We sentences in Latvian and English
‘We’ sentences in Latvian with English pronunciation. Here you learn English to Latvian translation of We sentences and play We sentences quiz in Latvian language also play A-Z dictionary quiz. Here you can easily learn daily use common Latvian sentences with the help of pronunciation in English. It helps beginners to learn Latvian language in an easy way. To learn Latvian language, common vocabulary and grammar are the important sections. Common Vocabulary contains common words that we can used in daily life.

We sentences in Latvian and English
The list of 'We' sentences in Latvian language and their pronunciation in English. Here you learn the list of English sentence to Latvian translations.
We accepted his invitation | Mēs pieņēmām viņa ielūgumu |
We adopted a child | Mēs adoptējām bērnu |
We all make mistakes | Mēs visi pieļaujam kļūdas |
We are happy | Mēs esam laimīgi |
We are men | Mēs esam vīrieši |
We are moving next month | Nākammēnes pārceļamies |
We are very similar | Mēs esam ļoti līdzīgi |
We can make change | Mēs varam veikt izmaiņas |
We cook everyday | Mēs gatavojam katru dienu |
We depend on you | Mēs esam atkarīgi no jums |
We enjoy talking | Mums patīk runāt |
We enjoyed it | Mēs to izbaudījām |
We expect good results | Gaidām labus rezultātus |
We had a large audience | Mums bija liela auditorija |
We had a wonderful time | Mēs lieliski pavadījām laiku |
We accepted his invitation | Mēs pieņēmām viņa ielūgumu |
We adopted a child | Mēs adoptējām bērnu |
We all make mistakes | Mēs visi pieļaujam kļūdas |
We are happy | Mēs esam laimīgi |
We are men | Mēs esam vīrieši |
We are moving next month | Nākammēnes pārceļamies |
We are very similar | Mēs esam ļoti līdzīgi |
We can make change | Mēs varam veikt izmaiņas |
We cook everyday | Mēs gatavojam katru dienu |
We depend on you | Mēs esam atkarīgi no jums |
We enjoy talking | Mums patīk runāt |
We enjoyed it | Mēs to izbaudījām |
We expect good results | Gaidām labus rezultātus |
We had a large audience | Mums bija liela auditorija |
We had a wonderful time | Mēs lieliski pavadījām laiku |
We have enough time | Mums ir pietiekami daudz laika |
We have finished lunch | Esam pabeiguši pusdienas |
We have plenty of time | Mums ir daudz laika |
We lost the game | Mēs zaudējām spēli |
We love each other | Mēs mīlam viens otru |
We must go to school | Mums jāiet uz skolu |
We must keep calm | Mums jāsaglabā miers |
We need some money | Mums vajag naudu |
We obeyed the rules | Mēs ievērojām noteikumus |
We started to walk | Mēs sākām staigāt |
We studied English | Mēs mācījāmies angļu valodu |
We will never agree | Mēs nekad nepiekritīsim |
We will do anything for you | Mēs darīsim visu jūsu labā |
We will do our best | Mēs darīsim visu iespējamo |
We want something new | Mēs gribam kaut ko jaunu |
We should be very careful | Mums jābūt ļoti uzmanīgiem |
‘We’ sentences in other languages (40+)
Top 1000 Latvian words
Here you learn top 1000 Latvian words, that is separated into sections to learn easily (Simple words, Easy words, Medium words, Hard Words, Advanced Words). These words are very important in daily life conversations, basic level words are very helpful for beginners. All words have Latvian meanings with transliteration.
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