smooth | ire ụtọ |
Social | elekọta mmadụ |
Speech | okwu |
Street | okporo ámá |
Strong | ike |
Sudden | na mberede |
Summer | oge okpomọkụ |
Supply | ọkọnọ |
Talent | talent |
Temple | temple |
Thread | eri |
Thrill | obi ụtọ |
Throat | akpịrị |
Tittle | tittle |
Toilet | ụlọ mposi |
Tomato | Tomato |
Tongue | ire |
Travel | njem |
Tunnel | ọwara |
Turtle | mbe |
Unseen | na-adịghị ahụ anya |
Update | imelite |
Urgent | ngwa ngwa |
Useful | bara uru |
Vacate | pụọ |
Vacuum | agụụ |
Vapour | uzuoku |
Verify | nyochaa |
Virgin | nwa agbọghọ na-amaghị nwoke |
Wealth | akụ na ụba |
Weekly | kwa izu |
Weight | ibu |
Winter | oyi |
Winner | onye mmeri |
Wonder | ijuanya |
Worker | onye ọrụ |
Writer | odee |
Yearly | kwa afọ |
7 letter words
Achieve | nweta |
Advance | n'ihu |
Against | megide |
Already | ugbua |
Ancient | oge ochie |
Anybody | onye ọ bụla |
Approve | kwadoro |
Apology | mgbaghara |
Archive | ebe nchekwa |
Arrange | hazie |
Arrival | mbata |
Article | edemede |
Attempt | nwaa |
Attract | dọta |
Average | nkezi |
Bandage | bandeeji |
Barrage | ogbugbu |
Barrier | ihe mgbochi |
Because | n'ihi na |
Benefit | uru |
Between | n'etiti |
Cabbage | kabeji |
Capture | ijide |
Careful | kpachara anya |
Carrier | ebu |
Century | narị afọ |
Certain | ụfọdụ |
Chamber | ụlọ |
Chapter | isi |
Charity | ọrụ ebere |
Climate | ihu igwe |
Coconut | akụ oyibo |
Collect | kpokọta |
College | kọleji |
Comfort | nkasi obi |
Command | iwu |
Comment | ikwu okwu |
Company | ụlọ ọrụ |
Compare | tulee |
Concept | echiche |
Concern | nchegbu |
Conduct | omume |
Confirm | gosi |
Connect | jikọọ |
Contact | kọntaktị |
Control | njikwa |
Convert | tụgharịa |
Correct | ziri ezi |
Costume | ejiji |
Cottage | ulo |
Country | obodo |
Courage | obi ike |
Cucumber | kukumba |
Curious | ịmata ihe |
Declare | kwuputa |
Defense | agbachitere |
Dentist | dọkịta eze |
Deposit | nkwụnye ego |
Despite | n'agbanyeghị |
Destiny | akara aka |
Destroy | ibibi |
Develop | ịzụlite |
Disease | ọrịa |
Display | ngosi |
Disturb | nsogbu |
Dynasty | usoro eze |
Eagerly | na-anụ ọkụ n'obi |
Earning | ịkpata ego |
Eatable | oriri |
Ecology | ecology |
Economy | aku na uba |
Edition | mbipụta |
Elegant | mara mma |
Enhance | welie |
Episode | ihe omume |
Example | ihe atụ |
Evening | mgbede |
Exclude | wepu |
Explain | kọwaa |
Explore | inyocha |
Educate | kuziere |
Factory | ụlọ ọrụ mmepụta ihe |
Failure | ọdịda |
Feature | atụmatụ |
Finance | ego |
Flavour | ekpomeekpo |
Fluency | nke ọma |
Forever | ruo mgbe ebighị ebi |
Further | n'ihu |
Garment | uwe |
General | izugbe |
Genuine | ezigbo |
Glamour | mmasi |
Grammar | ụtọ asụsụ |
Grocery | ngwa nri |
Habitat | ebe obibi |
Harmful | emerụ |
Harvest | owuwe ihe ubi |
Heading | aga |
Hearing | ịnụ ihe |
Helpful | na-enyere aka |
History | akụkọ ihe mere eme |
Holding | ijide |
Holiday | ezumike |
Hundred | narị |
Husband | di |
Hygiene | ịdị ọcha |
Impress | mmasị |
Improve | kwalite |
Include | gụnyere |
Initial | mbụ |
Inspect | inyocha |
Inspire | kpalie |
Journey | njem |
Justice | ikpe ziri ezi |
Leading | na-edu |
Leather | akpụkpọ anụ |
Leaving | na-ahapụ |
Lecture | nkuzi |
Liberal | liberal |
Lovable | hụrụ n'anya |
Luggage | akpa |
Manager | onye njikwa |
Maximum | kacha |
Meaning | pụtara |
Measure | tụọ |
Medical | ọgwụ |
Message | ozi |
Migrant | mbata |
Mineral | ịnweta |
Minimum | kacha nta |
Miracle | ọrụ ebube |
Missile | ngwa agha |
Missing | efu |
Mistake | ndudue |
Morning | ụtụtụ |
Mustard | mọstad |
Mystery | ihe omimi |
Narrate | ịkọ |
Natural | eke |
Naughty | na-akwa iko |
Neglect | ileghara anya |
Neither | ọbụghịkwa |
Nervous | ụjọ |
Network | netwọk |
Nothing | ọ dịghị ihe |
Observe | debe |
Opening | imeghe |
Operate | rụọ ọrụ |
Opinion | echiche |
Organic | organic |
Ostrich | enyi enyi enyi |
Package | ngwugwu |
Painful | na-egbu mgbu |
Partial | ele mmadụ anya n'ihu |
Passage | uzo |
Patient | ndidi |
Payment | ịkwụ ụgwọ |
Penalty | ntaramahụhụ |
Pending | na-echere |
Penguin | penguin |
Pension | ezumike nka |
Perfect | zuru oke |
Perfume | senti |
Popular | ewu ewu |
Pottery | ite |
Poverty | ịda ogbenye |
Prevent | gbochie |
Privacy | nzuzo |
Private | nkeonwe |
Problem | nsogbu |
Produce | mepụta |
Propose | kwuo |
Purpose | nzube |
Quality | àgwà |
Quickly | ngwa ngwa |
Receive | nata |
Regular | mgbe niile |
Related | metụtara |
Release | ntọhapụ |
Replace | dochie |
Reptile | ihe na-akpụ akpụ |
Request | arịrịọ |
Respect | nkwanye ùgwù |
Respond | zaghachi |
Revenge | ịbọ ọbọ |
Revenue | ego ha nwetara |
Reverse | laa azụ |
Robbery | ohi |
Romance | ihunanya |
Science | sayensị |
Serious | oké njọ |
Servant | ohu |
Service | ọrụ |
Similar | yiri |
Society | ọha mmadụ |
Sparrow | nza |
Special | pụrụ iche |
Stomach | afo |
Student | nwa akwukwo |
Success | ihe ịga nke ọma |
Suggest | atụ aro |
Suicide | igbu onwe |
Support | nkwado |
Suspend | kwụsịtụ |
Teacher | onye nkuzi |
Teenage | afọ iri na ụma |
Tension | esemokwu |
Tourism | njem nlegharị anya |
Trouble | nsogbu |
Uniform | uwe |
Utility | ịba uru |
Vacancy | ohere |
Variety | iche iche |
Vehicle | ugbo ala |
Village | obodo |
Vintage | mmanya vine |
Victory | mmeri |
Violent | ime ihe ike |
Visible | anya |
Visitor | esenowo |
Vitamin | vitamin |
Walking | ije ije |
Wanting | chọrọ |
Warning | ịdọ aka ná ntị |
Wealthy | ọgaranya |
Weather | ihu igwe |
Wedding | agbamakwụkwọ |
Welcome | ndewo |
Welfare | ọdịmma |
Winning | imeri |
Working | na-arụ ọrụ |
Worried | na-echegbu onwe ya |
Worship | ife ofufe |
Writing | ide |
8 letter words
Abnormal | ndiiche |
Absolute | zuru oke |
Accepted | nabatara |
Accident | ihe mberede |
Accuracy | izi ezi |
Activate | rụọ ọrụ |
Addition | mgbakwunye |
Adequate | zuru oke |
Affected | emetụtara |
Alphabet | mkpụrụedemede |
Anything | ihe ọ bụla |
Anywhere | ebe ọ bụla |
Appraise | itule |
Approach | nso |
Approval | nkwado |
Argument | arụmụka |
Assemble | gbakọta |
Attitude | àgwà |
Audience | ndị na-ege ntị |
Attorney | onye ọka iwu |
Aviation | ụgbọ elu |
Backward | azu azu |
Beginner | onye mbido |
Birthday | ụbọchị ọmụmụ |
Bleeding | ọbara ọgbụgba |
Building | ụlọ |
Campaign | mkpọsa |
Carriage | ibu |
Children | umuaka |
Cleavage | ikpochapu |
Complete | zuru oke |
Conserve | chekwaa |
Consider | tụlee |
Consumer | n'ji |
Continue | gaa n'ihu |
Criminal | omempụ |
Critical | nkatọ |
Daughter | ada |
Decision | mkpebi |
Decrease | ibelata |
Delicate | siri ike |
Delivery | nnyefe |
Delusion | aghụghọ |
Describe | kọwaa |
Disagree | ekwetaghị |
Disallow | ekweghi |
Duration | ogologo oge |
Economic | akụ na ụba |
Elephant | elephant |
Eligible | tozuru oke |
Employee | onye ọrụ |
Enormous | nnukwu |
Entrance | Ụzọ mbata |
Envelope | envelopu |
Estimate | atụmatụ |
Everyday | kwa ụbọchị |
Exercise | mmega ahụ |
Explicit | doro anya |
Exposure | mkpughepụ |
External | mpụga |
Facility | ihe owuwu |
Faithful | kwesịrị ntụkwasị obi |
Favorite | ọkacha mmasị |
Festival | ememe |
Flexible | mgbanwe |
Friction | esemokwu |
Generate | n'ịwa |
Greeting | ekele |
Guardian | onye nche |
Heritage | ihe nketa |
Horrible | jọgburu onwe ya |
Hospital | ụlọ ọgwụ |
Humorous | na-atọ ọchị |
Identity | njirimara |
Incident | merenụ |
Increase | mụbaa |
Indicate | gosi |
Industry | ụlọ ọrụ |
Jealousy | ekworo |
Learning | mmụta |
Location | ebe |
Majority | ọtụtụ |
Marriage | alụmdi na nwunye |
Material | ihe |
Medicine | ọgwụ |
Moderate | agafeghị oke |
Mosquito | anwụnta |
Mountain | ugwu |
Narrator | onye na-akọ akụkọ |
Nutrient | nri |
Opposite | chere ihu |
Original | mbụ |
Ornament | ihe ịchọ mma |
Painting | eserese |
Particle | urughuru |
Patience | ndidi |
Pleasure | obi ụtọ |
Position | ọnọdụ |
Positive | nti |
Possible | kwere omume |
Postpone | yigharịrị |
Powerful | ike |
Precious | dị oké ọnụ ahịa |
Pregnant | ime |
Pressure | nrụgide |
Previous | gara aga |
Progress | ọganihu |
Prohibit | machibido |
Property | ihe onwunwe |
Purchase | zuo |
Quantity | nke ukwu |
Recovery | mgbake |
Regional | mpaghara |
Relevant | mkpa |
Religion | okpukpere chi |
Remember | cheta |
Research | nyocha |
Resource | akụ |
Response | nzaghachi |
Restrict | gbochie |
Revision | ntughari |
Sensible | ezi uche |
Sentence | ahiriokwu |
Separate | kewapụ |
Stranger | onye ala ọzọ |
Strategy | atụmatụ |
Strength | ike |
Struggle | mgba |
Suitable | dabara adaba |
Superior | elu |
Surprise | ihe ijuanya |
Swelling | ọzịza |
Terrible | egwu |
Together | ọnụ |
Tomorrow | echi |
Training | ọzụzụ |
Transfer | nyefe |
Transmit | nyefee |
Treasure | akụ |
Umbrella | nche anwụ |
Universe | eluigwe na ala |
Vacation | ezumike |
Validate | kwadoro |
Vertical | vetikal |
Vigorous | ike |
Violence | ime ihe ike |
Vocation | ọrụ |
Vomiting | vomiting |
Wildlife | anụ ọhịa |
Yielding | na-ekwenye ekwenye |
Yourself | onwe gi |
Youthful | nwata |
Hard Words
9 letter words
Accession | ntinye |
Accessory | ngwa |
Accompany | soro |
Actualize | eme ihe |
Admirable | kemmasi |
Advantage | uru |
Advisable | dị mma |
Affection | ịhụnanya |
Affiliate | mmekọ |
Afternoon | ehihie |
Aggregate | mkpokọta |
Agreement | nkwekọrịta |
Allowance | ohere |
Alternate | ọzọ |
Ambiguous | ihe mgbagwoju anya |
Animation | animation |
Apologist | onye ngbaghara |
Applicant | onye ochoputa |
Architect | onye na-ese ụkpụrụ ụlọ |
Associate | onye mmekọ |
Astronomy | mbara igwe |
Attention | anya |
Attribute | àgwà |
Authority | ikike |
Automatic | akpaka |
Available | dị |
Awareness | mmata |
Beautiful | mara mma |
Behaviour | omume |
Butterfly | urukurubụba |
Calibrate | hazie |
Candidate | onye ndoro-ndoro ochichi |
Celebrate | eme ememe |
Challenge | ịma aka |
Confident | obi ike |
Confusion | mgbagwoju anya |
Conscious | maara ihe |
Crocodile | agụ iyi |
Curiosity | ọchịchọ ịmata ihe |
Dangerous | dị ize ndụ |
Delicious | tọrọ ụtọ |
Democracy | ochichi onye kwuo uche ya |
Dependent | dabere |
Different | dị iche |
Difficult | siri ike |
Discovery | nchọpụta |
Dishonest | akwụwaghị aka ọtọ |
Diversity | iche iche |
Duplicate | oyiri |
Education | agụmakwụkwọ |
Effective | dị irè |
Emergency | ihe mberede |
Equipment | akụrụngwa |
Essential | dị mkpa |
Establish | guzosie ike |
Evolution | evolushọn |
Excellent | magburu onwe ya |
Expensive | ọnụ |
10 letter words
Abbreviate | ndebiri |
Absolutely | kpam kpam |
Absorption | absorption |
Acceptable | dị mma |
Achievable | enwere ike ime ya |
Additional | mgbakwunye |
Admiration | mmasi |
Adolescent | ntorobia |
Adulterant | dikwa iko |
Adventurer | onye njem |
Afterwards | emesia |
Aggression | ime ihe ike |
Alteration | mgbanwe |
Ambassador | onye nnọchianya |
Analytical | nyocha |
Antibiotic | ọgwụ nje |
Anticipate | ịtụ anya |
Appreciate | ekele |
Artificial | wuruwuru |
Aspiration | ọchịchọ |
Assignment | ọrụ |
Atmosphere | ikuku |
Attachment | mgbakwunye |
Attraction | mmasi |
Chloroform | chloroform |
Combustion | combustion |
Commission | ọrụ |
Compassion | ọmịiko |
Compulsory | mmanye |
Conclusion | mmechi |
Confection | confection |
Corruption | nrụrụ aka |
Decoration | ịchọ mma |
Dedication | nraranye |
Deficiency | erughi eru |
Definition | nkọwa |
Department | ngalaba |
Depression | ịda mbà n'obi |
Dictionary | akwụkwọ ọkọwa okwu |
Discipline | ịdọ aka ná ntị |
Disclaimer | disclaimer |
Disclosure | ngosi |
Discussion | mkparịta ụka |
Efficiency | arụmọrụ |
Employment | ọrụ |
Engagement | njikọ aka |
Everything | ihe niile |
Everywhere | ebe nile |
Exhibition | ngosi |
Experience | ahụmahụ |
Experiment | nnwale |
Expiration | ngafe |
Expression | okwu |
Fertilizer | fatịlaịza |
Foundation | ntọala |
Generation | ọgbọ |
Government | ọchịchị |
Importance | mkpa |
Impossible | agaghị ekwe omume |
Inadequate | ezughi oke |
Incomplete | ezughi oke |
Incredible | dị ịtụnanya |
Individual | onye |
Inspection | nnyocha |
Instrument | ngwa |
Irrigation | ogbugba mmiri n'ubi |
Journalism | oru nta akuko |
Management | njikwa |
Moderation | imeru ihe n'ókè |
Motivation | mkpali |
Negligible | eleghi anya |
Occupation | ọrụ |
Particular | akpan akpan |
Passionate | kemmasi |
Permission | ikike |
Population | onu ogugu mmadu |
Production | mmepụta |
Prostitute | akwụna |
Protection | nchebe |
Psychology | nkà mmụta uche |
Punishment | ntaramahụhụ |
Quarantine | ndebe iche |
Retirement | ezumike nka |
Sufficient | zuru ezu |
Supervisor | onye nlekọta |
Supplement | mgbakwunye |
University | mahadum |
Vegetarian | onye anaghị eri anụ |
Visibility | visibiliti |
Vulnerable | adịghị ike |
Advanced Words
11 letter words
Accommodate | nabata |
Achievement | mmezu |
Acknowledge | kweta |
Affirmation | nkwenye |
Aggregation | nchịkọta |
Agriculture | ugbo |
Alternation | ọzọ |
Anniversary | ncheta |
Application | ngwa |
Appointment | nhọpụta |
Appreciable | ekele |
Approximate | odika |
Association | mkpakọrịta |
Certificate | akwụkwọ |
Competition | asọmpi |
Cultivation | akuku |
Corporation | ụlọ ọrụ |
Cooperation | imekọ ihe ọnụ |
Dehydration | akpịrị ịkpọ nkụ |
Discontinue | kwụsị |
Elimination | mkpochapu |
Environment | gburugburu ebe obibi |
Evaporation | evaporation |
Examination | nyocha |
Expenditure | mmefu |
Fabrication | imepụta ihe |
Improvement | nkwalite |
Independent | nnwere onwe |
Information | ozi |
Inspiration | mkpali |
Institution | ụlọ ọrụ |
Instruction | ntụziaka |
Intelligent | nwere ọgụgụ isi |
Manufacture | imeputa |
Measurement | nha |
Mensuration | mensuration |
Observation | nleba anya |
Opportunity | ohere |
Participant | onye nsonye |
Performance | arụmọrụ |
Preparation | nkwadebe |
Significant | dị ịrịba ama |
Temperature | okpomọkụ |
Translation | ntụgharị asụsụ |
Transparent | uzo |
Vaccination | ịgba ọgwụ mgbochi ọrịa |
12, 13 letter words
Abbreviation | ndebiri |
Administrate | inye |
Appreciation | ekele |
Accommodation | ulo |
Accompaniment | nsoro |
Administrator | onye nchịkwa |
Advertisement | mgbasa ozi |
Administration | nchịkwa |
Acknowledgement | nkwenye |
Conformation | nkwekọrịta |
Conservation | nchekwa |
Constitution | iwu |
Construction | ihe owuwu |
Contribution | ntinye aka |
Communication | nzikọrịta ozi |
Classification | nhazi ọkwa |
Congratulation | ekele |
Disadvantage | mwepu |
Entrepreneur | onye ọchụnta ego |
Entertainment | ntụrụndụ |
Extraordinary | pụrụ iche |
Horticulture | oru ubi |
Intermediate | etiti |
Introduction | okwu mmeghe |
Investigation | nyocha |
International | mba ụwa |
Identification | njirimara |
Justification | izi ezi |
Knowledgeable | maara ihe |
Maintainable | ịnọgide na-enwe |
Organization | nhazi |
Presentation | ngosi |
Preservation | nchekwa |
Purification | ime ka ọ dị ọcha |
Participation | nsonye |
Registration | ndebanye aha |
Reproduction | mmeputakwa |
Satisfaction | afọ ojuju |
Self-confidence | obi ike onwe onye |
Transformation | mgbanwe |
Transportation | njem njem |

Fruits Quiz

Animals Quiz

Household Quiz

Stationary Quiz

School Quiz

Occupation Quiz
Igbo Vocabulary