Did sentences in Japanese and English
‘Did’ sentences in Japanese with English pronunciation. Here you learn English to Japanese translation of Did sentences and play Did sentences quiz in Japanese language also play A-Z dictionary quiz. Here you can easily learn daily use common Japanese sentences with the help of pronunciation in English. It helps beginners to learn Japanese language in an easy way. To learn Japanese language, common vocabulary and grammar are the important sections. Common Vocabulary contains common words that we can used in daily life.

Did sentences in Japanese and English
The list of 'Did' sentences in Japanese language and their pronunciation in English. Here you learn the list of English sentence to Japanese translations.
Did he come by bus or by train? | 彼はバスで来ましたか、それとも電車で来ましたか? bihabasude laimashitaka,soretomo dian chede laimashitaka? |
Did she go to see John? | 彼女はジョンに会いに行きましたか? bi nuhajonni huiini xingkimashitaka? |
Did he propose to you? | 彼はあなたにプロポーズしましたか? bihaanatanipuropozushimashitaka? |
Did he say anything about it to you? | 彼はあなたにそれについて何か言いましたか? bihaanatanisorenitsuite heka yanimashitaka? |
Did he say anything about it? | 彼はそれについて何か言いましたか? bihasorenitsuite heka yanimashitaka? |
Did he tell you what to do? | 彼はあなたに何をすべきか教えましたか? bihaanatani hewosubekika jiaoemashitaka? |
Did I hurt his feelings? | 私は彼の気持ちを傷つけましたか? siha bino qi chichiwo shangtsukemashitaka? |
Did you call him up yesterday? | 昨日彼に電話しましたか? zuo ri bini dian huashimashitaka? |
Did you do this on your own? | あなたは自分でこれをしましたか? anataha zi fendekorewoshimashitaka? |
Did you do your homework? | 宿題をしましたか? su tiwoshimashitaka? |
Did you drive her home last night? | 昨夜彼女を家まで運転しましたか? zuo ye bi nuwo jiamade yun zhuanshimashitaka? |
Did you finish the job? | あなたは仕事を終えましたか? anataha shi shiwo zhongemashitaka? |
Did you get my point? | あなたは私のポイントを得ましたか? anataha sinopointowo demashitaka? |
Did you have a fight with john? | ジョンと喧嘩しましたか? jonto xuan huashimashitaka? |
Did you fight? | 戦いましたか? zhanimashitaka? |
Did he come by bus or by train? | 彼はバスで来ましたか、それとも電車で来ましたか? bihabasude laimashitaka,soretomo dian chede laimashitaka? |
Did she go to see John? | 彼女はジョンに会いに行きましたか? bi nuhajonni huiini xingkimashitaka? |
Did he propose to you? | 彼はあなたにプロポーズしましたか? bihaanatanipuropozushimashitaka? |
Did he say anything about it to you? | 彼はあなたにそれについて何か言いましたか? bihaanatanisorenitsuite heka yanimashitaka? |
Did he say anything about it? | 彼はそれについて何か言いましたか? bihasorenitsuite heka yanimashitaka? |
Did he tell you what to do? | 彼はあなたに何をすべきか教えましたか? bihaanatani hewosubekika jiaoemashitaka? |
Did I hurt his feelings? | 私は彼の気持ちを傷つけましたか? siha bino qi chichiwo shangtsukemashitaka? |
Did you call him up yesterday? | 昨日彼に電話しましたか? zuo ri bini dian huashimashitaka? |
Did you do this on your own? | あなたは自分でこれをしましたか? anataha zi fendekorewoshimashitaka? |
Did you do your homework? | 宿題をしましたか? su tiwoshimashitaka? |
Did you drive her home last night? | 昨夜彼女を家まで運転しましたか? zuo ye bi nuwo jiamade yun zhuanshimashitaka? |
Did you finish the job? | あなたは仕事を終えましたか? anataha shi shiwo zhongemashitaka? |
Did you get my point? | あなたは私のポイントを得ましたか? anataha sinopointowo demashitaka? |
Did you have a fight with john? | ジョンと喧嘩しましたか? jonto xuan huashimashitaka? |
Did you fight? | 戦いましたか? zhanimashitaka? |
Did you have a good sleep? | よく眠れましたか? yoku mianremashitaka? |
Did you have a nice summer? | いい夏はありましたか? ii xiahaarimashitaka? |
Did you invite him? | 彼を招待しましたか? biwo zhao daishimashitaka? |
Did you like the movie? | あの映画は気に入った? ano ying huaha qini rutta? |
Did you live here? | ここに住んでいましたか? kokoni zhundeimashitaka? |
Did you make it by yourself? | 自分で作りましたか? zi fende zuorimashitaka? |
Did you miss me? | 私のことが恋しかったですか? sinokotoga lianshikattadesuka? |
Did you see anybody there? | 誰か見ましたか? shuika jianmashitaka? |
Did you speak at all? | まったく話しましたか? mattaku huashimashitaka? |
Did you study by yourself? | 一人で勉強しましたか? yi rende mian qiangshimashitaka? |
Did you take a bath? | お風呂に入りましたか? o feng luni rurimashitaka? |
Did you watch the game? | ゲームを見ましたか? gemuwo jianmashitaka? |
‘Did’ sentences in other languages (40+)
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