1000 most common Krio words
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¤ Simple words¤ Easy words
¤ Medium words
¤ Hard Words
¤ Advanced Words
¤ Daily use Sentences
¤ Picture Dictionary
Here you learn top 1000 words in English with Krio translation. If you are interested to learn 1000 most common Krio words, this place will help you to learn common words in Krio language with their pronunciation in English. You may also learn Vocabulary words to learn Krio language quickly and also play some Krio word games so you get not bored. In this, we are separated into sections to learn easily (Simple words, Easy words, medium words, Hard Words, Advanced Words). These top 1000 words are useful in daily life conversations, basic level words are very helpful for beginners. So, it is very important to learn all words in English and Krio.

1000 words in English to Krio
Here is the list of 1000 most important common words in Krio language and their pronunciation in English.
Simple words / 2 letter words
Easy words
3 letter words
Act | akt |
Add | ad |
Age | ej |
Aim | plan |
Air | briz |
All | ɔl |
And | ɛn |
Ant | ant |
Any | ɛni |
Ask | aks |
Bad | bad |
Big | big |
Buy | bay |
Cry | kray |
Dam | dam |
Die | day |
Dry | dray |
End | dɔn |
Ear | yes |
Eat | it |
Egg | eg |
Eye | yay |
Fat | bɔmp |
Fly | flay |
Fun | ɛnjɔy |
Get | gɛt |
God | Gɔd |
Hen | hen |
Hot | ɔt |
Job | wok |
Leg | fut |
Lie | lay |
Low | lo |
Mad | vɛks |
Man | man |
Not | nɔto |
Now | naw |
New | nyu |
Old | ol |
Own | yon |
Run | rɔn |
Sad | sad |
Sea | watasay |
See | si |
Shy | shem |
Sit | sidɔm |
Sum | nɔmba |
Sun | san |
Tax | taks we dɛn kin pe |
Try | tray |
Use | yuz |
War | wɔ |
Wet | sok |
Why | wetin du |
Win | win |
Yes | Yɛs |
You | yu |
4 letter words
Also | bak |
Baby | bebi |
Back | bak |
Bake | bek |
Bald | bold |
Ball | bɔl |
Bark | bak |
Bath | was |
Beet | bit |
Bend | bɛn |
Best | bɛst |
Bird | bɔd |
Bold | gɛt maynd |
Bone | bon |
Book | buk |
Born | bɔn |
Both | ɔltu |
Busy | bizi |
Call | kɔl |
Calm | kolat |
Care | kia fɔ yu |
Come | kam |
Cost | pe |
Cute | fayn |
Crow | blak bod |
Dare | dare |
Dark | dak |
Date | det |
Deal | du |
Diet | lɛ yu bɔdi kam dɔŋ |
Dish | pan |
Door | domɔt |
Down | dɔŋ |
Dust | dɔst |
Each | ɛni |
Earn | gɛt |
Easy | izi |
Edge | nia |
Evil | wikɛd |
Exit | kɔmɔt |
Face | fes |
Fact | trut |
Fair | du tin tret |
Fake | gini gini |
Farm | fam |
Fast | kwik |
Fear | fred |
Feel | fil |
Find | fɛn |
Fine | fayn |
Fish | fish |
Food | it |
Fool | ful |
Free | fri |
Frog | frɔg |
Full | ful-ɔp |
Gape | opin |
Gift | gift |
Girl | gal |
Goat | got |
Good | gud |
Grab | grip |
Grow | gro |
Half | af-af |
Hate | et |
Head | ed |
Hear | yɛri |
Heat | ɔt |
Help | ɛp |
Here | naya |
Hide | ayd |
High | ay |
Hold | ol |
Hole | ol |
Home | os |
Huge | big |
Hurt | wund |
Idea | pɔynt |
Jump | jɔmp |
Just | jɔs |
Kill | kil |
Land | land |
Last | las |
Late | let |
Left | dɔn go |
Life | layf |
Line | layn |
Lion | layɔn |
Long | lɔng |
Look | luk |
Lost | lɔs |
Love | lɔv |
Luck | lɔk |
Lung | di lɔng |
Many | bɔku |
Meet | mit |
Melt | mɛlt |
Milk | milk |
Must | mɔs |
Name | nem |
Near | nia |
Neat | nit |
Neck | nɛk |
Need | nid |
Next | nɛks |
Only | nɔmɔ |
Pain | pen |
Pair | bay tu |
Park | pak |
Path | rod |
Play | ple |
Poor | pɔ |
Pull | drɔ |
Pure | klin |
Quit | lɛf |
Quiz | tɛst |
Race | res |
Rain | ren |
Rare | at fɔ si |
Real | rial |
Rent | rɛnt |
Rest | rɛst |
Rich | jɛntri |
Ride | rayd |
Rise | go ɔp |
Risk | denja |
Room | rum |
Rope | rop |
Rude | rud |
Sage | plant we sɛnt |
Sail | klos pan bot |
Salt | sɔl |
Same | sem |
Sand | sansan |
Save | sev |
Scam | kruk |
Seed | sid |
Seek | luk |
Self | sɛf |
Sell | sɛl |
Send | sɛn |
Shop | shɔp |
Show | sho |
Sick | sik |
Side | say |
Site | ples |
Size | sayz |
Skin | kanda |
Slow | tek tɛm |
Soft | saf |
Soil | dɔti |
Some | sɔm |
Soon | nɔ go te |
Stay | ste |
Stop | lɛf |
Such | kayn |
Swap | chenj |
Swim | swin |
Take | tek |
Talk | tɔk |
Tall | tɔl |
Team | tim |
Tell | tɛl |
Tent | tɛnt |
That | dat |
Then | dɔn |
Thin | stret kɔt |
This | dis |
Tide | tayd |
Time | tɛm |
Tour | visit |
Town | tɔŋ |
Tree | tik |
Trip | travul |
Turn | tɔn |
Ugly | wowo |
Vase | flawa pɔt |
Vein | vein we dɛn kɔl vein |
Very | rili |
View | wetin yu tink |
Wage | pe |
Wait | wet |
Wake | wek |
Walk | waka |
Wall | wɔl |
Want | want |
Warm | wam |
Warn | wɔn |
Weak | wik |
Wear | wɛr |
Week | wik |
Well | wɛl |
Went | bin go |
What | wetin |
When | ustɛm |
Wide | big |
Wife | wɛf |
Wild | wayl |
Will | go |
Wind | briz |
Wine | wayn |
Wish | want |
Wood | wud |
Wool | wul |
Word | wɔd |
Work | wok |
Worm | tumbu |
Yarn | yarn we dɛn kin mek |
Your | yu |
Zoom | zoom |
5 letter words
Above | ɔp |
Adapt | chenj |
Admit | gri se |
Adult | big pɔsin |
After | afta |
Again | igen |
Agree | gri |
Alert | pe atɛnshɔn |
Allow | gri |
Alone | wangren |
Along | wit |
Anger | vɛks |
Angle | say |
Angry | vɛks |
Asset | valyu tin |
Avoid | avɔyd |
Awake | wek |
Aware | no |
Begin | bigin |
Birth | bɔn pikin |
Blood | blɔd |
Brain | bren |
Built | dɔn bil |
Bring | briŋ |
Build | bil |
Camel | kamɛl |
Canal | kanal |
Carry | kɛr |
Cheap | nɔ dia |
Cheat | rog |
Check | chɛk |
Chest | chɛst |
Claim | se |
Clean | klin |
Clear | klia |
Climb | klem |
Close | tayt |
Cloth | klos |
Cloud | klawd |
Color | kɔlɔ |
Crime | kraym |
Crowd | bɔku bɔku pipul |
Crown | krawn |
Daily | ɛnide |
Dance | dans |
Death | day |
Decay | rɔtin |
Delay | westɛm |
Devil | dɛbul |
Dirty | dɔti |
Dress | drɛs |
Drink | drink |
Drive | drayv |
Dwell | ste |
Eager | rili want |
Eagle | igul |
Early | ali |
Earth | dunya |
Elder | ol pa |
Empty | ɛmti |
Enemy | ɛnimi |
Enjoy | ɛnjɔy |
Entry | ɛntrɛ |
Equal | ikwal |
Essay | ripɔt |
Event | program |
Every | ɛvri |
Exact | sem |
Exist | de de |
Extra | mɔ |
Faith | fet |
Fault | fɔlt |
Fever | fiva |
Field | fil |
Final | fainal |
Fleet | flet we dɛn kɔl flet |
Float | pantap |
Flood | ebi ebi ren |
Floor | grɔn |
Flour | flawa |
Fluid | wata-wata |
Focus | tink bɔt |
Force | fos |
Fraud | kruk |
Fresh | frɛsh |
Front | bifo |
Fruit | frut |
Ghost | gost |
Globe | glob ɔl |
Going | de go |
Grain | sid |
Grant | alaw |
Grass | gras |
Great | rili |
Group | grup |
Guard | gayd |
Guest | strenja |
Habit | abit |
Heart | at |
Honey | Ɔni |
Horse | ɔs |
House | os |
Human | mɔtalman |
Ideal | bɛst |
Issue | tin |
Judge | jɔj |
Knife | nɛf |
Labor | wok |
Ladle | ladle we dɛn kin yuz |
Large | big |
Laugh | laf |
Learn | lan |
Leave | lɛf |
Legal | gɛt di rayt |
Limit | limit |
Lunch | lɔnch |
Metal | ayɛn |
Mixed | miks |
Money | mɔni |
Month | mɔnt |
Mount | mawnt |
Mouth | mɔt |
Music | myuzik |
Maize | mays we dɛn mek |
Naked | nekɛd wan |
Never | nɔ ɛva |
Night | nɛt |
Niece | sista pikin |
Noise | nɔys |
Occur | apin |
Ocean | si |
Onion | yabas |
Offer | gi |
Order | ɔda |
Organ | ɔgan |
Other | ɔda |
Owner | pɔsin we gɛt am |
Paddy | padi we dɛn kɔl padi |
Panic | fred |
Peace | pis |
Place | ples |
Plant | plant |
Price | prays |
Pride | prawd |
Proud | prawd |
Prove | pruf |
Quilt | kɔba |
Quick | kwik |
Quite | plɛnti |
Raise | mɛn |
Reach | rich |
React | riak |
Ready | rɛdi |
Reply | ansa |
Right | rayt |
Round | rawnd |
Rural | ɔplayn |
Saint | sent |
Scope | ɔmɔs |
Score | mak |
Sense | sɛns |
Shake | shek |
Shape | shep |
Share | shɛb |
Sharp | shap |
Shrub | shrub we dɛn kɔl shrub |
Skill | skil |
Sleep | slip |
Slope | say |
Small | smɔl |
Smell | smɛl |
Smile | smayl |
Snake | snek |
Snore | snor we de mek pɔsin snor |
Solid | strɔng |
Sound | sawnd |
Space | spes |
Speak | tɔk |
Speed | fas fas |
Spend | spɛn |
Spent | dɔn spɛn |
Sperm | di sεl dεm we de na di bכdi |
Sport | spɔt |
Stand | tinap |
Steam | stim |
Stone | ston |
Story | stori |
Taste | tes |
Teach | tich |
Teeth | tit |
Thank | tɛnki |
There | de |
These | dɛn wan ya |
Thick | tik |
Thing | tin |
Tiger | tayga |
Today | tide |
Total | ɔl |
Treat | trit |
Trend | abit |
Tried | dɔn tray |
Trust | abop |
Truth | trut |
Twice | tu tɛm |
Under | ɔnda |
Upper | ɔp |
Urban | siti |
Visit | visit |
Voice | vɔys |
Vomit | vɔmit |
Waste | west |
Water | wata |
Wheat | wit |
Where | usay |
White | wayt |
Whole | wan ol |
Woman | uman |
World | wɔl |
Worst | wɔs |
Write | rayt |
Wrong | rɔng |
Yield | gri |
Young | yɔŋ |
Youth | yɔŋ |
Medium words
6 letter words
Absent | nɔ de |
Accept | gri |
Admire | kɔle |
Advice | advays |
Almost | lɛk |
Always | ɔltɛm |
Animal | animal |
Answer | ansa |
Appeal | bɛg |
Appear | sho |
Arrive | rich |
Artist | pɔsin we de drɔ |
Assist | ɛp |
Attack | atak |
Attach | kam nia |
Attend | kam |
Bangle | bangle we gɛt bangle |
Before | bifo |
Behind | biɛn |
Bellow | bellow |
Better | bɛtɛ |
Borrow | lɛnt |
Bottom | bɔtɔm |
Broken | dɔn brok |
Budget | plan mɔni biznɛs |
Cancel | nɔ |
Cancer | kansa |
Carrot | karɔt |
Cattle | kaw dɛn |
Common | kɔmɔn |
Compel | kɔmpɛl |
Corner | kɔna |
Couple | tu |
Course | kɔz |
Create | mek |
Custom | wetin kɔmɔn |
Damage | pwɛl |
Dancer | dansa |
Danger | denja |
Decade | tɛn ia |
Defeat | win |
Delete | dilit |
Demand | tɛl |
Desire | want |
Detail | patikyula tin |
Dinner | ivintɛm it |
Divine | lɛk ɛvin |
Donkey | dɔnki |
Double | tu |
Edible | we pɔsin kin it |
Effect | apin |
Either | ɔ |
Empire | ɛmpaya |
Energy | pawa |
Enough | du |
Ensure | mek shɔ |
Entire | ɔl |
Except | pas |
Expand | gro |
Expect | wet fɔ |
Export | sɛn |
Extend | gro |
Facade | fasad we de bifo |
Family | famili |
Famous | wetin ɔlman sabi |
Faulty | fɔlt |
Favour | aks |
Female | uman |
Fiance | man we yu go mared |
Finish | dɔn |
Flower | flawa |
Forest | bush |
Forgot | dɔn fɔgɛt |
Freeze | friz |
Friend | padi |
Future | tumara bambay |
Garage | garaj |
Garden | gadin |
Garlic | galik |
Ginger | jinja |
Global | ɔlsay na di wɔl |
Ground | grɔn |
Growth | gro |
Health | wɛlbɔdi |
Hidden | ayd |
Honest | ɔnɛs |
Honour | ɔnɔ |
Hostel | hostel we de na di ɔstɔl |
Humble | ɔmbul |
Hungry | angri |
Ignore | nɔ put atɛnshɔn pan |
Impact | afɛkt |
Impure | i nɔ klin |
Income | mɔni |
Inform | tɛl |
Insect | bɔg bɔg |
Inside | insay |
Jungle | jɔŋgrɔn |
Kidnap | kidnap pɔsin |
Kindle | kindɛl |
Labour | wok |
Leader | lida |
Length | lɔng |
Letter | lɛta |
Liquid | wata-wata |
Little | smɔl |
Living | fɔ liv |
Lizard | kondo |
Locate | fɔ fɛn di say we dɛn de |
Luxury | jɛntri |
Making | mek |
Mammal | mami ɛn dadi biznɛs |
Manage | manej |
Manual | buk |
Market | makit |
Mental | maynd |
Method | we |
Middle | midul |
Monkey | mɔnki |
Mother | mama |
Muscle | mɔsul |
Narrow | tayt |
Native | yon |
Nature | nechɔ |
Normal | nɔmal |
Number | nɔmba |
Object | tin |
Office | ɔfis |
Option | ɔda tin |
Parent | mama ɔ papa |
Parrot | parɔt |
People | pipul dɛn |
Person | pɔsin |
Pickle | pikɛl |
Picnic | piknik we yu de du |
Pigeon | pijin |
Planet | planɛt we de na di wɔl |
Please | duya |
Plenty | plɛnti |
Police | polis |
Potato | pɛtetɛ |
Praise | prez |
Prayer | prea we yu de pre |
Pretty | fayn |
Prince | prins |
Profit | prɔfit |
Proper | rayt |
Public | pɔblik |
Rabbit | rabit |
Recent | nɔ tu te |
Recipe | aw fɔ kuk |
Record | rɛkɔd |
Reduce | ridyus |
Regret | rigrɛt |
Reject | avɔyd |
Remind | mɛmba |
Remove | pul kɔmɔt |
Repair | mek bak |
Repeat | tɔk bak |
Return | go bak |
Rotate | we dɛn kin rɔta |
Safety | fɔ sef |
Salary | pe |
Sample | ɛgzampul |
School | skul |
Screen | skrin |
Script | raytin |
Scroll | skrol |
Search | luk fɔ |
Season | sizin |
Secret | sikrit |
Secure | sef |
Select | pik |
Senior | ol |
Shield | kɔba |
Should | fɔ |
Shower | shawa |
Silent | nɔ de tɔk |
Single | nɔ mared |
Sister | sista |
Smooth | fayn |
Social | soshal |
Speech | tɔk |
Street | strit |
Strong | strɔng |
Sudden | wantɛm wantɛm |
Summer | sɔma |
Supply | gi |
Talent | talɛnt |
Temple | tɛmpul |
Thread | trɛd |
Thrill | thrill |
Throat | trot |
Tittle | tittle we dɛn kɔl tittle |
Toilet | tɔylɛt |
Tomato | tamatis |
Tongue | tɔng |
Travel | travul |
Tunnel | tanɛl |
Turtle | trɔki |
Unseen | we dɛn nɔ de si |
Update | chenj |
Urgent | nɔ westɛm |
Useful | de ɛp |
Vacate | vacate |
Vacuum | swip |
Vapour | vapour we dɛn kɔl vapour |
Verify | chɛk |
Virgin | vajin |
Wealth | jɛntri |
Weekly | ɛvri wik |
Weight | we |
Winter | kol wɛda |
Winner | di wan we win |
Wonder | wanda |
Worker | wokman |
Writer | rayta |
Yearly | ɛvri ia |
7 letter words
Achieve | mitɔp |
Advance | go bifo |
Against | agens |
Already | dɔn |
Ancient | ol |
Anybody | ɛnibɔdi |
Approve | gri |
Apology | fɔ aks fɔ padi fɔ padi |
Archive | kip fayl |
Arrange | arenj |
Arrival | rich |
Article | atikul |
Attempt | tray |
Attract | lɛk |
Average | lɛk |
Bandage | bandej we dɛn kin yuz fɔ bandej |
Barrage | barɛj we dɛn kɔl barrage |
Barrier | sɔntin we stɔp yu |
Because | bikɔs |
Benefit | bɛnifit |
Between | bitwin |
Cabbage | kabɛj |
Capture | kech |
Careful | tek tɛm |
Carrier | di pɔsin we de kɛr di tin dɛn |
Century | wan ɔndrɛd ia |
Certain | shɔ |
Chamber | chamba we de na di rum |
Chapter | chapta |
Charity | ɛp |
Climate | wɛda |
Coconut | kokonat |
Collect | gɛda |
College | kɔlɛj |
Comfort | ɛnkɔrej |
Command | tɛl |
Comment | kɔmɛnt |
Company | kɔmni |
Compare | kɔmpia |
Concept | pɔynt |
Concern | bisin |
Conduct | biev |
Confirm | mek wi biliv |
Connect | kɔnɛkt |
Contact | kɔl |
Control | kɔntrol |
Convert | chenj |
Correct | kɔrɛkt |
Costume | klos |
Cottage | smɔl os |
Country | kɔntri |
Courage | kɔrɛj |
Cucumber | kɔkumba |
Curious | want fɔ no |
Declare | deklare |
Defense | difens fɔ di pɔsin |
Dentist | tit dɔktɔ |
Deposit | put |
Despite | pan ɔl |
Destiny | mak |
Destroy | pwɛl |
Develop | go bifo |
Disease | sik |
Display | sho |
Disturb | ambɔg |
Dynasty | dinasti we dɛn bin de rul |
Eagerly | wit ɔl dɛn at |
Earning | fɔ gɛt mɔni |
Eatable | we pɔsin kin it |
Ecology | ikɔlɔji |
Economy | mɔni biznɛs |
Edition | edishɔn |
Elegant | fayn stayl |
Enhance | mek bɛtɛ |
Episode | episod |
Example | ɛgzampul |
Evening | ivin |
Exclude | nɔ de insay di buk |
Explain | ɛksplen |
Explore | lan mɔ |
Educate | ɛdyukeshɔn |
Factory | faktri |
Failure | fel |
Feature | tin |
Finance | mɔni biznɛs |
Flavour | flawa we gɛt flawa |
Fluency | fɔ tɔk fayn fayn wan |
Forever | sote go |
Further | mɔ |
Garment | klos we dɛn kin wɛr |
General | kɔmɔn |
Genuine | rili |
Glamour | glamour we gɛt fayn fayn tin dɛn fɔ du |
Grammar | grama we dɛn kin yuz |
Grocery | makit |
Habitat | say we animal de |
Harmful | denja |
Harvest | avɛst |
Heading | di edlayn |
Hearing | fɔ yɛri |
Helpful | fɔ ɛp |
History | istri |
Holding | we dɛn de ol |
Holiday | ɔlide |
Hundred | ɔndrɛd |
Husband | maredman |
Hygiene | klin |
Impress | kɔle |
Improve | bɛtɛ |
Include | min |
Initial | fɔs |
Inspect | inspɛkt |
Inspire | push |
Journey | patrol |
Justice | du wetin rayt |
Leading | we de bifo |
Leather | lɛda |
Leaving | we de kɔmɔt de |
Lecture | lɛkshɔn |
Liberal | libal |
Lovable | we pɔsin kin lɛk |
Luggage | bag dɛn |
Manager | maneja |
Maximum | maksimam |
Meaning | minin |
Measure | mɛzhɔ |
Medical | wɛlbɔdi biznɛs |
Message | mesɛj |
Migrant | migrant we kɔmɔt na ɔda kɔntri |
Mineral | minral |
Minimum | di minimum |
Miracle | mirɛkul |
Missile | mishɔl we dɛn kin yuz |
Missing | de mis |
Mistake | mistek |
Morning | mɔnin |
Mustard | mɔstad sid |
Mystery | sikrit |
Narrate | narɛt |
Natural | kɔmɔn |
Naughty | naughty |
Neglect | fɔgɛt bɔt |
Neither | ɔ |
Nervous | fred |
Network | nɛtwɔk |
Nothing | natin |
Observe | wach |
Opening | we de opin |
Operate | ɔpreshɔn |
Opinion | wetin yu tink |
Organic | ɔrganik |
Ostrich | ɔstrich we dɛn kɔl ɔstrich |
Package | bɔks |
Painful | i kin mek pɔsin fil pen |
Partial | pat pan di tin dɛn we dɛn de du |
Passage | da say de |
Patient | peshɛnt |
Payment | pe |
Penalty | penalty we dɛn kin pe |
Pending | de wet |
Penguin | pɔngwinin we dɛn kɔl penguin |
Pension | penshɔn |
Perfect | pafɛkt |
Perfume | sɛnt we dɛn kin yuz fɔ mek sɛnt |
Popular | kɔmɔn |
Pottery | pɔt we dɛn mek wit kle |
Poverty | po |
Prevent | stɔp |
Privacy | nɔ lɛt ɛnibɔdi ambɔg |
Private | sikrit |
Problem | prɔblɛm |
Produce | mek |
Propose | prɔpɔz |
Purpose | plan |
Quality | kwaliti |
Quickly | fas fas |
Receive | gɛt |
Regular | ɔltɛm |
Related | gɛt fɔ du wit |
Release | fri |
Replace | pul |
Reptile | reptayl |
Request | aks |
Respect | rɛspɛkt |
Respond | ansa |
Revenge | tɔn-dɛt |
Revenue | mɔni |
Reverse | chenj |
Robbery | robbery we dɛn kin tif |
Romance | romans we dɛn kin tɔk bɔt |
Science | sayɛns |
Serious | siriɔs |
Servant | savant |
Service | savis |
Similar | fiba |
Society | sosayti |
Sparrow | sparo |
Special | spɛshal |
Stomach | bɛlɛ |
Student | studɛnt |
Success | go bifo |
Suggest | tɔk |
Suicide | fɔ kil dɛnsɛf |
Support | sɔpɔt |
Suspend | sɔspɛnd |
Teacher | ticha |
Teenage | tɛn ia ol titi |
Tension | prɔblɛm |
Tourism | turizm |
Trouble | plaba |
Uniform | yunifɔm |
Utility | sɔntin wi nid |
Vacancy | vakɛns we nɔ gɛt pɔsin |
Variety | difrɛn |
Vehicle | motoka |
Village | vilɛj |
Vintage | ol |
Victory | win |
Violent | fɛt-fɛt |
Visible | we pɔsin kin si |
Visitor | visitɔ |
Vitamin | vaytamɛn |
Walking | de waka |
Wanting | want |
Warning | wɔnin |
Wealthy | jɛntri |
Weather | wɛda |
Wedding | mared |
Welcome | wɛlkɔm |
Welfare | tin dɛn we fɔ mek wi gladi |
Winning | fɔ win |
Working | wokin |
Worried | bin wɔri |
Worship | wɔship |
Writing | raytin |
8 letter words
Abnormal | abnɔmal tin |
Absolute | absɔlɔb wan |
Accepted | dɛn bin gri fɔ tek am |
Accident | aksidɛnt |
Accuracy | kɔrɛkt |
Activate | aktivet |
Addition | ad |
Adequate | i du |
Affected | we dɛn afɛkt |
Alphabet | alfabɛt we dɛn kɔl |
Anything | ɛnitin |
Anywhere | ɛnisay we de |
Appraise | apraiz |
Approach | mit |
Approval | gri fɔ |
Argument | agyu |
Assemble | fɔ gɛda togɛda |
Attitude | aw wi tink |
Audience | ɔdiɛns |
Attorney | atɔna |
Aviation | avieshɔn we dɛn de yuz fɔ flay |
Backward | baksay |
Beginner | pɔsin we de bigin fɔ wok |
Birthday | batde |
Bleeding | blɔd we de kɔmɔt |
Building | de bil |
Campaign | spɛshal program |
Carriage | karia we pɔsin kin kɛr go |
Children | pikin dɛn |
Cleavage | kliva we dɛn kin kɔt |
Complete | dɔn |
Conserve | kɔnsiv |
Consider | tink bɔt |
Consumer | kɔshɔma |
Continue | kɔntinyu |
Criminal | kriminal |
Critical | tranga |
Daughter | gal pikin |
Decision | disayd |
Decrease | go dɔŋ |
Delicate | wik |
Delivery | go lɛf |
Delusion | fɔ ful pipul dɛn |
Describe | tɔk bɔt |
Disagree | nɔ gri wit dis |
Disallow | nɔ gri fɔ alaw am |
Duration | ɔmɔs tɛm |
Economic | mɔni biznɛs |
Elephant | ɛlifant |
Eligible | fit fɔ |
Employee | wokman |
Enormous | big big |
Entrance | domɔt |
Envelope | ɛnvilop |
Estimate | lɛk |
Everyday | ɛvride |
Exercise | ɛksasayz |
Explicit | klia wan |
Exposure | ɛkspiriɛns |
External | ɔda tin |
Facility | ples |
Faithful | fetful |
Favorite | bɛst |
Festival | fɛstival |
Flexible | ajɔst |
Friction | frikshɔn we dɛn kin gɛt |
Generate | mek |
Greeting | grit |
Guardian | pɔsin we de kia fɔ di pɔsin |
Heritage | wetin yu gɛt |
Horrible | bad bad |
Hospital | ɔspitul |
Humorous | we kin mek pɔsin laf |
Identity | udat |
Incident | sɔntin |
Increase | mɔ |
Indicate | sho |
Industry | fil |
Jealousy | jɛlɔs |
Learning | de lan |
Location | ples |
Majority | mɔ |
Marriage | mared |
Material | tin dɛn |
Medicine | mɛrɛsin |
Moderate | soba |
Mosquito | mɔskito we dɛn kɔl moskito |
Mountain | mawntɛn |
Narrator | pɔsin we de tɔk bɔt di stori |
Nutrient | nyutriɛnt |
Opposite | difrɛn |
Original | fɔstɛm |
Ornament | ɔnamɛnt we dɛn kin yuz fɔ mek tin dɛn |
Painting | pentin |
Particle | patikyula |
Patience | peshɛnt |
Pleasure | ɛnjɔy |
Position | say |
Positive | gud |
Possible | pɔsibul |
Postpone | put na kɔna |
Powerful | pawaful |
Precious | valyu |
Pregnant | gɛt bɛlɛ |
Pressure | prɛshɔ |
Previous | bifo |
Progress | go bifo |
Prohibit | prohibit |
Property | land |
Purchase | bay |
Quantity | ɔmɔs |
Recovery | fɔ wɛl |
Regional | rijinol |
Relevant | fɔ du wit |
Religion | rilijɔn |
Remember | mɛmba |
Research | stɔdi |
Resource | risɔs we dɛn gɛt |
Response | ansa |
Restrict | stɔp |
Revision | kɔrɛkt |
Sensible | gɛt sɛns |
Sentence | sɛntɛns |
Separate | pat |
Stranger | strenja |
Strategy | plan |
Strength | trɛnk |
Struggle | nɔ izi |
Suitable | fayn |
Superior | big pas |
Surprise | sɔprayz |
Swelling | de swɛl |
Terrible | bad |
Together | togɛda |
Tomorrow | tumara |
Training | trenin |
Transfer | transfa |
Transmit | transmit |
Treasure | valyu tin dɛn |
Umbrella | ɔmbrɛla |
Universe | yunivas we de na di wɔl |
Vacation | ɔlide |
Validate | validet |
Vertical | ɔp ɛn dɔŋ |
Vigorous | we gɛt trɛnk |
Violence | kuskas |
Vocation | vokeshɔn fɔ wok |
Vomiting | we pɔsin kin vɔmit |
Wildlife | wayl animal dɛn |
Yielding | we de giv-ɔp |
Yourself | yusɛf |
Youthful | yɔŋ pipul dɛn |
Hard Words
9 letter words
Accession | akses |
Accessory | aksesɔri |
Accompany | go wit am |
Actualize | actualize |
Admirable | we pɔsin kin admaya |
Advantage | bɛnifit |
Advisable | advays fɔ du dat |
Affection | lɛk |
Affiliate | afiliet we gɛt fɔ du wit am |
Afternoon | aftanun |
Aggregate | agrɛgrɛt |
Agreement | agrimɛnt |
Allowance | alawɛns we dɛn kin gi |
Alternate | ɔltɛm we dɛn kin chenj |
Ambiguous | nɔ klia |
Animation | animashɔn |
Apologist | pɔsin we de aks fɔ padi fɔ padi |
Applicant | di pɔsin we de aplay |
Architect | pɔsin we de bil |
Associate | kip kɔmpin |
Astronomy | astronomi bɔt di sta dɛn |
Attention | atɛnshɔn |
Attribute | kwaliti |
Authority | pawa |
Automatic | ɔtomɛtik wan |
Available | de |
Awareness | fɔ no |
Beautiful | rili fayn |
Behaviour | biev |
Butterfly | bɔtaflay |
Calibrate | kalibrayt |
Candidate | kandidet fɔ di pɔsin |
Celebrate | sɛlibret |
Challenge | wetin mit yu |
Confident | kɔnfidɛns |
Confusion | kɔnfyus |
Conscious | no |
Crocodile | krokodail |
Curiosity | bisin |
Dangerous | denja |
Delicious | swit |
Democracy | gɔvmɛnt fɔ di pipul |
Dependent | dipɛndent |
Different | difrɛn |
Difficult | nɔ kin izi |
Discovery | diskovri we dɛn dɔn fɛn |
Dishonest | nɔ ɔnɛs |
Diversity | difrɛn |
Duplicate | dupliket |
Education | skul biznɛs |
Effective | gud gud |
Emergency | sɔntin yu nɔ plan |
Equipment | tul |
Essential | impɔtant |
Establish | stat |
Evolution | ɔltin kam bay chans |
Excellent | wɛl dɔn |
Expensive | dia |
Fantastic | wɔndaful |
Fertility | di we aw pɔsin kin bɔn pikin |
Financial | mɔni biznɛs |
Generally | bɔku tɛm |
Glamorous | glamorous |
Happening | we de apin |
Household | os |
Identical | sem |
Important | impɔtant |
Incorrect | nɔ kɔrɛkt |
Incorrupt | we nɔ de kɔrɔpt |
Influence | afɛkt |
Insurance | inshɔrans |
Interview | intavyu |
Intestine | intestinal we de na di bɔdi |
Introduce | sho |
Invention | invinshɔn |
Invisible | we pɔsin nɔ de si |
Irregular | i nɔ de du tin ɔltɛm |
Jewellery | jɔyri dɛn |
Knowledge | no |
Liability | lod |
Misbehave | nɔ de biev fayn |
Narration | narreshɔn |
Necessity | nid fɔ de |
Negotiate | tɔk prays |
Nutrition | it we gi wɛlbɔdi |
Offensive | bad bad tin |
Partition | patishɔn |
Political | pɔlitiks |
Pollution | dɔti ia |
Potential | kin du |
Practical | gud |
Precision | prɛsishɔn |
Privilege | ɔnɔ |
Procedure | aw fɔ du sɔntin |
Prominent | impɔtant |
Professor | prɔfɛsɔ |
Promotion | go bifo |
Provoking | we de mek pɔsin vɛks |
Qualified | kwalifay fɔ di pɔsin |
Reference | tɔk bɔt |
Repulsion | ripulshɔn |
Residence | usay fɔ de |
Sacrifice | sakrifays |
Sensitive | ɔmbul |
Something | sɔntin |
Statement | wɔd |
Subscribe | sabskraib |
Substance | drɔg |
Sugarcane | shuga we dɛn kɔl shuga |
Sunflower | sanflawa |
Surrender | sɔrɛnda |
Technical | teknikol |
Temporary | nɔ go te |
Terrorist | terorist |
Treatment | tritmɛnt |
Variation | difrɛns we de chenj |
Vegetable | plant fɔ it |
Virginity | vajiniti |
Yesterday | yɛstide |
10 letter words
Abbreviate | fɔ shɔt wan |
Absolutely | rili |
Absorption | di we aw pɔsin kin absɔb |
Acceptable | akseptabl |
Achievable | we pɔsin kin ebul fɔ du |
Additional | ad |
Admiration | admireshɔn |
Adolescent | yɔŋ pɔsin |
Adulterant | we de du mami ɛn dadi biznɛs wit ɔda pɔsin |
Adventurer | advantej pɔsin |
Afterwards | afta |
Aggression | agreshɔn we pɔsin kin du |
Alteration | ɔltɛrayshɔn |
Ambassador | ambasedɔ |
Analytical | analitik wan |
Antibiotic | antibayɔtik |
Anticipate | wet fɔ |
Appreciate | gladi fɔ |
Artificial | gini gini |
Aspiration | aspireshɔn we pɔsin kin want fɔ du |
Assignment | wok |
Atmosphere | di atmosfɛs we de na di atmosfɛs |
Attachment | lɛk |
Attraction | lɛk |
Chloroform | klorofɔm we dɛn kɔl |
Combustion | we pɔsin kin bɔn |
Commission | wok |
Compassion | sɔri-at |
Compulsory | pawpa |
Conclusion | dɔn |
Confection | kɔnfɛkshɔn |
Corruption | kɔrɔpshɔn |
Decoration | dɛkɔreshɔn |
Dedication | de biɛn sɔntin |
Deficiency | we nɔ gɛt bɛtɛ tin fɔ du |
Definition | minin |
Department | dipatmɛnt |
Depression | pwɛl at |
Dictionary | dikshɔnari |
Discipline | kɔrɛkt |
Disclaimer | disklɛmayshɔn |
Disclosure | fɔ mek pipul dɛn no bɔt sɔntin |
Discussion | tɔk bɔt |
Efficiency | ɔganayz |
Employment | wok |
Engagement | ɛngej |
Everything | ɔl wetin |
Everywhere | ɔlsay |
Exhibition | sho |
Experience | ɛkspiriɛns |
Experiment | tɛst |
Expiration | di tɛm we i fɔ dɔn |
Expression | tɔk |
Fertilizer | fɛtilayza we dɛn kin yuz |
Foundation | fawndeshɔn |
Generation | pipul dɛn |
Government | gɔvmɛnt |
Importance | impɔtant tin fɔ du |
Impossible | nɔ pɔsibul |
Inadequate | nɔ de du di rayt tin |
Incomplete | nɔ kɔmplit |
Incredible | wɔndaful |
Individual | pɔsin |
Inspection | inspekshɔn |
Instrument | yuz ple myuzik |
Irrigation | irigashɔn fɔ wata |
Journalism | jɔnalistik |
Management | fɔ manɛj |
Moderation | mɔdareshɔn |
Motivation | gɛt zil |
Negligible | we nɔ impɔtant |
Occupation | wok |
Particular | patikyula |
Passionate | kɔmɔt na yu at |
Permission | alaw |
Population | pipul dɛn |
Production | mek sɔntin |
Prostitute | uman we de du mami ɛn dadi biznɛs wit ɔda pɔsin |
Protection | protɛkshɔn |
Psychology | sayɛns bɔt pɔsin in maynd |
Punishment | pɔnishmɛnt |
Quarantine | kɔrɔnti |
Retirement | we yu ritaia |
Sufficient | i du |
Supervisor | maneja |
Supplement | suplimɛnt |
University | yunivasiti |
Vegetarian | vegetarian |
Visibility | di we aw pɔsin kin si tin |
Vulnerable | nɔ gɛt pɔsin fɔ ɛp am |
Advanced Words
11 letter words
Accommodate | fɔ akɔmod |
Achievement | wetin wi gɛt |
Acknowledge | no |
Affirmation | affirmation we dɛn kin gi pɔsin |
Aggregation | agregeshɔn |
Agriculture | fam wok |
Alternation | ɔltɛm we dɛn kin chenj |
Anniversary | anivasri |
Application | aplay fɔm |
Appointment | sho tɛm |
Appreciable | we pɔsin kin gladi fɔ |
Approximate | aprɔksimat |
Association | kip kɔmpin |
Certificate | pepa |
Competition | kɔmpitishɔn |
Cultivation | we dɛn de plant |
Corporation | kɔpɔreshɔn |
Cooperation | jɔyn an togɛda |
Dehydration | di wata we de kɔmɔt na di bɔdi |
Discontinue | stɔp fɔ kɔntinyu fɔ du am |
Elimination | fɔ dɔnawe wit am |
Environment | ples |
Evaporation | di wata we de kɔmɔt na di wata |
Examination | ɛgzamin we dɛn de du |
Expenditure | di mɔni we dɛn de spɛn |
Fabrication | fɔ mek tin dɛn we dɛn mek |
Improvement | go bifo |
Independent | du tin fɔ yusɛf |
Information | tin dɛn |
Inspiration | kɔrɛj |
Institution | institiushɔn |
Instruction | instrɔkshɔn |
Intelligent | gɛt sɛns |
Manufacture | fɔ mek tin dɛn |
Measurement | we dɛn de mɛzhɔ |
Mensuration | di we aw pɔsin de mɛzhɔ |
Observation | fɔ wach |
Opportunity | chans |
Participant | patisipan |
Performance | pafɔm |
Preparation | fɔ pripia |
Significant | impɔtant |
Temperature | tɛmprɛchɔ |
Translation | transleshɔn |
Transparent | klia |
Vaccination | maklet |
12, 13 letter words
Abbreviation | abbrevieshɔn we dɛn kin yuz |
Administrate | administret |
Appreciation | gladi fɔ |
Accommodation | say fɔ slip |
Accompaniment | we pɔsin kin go wit am |
Administrator | administreta |
Advertisement | advatayz |
Administration | administreshɔn |
Acknowledgement | fɔ gri wit wetin yu du |
Conformation | kɔnfɔmeshɔn |
Conservation | kip |
Constitution | kɔnstityushɔn |
Construction | bil |
Contribution | gi |
Communication | tɔk |
Classification | klasification |
Congratulation | wi de kɔle yu |
Disadvantage | disavantej |
Entrepreneur | biznɛsman |
Entertainment | ɛnjɔymɛnt |
Extraordinary | rili spɛshal |
Horticulture | ɔtikalchɔral biznɛs |
Intermediate | af-af |
Introduction | sho |
Investigation | invɛstigeshɔn we dɛn de du |
International | intanashɔnal |
Identification | fɔ no pɔsin |
Justification | jɔstis |
Knowledgeable | we gɛt bɔku tin fɔ no |
Maintainable | we dɛn kin mentenɛt |
Organization | ɔganayzeshɔn |
Presentation | ɛgzampul |
Preservation | fɔ kip tin dɛn |
Purification | fɔ mek pɔsin klin |
Participation | patisipeshon |
Registration | fɔ rɛjista |
Reproduction | fɔ bɔn pikin dɛn |
Satisfaction | fɔ satisfay |
Self-confidence | fɔ biliv yusɛf |
Transformation | transfכmeshכn |
Transportation | transpɔt |

Fruits Quiz

Animals Quiz

Household Quiz

Stationary Quiz

School Quiz

Occupation Quiz
Krio Vocabulary