Family Relationship names in Kazakh and English - Common Kazakh Vocabulary
Learn common Kazakh vocabulary with this English-to-Kazakh list of Family Relationship names. Essential for daily conversations, this will help to build your Kazakh language skills through popular words and play Kazakh quizzes and also play picture vocabulary, play some games so you do get not bored. If you think too hard to learn the Kazakh language, then the 1000 most common Kazakh words will help you to learn the Kazakh language easily, they contain 2-letter words to 13-letter words. The below table gives the translation of Family Relationship vocabulary words in Kazakh.

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List of Family Relationship names in Kazakh with English Pronunciation
Learn Family Relationship in Kazakh, along with their English pronunciation. This vocabulary guide helps beginners and language enthusiasts expand their Kazakh vocabulary for daily conversations.
Family Relationship names - Kazakh
Father | әке äke |
Mother | ана ana |
Brother | аға ağa |
Sister | әпке äpke |
Son | ұлы ulı |
Daughter | қызы qızı |
Nephew | жиен jïen |
Niece | жиен jïen |
Aunty | апай apay |
Uncle | ағай ağay |
Siblings | туысқандар twısqandar |
Husband | күйеу küyew |
Wife | әйелі äyeli |
Spouse | жұбайы jubayı |
Fiance | күйеу küyew |
Fiancee | келіншек kelinşek |
Grandson | немересі nemeresi |
Grand daughter | немересі nemeresi |
Great Grandson | ұлы немересі ulı nemeresi |
Great Granddaughter | ұлы немересі ulı nemeresi |
Grandfather | атасы atası |
Grandmother | әже äje |
Great Grandfather | үлкен ата ülken ata |
Great Grandmother | үлкен әже ülken äje |
Younger Brother | іні ini |
Elder Brother | үлкен аға ülken ağa |
Younger Sister | сіңлі siñli |
Elder Sister | үлкен әпке ülken äpke |
Father in law | қайын ата qayın ata |
Mother-in-law | қайын ене qayın ene |
Brother-in-law | балдыз baldız |
Sister-in-law | келін kelin |
Son-in-law | күйеу бала küyew bala |
Daughter-in-law | келін kelin |
Friend | дос dos |
Lover | ғашық ğaşıq |
Relation | қатынас qatınas |
Relative | туыс twıs |
Guest | қонақ qonaq |
Mistress | қожайын qojayın |
Parent | ата-ана ata-ana |
Child | бала bala |
Generation | ұрпақ urpaq |
Family | отбасы otbası |
People | адамдар adamdar |
Top 1000 Kazakh words
Here you learn top 1000 Kazakh words, that is separated into sections to learn easily (Simple words, Easy words, Medium words, Hard Words, Advanced Words). These words are very important in daily life conversations, basic level words are very helpful for beginners. All words have Kazakh meanings with transliteration.
Daily use Kazakh Sentences
Here you learn top Kazakh sentences, these sentences are very important in daily life conversations, and basic-level sentences are very helpful for beginners. All sentences have Kazakh meanings with transliteration.
Good morning | Қайырлы таң |
What is your name | Сенің атың кім |
What is your problem | Сенің мәселең қандай? |
I hate you | Мен сені жек көремін |
I love you | Мен сені жақсы көремін |
Can I help you | Мен саған көмектесе аламын ба? |
I am sorry | Кешіріңіз |
I want to sleep | Менің ұйқым келеді |
This is very important | Бұл өте маңызды |
Are you hungry | Сен ашсың ба? |
How is your life | Сіздің өміріңіз қалай? |
I am going to study | Мен оқуға бара жатырмын |
Kazakh Vocabulary

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