Occupation names in Japanese and English - Common Japanese Vocabulary
Learn common Japanese vocabulary with this English-to-Japanese list of Occupation names. Essential for daily conversations, this will help to build your Japanese language skills through popular words and play Japanese quizzes and also play picture vocabulary, play some games so you do get not bored. If you think too hard to learn the Japanese language, then the 1000 most common Japanese words will help you to learn the Japanese language easily, they contain 2-letter words to 13-letter words. The below table gives the translation of Occupation vocabulary words in Japanese.

Read also: A-Z Dictionary | Quiz | Vocabulary | Alphabets | Grammar
List of Occupation names in Japanese with English Pronunciation
Learn Occupation in Japanese, along with their English pronunciation. This vocabulary guide helps beginners and language enthusiasts expand their Japanese vocabulary for daily conversations.
Occupation names - Japanese
Accountant | 会計士 Kaikeishi |
Actor | 俳優 Haiyu |
Actress | 女優 Joyu |
Advocate | 提唱する Teisho suru |
Agent | エージェント ejento |
Architect | 建築家 Kenchikka |
Artist | アーティスト atisuto |
Auctioneer | 競売人 Kyobaijin |
Author | 著者 Chosha |
Baker | パン屋 Pan-ya |
Barber | 床屋 Tokoya |
Betel Seller | キンマ売り手 Kinma urite |
Blacksmith | 鍛冶屋 Kajiya |
Boatman | 船頭 Sendo |
Brasier | よりブラジャー Yori buraja |
Broker | ブローカ Buroka |
Bus driver | バス運転手 Basu untenshu |
Butcher | 肉屋 Nikuya |
Butler | 執事 Shitsuji |
Carpenter | 大工 Daiku |
Carrier | キャリア Kyaria |
Cashier | レジ Reji |
Chauffeur | 運転手 Untenshu |
Chemist | 化学者 Kagaku-sha |
Cleaner | クリーナー Kurina |
Clerk | 店員 Ten'in |
Coachman | 御者 Gyosha |
Cobbler | コブラー Kobura |
Collector | コレクタ Korekuta |
Compositor | コンポジター Konpojita |
Compounder | 調合機 Chogo-ki |
Conductor | 導体 Dotai |
Confectioner | 菓子職人 Kashi shokunin |
Constable | 巡査 Junsa |
Contractor | 請負業者 Ukeoi gyosha |
Cook | クック Kukku |
Coolie | クーリー Kuri |
Craftsman | 職人 Shokunin |
Dancer | 踊り子 Odoriko |
Dentist | 歯科医 Shikai |
Designer | デザイナー Dezaina |
Doctor | 医師 Ishi |
Draftsman | 製図工 Seizuko |
Dramatist | 劇作家 Gekisakuka |
Draper | ドレーパー Dorepa |
Druggist | 薬剤師 Yakuzaishi |
Dyer | 染め屋 Some-ya |
Editor | 編集者 Henshu-sha |
Electrician | 電気技師 Denki gishi |
Engineer | エンジニア Enjinia |
Examiner | 審査官 Shinsa-kan |
Farmer | 農家 Noka |
Fireman | 消防士 Shobo-shi |
Fisherman | 漁師 Ryoshi |
Florist | 花屋 Hanaya |
Gardener | 庭師 Niwashi |
Glazier | ガラス Garasu |
Goldsimth | 金細工師 Kinzaikushi |
Hairdresser | 美容師 Biyoshi |
Hawker | 行商人 Gyoshonin |
Inspector | 検査官 Kensakan |
Jeweller | 宝石商 Hosekisho |
Journalist | ジャーナリスト Janarisuto |
Judge | 裁判官 Saibankan |
Labourer | 労働者 Rodo-sha |
Landlord | 家主 Yanushi |
Lawyer | 弁護士 Bengoshi |
Lecturer | 講師 Koshi |
Librarian | 司書 Shisho |
Lifeguard | ライフガード Raifugado |
Magician | マジシャン Majishan |
Manager | マネージャー Maneja |
Mason | 石工 Ishiku |
Mechanic | メカニック Mekanikku |
Merchant | 商人 Shonin |
Messenger | メッセンジャー Messenja |
Midwife | 助産師 Josan-shi |
Milkmaid | 乳しぼり Chichishibori |
Milkman | ミルクマン Miruku man |
Minister | 大臣 Daijin |
Model | モデル Moderu |
Musician | 音楽家 Ongakuka |
News reader | ニュースリーダー Nyusurida |
Novelist | 小説家 Shosetsuka |
Nurse | ナース Nasu |
Oilman | 油屋 Aburaya |
Operator | オペレーター Opereta |
Optician | 眼鏡屋 Megane-ya |
Painter | 画家 Gaka |
Peon | ピオン Pion |
Perfumer | 調香師 Choko-shi |
Pharmacist | 薬剤師 Yakuzaishi |
Photographer | 写真家 Shashin-ka |
Physician | 医師 Ishi |
Pilot | パイロット Pairotto |
Plumber | 配管工 Haikan ko |
Poet | 詩人 Shijin |
Policeman | 警官 Keikan |
Politician | 政治家 Seijika |
Postman | 郵便配達員 Yubin haitatsuin |
Potter | 陶芸家 Togei-ka |
Priest | 祭司 Saishi |
Printer | プリンター Purinta |
Proprietor | 所有者 Shoyu-sha |
Publisher | 出版社 Shubbansha |
Receptionist | 受付 Uketsuke |
Retailer | 小売業者 Kouri gyosha |
Sailor | 船乗り Funanori |
Scientist | 科学者 Kagaku-sha |
Sculptor | 彫刻家 Chokoku-ka |
Secretary | 秘書 Hisho |
Seedsman | 種まき Tanemaki |
Shoemaker | 靴屋 Kutsuya |
Shop assistant | 店員 Ten'in |
Shopkeeper | 店主 Tenshu |
Soldier | 兵士 Heishi |
Surgeon | 外科医 Gekai |
Sweeper | 掃除機 Zojiki |
Tailor | 仕立て屋 Shitateya |
Taxi driver | タクシードライバー Takushidoraiba |
Teacher | 先生 Sensei |
Translator | 翻訳者 Hon'yaku-sha |
Travel agent | 旅行代理店 Ryoko dairiten |
Treasurer | 会計 Kaikei |
Turner | ターナー Tana |
Vaccinator | ワクチン接種者 Wakuchin sesshu-sha |
Veterinary doctor | 獣医 Jui |
Waiter | ウェイター |
Waitress | ウェイトレス weitoresu |
Washerman | 洗濯屋 Sentaku-ya |
Washerwoman | 洗濯女 Sentaku on'na |
Watchman | 番人 Ban'nin |
Weaver | 織工 Oko |
Workers | 労働者 Rodo-sha |
Writer | 作家 Sakka |
Top 1000 Japanese words
Here you learn top 1000 Japanese words, that is separated into sections to learn easily (Simple words, Easy words, Medium words, Hard Words, Advanced Words). These words are very important in daily life conversations, basic level words are very helpful for beginners. All words have Japanese meanings with transliteration.
Daily use Japanese Sentences
Here you learn top Japanese sentences, these sentences are very important in daily life conversations, and basic-level sentences are very helpful for beginners. All sentences have Japanese meanings with transliteration.
Good morning | おはようございます Ohayogozaimasu |
What is your name | お名前は何ですか Onamaehanandesuka |
What is your problem | あなたの問題は何ですか? anatano wen tiha hedesuka? |
I hate you | わたしは、あなたが大嫌いです Watashi wa, anata ga daikiraidesu |
I love you | わたしは、あなたを愛しています Watashi wa, anata o aishiteimasu |
Can I help you | いかがなさいましたか? ikaganasaimashitaka? |
I am sorry | ごめんなさい gomen'nasai |
I want to sleep | 寝たい qintai |
This is very important | これは非常に重要です Kore wa hijo ni juyodesu |
Are you hungry | お腹Hあすきましたか? o fuHasukimashitaka? |
How is your life | あなたの人生はどうですか? anatano ren shenghadoudesuka? |
I am going to study | 私は勉強するつもりです siha mian qiangsurutsumoridesu |
Japanese Vocabulary

Japanese Grammar

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