Occupation names in Lao and English - Common Lao Vocabulary
Learn common Lao vocabulary with this English-to-Lao list of Occupation names. Essential for daily conversations, this will help to build your Lao language skills through popular words and play Lao quizzes and also play picture vocabulary, play some games so you do get not bored. If you think too hard to learn the Lao language, then the 1000 most common Lao words will help you to learn the Lao language easily, they contain 2-letter words to 13-letter words. The below table gives the translation of Occupation vocabulary words in Lao.

Read also: A-Z Dictionary | Quiz | Vocabulary | Alphabets | Grammar
List of Occupation names in Lao with English Pronunciation
Learn Occupation in Lao, along with their English pronunciation. This vocabulary guide helps beginners and language enthusiasts expand their Lao vocabulary for daily conversations.
Occupation names - Lao
Accountant | ບັນຊີ bansi |
Actor | ນັກສະແດງ naksaaedng |
Actress | ລະຄອນຜູ້ຍິງ lakhonphunying |
Advocate | ສະໜັບສະໜູນ sanabsanun |
Agent | ຕົວແທນ tuaaethn |
Architect | ສະຖາປະນິກ satha panik |
Artist | ຈິດຕະນາການ chidtanakan |
Auctioneer | ຜູ້ປະມູນ phupamun |
Author | ຜູ້ຂຽນ phukhian |
Baker | ຄົນອົບ khonob |
Barber | ຊ່າງຕັດຜົມ sangtadphom |
Betel Seller | ຜູ້ຂາຍ phukhai |
Blacksmith | ຊ່າງຕີເຫຼັກ sang tiheak |
Boatman | ຄົນເຮືອ khonheu |
Brasier | ເບຣຊຽມ bersiam |
Broker | ນາຍຫນ້າ naina |
Bus driver | ຄົນຂັບລົດເມ khon khablodme |
Butcher | ຄົນຂາຍຊີ້ນ khon khaisin |
Butler | Butler Butler |
Carpenter | ຊ່າງໄມ້ sangmai |
Carrier | ຜູ້ໃຫ້ບໍລິການ phuhaibolikan |
Cashier | ພະນັກງານເກັບເງິນ phanakngankebngoen |
Chauffeur | ຄົນຂັບລົດ khonkhablod |
Chemist | ນັກເຄມີ nakkhemi |
Cleaner | ສະອາດ saoad |
Clerk | ພະນັກງານ phanakngan |
Coachman | ຄູຝຶກສອນ khu fukson |
Cobbler | cobbler cobbler |
Collector | ຜູ້ເກັບ phukeb |
Compositor | ຜູ້ປະກອບ phupakob |
Compounder | ເຄື່ອງປະສົມ kheuongpasom |
Conductor | conductor conductor |
Confectioner | ເຂົ້າໜົມ khaonom |
Constable | ທະຫານ thahan |
Contractor | ຜູ້ຮັບເໝົາ phuhabmao |
Cook | ແຕ່ງກິນ aetngkin |
Coolie | ຄູລີ khuli |
Craftsman | ຊ່າງຫັດຖະກໍາ sanghadthakoa |
Dancer | ນັກເຕັ້ນລໍາ nak tenloa |
Dentist | ຫມໍແຂ້ວ moaekhv |
Designer | ຜູ້ອອກແບບ phuookaebb |
Doctor | ທ່ານໝໍ thanmo |
Draftsman | ຜູ້ຮ່າງ phuhang |
Dramatist | ນັກສະແດງລະຄອນ naksaaednglakhon |
Draper | ຜ້າເຕັ້ນ phaten |
Druggist | ຜູ້ເສບຢາເສບຕິດ phu seb ya seb tid |
Dyer | ເຄື່ອງຍ້ອມສີ kheuong nyomsi |
Editor | ບັນນາທິການ bannathikan |
Electrician | ຊ່າງໄຟຟ້າ sangfaifa |
Engineer | ວິສະວະກອນ visauaakon |
Examiner | ນັກສອບເສັງ nak sobseng |
Farmer | ຊາວນາ sauana |
Fireman | ພະນັກງານດັບເພີງ phanakngan dabphoeng |
Fisherman | ຊາວປະມົງ sauapamong |
Florist | ຊ່າງດອກໄມ້ sangdokmai |
Gardener | ຊາວສວນ sauasuan |
Glazier | glazier glazier |
Goldsimth | ທອງຄຳ thongkham |
Hairdresser | ຊ່າງຕັດຜົມ sangtadphom |
Hawker | ແຮກເກີ aehkkoe |
Inspector | ກວດກາ kuadka |
Jeweller | ຊ່າງເພັດ sangphed |
Journalist | ນັກຂ່າວ nakkhav |
Judge | ຜູ້ພິພາກສາ phuphiphaksa |
Labourer | ຄົນງານ khonngan |
Landlord | ເຈົ້າຂອງທີ່ດິນ chao khong thidin |
Lawyer | ທະນາຍຄວາມ tha naikhuaam |
Lecturer | ອາຈານ achan |
Librarian | ຫໍສະໝຸດ hosamud |
Lifeguard | ທະຫານຮັກສາຊີວິດ thahan haksasivid |
Magician | ນັກວິເສດ nakvised |
Manager | ຜູ້ຈັດການ phu chadkan |
Mason | ຊ່າງກໍ່ສ້າງ sangkosang |
Mechanic | ກົນຈັກ konchak |
Merchant | ພໍ່ຄ້າ phokha |
Messenger | ທູດ thud |
Midwife | ຜະດຸງຄັນ pha dungkhan |
Milkmaid | ແມ່ລ້ຽງນົມ aem liangnom |
Milkman | ຄົນລ້ຽງນົມ khonliangnom |
Minister | ລັດຖະມົນຕີ ladthamonti |
Model | ຕົວແບບ tuaaebb |
Musician | ນັກດົນຕີ nakdonti |
News reader | ຜູ້ອ່ານຂ່າວ phuankhav |
Novelist | ນັກປະພັນ nakpaphan |
Nurse | ພະຍາບານ phanyaban |
Oilman | ຊ່າງນໍ້າມັນ sang noaman |
Operator | ຜູ້ປະກອບການ phupakobkan |
Optician | ຊ່າງແສງ sangaesng |
Painter | ຈິດຕະກອນ chidtakon |
Peon | peon peon |
Perfumer | ນ້ຳຫອມ namhom |
Pharmacist | ແພດການຢາ aephd kanya |
Photographer | ຊ່າງຖ່າຍຮູບ sang thaihub |
Physician | ທ່ານໝໍ thanmo |
Pilot | ນັກບິນ nakbin |
Plumber | ຊ່າງປະປາ sangpapa |
Poet | ນັກກະວີ nakkavi |
Policeman | ຕຳຫຼວດ tamruad |
Politician | ນັກການເມືອງ nakkanmeuong |
Postman | ຜູ້ຊາຍໄປສະນີ phusaipaisani |
Potter | ຊ່າງປັ້ນ sangpan |
Priest | ປະໂລຫິດ pa olhid |
Printer | ເຄື່ອງພິມ kheuongphim |
Proprietor | ເຈົ້າຂອງ chaokhong |
Publisher | ຜູ້ຈັດພິມ phuchadphim |
Receptionist | ພະນັກງານຕ້ອນຮັບ phanakngantonhab |
Retailer | ຮ້ານຄ້າປີກ hankhapik |
Sailor | ທະຫານເຮືອ thahanheu |
Scientist | ນັກວິທະຍາສາດ nakvithanyasad |
Sculptor | ຊ່າງແກະສະຫຼັກ sang kaesarak |
Secretary | ເລຂາທິການ lekhathikan |
Seedsman | ນາຍແກ່ນ naiaekn |
Shoemaker | ຊ່າງເກີບ sangkoeb |
Shop assistant | ຜູ້ຊ່ວຍຮ້ານ phusuanyhan |
Shopkeeper | ເຈົ້າຂອງຮ້ານ chaokhonghan |
Soldier | ທະຫານ thahan |
Surgeon | ຜ່າຕັດ phatad |
Sweeper | ຄົນກວາດ khonkuaad |
Tailor | ຊ່າງຕັດຫຍິບ sangtadjib |
Taxi driver | ຄົນຂັບ taxi khonkhab taxi |
Teacher | ຄູສອນ khuson |
Translator | ນັກແປ nakaep |
Travel agent | ບໍລິສັດທ່ອງທ່ຽວ bo li sad thongthiav |
Treasurer | ນາຍຄັງ naikhang |
Turner | ເຄື່ອງຫັນ kheuonghan |
Vaccinator | ສັກຢາວັກຊີນ sakya vaksin |
Veterinary doctor | ທ່ານໝໍສັດຕະວະແພດ thanmosadtauaaaephd |
Waiter | ຜູ້ຮັບໃຊ້ phuhabsai |
Waitress | ພະນັກງານຮັບໃຊ້ phanaknganhabsai |
Washerman | ຊ່າງຊັກຜ້າ sang sakpha |
Washerwoman | ຜູ້ຍິງຊັກ phunyingsak |
Watchman | ຄົນເຝົ້າຍາມ khon faonyam |
Weaver | ຊ່າງທໍ sangtho |
Workers | ຄົນງານ khonngan |
Writer | ນັກຂຽນ nakkhian |
Top 1000 Lao words
Here you learn top 1000 Lao words, that is separated into sections to learn easily (Simple words, Easy words, Medium words, Hard Words, Advanced Words). These words are very important in daily life conversations, basic level words are very helpful for beginners. All words have Lao meanings with transliteration.
Daily use Lao Sentences
Here you learn top Lao sentences, these sentences are very important in daily life conversations, and basic-level sentences are very helpful for beginners. All sentences have Lao meanings with transliteration.
Good morning | ສະບາຍດີຕອນເຊົ້າ |
What is your name | ເຈົ້າຊື່ຫຍັງ |
What is your problem | ບັນຫາຂອງເຈົ້າແມ່ນຫຍັງ? |
I hate you | ຂ້ອຍຊັງເຈົ້າ |
I love you | ຂ້ອຍຮັກເຈົ້າ |
Can I help you | ຂ້ອຍສາມາດຊ່ວຍເຈົ້າໄດ້ບໍ? |
I am sorry | ຂ້ອຍຂໍໂທດ |
I want to sleep | ຂ້ອຍຢາກນອນ |
This is very important | ນີ້ແມ່ນສິ່ງສໍາຄັນຫຼາຍ |
Are you hungry | ເຈົ້າຫິວບໍ? |
How is your life | ຊີວິດຂອງເຈົ້າເປັນແນວໃດ? |
I am going to study | ຂ້ອຍໄປຮຽນ |
Lao Vocabulary

Lao Grammar

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