Please sentences in Lithuanian and English
‘Please’ sentences in Lithuanian with English pronunciation. Here you learn English to Lithuanian translation of Please sentences and play Please sentences quiz in Lithuanian language also play A-Z dictionary quiz. Here you can easily learn daily use common Lithuanian sentences with the help of pronunciation in English. It helps beginners to learn Lithuanian language in an easy way. To learn Lithuanian language, common vocabulary and grammar are the important sections. Common Vocabulary contains common words that we can used in daily life.

Please sentences in Lithuanian and English
The list of 'Please' sentences in Lithuanian language and their pronunciation in English. Here you learn the list of English sentence to Lithuanian translations.
Please answer the phone | Prašome atsiliepti telefonu |
Please be seated | Prašome atsisėsti |
Please call me | Prašau paskambink man |
Please call the police | Prašome skambinti policijai |
Please choose one person | Prašome pasirinkti vieną asmenį |
Please clean the board | Nuvalykite lentą |
Please close the door | Prašau Uždaryti duris |
Please come in | Prašome užeiti |
Please come to see me | Prašau ateiti pas mane |
Please do something about it | Prašau ką nors dėl to padaryti |
Please do that again | Padaryk tai dar kartą |
Please don't get up | Prašau, nesikelk |
Please give me | Prašau duok man |
Please give me a cup of coffee | Prašau, duok man puodelį kavos |
Please give me your hand | Prašau duok man ranką |
Please answer the phone | Prašome atsiliepti telefonu |
Please be seated | Prašome atsisėsti |
Please call me | Prašau paskambink man |
Please call the police | Prašome skambinti policijai |
Please choose one person | Prašome pasirinkti vieną asmenį |
Please clean the board | Nuvalykite lentą |
Please close the door | Prašau Uždaryti duris |
Please come in | Prašome užeiti |
Please come to see me | Prašau ateiti pas mane |
Please do something about it | Prašau ką nors dėl to padaryti |
Please do that again | Padaryk tai dar kartą |
Please don't get up | Prašau, nesikelk |
Please give me | Prašau duok man |
Please give me a cup of coffee | Prašau, duok man puodelį kavos |
Please give me your hand | Prašau duok man ranką |
Please have a seat | Prašau atsisėsti |
Please keep in touch | Prašome palaikyti ryšį |
Please keep this secret | Prašome išlaikyti šią paslaptį |
Please prepare for the trip | Prašome pasiruošti kelionei |
Please say hello to her | Prašau jai pasisveikinti |
Please say something | Prašau, pasakyk ką nors |
Please send it to me | Prašau atsiųsti man |
Please go to the school | Prašau eiti į mokyklą |
Please send me a letter as soon as you arrive | Kai tik atvyksite, atsiųskite man laišką |
Please show me another one | Prašau parodyti man kitą |
Please sit here and wait | Prašau sėdėti čia ir laukti |
Please speak more slowly | Prašau, kalbėk lėčiau |
Please stay as long as you wish | Prašome pasilikti tiek, kiek norite |
Please take this seat | Prašau užimti šią vietą |
Please think about it | Prašome pagalvoti apie tai |
Please wait around for a while | Prašome šiek tiek palaukti |
Please write down what he says | Prašau parašyti, ką jis sako |
Please come back | Prašome grįžti |
Please come back to home | Prašau grįžti į namus |
‘Please’ sentences in other languages (40+)
Top 1000 Lithuanian words
Here you learn top 1000 Lithuanian words, that is separated into sections to learn easily (Simple words, Easy words, Medium words, Hard Words, Advanced Words). These words are very important in daily life conversations, basic level words are very helpful for beginners. All words have Lithuanian meanings with transliteration.
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