Plant names in Lithuanian and English - Common Lithuanian Vocabulary

Learn common Lithuanian vocabulary with this English-to-Lithuanian list of Plant names. Essential for daily conversations, this will help to build your Lithuanian language skills through popular words and play Lithuanian quizzes and also play picture vocabulary, play some games so you do get not bored. If you think too hard to learn the Lithuanian language, then the 1000 most common Lithuanian words will help you to learn the Lithuanian language easily, they contain 2-letter words to 13-letter words. The below table gives the translation of Plant vocabulary words in Lithuanian.

Plant names in Lithuanian and English - Common Lithuanian Vocabulary

Read also: A-Z Dictionary | Quiz | Vocabulary | Alphabets | Grammar

List of Plant names in Lithuanian with English Pronunciation

Learn Plant in Lithuanian, along with their English pronunciation. This vocabulary guide helps beginners and language enthusiasts expand their Lithuanian vocabulary for daily conversations.

Plant names - Lithuanian

Acorn gilė
Agriculture Žemdirbystė
Angiosperm gaubtasėklis
Autotroph autotrofas
Axilary bud pažastinis pumpuras
Biennial kas dvejus metus
Blade ašmenys
Blossom žiedas
Botany botanika
Bract šluotelė
Branch šaka
Bromeliad bromeliad
Bud pumpuras
Cactus kaktusas
Calyx taurelė
Canopy baldakimu
Carpel karpelė
Clover dobilas
Cork kamštiena
Dicot dviskiltis
Endosperm endospermas
Epicotyl epikotilas
Evergreen visžalis
Fern papartis
Fertilizer trąšų
Filament gija
Flora flora
Flower gėlė
Foliage lapija
Garden sodas
Germinate sudygti
Ginkgo ginkmedis
Grain grūdai
Grass žolė
Grove giraitė
Grow augti
Gum guma
Hardy atsparus
Hastate skubėti
Herb žolė
Horticulture sodininkystė
Hybrid hibridas
Inflorescence žiedynas
Internode tarpmazgas
Ivy gebenė
Jungle džiunglės
Juniper kadagio
Kudzu kudzu
Lamina lamina
Leaf lapelis
Legume ankštiniai augalai
Meristem meristema
Midrib vidurinis šonkaulis
Monocot vienakiltis
Moss samanos
Nectar nektaro
Needle adata
Node mazgas
Nut riešutas
Ovary kiaušidės
Palm delnas
Palmate palmatas
Peduncle stiebas
Perennial daugiametis
Petal žiedlapis
Petiole lapkočiai
Phloem floem
Photosynthesis fotosintezė
Pinnate plunksninis
Pistil piestelė
Pith šerdis
Plumule plunksna
Pollen žiedadulkės
Pollinate apdulkinti
Prickle dygliuoti
Rachis rachis
Reniform reniformas
Resin derva
Reticulate tinklinis
Rings žiedai
Root šaknis
Sap sultys
Sapling sodinukas
Seed sėkla
Seedling sodinukas
Sepal taurėlapis
Shamrock šamūnas
Shoot šaudyti
Shrub krūmas
Soil dirvožemio
Spine stuburo
Spore sporos
Sprout išdygti
Stalk stiebas
Stamen kuokelių
Stand stovėti
Stem stiebas
Stigma stigma
Stipule sąlyga
Stoma stoma
Succulent sultingas
Sunlight saulės šviesa
Tap root bakstelėkite šaknį
Thorn erškėtis
Tree medis
Trunk bagažinė
Tuber gumbasvogūniai
Twig šakelė
Understory pomiškis
Vascular plant kraujagyslių augalas
Vein veną
Venation vėdinimas
Vine vynmedis
Weed piktžolė
Whorled susisukęs

Top 1000 Lithuanian words

Here you learn top 1000 Lithuanian words, that is separated into sections to learn easily (Simple words, Easy words, Medium words, Hard Words, Advanced Words). These words are very important in daily life conversations, basic level words are very helpful for beginners. All words have Lithuanian meanings with transliteration.

Eat valgyti
All visi
New naujas
Snore knarkti
Fast greitai
Help padėti
Pain skausmas
Rain lietus
Pride pasididžiavimas
Sense jausmas
Large didelis
Skill įgūdžių
Panic panika
Thank ačiū
Desire noras
Woman moteris
Hungry alkanas

Daily use Lithuanian Sentences

Here you learn top Lithuanian sentences, these sentences are very important in daily life conversations, and basic-level sentences are very helpful for beginners. All sentences have Lithuanian meanings with transliteration.

Good morning Labas rytas
What is your name Koks tavo vardas
What is your problem Kokia tavo problema?
I hate you aš tavęs nekenčiu
I love you Aš tave myliu
Can I help you Ar galiu tau padėti?
I am sorry Atsiprašau
I want to sleep aš noriu miegoti
This is very important Tai labai svarbu
Are you hungry Ar tu alkanas?
How is your life Kaip gyvenimas?
I am going to study einu mokytis
Lithuanian Vocabulary
Lithuanian Dictionary

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