Numbers in Latin
To learn Latin language, common vocabulary is one of the important sections. Common Vocabulary contains common words that we can use in daily life. Numbers are one part of common words used in daily life. If you are interested to learn Latin numbers, this place will help you to learn numbers in Latin language with their pronunciation in English. Latin numbers are used in day to day life, so it is very important to learn Latin numbers. The below table gives the translation of numbers in Latin and their pronunciation in English.

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Latin Numbers
Learn Latin numbers from 1 to 100(hundred), 1000(thousand), 10,000(ten thousand), Million, Billion, etc... also learn symbols/characters in Latin numbers with words.
0 | nihil |
1 | unus |
2 | duo |
3 | tres |
4 | quattuor |
5 | quinque |
6 | sex |
7 | septem |
8 | octo |
9 | novem |
10 | decem |
11 | undecim |
12 | duodecim |
13 | tredecim |
14 | quattuordecim |
15 | quindecim |
16 | sedecim |
17 | septendecim |
18 | duodeviginti |
19 | undeviginti |
20 | viginti |
21 | viginti unus |
22 | viginti duo |
23 | viginti tres |
24 | viginti quattuor |
25 | viginti quinque |
26 | viginti sex |
27 | viginti septem |
28 | duodetriginta |
29 | undetriginta |
30 | triginta |
31 | triginta unus |
32 | triginta duo |
33 | triginta tres |
34 | triginta quattuor |
35 | triginta quinque |
36 | triginta sex |
37 | triginta septem |
38 | duodequadraginta |
39 | undequadraginta |
40 | quadraginta |
41 | Quadraginta unus |
42 | Quadraginta duo |
43 | Quadraginta tres |
44 | quadraginta quattuor |
45 | quadraginta quinque |
46 | quadraginta sex |
47 | quadraginta septem |
48 | Duodequin quaginta |
49 | Undequin quaginta |
50 | quinquaginta |
1K (1000) | mille |
10K (10000) | decem milia |
1L / 100K (1,00,000) | centum milia |
10L / 1M (1,000,000) | decies centena milia |
1C / 10M (10,000,000) | |
1 x 109 | |
1 x 1012 |
Numbers in Latin
5 | quinque |
10 | decem |
15 | quindecim |
20 | viginti |
25 | viginti quinque |
30 | triginta |
35 | triginta quinque |
40 | quadraginta |
45 | quadraginta quinque |
50 | quinquaginta |
1K (1000) | mille |
10K (10000) | decem milia |
1L / 100K (1,00,000) | centum milia |
10L / 1M (1,000,000) | decies centena milia |
1C / 10M (10,000,000) | |
1 x 109 | |
1 x 1012 |
Top 1000 Latin words
Here you learn top 1000 Latin words, that is separated into sections to learn easily (Simple words, Easy words, Medium words, Hard Words, Advanced Words). These words are very important in daily life conversations, basic level words are very helpful for beginners. All words have Latin meanings with transliteration.
Daily use Latin Sentences
Here you learn top Latin sentences, these sentences are very important in daily life conversations, and basic-level sentences are very helpful for beginners. All sentences have Latin meanings with transliteration.
Good morning | Bonum mane |
What is your name | quod nomen tibi est |
What is your problem | quid est tuum problema? |
I hate you | Odi te |
I love you | te amo |
Can I help you | te adiuvare possum? |
I am sorry | doleo |
I want to sleep | Volo dormire |
This is very important | Hoc magni momenti est valde |
Are you hungry | esurisne? |
How is your life | quid est enim vita tua? |
I am going to study | ego sum iens studere |
Latin Vocabulary

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