Religion vocabulary words in Japanese and English - Common Japanese Vocabulary
Learn common Japanese vocabulary with this English-to-Japanese list of Religion vocabulary words. Essential for daily conversations, this will help to build your Japanese language skills through popular words and play Japanese quizzes and also play picture vocabulary, play some games so you do get not bored. If you think too hard to learn the Japanese language, then the 1000 most common Japanese words will help you to learn the Japanese language easily, they contain 2-letter words to 13-letter words. The below table gives the translation of Religion vocabulary words in Japanese.

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List of Religion vocabulary words in Japanese with English Pronunciation
Learn Religion in Japanese, along with their English pronunciation. This vocabulary guide helps beginners and language enthusiasts expand their Japanese vocabulary for daily conversations.
Religion vocabulary words - Japanese
Acolyte | アコライト akoraito |
Adulteress | 姦婦 jian fu |
Angel | 天使 tian shi |
Anointed | 油そそがれた yousosogareta |
Apologist | 弁明者 bian ming zhe |
Apostasy | 背教 bei jiao |
Atonement | 償い changi |
Baptise | バプテスマ baputesuma |
Basilica | 大聖堂 da sheng tang |
Beatification | 列福 lie fu |
Belief | 信念 xin nian |
Canonical | カノニカル kanonikaru |
Ceremonial | 儀式 yi shi |
Chapel | チャペル chaperu |
Chastity | 貞操 zhen cao |
Christian | キリスト教徒 kirisuto jiao tu |
Church | 教会 jiao hui |
Cloister | 回廊 hui lang |
Conclave | コンクラーベ konkurabe |
Confession | 告白 gao bai |
Conformist | 適合者 shi he zhe |
Congregation | 会衆 hui zhong |
Consecrate | 奉献する feng xiansuru |
Contrition | 悔い改め huii gaime |
Crucifix | 十字架 shi zi jia |
Cult | カルト karuto |
Damnation | ダムネーション damuneshon |
Deceitful | 欺く qiku |
Deity | 神 shen |
Demon | 悪魔 e mo |
Devil | 悪魔 e mo |
Dignitary | 高官 gao guan |
Divine | 神 shen |
Epiphany | 悟り wuri |
Exegesis | 釈義 shi yi |
Expiate | 期限切れ qi xian qiere |
Faith | 信仰 xin yang |
Faithless | 不誠実 bu cheng shi |
Fetish | フェチ fechi |
Fiend | 悪魔 e mo |
Fornication | 姦淫 jian yin |
Friar | 修道士 xiu dao shi |
Genesis | 創世記 chuang shi ji |
Gentile | 異邦人 yi bang ren |
God | 神様 shen yang |
Hallowed | 神聖な shen shengna |
Heathen | 異教徒 yi jiao tu |
Heaven | 天国 tian guo |
Hell | 地獄 de yu |
Heresy | 異端 yi duan |
Hermitage | 庵 an |
Hindi | ヒンディー語 hindi yu |
Holiness | 神聖さ shen shengsa |
Holy | 聖なる shengnaru |
Hymnal | 賛美歌 zan mei ge |
Idolatry | 偶像崇拝 ou xiang chong bai |
Immolation | イモレイション imoreishon |
Incumbent | 現職 xian zhi |
Infidelity | 不貞 bu zhen |
Inquisitor | インクイジター inkuijita |
Interdict | 禁止する jin zhisuru |
Intone | イントーン inton |
Invocation | 呼び出し hubi chushi |
Lecher | レッチャー retcha |
Lectern | 演台 yan tai |
Legate | 合法 he fa |
Legation | 公使館 gong shi guan |
Litany | 連祷 lian dao |
Liturgy | 典礼 dian li |
Lord | 主 zhu |
Majesty | 威厳 wei yan |
Malefactor | 悪意のある者 e yinoaru zhe |
Marvel | マーベル maberu |
Miracle | 奇跡 qi ji |
Monastic | 修道院 xiu dao yuan |
Mortify | 悔い改める huii gaimeru |
Mosque | モスク mosuku |
Mourner | 会葬者 hui zang zhe |
Mundane | ありふれた arifureta |
Muslim | イスラム教徒 isuramu jiao tu |
Nave | 身廊 shen lang |
Nectar | ネクター nekuta |
Nirvana | 涅槃 nie pan |
Nonbeliever | 不信者 bu xin zhe |
Nunnery | 尼僧院 ni seng yuan |
Oath | 誓い shii |
Obedience | 従順 cong shun |
Officiate | 事務局 shi wu ju |
Omen | 前兆 qian zhao |
Omnipotent | 全能 quan neng |
Oracular | 眼球 yan qiu |
Oratory | 礼拝堂 li bai tang |
Ordination | 叙階 xu jie |
Orthodoxy | 正統派 zheng tong pai |
Pantheon | パンテオン panteon |
Papal | 教皇 jiao huang |
Papist | 教皇主義者 jiao huang zhu yi zhe |
Parish | 小教区 xiao jiao qu |
Patriarch | 家長 jia zhang |
Patriarchate | 総主教区 zong zhu jiao qu |
Penance | 苦行 ku xing |
Pilgrimage | 巡礼 xun li |
Pontiff | 神祇官 shen qi guan |
Porch | ポーチ pochi |
Prayer | 祈り qiri |
Preach | 説教 shuo jiao |
Preacher | 説教者 shuo jiao zhe |
Priest | 祭司 ji si |
Primate | 霊長類 ling zhang lei |
Priory | 修道院 xiu dao yuan |
Profane | 冒涜 mao du |
Prophesy | 予言 yu yan |
Proselytize | 改宗する gai zongsuru |
Providence | 摂理 she li |
Psyche | 精神 jing shen |
Pulpit | 説教壇 shuo jiao tan |
Rapt | ラプト raputo |
Rebirth | 再生 zai sheng |
Recant | リカント rikanto |
Recluse | 世捨て人 shi shete ren |
Rectory | レクトリー rekutori |
Refectory | 食堂 shi tang |
Relic | 遺物 yi wu |
Religion | 宗教 zong jiao |
Religiosity | 宗教性 zong jiao xing |
Reliquary | 聖骨箱 sheng gu xiang |
Remission | 寛解 kuan jie |
Repent | 悔い改める huii gaimeru |
Reprobate | 叱責 chi ze |
Requiem | レクイエム rekuiemu |
Resurrect | 復活する fu huosuru |
Resuscitate | 蘇生する su shengsuru |
Reverend | 牧師 mu shi |
Revivalist | リバイバル主義者 ribaibaru zhu yi zhe |
Rite | 儀式 yi shi |
Rosary | ロザリオ rozario |
Sacrifice | 犠牲 xi sheng |
Secular | 世俗的 shi su de |
Seminarian | セミナリアン seminarian |
Sermon | 説教 shuo jiao |
Sermonize | 説教する shuo jiaosuru |
Shroud | シュラウド shuraudo |
Sin | 罪 zui |
Spirit | 精神 jing shen |
Supplicant | サプリカント sapurikanto |
Surplice | サープリス sapurisu |
Synod | 教会会議 jiao hui hui yi |
Tabernacle | 幕屋 mu wu |
Taboo | タブー tabu |
Tonsure | 剃髪 ti fa |
Transgress | 違反 wei fan |
Travail | トラベイル torabeiru |
Trespass | 不法侵入 bu fa qin ru |
Tribulation | 患難 huan nan |
Trinity | 三位一体 san wei yi ti |
Trusting | 信頼する xin laisuru |
Ungodly | 不敬虔な bu jing qianna |
Unholy | 不聖 bu sheng |
Unorthodox | アンオーソドックス an'osodokkusu |
Untouchable | アンタッチャブル antatchaburu |
Venerate | 崇拝する chong baisuru |
Veneration | 崇敬 chong jing |
Verily | 本当に ben dangni |
Vow | 誓い shii |
Worshipper | 崇拝者 chong bai zhe |
Zealot | 熱心な re xinna |
Top 1000 Japanese words
Here you learn top 1000 Japanese words, that is separated into sections to learn easily (Simple words, Easy words, Medium words, Hard Words, Advanced Words). These words are very important in daily life conversations, basic level words are very helpful for beginners. All words have Japanese meanings with transliteration.
Daily use Japanese Sentences
Here you learn top Japanese sentences, these sentences are very important in daily life conversations, and basic-level sentences are very helpful for beginners. All sentences have Japanese meanings with transliteration.
Good morning | おはようございます Ohayogozaimasu |
What is your name | お名前は何ですか Onamaehanandesuka |
What is your problem | あなたの問題は何ですか? anatano wen tiha hedesuka? |
I hate you | わたしは、あなたが大嫌いです Watashi wa, anata ga daikiraidesu |
I love you | わたしは、あなたを愛しています Watashi wa, anata o aishiteimasu |
Can I help you | いかがなさいましたか? ikaganasaimashitaka? |
I am sorry | ごめんなさい gomen'nasai |
I want to sleep | 寝たい qintai |
This is very important | これは非常に重要です Kore wa hijo ni juyodesu |
Are you hungry | お腹Hあすきましたか? o fuHasukimashitaka? |
How is your life | あなたの人生はどうですか? anatano ren shenghadoudesuka? |
I am going to study | 私は勉強するつもりです siha mian qiangsurutsumoridesu |
Japanese Vocabulary

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