My sentences in Luxembourgish and English

‘My’ sentences in Luxembourgish with English pronunciation. Here you learn English to Luxembourgish translation of My sentences and play My sentences quiz in Luxembourgish language also play A-Z dictionary quiz. Here you can easily learn daily use common Luxembourgish sentences with the help of pronunciation in English. It helps beginners to learn Luxembourgish language in an easy way. To learn Luxembourgish language, common vocabulary and grammar are the important sections. Common Vocabulary contains common words that we can used in daily life.

My sentences in Luxembourgish

My sentences in Luxembourgish and English

The list of 'My' sentences in Luxembourgish language and their pronunciation in English. Here you learn the list of English sentence to Luxembourgish translations.

My eyes are sore Meng Ae si wéi
My eyes are tired Meng Aen sinn midd
My eyes are watering Meng Aen sinn Waasser
My family is not very large Meng Famill ass net ganz grouss
My father does not eat much fruit Mäi Papp ësst net vill Uebst
My father has never been sick in his life Mäi Papp war ni a sengem Liewen krank
My father is out Mäi Papp ass eraus
My father is suffering from cold Mäi Papp leid ënner Erkältung
My father is tall Mäi Papp ass grouss
My mother was a farmer Meng Mamm war Bauer
My hair has grown too long Meng Hoer sinn ze laang gewuess
My headache has gone Meng Kappwéi ass fort
My mother can't come Meng Mamm kann net kommen
My mother died when I was a kid Meng Mamm ass gestuerwen wéi ech e Kand war
My mother gets up early Meng Mamm steet fréi op
My eyes are sore Meng Ae si wéi
My eyes are tired Meng Aen sinn midd
My eyes are watering Meng Aen sinn Waasser
My family is not very large Meng Famill ass net ganz grouss
My father does not eat much fruit Mäi Papp ësst net vill Uebst
My father has never been sick in his life Mäi Papp war ni a sengem Liewen krank
My father is out Mäi Papp ass eraus
My father is suffering from cold Mäi Papp leid ënner Erkältung
My father is tall Mäi Papp ass grouss
My mother was a farmer Meng Mamm war Bauer
My hair has grown too long Meng Hoer sinn ze laang gewuess
My headache has gone Meng Kappwéi ass fort
My mother can't come Meng Mamm kann net kommen
My mother died when I was a kid Meng Mamm ass gestuerwen wéi ech e Kand war
My mother gets up early Meng Mamm steet fréi op
My mother is always at home Meng Mamm ass ëmmer doheem
My sister has a job Meng Schwëster huet eng Aarbecht
My sister can swim very fast Meng Schwëster kann ganz séier schwammen
My sister is famous Meng Schwëster ass berühmt
My wife is a doctor Meng Fra ass en Dokter
My son is now as tall as I am Mäi Jong ass elo esou grouss wéi ech
My son is small for his age Mäi Jong ass kleng fir säin Alter
My stomach is full Mäi Mo ass voll
My strength is all gone Meng Kraaft ass alles fort
My pulse is slow Mäi Puls ass lues
My pleasure Gär geschitt
My house is only a mile from here Mäin Haus ass nëmmen ee Kilometer vun hei
My grandmother lives by herself Meng Groussmamm lieft eleng
My house is a long way from here Mäin Haus ass wäit vun hei ewech
My father is in his room Mäi Papp ass a sengem Zëmmer

‘My’ sentences in other languages (40+)

Top 1000 Luxembourgish words

Here you learn top 1000 Luxembourgish words, that is separated into sections to learn easily (Simple words, Easy words, Medium words, Hard Words, Advanced Words). These words are very important in daily life conversations, basic level words are very helpful for beginners. All words have Luxembourgish meanings with transliteration.

Eat iessen
All all
New nei
Snore schnurren
Fast séier
Help hëllefen
Pain Péng
Rain reenen
Pride stolz
Sense Sënn
Large grouss
Skill Fäegkeet
Panic Panik
Thank merci
Desire Wonsch
Woman frau
Hungry hongereg
Luxembourgish Vocabulary
Luxembourgish Dictionary

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