Religion vocabulary words in Krio and English - Common Krio Vocabulary
Learn common Krio vocabulary with this English-to-Krio list of Religion vocabulary words. Essential for daily conversations, this will help to build your Krio language skills through popular words and play Krio quizzes and also play picture vocabulary, play some games so you do get not bored. If you think too hard to learn the Krio language, then the 1000 most common Krio words will help you to learn the Krio language easily, they contain 2-letter words to 13-letter words. The below table gives the translation of Religion vocabulary words in Krio.

Read also: A-Z Dictionary | Quiz | Vocabulary | Alphabets | Grammar
List of Religion vocabulary words in Krio with English Pronunciation
Learn Religion in Krio, along with their English pronunciation. This vocabulary guide helps beginners and language enthusiasts expand their Krio vocabulary for daily conversations.
Religion vocabulary words - Krio
Acolyte | akolayt we dɛn kɔl |
Adulteress | uman we de du mami ɛn dadi biznɛs wit ɔda pɔsin |
Angel | enjɛl |
Anointed | anɔyntɛd dɛn |
Apologist | pɔsin we de aks fɔ padi fɔ padi |
Apostasy | apɔstasi |
Atonement | fɔ pe fɔ sin |
Baptise | baptayz |
Basilica | basilika |
Beatification | beatifikɛshɔn |
Belief | biliv |
Canonical | di wan dɛn we de na di kanɔn |
Ceremonial | sɛrimɔni we dɛn kin du |
Chapel | chapel |
Chastity | klin layf |
Christian | kristian |
Church | chɔch |
Cloister | klosta |
Conclave | kɔnklav |
Confession | kɔnfɛshɔn |
Conformist | pɔsin we de fala di lɔ |
Congregation | kɔngrigeshɔn |
Consecrate | kɔnsakret |
Contrition | fɔ ripɛnt |
Crucifix | krɔs we dɛn kɔl krɔs |
Cult | kult |
Damnation | damneshɔn we dɛn de du |
Deceitful | pipul dɛn we de ful pipul dɛn |
Deity | gɔd we dɛn kɔl gɔd |
Demon | dɛbul |
Devil | dɛbul |
Dignitary | bigman dɛn |
Divine | lɛk ɛvin |
Epiphany | epifani we dɛn kɔl epiphany |
Exegesis | ɛksɛgεsis |
Expiate | fɔ mek dɛn sɔfa |
Faith | fet |
Faithless | we nɔ gɛt fet |
Fetish | fetish we dɛn kɔl fetish |
Fiend | fiend |
Fornication | fɔ du mami ɛn dadi biznɛs di we aw Gɔd nɔ want |
Friar | friar |
Genesis | jɛnɛsis |
Gentile | jɛnɛral |
God | Gɔd |
Hallowed | we dɛn dɔn oli |
Heathen | pipul dɛn we nɔ biliv Gɔd |
Heaven | ɛvin |
Hell | ɛl |
Heresy | heresy |
Hermitage | hermitage we dɛn kɔl hermitage |
Hindi | hindi we dɛn kɔl hindi |
Holiness | oli |
Holy | oli |
Hymnal | hymnal we dɛn kɔl hymnal |
Idolatry | fɔ wɔship aydɔl |
Immolation | fɔ bɔn pɔsin in bɔdi |
Incumbent | di wan we de rul naw |
Infidelity | fɔ nɔ fetful to pɔsin |
Inquisitor | inkwizitɔ |
Interdict | fɔ stɔp pɔsin fɔ du sɔntin |
Intone | inton |
Invocation | invokeshɔn |
Lecher | lecher |
Lectern | lektern we dɛn kin yuz |
Legate | legate |
Legation | lɛgɛshɔn |
Litany | litany we dɛn kɔl litany |
Liturgy | liturji we dɛn kin du |
Lord | lɔd |
Majesty | majesty |
Malefactor | malefactor we de mek pɔsin du bad |
Marvel | wɔndaful |
Miracle | mirɛkul |
Monastic | monastik |
Mortify | mortify, we de mek pɔsin fil bad |
Mosque | moskɛt |
Mourner | pɔsin we de kray |
Mundane | mundane tin |
Muslim | muslim pipul dɛn |
Nave | nave |
Nectar | nɛktɔ |
Nirvana | nirvana we dɛn kɔl nirvana |
Nonbeliever | pɔsin we nɔ biliv |
Nunnery | nunnery we dɛn de du |
Oath | prɔmis |
Obedience | fɔ obe |
Officiate | di ɔfisa we de du di wok |
Omen | omen |
Omnipotent | we gɛt pawa ɔltin |
Oracular | ɔrakul |
Oratory | ɔratɔri we dɛn kin tɔk |
Ordination | ɔdineshɔn |
Orthodoxy | ɔtodɔksi |
Pantheon | panteɔn we dɛn kɔl |
Papal | papal |
Papist | papist |
Parish | parish |
Patriarch | di petriak |
Patriarchate | di petriakt |
Penance | penans |
Pilgrimage | pilgrimej fɔ go wɔship Jiova |
Pontiff | di pɔntif |
Porch | porch we de na di wɔl |
Prayer | prea we yu de pre |
Preach | prich |
Preacher | pricha |
Priest | prist |
Primate | praymat |
Priory | prayori |
Profane | profane we dɛn kin tɔk bɔt |
Prophesy | prɔfɛsi |
Proselytize | fɔ mek pipul dɛn chenj dɛn layf |
Providence | provaydɛns |
Psyche | sayk we de mek pɔsin in maynd |
Pulpit | pulpit na di pulpit |
Rapt | rapt |
Rebirth | we dɛn bɔn bak |
Recant | recant |
Recluse | recluse |
Rectory | rektori |
Refectory | rɛfɛktɔri |
Relic | relik |
Religion | rilijɔn |
Religiosity | rilijɔn we de na di wɔl |
Reliquary | reliquary we dɛn kin kip |
Remission | rεmishכn |
Repent | ripɛnt |
Reprobate | reprobate |
Requiem | requiem we dɛn kɔl requiem |
Resurrect | gɛt layf bak |
Resuscitate | fɔ mek pɔsin gɛt layf bak |
Reverend | rɛvɛnd |
Revivalist | rivayvalist |
Rite | rite we dɛn kin du |
Rosary | rosary we dɛn kɔl rosary |
Sacrifice | sakrifays |
Secular | sɛkyula |
Seminarian | sɛminari pɔsin |
Sermon | sermon |
Sermonize | sermonize |
Shroud | shroud we dɛn kin wɛr |
Sin | sin |
Spirit | spirit |
Supplicant | pɔsin we de beg |
Surplice | surplice |
Synod | sinɔd we de na di sinod |
Tabernacle | tabanakul |
Taboo | taboo |
Tonsure | tonsure we dɛn kin du |
Transgress | fɔ du wetin di lɔ se |
Travail | travail we dɛn kin gɛt |
Trespass | trespass we pɔsin kin du |
Tribulation | trɔbul |
Trinity | triniti we dɛn kɔl triniti |
Trusting | fɔ abop pan pɔsin |
Ungodly | we nɔ de du wetin Gɔd want |
Unholy | nɔ oli |
Unorthodox | nɔto ɔtodɔks |
Untouchable | we pɔsin nɔ go ebul fɔ tɔch |
Venerate | fɔ wɔship Gɔd |
Veneration | we pipul dɛn kin rɛspɛkt |
Verily | fɔ tru |
Vow | vaw |
Worshipper | pɔsin we de wɔship am |
Zealot | zealot we gɛt zil |
Top 1000 Krio words
Here you learn top 1000 Krio words, that is separated into sections to learn easily (Simple words, Easy words, Medium words, Hard Words, Advanced Words). These words are very important in daily life conversations, basic level words are very helpful for beginners. All words have Krio meanings with transliteration.
Daily use Krio Sentences
Here you learn top Krio sentences, these sentences are very important in daily life conversations, and basic-level sentences are very helpful for beginners. All sentences have Krio meanings with transliteration.
Good morning | Gud mɔnin |
What is your name | Wetin na yu nem |
What is your problem | Wetin na yu prɔblɛm? |
I hate you | A et yu |
I love you | A lɛk yu |
Can I help you | A kin ɛp yu? |
I am sorry | A sɔri fɔ mi |
I want to sleep | A want fɔ slip |
This is very important | Dis rili impɔtant |
Are you hungry | Yu angri? |
How is your life | Aw yu layf de? |
I am going to study | A de go fɔ stɔdi |
Krio Vocabulary

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