Courses names in Korean and English - Common Korean Vocabulary
Learn common Korean vocabulary with this English-to-Korean list of Courses names. Essential for daily conversations, this will help to build your Korean language skills through popular words and play Korean quizzes and also play picture vocabulary, play some games so you do get not bored. If you think too hard to learn the Korean language, then the 1000 most common Korean words will help you to learn the Korean language easily, they contain 2-letter words to 13-letter words. The below table gives the translation of Courses vocabulary words in Korean.

Read also: A-Z Dictionary | Quiz | Vocabulary | Alphabets | Grammar
List of Courses names in Korean with English Pronunciation
Learn Courses in Korean, along with their English pronunciation. This vocabulary guide helps beginners and language enthusiasts expand their Korean vocabulary for daily conversations.
Courses names - Korean
Aeronautic | 항공 hang-gong |
Agriculture | 농업 nong-eob |
Anatomy | 해부 haebu |
Animation | 생기 saeng-gi |
Architecture | 건축학 geonchughag |
Automobile | 자동차 jadongcha |
Aviation | 비행 bihaeng |
Biotechnology | 생명공학 saengmyeong-gonghag |
Business | 사업 sa-eob |
Business Administration | 경영학 gyeong-yeonghag |
Ceramic | 세라믹 selamig |
Chartered Accountancy | 공인 회계사 gong-in hoegyesa |
Choreography | 안무 anmu |
Civil | 예의 바른 yeui baleun |
Communication | 의사 소통 uisa sotong |
Computer Applications | 컴퓨터 응용 프로그램 keompyuteo eung-yong peulogeulaem |
Computer Science | 컴퓨터 과학 keompyuteo gwahag |
Design | 설계 seolgye |
Drawing | 그림 geulim |
Electrical | 전기 같은 jeongi gat-eun |
Electronics | 전자제품 jeonjajepum |
Event Management | 이벤트 관리 ibenteu gwanli |
Fabrics | 직물 jigmul |
Fashion Designing | 패션디자인 paesyeondijain |
Geology | 지질학 jijilhag |
Graphics | 제도법 jedobeob |
Horticulture | 원예 won-ye |
Hospitality | 환대 hwandae |
Information Technology | 정보 기술 jeongbo gisul |
Instrumentation | 수단 sudan |
Interior Design | 인테리어 디자인 intelieo dijain |
Journalism | 저널리즘 jeoneollijeum |
Law | 법 beob |
Linguistic | 언어 eon-eo |
Management Science | 경영 과학 gyeong-yeong gwahag |
Mass Communication | 매스 커뮤니케이션 maeseu keomyunikeisyeon |
Multimedia | 멀티미디어 meoltimidieo |
Nursing | 육아 yug-a |
Nutrition | 영양물 섭취 yeong-yangmul seobchwi |
Painting | 페인트 등 peinteu deung |
Palmistry | 손금 보기 songeum bogi |
Petroleum | 석유 seog-yu |
Pharmacy | 약국 yaggug |
Philosophy | 철학 cheolhag |
Photography | 사진술 sajinsul |
Physiology | 생리학 saenglihag |
Physiotherapy | 물리치료 mullichilyo |
Psychology | 심리학 simlihag |
Robotics | 로봇공학 lobosgonghag |
Sculpture | 조각품 jogagpum |
Social Work | 사회 사업 sahoe sa-eob |
Textile | 직물 jigmul |
Tourism Management | 관광 경영 gwangwang gyeong-yeong |
Transportation | 교통 gyotong |
Weaving | 직조 jigjo |
Top 1000 Korean words
Here you learn top 1000 Korean words, that is separated into sections to learn easily (Simple words, Easy words, Medium words, Hard Words, Advanced Words). These words are very important in daily life conversations, basic level words are very helpful for beginners. All words have Korean meanings with transliteration.
Daily use Korean Sentences
Here you learn top Korean sentences, these sentences are very important in daily life conversations, and basic-level sentences are very helpful for beginners. All sentences have Korean meanings with transliteration.
Good morning | 좋은 아침 joh-eun achim |
What is your name | 당신의 이름은 무엇입니까 dangsin-ui ileum-eun mueos-ibnikka |
What is your problem | 당신의 문제는 무엇입니까? dangsin-ui munjeneun mueos-ibnikka? |
I hate you | 난 너가 싫어 nan neoga silh-eo |
I love you | 사랑해 salanghae |
Can I help you | 무엇을 도와 드릴까요? mueos-eul dowa deulilkkayo? |
I am sorry | 미안 해요 mian haeyo |
I want to sleep | 나는 자고 싶다 naneun jago sipda |
This is very important | 이건 매우 중요합니다 igeon maeu jung-yohabnida |
Are you hungry | 너 배고프 니? neo baegopeu ni? |
How is your life | 요즘 살기 어때요? yojeum salgi eottaeyo? |
I am going to study | 나는 공부할거야 naneun gongbuhalgeoya |
Korean Vocabulary

Korean Grammar

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