Plant names in Indonesian and English - Common Indonesian Vocabulary

Learn common Indonesian vocabulary with this English-to-Indonesian list of Plant names. Essential for daily conversations, this will help to build your Indonesian language skills through popular words and play Indonesian quizzes and also play picture vocabulary, play some games so you do get not bored. If you think too hard to learn the Indonesian language, then the 1000 most common Indonesian words will help you to learn the Indonesian language easily, they contain 2-letter words to 13-letter words. The below table gives the translation of Plant vocabulary words in Indonesian.

Plant names in Indonesian and English - Common Indonesian Vocabulary

Read also: A-Z Dictionary | Quiz | Vocabulary | Alphabets | Grammar

List of Plant names in Indonesian with English Pronunciation

Learn Plant in Indonesian, along with their English pronunciation. This vocabulary guide helps beginners and language enthusiasts expand their Indonesian vocabulary for daily conversations.

Plant names - Indonesian

Acorn biji pohon ek
Agriculture pertanian
Angiosperm angiosperma
Autotroph autotrof
Axilary bud tunas ketiak
Biennial dua tahunan
Blade Pedang
Blossom mekar
Botany botani
Bract bract
Branch cabang
Bromeliad bromeliad
Bud tunas
Cactus kaktus
Calyx tampuk
Canopy kanopi
Carpel karpel
Clover semanggi
Cork sumbat
Dicot dikotil
Endosperm endosperma
Epicotyl epikotil
Evergreen hijau sepanjang tahun
Fern pakis
Fertilizer pupuk
Filament filamen
Flora flora
Flower bunga
Foliage dedaunan
Garden taman
Germinate berkecambah
Ginkgo ginkgo
Grain gandum
Grass rumput
Grove belukar
Grow tumbuh
Gum gusi
Hardy kuat
Hastate buru-buru
Herb herba
Horticulture hortikultura
Hybrid hibrida
Inflorescence hal berkembang
Internode ruas
Ivy ivy
Jungle Hutan
Juniper jintan saru
Kudzu kudzu
Lamina lamina
Leaf daun
Legume tumbuhan polong
Meristem meristem
Midrib pelepah
Monocot monokotil
Moss lumut
Nectar nektar
Needle jarum
Node simpul
Nut kacang
Ovary indung telur
Palm telapak tangan
Palmate palmate
Peduncle gagang bunga
Perennial abadi
Petal daun bunga
Petiole tangkai daun
Phloem floem
Photosynthesis fotosintesis
Pinnate menyirip
Pistil putik
Pith intisari
Plumule bulu kecil
Pollen serbuk sari
Pollinate menyerbuki
Prickle duri
Rachis tulang belakang
Reniform reniform
Resin Damar
Reticulate diam
Rings berdering
Root akar
Sap getah
Sapling pohon muda
Seed benih
Seedling bibit
Sepal sepal
Shamrock shamrock
Shoot menembak
Shrub belukar
Soil tanah
Spine tulang belakang
Spore spora
Sprout tumbuh
Stalk tangkai
Stamen benang sari
Stand berdiri
Stem batang
Stigma stigma
Stipule ketentuan
Stoma stoma
Succulent lezat
Sunlight sinar matahari
Tap root akar tunggang
Thorn duri
Tree pohon
Trunk bagasi
Tuber umbi
Twig ranting
Understory understory
Vascular plant tumbuhan vaskular
Vein pembuluh darah
Venation venasi
Vine merambat
Weed menyiangi
Whorled whorled

Top 1000 Indonesian words

Here you learn top 1000 Indonesian words, that is separated into sections to learn easily (Simple words, Easy words, Medium words, Hard Words, Advanced Words). These words are very important in daily life conversations, basic level words are very helpful for beginners. All words have Indonesian meanings with transliteration.

Eat makan
All semua
New baru
Snore mendengkur
Fast cepat
Help Tolong
Pain nyeri
Rain hujan
Pride kebanggaan
Sense nalar
Large besar
Skill keahlian
Panic panik
Thank terima kasih
Desire menginginkan
Woman wanita
Hungry lapar

Daily use Indonesian Sentences

Here you learn top Indonesian sentences, these sentences are very important in daily life conversations, and basic-level sentences are very helpful for beginners. All sentences have Indonesian meanings with transliteration.

Good morning Selamat pagi
What is your name Siapa namamu
What is your problem apa masalahmu?
I hate you aku membenci mu
I love you Aku cinta kamu
Can I help you Bolehkah aku membantumu?
I am sorry saya minta maaf
I want to sleep Saya ingin tidur
This is very important Ini sangat penting
Are you hungry Apakah kamu lapar?
How is your life bagaimana hidupmu?
I am going to study saya pergi belajar
Indonesian Vocabulary
Indonesian Dictionary

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