List of Negative words in Korean and English

To learn Korean language common vocabulary is one of the important sections. Common Vocabulary contains common words that we can used in daily life. Here you learn top Negative words in English with Korean translation. If you are interested to learn the most common Negative words in Korean, this place will help you to learn Negative words in Korean language with their pronunciation in English. Negative words are used in daily life conversations, so it is very important to learn all words in English and Korean.

List of Negative words in Korean and English

Read also: A-Z Dictionary | Quiz | Vocabulary | Alphabets | Grammar

Negative words in Korean

Here is the list of Negative words in Korean language and their pronunciation in English.

Horrendous 끔찍한 kkeumjjighan
Horrible 끔찍한 kkeumjjighan
Hostile 적의 jeog-ui
Hurtful 해로운 haeloun
Ignorant 무식한 musighan
Ignore 무시하다 musihada
Immature 미성숙한 miseongsughan
Imperfect 불완전한 bul-wanjeonhan
Impossible 불가능한 bulganeunghan
Inelegant 우아하지 않은 uahaji anh-eun
Infernal 지독한 jidoghan
Injure 해치다 haechida
Insane 정신 이상의 jeongsin isang-ui
Insidious 교활한 gyohwalhan
Jealous 질투하는 jiltuhaneun
Junky 마약 중독자 mayag jungdogja
Lose 잃다 ilhda
Lousy 듬뿍 있는 deumppug issneun
Lumpy 울퉁불퉁한 ultungbultunghan
Malicious 악의 있는 ag-ui issneun
Mean 평균 pyeong-gyun
Messy 지저분한 jijeobunhan
Missing 없어진 eobs-eojin
Misunderstood 오해 ohae
Moan 신음 소리 sin-eum soli
Moldy 지겨운 jigyeoun
Moody 변덕스러운 byeondeogseuleoun
Naive 순진한 sunjinhan
Nasty 끔찍한 kkeumjjighan
Naughty 못된 mosdoen
Negative 부정적인 bujeongjeog-in
Never 절대 jeoldae
No 아니요 aniyo
Nobody 아무도 amudo
Nonsense 무의미한 말 muuimihan mal
Not 아니다 anida
Noxious 유해한 yuhaehan
Objectionable 괘씸한 gwaessimhan
Odious 추악한 chuaghan
Offensive 공격 gong-gyeog
Old 오래된 olaedoen
Oppressive 억압적인 eog-abjeog-in
Pain 통증 tongjeung
Petty 자그마한 jageumahan
Plain 솔직한 soljighan
Poisonous 유해한 yuhaehan
Pompous 화려한 hwalyeohan
Poor 가난한 gananhan
Questionable 수상한 susanghan
Quit 그만두다 geumanduda
Reject 거부하다 geobuhada
Renege 배신하다 baesinhada
Repellant 방충제 bangchungje
Repulsive 혐오스러운 hyeom-oseuleoun
Revenge 복수 bogsu
Revolting 반란을 일으키는 banlan-eul il-eukineun
Rocky 불안정한 bul-anjeonghan
Rotten 썩은 sseog-eun
Rude 무례한 mulyehan
Sad 슬퍼 seulpeo
Savage 야만적인 yamanjeog-in
Scare 공황 gonghwang
Scream 비명 bimyeong
Severe 극심한 geugsimhan
Shocking 충격적인 chung-gyeogjeog-in
Sick 아픈 apeun
Sickening 역겹다 yeoggyeobda
Sinister 불길한 bulgilhan
Slimy 불쾌한 bulkwaehan
Smelly 냄새 나는 naemsae naneun

Top 1000 Korean words

Here you learn top 1000 Korean words, that is separated into sections to learn easily (Simple words, Easy words, Medium words, Hard Words, Advanced Words). These words are very important in daily life conversations, basic level words are very helpful for beginners. All words have Korean meanings with transliteration.

Eat 먹다 meogda
All 모두 modu
New 새로운 saeloun
Snore 코를 골다 koleul golda
Fast 빠른 ppaleun
Help 돕다 dobda
Pain 통증 tongjeung
Rain 비 bi
Pride 자부심 jabusim
Sense 감각 gamgag
Large 크기가 큰 keugiga keun
Skill 기술 gisul
Panic 공황 gonghwang
Thank 감사하다 gamsahada
Desire 욕구 yoggu
Woman 여성 yeoseong
Hungry 굶주린 gulmjulin

Daily use Korean Sentences

Here you learn top Korean sentences, these sentences are very important in daily life conversations, and basic-level sentences are very helpful for beginners. All sentences have Korean meanings with transliteration.

Good morning 좋은 아침 joh-eun achim
What is your name 당신의 이름은 무엇입니까 dangsin-ui ileum-eun mueos-ibnikka
What is your problem 당신의 문제는 무엇입니까? dangsin-ui munjeneun mueos-ibnikka?
I hate you 난 너가 싫어 nan neoga silh-eo
I love you 사랑해 salanghae
Can I help you 무엇을 도와 드릴까요? mueos-eul dowa deulilkkayo?
I am sorry 미안 해요 mian haeyo
I want to sleep 나는 자고 싶다 naneun jago sipda
This is very important 이건 매우 중요합니다 igeon maeu jung-yohabnida
Are you hungry 너 배고프 니? neo baegopeu ni?
How is your life 요즘 살기 어때요? yojeum salgi eottaeyo?
I am going to study 나는 공부할거야 naneun gongbuhalgeoya
Korean Vocabulary
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