It sentences in Japanese and English

‘It’ sentences in Japanese with English pronunciation. Here you learn English to Japanese translation of It sentences and play It sentences quiz in Japanese language also play A-Z dictionary quiz. Here you can easily learn daily use common Japanese sentences with the help of pronunciation in English. It helps beginners to learn Japanese language in an easy way. To learn Japanese language, common vocabulary and grammar are the important sections. Common Vocabulary contains common words that we can used in daily life.

It sentences in Japanese

It sentences in Japanese and English

The list of 'It' sentences in Japanese language and their pronunciation in English. Here you learn the list of English sentence to Japanese translations.

It depends on the context それは文脈に依存します soreha wen maini yi cunshimasu
It doesn’t matter 関係ありません guan xiarimasen
It doesn't hurt 痛くない tongkunai
It doesn't matter to me それは私には関係ありません soreha siniha guan xiarimasen
It doesn't surprise me それは私を驚かせません soreha siwo jingkasemasen
It frosted last night 昨夜は曇った zuo yeha tantta
It happens それが起こります sorega qikorimasu
It hurts here ここが痛い kokoga tongi
It is a long story 長い話です zhangi huadesu
It is a nice view from here ここからの眺めは素晴らしいです kokokarano tiaomeha su qingrashiidesu
It is clear that he is guilty 彼が有罪であることは明らかです biga you zuidearukotoha mingrakadesu
It is going to snow 雪が降る xuega jiangru
It is likely to be fine tomorrow 明日は大丈夫そうです ming riha da zhang fusoudesu
It is new これは新しいです koreha xinshiidesu
It is not as good as it looks 見た目ほど良くない jianta muhodo liangkunai
It depends on the context それは文脈に依存します soreha wen maini yi cunshimasu
It doesn’t matter 関係ありません guan xiarimasen
It doesn't hurt 痛くない tongkunai
It doesn't matter to me それは私には関係ありません soreha siniha guan xiarimasen
It doesn't surprise me それは私を驚かせません soreha siwo jingkasemasen
It frosted last night 昨夜は曇った zuo yeha tantta
It happens それが起こります sorega qikorimasu
It hurts here ここが痛い kokoga tongi
It is a long story 長い話です zhangi huadesu
It is a nice view from here ここからの眺めは素晴らしいです kokokarano tiaomeha su qingrashiidesu
It is clear that he is guilty 彼が有罪であることは明らかです biga you zuidearukotoha mingrakadesu
It is going to snow 雪が降る xuega jiangru
It is likely to be fine tomorrow 明日は大丈夫そうです ming riha da zhang fusoudesu
It is new これは新しいです koreha xinshiidesu
It is not as good as it looks 見た目ほど良くない jianta muhodo liangkunai
It is raining 雨が降っている yuga jiangtteiru
It is too good 良すぎる liangsugiru
It is very cold today 今日はとても寒いです jin rihatotemo hanidesu
It looks like an bird 鳥のように見えます niaonoyouni jianemasu
It may rain tomorrow 明日は雨が降るかもしれません ming riha yuga jiangrukamoshiremasen
It really takes time 本当に時間がかかります ben dangni shi jiangakakarimasu
It seems warm outside 外は暖かいようです waiha nuankaiyoudesu
It was a beautiful sunny day 晴れた日でした qingreta rideshita
It was a terrible day ひどい日でした hidoi rideshita
It was a very big room とても大きな部屋でした totemo dakina bu wudeshita
It was cold 寒かった hankatta
It was getting dark 暗くなってきた ankunattekita
It was nice meeting you お会いできて光栄です o huiidekite guang rongdesu
It was nice to talk with you あなたと話せてよかった anatato huaseteyokatta
It was nice 良かった liangkatta
It was really cheap 本当に安かった ben dangni ankatta
It was really interesting 本当に面白かったです ben dangni mian baikattadesu
It was so noisy とてもうるさかった totemourusakatta
It was very difficult とても難しかったです totemo nanshikattadesu
It was very kind of you 親切にありがとうございました qin qieniarigatougozaimashita
It wasn't expensive 高くなかった gaokunakatta
It wasn't necessary それは必要ではありませんでした soreha bi yaodehaarimasendeshita
It will snow tomorrow 明日は雪が降る ming riha xuega jiangru
It won't hurt 痛くない tongkunai
It would be great if we could meet again また会えたらいいのに mata huietaraiinoni

‘It’ sentences in other languages (40+)

Top 1000 Japanese words

Here you learn top 1000 Japanese words, that is separated into sections to learn easily (Simple words, Easy words, Medium words, Hard Words, Advanced Words). These words are very important in daily life conversations, basic level words are very helpful for beginners. All words have Japanese meanings with transliteration.

Eat 食べる shiberu
All 全て quante
New 新着 xin zhe
Snore いびき ibiki
Fast 速い sui
Help ヘルプ herupu
Pain 痛み tongmi
Rain 雨 yu
Pride 誇り kuari
Sense 検出 jian chu
Large 大きい dakii
Skill スキル sukiru
Panic パニック panikku
Thank 感謝 gan xie
Desire 欲望 yu wang
Woman 女性 nu xing
Hungry お腹がすいた o fugasuita
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