That sentences in Kyrgyz and English

‘That’ sentences in Kyrgyz with English pronunciation. Here you learn English to Kyrgyz translation of That sentences and play That sentences quiz in Kyrgyz language also play A-Z dictionary quiz. Here you can easily learn daily use common Kyrgyz sentences with the help of pronunciation in English. It helps beginners to learn Kyrgyz language in an easy way. To learn Kyrgyz language, common vocabulary and grammar are the important sections. Common Vocabulary contains common words that we can used in daily life.

That sentences in Kyrgyz

That sentences in Kyrgyz and English

The list of 'That' sentences in Kyrgyz language and their pronunciation in English. Here you learn the list of English sentence to Kyrgyz translations.

That boy is intelligent Бул бала акылдуу
That boy is smart Бул бала акылдуу
That bridge is very beautiful Ошол көпүрө абдан кооз
That company is managed by my brother Ал компанияны иним башкарат
That couldn't be helped Буга жардам берүү мүмкүн эмес болчу
That desk is too small Ал стол өтө кичинекей
That didn't really happen Андай болгон жок
That fact can't be denied Бул фактыны танууга болбойт
That girl's eyes are blue Тиги кыздын көзү көк
That house is big Ал үй чоң
That house is very small Ал үй абдан кичинекей
That is a good idea Бул Жакшы идея
That is a pencil Бул карандаш
That is a table Бул стол
That is an old camera Бул эски камера
That boy is intelligent Бул бала акылдуу
That boy is smart Бул бала акылдуу
That bridge is very beautiful Ошол көпүрө абдан кооз
That company is managed by my brother Ал компанияны иним башкарат
That couldn't be helped Буга жардам берүү мүмкүн эмес болчу
That desk is too small Ал стол өтө кичинекей
That didn't really happen Андай болгон жок
That fact can't be denied Бул фактыны танууга болбойт
That girl's eyes are blue Тиги кыздын көзү көк
That house is big Ал үй чоң
That house is very small Ал үй абдан кичинекей
That is a good idea Бул Жакшы идея
That is a pencil Бул карандаш
That is a table Бул стол
That is an old camera Бул эски камера
That is mine Бул меники
That is my dictionary Бул менин сөздүгүм
That is the bus stop Ошол аялдама
That isn't fair Бул адилеттүү эмес
That movie is exciting Бул кино кызыктуу
That nurse is very kind and polite Ал медайым абдан боорукер жана сылык
That old man speech is nice Карыянын сөзү жакшы экен
That toy is made of wood Ал оюнчук жыгачтан жасалган
That was a great party Бул сонун кече болду
That wasn't my intention Бул менин ниетим эмес болчу
That will save me a lot of trouble Бул мени көп кыйынчылыктардан куткарат
That won't work! Бул иштебейт!
That would be fine Бул жакшы болмок
That is my book Бул менин китебим
That is my son Бул менин уулум

‘That’ sentences in other languages (40+)

Top 1000 Kyrgyz words

Here you learn top 1000 Kyrgyz words, that is separated into sections to learn easily (Simple words, Easy words, Medium words, Hard Words, Advanced Words). These words are very important in daily life conversations, basic level words are very helpful for beginners. All words have Kyrgyz meanings with transliteration.

Eat же
All баары
New жаңы
Snore коңурук тартуу
Fast тез
Help жардам
Pain оору
Rain жамгыр
Pride сыймыктануу
Sense сезим
Large чоң
Skill чеберчилик
Panic дүрбөлөң
Thank рахмат
Desire каалоо
Woman аял
Hungry ачка
Kyrgyz Vocabulary
Kyrgyz Dictionary

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