They sentences in Javanese and English

‘They’ sentences in Javanese with English pronunciation. Here you learn English to Javanese translation of They sentences and play They sentences quiz in Javanese language also play A-Z dictionary quiz. Here you can easily learn daily use common Javanese sentences with the help of pronunciation in English. It helps beginners to learn Javanese language in an easy way. To learn Javanese language, common vocabulary and grammar are the important sections. Common Vocabulary contains common words that we can used in daily life.

They sentences in Javanese

They sentences in Javanese and English

The list of 'They' sentences in Javanese language and their pronunciation in English. Here you learn the list of English sentence to Javanese translations.

They admire each other padha ngujo saben liyane
They adopted the little girl padha ngadopsi bocah wadon cilik
They adopted the orphan padha ngangkat bocah yatim
They won't allow us to enter the garden dheweke ora ngidini kita mlebu ing kebon
They agreed on a price padha sarujuk ing rega
They agreed to start early padha sarujuk kanggo miwiti awal
They agreed to work together padha sarujuk bisa bebarengan
They are actors padha aktor
They are strangers padha wong liyo
They are both good teachers wong loro kuwi guru sing apik
They are both in the room sakloron ing kamar
They are gathering nuts lagi kumpul kacang
They are good people padha wong apik
They are in class lagi ing kelas
They are playing lagi dolanan
They admire each other padha ngujo saben liyane
They adopted the little girl padha ngadopsi bocah wadon cilik
They adopted the orphan padha ngangkat bocah yatim
They won't allow us to enter the garden dheweke ora ngidini kita mlebu ing kebon
They agreed on a price padha sarujuk ing rega
They agreed to start early padha sarujuk kanggo miwiti awal
They agreed to work together padha sarujuk bisa bebarengan
They are actors padha aktor
They are strangers padha wong liyo
They are both good teachers wong loro kuwi guru sing apik
They are both in the room sakloron ing kamar
They are gathering nuts lagi kumpul kacang
They are good people padha wong apik
They are in class lagi ing kelas
They are playing lagi dolanan
They are pretty padha ayu
They arrived at the hotel padha teka ing hotel
They can speak English padha bisa nganggo basa Inggris
They didn't tell me padha ora marang kula
They died one after another padha mati siji-sijine
They don't get along together padha ora rukun
They don't take care of that dog padha ora ngurus asu iku
They loved each other padha tresna-tinresnan
They got married padha nikah
They had trouble finding the place padha alangan nemokake panggonan
They hated my friend padha sengit marang kancaku
They have few books padha duwe sawetara buku
They hurt padha lara
They kidnapped me padha nyulik aku
They smiled at each other padha mesem
They stopped talking padha mandheg ngomong
They were lying on the grass padha gumlethak ing suket
They were watching television padha nonton televisi
They will agree on that bakal padha setuju
They will be very glad bakal padha bungah banget
They will keep their promise padha netepi janjine

‘They’ sentences in other languages (40+)

Top 1000 Javanese words

Here you learn top 1000 Javanese words, that is separated into sections to learn easily (Simple words, Easy words, Medium words, Hard Words, Advanced Words). These words are very important in daily life conversations, basic level words are very helpful for beginners. All words have Javanese meanings with transliteration.

Eat mangan
All kabeh
New anyar
Snore ngorok
Fast cepet
Help bantuan
Pain nyeri
Rain udan
Pride bangga
Sense pangertèn
Large gedhe
Skill ketrampilan
Panic geger
Thank matur nuwun
Desire kepinginan
Woman wong wadon
Hungry luwe
Javanese Vocabulary
Javanese Dictionary

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