Vegetables names in Kyrgyz and English - Common Kyrgyz Vocabulary
Learn common Kyrgyz vocabulary with this English-to-Kyrgyz list of Vegetables names. Essential for daily conversations, this will help to build your Kyrgyz language skills through popular words and play Kyrgyz quizzes and also play picture vocabulary, play some games so you do get not bored. If you think too hard to learn the Kyrgyz language, then the 1000 most common Kyrgyz words will help you to learn the Kyrgyz language easily, they contain 2-letter words to 13-letter words. The below table gives the translation of Vegetables vocabulary words in Kyrgyz.
Read also: A-Z Dictionary | Quiz | Vocabulary | Alphabets | Grammar
List of Vegetables names in Kyrgyz with English Pronunciation
Learn Vegetables in Kyrgyz, along with their English pronunciation. This vocabulary guide helps beginners and language enthusiasts expand their Kyrgyz vocabulary for daily conversations.
Vegetables names - Kyrgyz
Brinjal | brinjal brinjal |
Cabbage | капуста kapusta |
Carrot | сабиз sabiz |
Cauliflower | түстүү капуста tüstüü kapusta |
Cucumber | бадыраң badıraŋ |
Garlic | сарымсак sarımsak |
Ginger | имбир imbir |
Ladys Finger | айымдардын бармагы ayımdardın barmagı |
Onion | пияз piyaz |
Potato | картошка kartoşka |
Tomato | помидор pomidor |
Pumpkin | ашкабак aşkabak |
Raddish | чамгыр çamgır |
Ridged gourd | кырдуу ашкабак kırduu aşkabak |
Snake gourd | жылан ашкабак jılan aşkabak |
Spinach | шпинат şpinat |
Sweet Potato | таттуу картошка tattuu kartoşka |
Amaranth | амарант amarant |
Ash Gourd | ашкабак aşkabak |
Beans | буурчак buurçak |
Beetroot | кызылча kızılça |
Bengal Gram | бенгал граммы bengal grammı |
Bitter Gourd | ачуу ашкабак açuu aşkabak |
Black Pepper | кара мурч kara murç |
Bottle Gourd | бөтөлкө ашкабак bötölkö aşkabak |
Capsicum | калемпир kalempir |
Celery | сельдерей selderey |
Chilli | чили çili |
Cluster Beans | кластердик буурчак klasterdik buurçak |
Coriander | кориандр koriandr |
Corn | жүгөрү jügörü |
Cowpea | уй буурчак uy buurçak |
Drum Stick | барабан таякчасы baraban tayakçası |
Fenugreek Leaf | fenugreek жалбырак fenugreek jalbırak |
Gourd | ашкабак aşkabak |
Green chilli | жашыл калемпир jaşıl kalempir |
Green Gram | жашыл грамм jaşıl gramm |
Green Plantain | жашыл плантан jaşıl plantan |
Ivy Gourd | чырмоок ашкабак çırmook aşkabak |
Kale | капуста kapusta |
Lemon | лимон limon |
Lettuce | салат salat |
Luffa | luffa luffa |
Mushroom | козу карын kozu karın |
Mustard greens | горчица жашылчалары gorçitsa jaşılçaları |
Curry Leaf | карри жалбырак karri jalbırak |
Pea | буурчак buurçak |
Peppermint | жалбыз jalbız |
Plantain | плантан plantan |
Tapioca | тапиока tapioka |
Mint | жалбыз jalbız |
Turmeric | куркума kurkuma |
Turnip | шалкан şalkan |
Yam | ям yam |
Zucchini | цуккини tsukkini |
Top 1000 Kyrgyz words
Here you learn top 1000 Kyrgyz words, that is separated into sections to learn easily (Simple words, Easy words, Medium words, Hard Words, Advanced Words). These words are very important in daily life conversations, basic level words are very helpful for beginners. All words have Kyrgyz meanings with transliteration.
Daily use Kyrgyz Sentences
Here you learn top Kyrgyz sentences, these sentences are very important in daily life conversations, and basic-level sentences are very helpful for beginners. All sentences have Kyrgyz meanings with transliteration.
Good morning | Кайырдуу таң |
What is your name | Ысымыңыз ким |
What is your problem | Сиздин көйгөйүңүз эмнеде? |
I hate you | Мен сени жек көрөм |
I love you | Мен сени сүйөм |
Can I help you | Сага жардам бере аламбы? |
I am sorry | Кечирим сурайм |
I want to sleep | Мен уккум келет |
This is very important | Бул абдан маанилүү |
Are you hungry | ачкасыңбы? |
How is your life | Жашооңуз кандай? |
I am going to study | Мен окууга бара жатам |
Kyrgyz Vocabulary
Kyrgyz Grammar
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