Building vocabulary words in Luganda and English - Common Luganda Vocabulary

Learn common Luganda vocabulary with this English-to-Luganda list of Building vocabulary words. Essential for daily conversations, this will help to build your Luganda language skills through popular words and play Luganda quizzes and also play picture vocabulary, play some games so you do get not bored. If you think too hard to learn the Luganda language, then the 1000 most common Luganda words will help you to learn the Luganda language easily, they contain 2-letter words to 13-letter words. The below table gives the translation of Building vocabulary words in Luganda.

Building vocabulary words in Luganda and English - Common Luganda Vocabulary

Read also: A-Z Dictionary | Quiz | Vocabulary | Alphabets | Grammar

List of Building vocabulary words in Luganda with English Pronunciation

Learn Building in Luganda, along with their English pronunciation. This vocabulary guide helps beginners and language enthusiasts expand their Luganda vocabulary for daily conversations.

Building vocabulary words - Luganda

Arch arch
Attic attic
Barrack bbaalakisi
Bar bbaala
BathRoom ekinaabiro
Battlement okulwanagana
Beam okwaaka
Bedroom ekisenge
Brick ettofaali
Building ekizimbe
Bungalow bungalow
Ceiling akasolya
Cement seminti
Chain olujegere
Chimney ekiyumba ekiyitibwa chimney
Church ekereziya
Cinema Hall ekisenge kya sinema
Cloister ekifo eky’okusulamu (cloister).
College ettendekero
Cottage akayumba
Courtyard oluggya
Dais dais
Dome dome
Drain omufulejje
Drawing Room ekisenge eky’okukubamu ebifaananyi
Factory fakitole
Floor wansi
Fort ekigo
Foundation omusingi
Fountain ensulo
Gallery gallery
Granary etterekero ly’emmere ey’empeke
Gutter gutter (omudumu gw’amazzi).
Gymnasium ekifo ekisanyukirwamu
Hearth ekikoomi ky’omuliro
Hospital eddwaaliro
House enju
Ice Factory ekkolero lya ice
Inn inn
Kitchen effumbiro
Laboratory laboratory mu laboratory
Latrine kaabuyonjo
Lattice lattice (lattice) ey’ekika kya lattice
Library ekizimbe ekibeeramu ebitabo
Mosque omuzikiti
Office yafeesi
Orphanage ekifo kya bamulekwa
Palace olubiri
Peg peg
Plaster pulasita wa pulasita
Platform ekifo
Plinth plinth, ekintu ekiyitibwa plinth
Rafter ekikondo
Railing okusiba ebikondo
Roof akasolya
Room ekisenge
School essomero
Shed okufiirwa
Sitting room ekisenge ekituula
Stair amadaala
Steeple ekiwonvu ekiwanvu
Stone ejjinja
Store Room ekisenge ky’amaterekero
Study room ekisenge ky’okusomeramu
Temple yeekalu
Terrace ttereeza
Threshold ebintu ebibera wansi wolugi
Tile tile
University yunivasite
Urinal omusulo
Ventilator ekyuma ekissa empewo
Verandah bbalaza
Window eddirisa
Zoo zoo

Top 1000 Luganda words

Here you learn top 1000 Luganda words, that is separated into sections to learn easily (Simple words, Easy words, Medium words, Hard Words, Advanced Words). These words are very important in daily life conversations, basic level words are very helpful for beginners. All words have Luganda meanings with transliteration.

Eat okulya
All -onna
New -pya
Snore okusinda
Fast okusiiba
Help okuyamba
Pain obulumi
Rain enkuba
Pride amalala
Sense okuwulira
Large -gazi
Skill eby'emikono
Panic okupakuka
Thank okwebaza
Desire okwagala
Woman omukazi
Hungry enjala okuluma

Daily use Luganda Sentences

Here you learn top Luganda sentences, these sentences are very important in daily life conversations, and basic-level sentences are very helpful for beginners. All sentences have Luganda meanings with transliteration.

Good morning Wasuze otya
What is your name Erinnya lyo gwe ani
What is your problem Ekizibu kyo kiri ki?
I hate you Nkukyawa
I love you Nkwagala
Can I help you Nsobola okukuyamba?
I am sorry Nsonyiwa
I want to sleep Njagala kwebaka
This is very important Kino kikulu nnyo
Are you hungry Enjala ekuluma?
How is your life Obulamu bwo buli butya?
I am going to study Ngenda kusoma
Luganda Vocabulary
Luganda Dictionary

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