His sentences in Lithuanian and English
‘His’ sentences in Lithuanian with English pronunciation. Here you learn English to Lithuanian translation of His sentences and play His sentences quiz in Lithuanian language also play A-Z dictionary quiz. Here you can easily learn daily use common Lithuanian sentences with the help of pronunciation in English. It helps beginners to learn Lithuanian language in an easy way. To learn Lithuanian language, common vocabulary and grammar are the important sections. Common Vocabulary contains common words that we can used in daily life.

His sentences in Lithuanian and English
The list of 'His' sentences in Lithuanian language and their pronunciation in English. Here you learn the list of English sentence to Lithuanian translations.
His advice didn't help | Jo patarimai nepadėjo |
His brother is patient | Jo brolis kantrus |
His dream came true | Jo svajonė išsipildė |
His eyes are blue | Jo akys mėlynos |
His family is very large | Jo šeima labai didelė |
His father looks healthy | Jo tėvas atrodo sveikas |
His horse jumped over the fence | Jo arklys peršoko per tvorą |
His house is across from mine | Jo namas yra priešais manąjį |
His house is too long | Jo namas per ilgas |
His joy showed on his face | Jo veide atsispindėjo džiaugsmas |
His mother was strict | Jo mama buvo griežta |
His new movie is disappointing | Jo naujas filmas nuvilia |
His new novel is worth reading | Jo naują romaną verta perskaityti |
His opinion was not accepted | Jo nuomonė nebuvo priimta |
His proposals were adopted at the meeting | Posėdyje jo pasiūlymai buvo priimti |
His advice didn't help | Jo patarimai nepadėjo |
His brother is patient | Jo brolis kantrus |
His dream came true | Jo svajonė išsipildė |
His eyes are blue | Jo akys mėlynos |
His family is very large | Jo šeima labai didelė |
His father looks healthy | Jo tėvas atrodo sveikas |
His horse jumped over the fence | Jo arklys peršoko per tvorą |
His house is across from mine | Jo namas yra priešais manąjį |
His house is too long | Jo namas per ilgas |
His joy showed on his face | Jo veide atsispindėjo džiaugsmas |
His mother was strict | Jo mama buvo griežta |
His new movie is disappointing | Jo naujas filmas nuvilia |
His new novel is worth reading | Jo naują romaną verta perskaityti |
His opinion was not accepted | Jo nuomonė nebuvo priimta |
His proposals were adopted at the meeting | Posėdyje jo pasiūlymai buvo priimti |
His room is twice as large as mine | Jo kambarys dvigubai didesnis nei mano |
His shoes are red | Jo batai raudoni |
His speech inspired all the boys | Jo kalba įkvėpė visus berniukus |
His sudden appearance surprised us all | Staigus jo pasirodymas mus visus nustebino |
His wife is Indian | Jo žmona yra indė |
His wife is one of my friends | Jo žmona yra viena iš mano draugų |
His voice was soft | Jo balsas buvo švelnus |
His smile was good | Jo šypsena buvo gera |
His face was still young | Jo veidas dar buvo jaunas |
His laugh was low | Jo juokas buvo silpnas |
His focus came back on her | Jo dėmesys grįžo į ją |
His gaze was to me | Jo žvilgsnis buvo nukreiptas į mane |
His laugh was humorless | Jo juokas buvo be humoro |
His smile was so cute | Jo šypsena buvo tokia miela |
His voice was quiet | Jo balsas buvo tylus |
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‘His’ sentences in other languages (40+)
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