Kitchen utensils names in Italian and English - Common Italian Vocabulary

Learn common Italian vocabulary with this English-to-Italian list of Kitchen utensils names. Essential for daily conversations, this will help to build your Italian language skills through popular words and play Italian quizzes and also play picture vocabulary, play some games so you do get not bored. If you think too hard to learn the Italian language, then the 1000 most common Italian words will help you to learn the Italian language easily, they contain 2-letter words to 13-letter words. The below table gives the translation of Kitchen utensils vocabulary words in Italian.

Kitchen utensils names in Italian and English - Common Italian Vocabulary

Read also: A-Z Dictionary | Quiz | Vocabulary | Alphabets | Grammar

List of Kitchen utensils names in Italian with English Pronunciation

Learn Kitchen utensils in Italian, along with their English pronunciation. This vocabulary guide helps beginners and language enthusiasts expand their Italian vocabulary for daily conversations.

Kitchen utensils names - Italian

Apron grembiule
Basket cestino
Beater battitore
Blender miscelatore
Boil Bollire
Bottle bottiglia
Bowl ciotola
Broiler broiler
Broom scopa
Cabinet Consiglio dei ministri
Caddy caddy
Carafe caraffa
Casserole casseruola
Chop tritare
Cleanser detersivo
Cook cucinare
Cookbook ricettario
Cooker fornello
Counter contatore
Cup tazza
Cutlery posate
Dish piatto
Dough Impasto
Food cibo
Fork forchetta
Freezer congelatore
Fryer friggitrice
Glasses bicchieri
Grater grattugia
Griddle piastra
Grill griglia
Grinder macinino
Jar vaso
Jug brocca
Juicer spremiagrumi
Kettle bollitore
Kitchen cucina
Knife coltello
Ladle mestolo
Lid coperchio
Marinate marinare
Masher schiacciapatate
Mixer mixer
Mop Mocio
Mug tazza
Napkin tovagliolo
Opener apriscatole
Oven forno
Pan padella
Peeler pelapatate
Pestle pestello
Pitcher brocca
Plate piatto
Pot pentola
Ramekin ramekin
Range gamma
Reamer alesatore
Recipe ricetta
Refrigerator frigorifero
Roaster torrefattore
Sauce salsa
Shears cesoie
Shelves scaffali
Sieve setaccio
Sifter setaccio
Sink Lavello
Skewers spiedini
Skillet padella
Slicer affettatrice
Soap sapone
Spatula spatola
Spices spezie
Sponge spugna
Spoon cucchiaio
Steamer piroscafo
Stove stufa
Table tavolo
Tablecloth tovaglia
Tea cup tazza da tè
Teapot teiera
Thermometer termometro
Timer Timer
Tin lattina
Toaster tostapane
Tongs pinza
Tray vassoio
Trivet sottopentola
Tumbler bicchiere
Tureen zuppiera
Utensils utensili
Water acqua
Whip frusta
Whisk frusta

Top 1000 Italian words

Here you learn top 1000 Italian words, that is separated into sections to learn easily (Simple words, Easy words, Medium words, Hard Words, Advanced Words). These words are very important in daily life conversations, basic level words are very helpful for beginners. All words have Italian meanings with transliteration.

Eat mangiare
All Tutto
New nuovo
Snore russare
Fast veloce
Help aiuto
Pain dolore
Rain piovere
Pride orgoglio
Sense senso
Large di grandi dimensioni
Skill abilità
Panic panico
Thank grazie
Desire desiderio
Woman donna
Hungry Affamato

Daily use Italian Sentences

Here you learn top Italian sentences, these sentences are very important in daily life conversations, and basic-level sentences are very helpful for beginners. All sentences have Italian meanings with transliteration.

Good morning Buongiorno
What is your name Come ti chiami
What is your problem Qual è il tuo problema?
I hate you ti odio
I love you ti amo
Can I help you posso aiutarla?
I am sorry mi dispiace
I want to sleep Voglio dormire
This is very important Questo è molto importante
Are you hungry hai fame?
How is your life com'è la tua vita?
I am going to study sto per studiare
Italian Vocabulary
Italian Dictionary

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