Meeting vocabulary words in Kyrgyz and English - Common Kyrgyz Vocabulary

Learn common Kyrgyz vocabulary with this English-to-Kyrgyz list of Meeting vocabulary words. Essential for daily conversations, this will help to build your Kyrgyz language skills through popular words and play Kyrgyz quizzes and also play picture vocabulary, play some games so you do get not bored. If you think too hard to learn the Kyrgyz language, then the 1000 most common Kyrgyz words will help you to learn the Kyrgyz language easily, they contain 2-letter words to 13-letter words. The below table gives the translation of Meeting vocabulary words in Kyrgyz.

Meeting vocabulary words in Kyrgyz and English - Common Kyrgyz Vocabulary

Read also: A-Z Dictionary | Quiz | Vocabulary | Alphabets | Grammar

List of Meeting vocabulary words in Kyrgyz with English Pronunciation

Learn Meeting in Kyrgyz, along with their English pronunciation. This vocabulary guide helps beginners and language enthusiasts expand their Kyrgyz vocabulary for daily conversations.

Meeting vocabulary words - Kyrgyz

Absent жок jok
Accomplish аткаруу atkaruu
Address дареги daregi
Agreement макулдашуу makuldaşuu
Allocate бөлүү bölüü
Announcement кулактандыруу kulaktandıruu
Apologies кечирим сурайм keçirim suraym
Assign дайындоо dayındoo
Begin баштоо baştoo
Budget бюджет byudjet
Business бизнес biznes
Circumstances жагдайлар jagdaylar
Clarification тактоо taktoo
Collaborate кызматташуу kızmattaşuu
Comment комментарий kommentariy
Complaint арыз arız
Decision чечим çeçim
Explanation түшүндүрмө tüşündürmö
Finish бүтүрүү bütürüü
Forgot унутуп калды unutup kaldı
Formality формалдуулук formalduuluk
Forward алдыга aldıga
Future келечек keleçek
Grievance нааразычылык naarazıçılık
Ideas идеялар ideyalar
Implement ишке ашыруу işke aşıruu
Mandatory милдеттүү mildettüü
Meeting жолугушуу joluguşuu
Member мүчөсү müçösü
Opinion пикир pikir
Organization уюштуруу uyuşturuu
Present азыркы azırkı
Private жеке jeke
Recommend сунуштайбыз sunuştaybız
Speak сүйлө süylö
Strategy стратегия strategiya
Succeed ийгиликке iygilikke
Suggest сунуш кылуу sunuş kıluu
Supervisor жетекчи jetekçi
Today бүгүн bügün
Verification текшерүү tekşerüü

Top 1000 Kyrgyz words

Here you learn top 1000 Kyrgyz words, that is separated into sections to learn easily (Simple words, Easy words, Medium words, Hard Words, Advanced Words). These words are very important in daily life conversations, basic level words are very helpful for beginners. All words have Kyrgyz meanings with transliteration.

Eat же
All баары
New жаңы
Snore коңурук тартуу
Fast тез
Help жардам
Pain оору
Rain жамгыр
Pride сыймыктануу
Sense сезим
Large чоң
Skill чеберчилик
Panic дүрбөлөң
Thank рахмат
Desire каалоо
Woman аял
Hungry ачка

Daily use Kyrgyz Sentences

Here you learn top Kyrgyz sentences, these sentences are very important in daily life conversations, and basic-level sentences are very helpful for beginners. All sentences have Kyrgyz meanings with transliteration.

Good morning Кайырдуу таң
What is your name Ысымыңыз ким
What is your problem Сиздин көйгөйүңүз эмнеде?
I hate you Мен сени жек көрөм
I love you Мен сени сүйөм
Can I help you Сага жардам бере аламбы?
I am sorry Кечирим сурайм
I want to sleep Мен уккум келет
This is very important Бул абдан маанилүү
Are you hungry ачкасыңбы?
How is your life Жашооңуз кандай?
I am going to study Мен окууга бара жатам
Kyrgyz Vocabulary
Kyrgyz Dictionary

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