How sentences in Latvian and English
‘How’ sentences in Latvian with English pronunciation. Here you learn English to Latvian translation of How sentences and play How sentences quiz in Latvian language also play A-Z dictionary quiz. Here you can easily learn daily use common Latvian sentences with the help of pronunciation in English. It helps beginners to learn Latvian language in an easy way. To learn Latvian language, common vocabulary and grammar are the important sections. Common Vocabulary contains common words that we can used in daily life.

How sentences in Latvian and English
The list of 'How' sentences in Latvian language and their pronunciation in English. Here you learn the list of English sentence to Latvian translations.
How about you? | Kā ar tevi? |
How are you? | Kā tev iet? |
How are you peter? | kā tev iet Pēteris? |
How about another piece of cake? | Kā būtu ar vēl vienu kūkas gabalu? |
How to know that | Kā to zināt |
How was your breakfast? | Kādas bija tavas brokastis? |
How was your day? | Kāda bija tava diena? |
How was your night? | Kāda bija tava nakts? |
How was your summer? | Kā pagāja tava vasara? |
How was your weekend? | Kā pagāja tava nedēļas nogale? |
How is it going? | Kā iet? |
How is your life? | Kā iet pa dzīvi? |
How is your family? | Kā iet tavai ģimenei? |
How is it? | Kā tas ir? |
How about tomorrow? | Kā ar rītdienu? |
How about you? | Kā ar tevi? |
How are you? | Kā tev iet? |
How are you peter? | kā tev iet Pēteris? |
How about another piece of cake? | Kā būtu ar vēl vienu kūkas gabalu? |
How to know that | Kā to zināt |
How was your breakfast? | Kādas bija tavas brokastis? |
How was your day? | Kāda bija tava diena? |
How was your night? | Kāda bija tava nakts? |
How was your summer? | Kā pagāja tava vasara? |
How was your weekend? | Kā pagāja tava nedēļas nogale? |
How is it going? | Kā iet? |
How is your life? | Kā iet pa dzīvi? |
How is your family? | Kā iet tavai ģimenei? |
How is it? | Kā tas ir? |
How about tomorrow? | Kā ar rītdienu? |
How are things going? | Kā iet? |
How are things? | Kā iet? |
How can I find this place? | Kā es varu atrast šo vietu? |
How can I get in touch with you? | Kā es varu ar jums sazināties? |
How can I get there? | Kā es varu tur nokļūt? |
How can I get to the station? | Kā es varu nokļūt stacijā? |
How can I help you? | Kā es varu Jums palīdzēt? |
How can I tell if I'm really in love? | Kā es varu pateikt, vai esmu patiešām iemīlējies? |
How deep is the lake? | Cik dziļš ir ezers? |
How did you learn about that news? | Kā jūs uzzinājāt par šīm ziņām? |
How did you make it? | Kā jums tas izdevās? |
How do I report a theft? | Kā ziņot par zādzību? |
How do you come to school? | Kā tu nāc uz skolu? |
How do you feel about it? | Kā jūs par to jūtaties? |
How do you feel about the issue? | Kā jūs jūtaties par šo problēmu? |
How does your opinion differ from his? | Kā tavs viedoklis atšķiras no viņa? |
How far is it from here? | Cik tālu tas ir no šejienes? |
How high is that mountain? | Cik augsts ir tas kalns? |
How is your dad? | kā iet tavam tētim? |
How late are you open? | Cik vēlu esi atvērts? |
How long can I keep this book? | Cik ilgi es varu glabāt šo grāmatu? |
How old are you? | Cik tev gadu? |
How long will you stay here? | Cik ilgi tu te paliksi? |
How long does it take? | Cik ilgs laiks nepieciešams? |
How many kids do you have? | Cik tev ir bērnu? |
‘How’ sentences in other languages (40+)
Top 1000 Latvian words
Here you learn top 1000 Latvian words, that is separated into sections to learn easily (Simple words, Easy words, Medium words, Hard Words, Advanced Words). These words are very important in daily life conversations, basic level words are very helpful for beginners. All words have Latvian meanings with transliteration.
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