No sentences in Latvian and English

‘No’ sentences in Latvian with English pronunciation. Here you learn English to Latvian translation of No sentences and play No sentences quiz in Latvian language also play A-Z dictionary quiz. Here you can easily learn daily use common Latvian sentences with the help of pronunciation in English. It helps beginners to learn Latvian language in an easy way. To learn Latvian language, common vocabulary and grammar are the important sections. Common Vocabulary contains common words that we can used in daily life.

No sentences in Latvian

No sentences in Latvian and English

The list of 'No' sentences in Latvian language and their pronunciation in English. Here you learn the list of English sentence to Latvian translations.

No one can tell Neviens nevar pateikt
No one can kill me Neviens nevar mani nogalināt
No matter Vienalga
No one came except john Neviens nenāca, izņemot Džonu
No one could solve the puzzle Neviens nevarēja atrisināt mīklu
No one had anything left to say Nevienam vairs nebija ko teikt
No one knows the reason Neviens nezina iemeslu
No one knows Neviens nezin
No one likes war Nevienam nepatīk karš
No one stops to listen to him Neviens neapstājas, lai viņā klausītos
No one told me that she had failed Neviens man neteica, ka viņa ir cietusi neveiksmi
No one wants to listen to my opinions Neviens nevēlas uzklausīt manus viedokļus
No one will know Neviens nezinās
No problem Nekādu problēmu
No way! Nevar būt!
No one can tell Neviens nevar pateikt
No one can kill me Neviens nevar mani nogalināt
No matter Vienalga
No one came except john Neviens nenāca, izņemot Džonu
No one could solve the puzzle Neviens nevarēja atrisināt mīklu
No one had anything left to say Nevienam vairs nebija ko teikt
No one knows the reason Neviens nezina iemeslu
No one knows Neviens nezin
No one likes war Nevienam nepatīk karš
No one stops to listen to him Neviens neapstājas, lai viņā klausītos
No one told me that she had failed Neviens man neteica, ka viņa ir cietusi neveiksmi
No one wants to listen to my opinions Neviens nevēlas uzklausīt manus viedokļus
No one will know Neviens nezinās
No problem Nekādu problēmu
No way! Nevar būt!
No worries Neuztraucies
No, thank you Nē paldies
No time for love Nav laika mīlestībai
No, I'll eat later Nē, es ēdīšu vēlāk
No need to rush Nav jāsteidzas
No one is supported for a free ride Neviens netiek atbalstīts bezmaksas braucienā
No one had said anything Neviens neko nebija teicis
No wonder he was upset Nav brīnums, ka viņš bija satraukts
No idea at all Nav ne jausmas vispār

‘No’ sentences in other languages (40+)

Top 1000 Latvian words

Here you learn top 1000 Latvian words, that is separated into sections to learn easily (Simple words, Easy words, Medium words, Hard Words, Advanced Words). These words are very important in daily life conversations, basic level words are very helpful for beginners. All words have Latvian meanings with transliteration.

Eat ēst
All visi
New jauns
Snore krākt
Fast ātri
Help palīdzēt
Pain sāpes
Rain lietus
Pride lepnums
Sense sajūtu
Large liels
Skill prasme
Panic panika
Thank paldies
Desire vēlme
Woman sieviete
Hungry izsalcis
Latvian Vocabulary
Latvian Dictionary

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