Do sentences in Japanese and English
‘Do’ sentences in Japanese with English pronunciation. Here you learn English to Japanese translation of Do sentences and play Do sentences quiz in Japanese language also play A-Z dictionary quiz. Here you can easily learn daily use common Japanese sentences with the help of pronunciation in English. It helps beginners to learn Japanese language in an easy way. To learn Japanese language, common vocabulary and grammar are the important sections. Common Vocabulary contains common words that we can used in daily life.

Do sentences in Japanese and English
The list of 'Do' sentences in Japanese language and their pronunciation in English. Here you learn the list of English sentence to Japanese translations.
Do not disturb! | 邪魔しないでください! xie moshinaidekudasai! |
Do you agree with me? | 私に賛成してくれますか? sini zan chengshitekuremasuka? |
Do you drink coffee? | コーヒーをのみますか? kohiwonomimasuka? |
Do you follow? | フォローしますか? foroshimasuka? |
Do you have a car? | あなたは車を持っています? anataha chewo chitteimasu? |
Do you have a family? | 家族がいる? jia zugairu? |
Do you have a lot of time? | 時間はありますか? shi jianhaarimasuka? |
Do you have a minute? | ちょっと時間ある? chotto shi jianaru? |
Do you have a question? | 質問ありますか? zhi wenarimasuka? |
Do you have any problem? | 何か問題はありますか? heka wen tihaarimasuka? |
Do you have any brothers? | あなたに兄弟はいますか? anatani xiong dihaimasuka? |
Do you have any complaints? | 苦情はありますか? ku qinghaarimasuka? |
Do you have any idea? | 何か考えがありますか? heka kaoegaarimasuka? |
Do you have anything? | 何かありますか? hekaarimasuka? |
Do you have everything? | あなたはすべてを持っていますか? anatahasubetewo chitteimasuka? |
Do not disturb! | 邪魔しないでください! xie moshinaidekudasai! |
Do you agree with me? | 私に賛成してくれますか? sini zan chengshitekuremasuka? |
Do you drink coffee? | コーヒーをのみますか? kohiwonomimasuka? |
Do you follow? | フォローしますか? foroshimasuka? |
Do you have a car? | あなたは車を持っています? anataha chewo chitteimasu? |
Do you have a family? | 家族がいる? jia zugairu? |
Do you have a lot of time? | 時間はありますか? shi jianhaarimasuka? |
Do you have a minute? | ちょっと時間ある? chotto shi jianaru? |
Do you have a question? | 質問ありますか? zhi wenarimasuka? |
Do you have any problem? | 何か問題はありますか? heka wen tihaarimasuka? |
Do you have any brothers? | あなたに兄弟はいますか? anatani xiong dihaimasuka? |
Do you have any complaints? | 苦情はありますか? ku qinghaarimasuka? |
Do you have any idea? | 何か考えがありますか? heka kaoegaarimasuka? |
Do you have anything? | 何かありますか? hekaarimasuka? |
Do you have everything? | あなたはすべてを持っていますか? anatahasubetewo chitteimasuka? |
Do you hear me? | 聞こえる? wenkoeru? |
Do you hear something? | 何か聞こえますか? heka wenkoemasuka? |
Do you smoke? | タバコは吸いますか? tabakoha xiimasuka? |
Do you speak English? | 英語を話せますか? ying yuwo huasemasuka? |
Do you spend more time at home? | 家でもっと時間を過ごしますか? jiademotto shi jianwo guogoshimasuka? |
Do you spend more time with your friends? | 友達ともっと時間を過ごしますか? you datomotto shi jianwo guogoshimasuka? |
Do you spend more time with your family? | あなたはあなたの家族とより多くの時間を過ごしますか? anatahaanatano jia zutoyori duokuno shi jianwo guogoshimasuka? |
Do you understand? | わかりますか? wakarimasuka? |
Do you want a ride? | 乗りたいですか? chengritaidesuka? |
Do you want money? | お金が欲しいですか? o jinga yushiidesuka? |
Do you want to be rich? | あなたは金持ちになりたいですか? anataha jin chichininaritaidesuka? |
Do you think something? | 何か思いますか? heka siimasuka? |
Do you have a better idea? | もっといいアイデアはありますか? mottoiiaideahaarimasuka? |
Do you have any money? | お金はありますか? o jinhaarimasuka? |
Do you know her? | あなたは彼女を知っていますか? anataha bi nuwo zhitteimasuka? |
Do you need anything? | あなたは何が必要なのですか? anataha hega bi yaonanodesuka? |
Do you need this book? | この本が必要ですか? kono benga bi yaodesuka? |
Do you love me? | 私を愛していますか? siwo aishiteimasuka? |
Do you talk to your dog? | あなたはあなたの犬と話しますか? anatahaanatano quanto huashimasuka? |
Do whatever you like | 好きなことをする haokinakotowosuru |
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