Politics vocabulary words in Indonesian and English - Common Indonesian Vocabulary

Learn common Indonesian vocabulary with this English-to-Indonesian list of Politics vocabulary words. Essential for daily conversations, this will help to build your Indonesian language skills through popular words and play Indonesian quizzes and also play picture vocabulary, play some games so you do get not bored. If you think too hard to learn the Indonesian language, then the 1000 most common Indonesian words will help you to learn the Indonesian language easily, they contain 2-letter words to 13-letter words. The below table gives the translation of Politics vocabulary words in Indonesian.

Politics vocabulary words in Indonesian and English - Common Indonesian Vocabulary

Read also: A-Z Dictionary | Quiz | Vocabulary | Alphabets | Grammar

List of Politics vocabulary words in Indonesian with English Pronunciation

Learn Politics in Indonesian, along with their English pronunciation. This vocabulary guide helps beginners and language enthusiasts expand their Indonesian vocabulary for daily conversations.

Politics vocabulary words - Indonesian

Absolutism absolutisme
Activist aktivis
Advisor penasehat
Advocacy pembelaan
Agitation agitasi
Agrarian agraris
Agreement persetujuan
Amity persahabatan
Assembly perakitan
Authority wewenang
Awareness kesadaran
Civilization peradaban
Classism klasisme
Coalition koalisi
Cohabitation kohabitasi
Collusion kolusi
Colonial kolonial
Committee komite
Communism komunisme
Confederacy konfederasi
Conference pertemuan
Conflict konflik
Constitution konstitusi
Convention Konvensi
Corruption korupsi
Council Dewan
Country negara
Countryman orang sebangsa
Court pengadilan
Crisis krisis
Culture budaya
Debate perdebatan
Delegation delegasi
Democracy demokrasi
Demonstration demonstrasi
Deprecate mencela
Deputize mewakili
Despotic lalim
Diplomacy diplomasi
Dissenter orang ingkar
Donation sumbangan
Duty kewajiban
Dynasty dinasti
Economy ekonomi
Election pemilihan
Elective pilihan
Elite elite
Embargo embargo
Embassy kedutaan
Emblem lambang
Emigrant emigran
Empire Kekaisaran
Enrolment pendaftaran
Environment lingkungan
Equality persamaan
Escape melarikan diri
Executive eksekutif
Expenditure pengeluaran
Faction fraksi
Federation federasi
Fund dana
Government pemerintah
Inauguration inaugurasi
Income penghasilan
Inflation inflasi
Institution lembaga
Leader pemimpin
Legation kedutaan
Liberal liberal
Limpet limpet
Lobbyist pelobi
Mandate mandat
Member anggota
Mutuality kebersamaan
News berita
Obeisance sembah
Objector penentang
Oligarchy oligarki
Opposition berlawanan
Pact pakta
Parliament parlemen
Patrician ningrat
Policy aturan
Politics politik
Population populasi
Preside memimpin
Prison penjara
Proletarian proletar
Promulgate menyebarluaskan
Proponent pendukung
Provoke memprovokasi
Racialism rasialisme
Recant menarik kembali
Recapture menangkap kembali
Recuse mengundurkan diri
Reform pembaruan
Relationship hubungan
Republic republik
Requisition daftar permintaan
Royalty royalti
Sanction sanksi
Society masyarakat
Statute undang-undang
Success kesuksesan
Tax pajak
Theory teori
Value nilai
Voting pemungutan suara
War perang
Welfare kesejahteraan
Wield menggunakan

Top 1000 Indonesian words

Here you learn top 1000 Indonesian words, that is separated into sections to learn easily (Simple words, Easy words, Medium words, Hard Words, Advanced Words). These words are very important in daily life conversations, basic level words are very helpful for beginners. All words have Indonesian meanings with transliteration.

Eat makan
All semua
New baru
Snore mendengkur
Fast cepat
Help Tolong
Pain nyeri
Rain hujan
Pride kebanggaan
Sense nalar
Large besar
Skill keahlian
Panic panik
Thank terima kasih
Desire menginginkan
Woman wanita
Hungry lapar

Daily use Indonesian Sentences

Here you learn top Indonesian sentences, these sentences are very important in daily life conversations, and basic-level sentences are very helpful for beginners. All sentences have Indonesian meanings with transliteration.

Good morning Selamat pagi
What is your name Siapa namamu
What is your problem apa masalahmu?
I hate you aku membenci mu
I love you Aku cinta kamu
Can I help you Bolehkah aku membantumu?
I am sorry saya minta maaf
I want to sleep Saya ingin tidur
This is very important Ini sangat penting
Are you hungry Apakah kamu lapar?
How is your life bagaimana hidupmu?
I am going to study saya pergi belajar
Indonesian Vocabulary
Indonesian Dictionary

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