List of Prefix in Indonesian and English
To learn Indonesian language common vocabulary is one of the important sections. Common Vocabulary contains common words that we can used in daily life. Here you learn Prefix words in English with Indonesian translation. If you are interested to learn the most common Indonesian Prefix words, this place will help you to learn Prefix words in Indonesian language with their pronunciation in English. Prefix words are used in daily life conversations, so it is very important to learn all words in English and Indonesian.

Read also: A-Z Dictionary | Quiz | Vocabulary | Alphabets | Grammar
List of Prefix words in Indonesian
Here is the list of prefixes in Indonesian language with meanings and their pronunciation in English.
Deactivate | menonaktifkan |
Debate | perdebatan |
Decade | dasawarsa |
Decent | baik |
Decision | keputusan |
Declare | menyatakan |
Decode | membaca sandi |
Decomposition | penguraian |
Decrease | mengurangi |
Deduction | deduksi |
Default | bawaan |
Defeat | mengalahkan |
Defend | membela |
Deforest | menebang hutan |
Deformation | deformasi |
Degeneration | degenerasi |
Demand | tuntutan |
Disaccord | menyelisihkan |
Disaffection | ketidakpuasan |
Disagree | tidak setuju |
Disappear | menghilang |
Disapprove | tidak setuju |
Discharge | memulangkan |
Discipline | disiplin |
Discompose | membingungkan |
Discount | diskon |
Discover | menemukan |
Displeasure | ketidaksenangan |
Disqualify | membatalkan |
Exceed | melampaui |
Exchange | menukarkan |
Exhale | menghembuskan |
Explain | menjelaskan |
Explosion | ledakan |
Export | ekspor |
Impair | merusak |
Impassion | menggelisahkan |
Implant | mencangkok |
Import | impor |
Impossible | mustahil |
Impress | membuat terkesan |
Improper | tidak tepat |
Improve | memperbaiki |
Inaction | kelambanan |
Inactive | tidak aktif |
Inadequate | tidak memadai |
Income | penghasilan |
Incorrect | salah |
Indirect | tidak langsung |
Insecure | merasa tidak aman |
Inside | di dalam |
Invisible | tak terlihat |
Interaction | interaksi |
Interchange | pertukaran |
Intermission | istirahat |
International | internasional |
Internet | Internet |
Interview | wawancara |
Irradiation | penyinaran |
Irrational | irasional |
Irregular | tidak teratur |
Irrelevant | tidak relevan |
Irreplaceable | tak tergantikan |
Irreversible | tidak dapat diubah |
Midday | pagi menjelang siang |
Midland | sentral |
Midnight | tengah malam |
Midway | di pertengahan |
Midwife | bidan |
Misaligned | tidak selaras |
Misguide | menyesatkan pikiran |
Misinform | informasi yang salah |
Mislead | menyesatkan |
Misplace | salah menaruhkan |
Misrule | salah atur |
Misspelt | salah mengeja |
Mistake | kesalahan |
Misunderstand | salah paham |
Misuse | penyalahgunaan |
Non existent | tidak ada |
Non pareil | tidak pareil |
Nonchalant | acuh tak acuh |
Nonfiction | non-fiksi |
Nonsense | omong kosong |
Nonstop | nonstop |
Overcharge | menjual terlalu mahal |
Overcome | mengatasi |
Overflow | meluap |
Overlap | tumpang tindih |
Overload | kelebihan muatan |
Overlook | mengabaikan |
Overpower | mengalahkan |
Overrate | menilai terlalu tinggi |
Overrule | menolak |
Predefine | ditentukan sebelumnya |
Prefix | awalan |
Prehistory | prasejarah |
Prepay | prabayar |
Prepossess | menawan |
Prevail | bertahan |
Preview | pratinjau |
Proactive | proaktif |
Proceed | melanjutkan |
Proclaim | menyatakan |
Profess | mengakui |
Profit | laba |
Profound | menonjol |
Program | program |
Progress | kemajuan |
Prolong | memperpanjang |
React | reaksi |
Reappear | muncul lagi |
Reclaim | memperoleh kembali |
Recollect | mengingat kembali |
Recommendation | rekomendasi |
Reconsider | mempertimbangkan kembali |
Recover | pulih |
Redo | mengulangi |
Rewrite | menulis kembali |
Telecommunication | telekomunikasi |
Telegram | telegram |
Telepathic | telepati |
Telephone | telepon |
Telescope | teleskop |
Television | televisi |
Transfer | transfer |
Transform | mengubah |
Transgender | transgender |
Translation | terjemahan |
Transparent | transparan |
Transport | mengangkut |
Undo | membuka |
Unequal | tidak setara |
Unhappy | tidak bahagia |
Unpack | membongkar |
Unseen | tak terlihat |
Unstable | tidak stabil |
Unusual | tidak biasa |
Update | memperbarui |
Upgrade | meningkatkan |
Uphill | menanjak |
Uphold | menegakkan |
Upset | gundah |
Upstairs | di atas |
Upward | ke atas |
Top 1000 Indonesian words
Here you learn top 1000 Indonesian words, that is separated into sections to learn easily (Simple words, Easy words, Medium words, Hard Words, Advanced Words). These words are very important in daily life conversations, basic level words are very helpful for beginners. All words have Indonesian meanings with transliteration.
Daily use Indonesian Sentences
Here you learn top Indonesian sentences, these sentences are very important in daily life conversations, and basic-level sentences are very helpful for beginners. All sentences have Indonesian meanings with transliteration.
Good morning | Selamat pagi |
What is your name | Siapa namamu |
What is your problem | apa masalahmu? |
I hate you | aku membenci mu |
I love you | Aku cinta kamu |
Can I help you | Bolehkah aku membantumu? |
I am sorry | saya minta maaf |
I want to sleep | Saya ingin tidur |
This is very important | Ini sangat penting |
Are you hungry | Apakah kamu lapar? |
How is your life | bagaimana hidupmu? |
I am going to study | saya pergi belajar |
Indonesian Vocabulary

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