Religion vocabulary words in Luxembourgish and English - Common Luxembourgish Vocabulary

Learn common Luxembourgish vocabulary with this English-to-Luxembourgish list of Religion vocabulary words. Essential for daily conversations, this will help to build your Luxembourgish language skills through popular words and play Luxembourgish quizzes and also play picture vocabulary, play some games so you do get not bored. If you think too hard to learn the Luxembourgish language, then the 1000 most common Luxembourgish words will help you to learn the Luxembourgish language easily, they contain 2-letter words to 13-letter words. The below table gives the translation of Religion vocabulary words in Luxembourgish.

Religion vocabulary words in Luxembourgish and English - Common Luxembourgish Vocabulary

Read also: A-Z Dictionary | Quiz | Vocabulary | Alphabets | Grammar

List of Religion vocabulary words in Luxembourgish with English Pronunciation

Learn Religion in Luxembourgish, along with their English pronunciation. This vocabulary guide helps beginners and language enthusiasts expand their Luxembourgish vocabulary for daily conversations.

Religion vocabulary words - Luxembourgish

Acolyte akolyt
Adulteress Erwuessener
Angel engel
Anointed gesalft
Apologist entschëllegt
Apostasy Offall
Atonement Atonement
Baptise deafen
Basilica Basilika
Beatification beatification
Belief Glawen
Canonical kanonesch
Ceremonial Zeremoniell
Chapel kapell
Chastity Kënschtlechkeet
Christian chrëschtlech
Church Kierch
Cloister Klouschter
Conclave konklav
Confession Beicht
Conformist konformistesch
Congregation Kongregatioun
Consecrate konsekréieren
Contrition Berouegung
Crucifix crucifix
Cult kult
Damnation Verdammt
Deceitful täuschend
Deity Gottheet
Demon demon
Devil Däiwel
Dignitary Dignitär
Divine göttlech
Epiphany Epifanie
Exegesis exegesis
Expiate austauschen
Faith Glawen
Faithless treilos
Fetish fetisch
Fiend feind
Fornication Zucht
Friar frier
Genesis genesis
Gentile gentil
God gudd
Hallowed gefeiert
Heathen heiden
Heaven Himmel
Hell hell
Heresy heresy
Hermitage Eremitage
Hindi Hindi
Holiness Hellegkeet
Holy helleg
Hymnal hymnal
Idolatry idolatry
Immolation Immolatioun
Incumbent amtéierend
Infidelity infidelity
Inquisitor inquisitor
Interdict interdict
Intone intonen
Invocation Opruff
Lecher lecher
Lectern Kaddo
Legate legat
Legation Legatioun
Litany litanei
Liturgy liturgie
Lord Här
Majesty Majestéit
Malefactor béisaarteg
Marvel Staunen
Miracle Wonner
Monastic monastesch
Mortify mortify
Mosque Moschee
Mourner Trauer
Mundane alldeeglechen
Muslim muslimesch
Nave scheif
Nectar nektar
Nirvana nirvana
Nonbeliever nonbeliever
Nunnery Nonnenkloster
Oath eed
Obedience Gehorsam
Officiate offizéier
Omen omen
Omnipotent allmächteg
Oracular orakulär
Oratory oratoresch
Ordination Ordinatioun
Orthodoxy orthodoxie
Pantheon pantheon
Papal Papst
Papist papist
Parish par
Patriarch patriarch
Patriarchate Patriarchat
Penance penance
Pilgrimage Wallfahrt
Pontiff pontiff
Porch Veranda
Prayer Gebied
Preach priedegen
Preacher Priedeger
Priest Paschtouer
Primate Primat
Priory Prioritéit
Profane profan
Prophesy profetéieren
Proselytize proselytiséieren
Providence Virsuerg
Psyche psychesch
Pulpit Priedegtstull
Rapt rapt
Rebirth Wiedergebuert
Recant zréckzéien
Recluse recluse
Rectory Paschtouer
Refectory refectory
Relic reliquie
Religion Relioun
Religiosity Relioun
Reliquary reliquary
Remission Remission
Repent berouegen
Reprobate reprobéiert
Requiem requiem
Resurrect erëmbeliewen
Resuscitate reaniméieren
Reverend Respekt
Revivalist Revivalist
Rite rite
Rosary Rousekranz
Sacrifice opfer
Secular weltleche
Seminarian Seminar
Sermon Priedegt
Sermonize prechen
Shroud verkleeden
Sin sin
Spirit Geescht
Supplicant suppliant
Surplice surplice
Synod synod
Tabernacle tabernakel
Taboo tabu
Tonsure tonsure
Transgress iwwerschratt
Travail travail
Trespass iwwerfalen
Tribulation Tribulatioun
Trinity Dräifaltegkeet
Trusting vertrauen
Ungodly ongott
Unholy onhelleg
Unorthodox onorthodox
Untouchable onberéierbar
Venerate veruechten
Veneration Verherrlechung
Verily wierklech
Vow vous
Worshipper Verehrer
Zealot zevill

Top 1000 Luxembourgish words

Here you learn top 1000 Luxembourgish words, that is separated into sections to learn easily (Simple words, Easy words, Medium words, Hard Words, Advanced Words). These words are very important in daily life conversations, basic level words are very helpful for beginners. All words have Luxembourgish meanings with transliteration.

Eat iessen
All all
New nei
Snore schnurren
Fast séier
Help hëllefen
Pain Péng
Rain reenen
Pride stolz
Sense Sënn
Large grouss
Skill Fäegkeet
Panic Panik
Thank merci
Desire Wonsch
Woman frau
Hungry hongereg

Daily use Luxembourgish Sentences

Here you learn top Luxembourgish sentences, these sentences are very important in daily life conversations, and basic-level sentences are very helpful for beginners. All sentences have Luxembourgish meanings with transliteration.

Good morning Gudde Moien
What is your name Wéi ass däin Numm
What is your problem Wat ass Äre Problem?
I hate you Ech haassen dech
I love you Ech hunn dech gär
Can I help you Kann ech dir hëllefen?
I am sorry Et deet mir Leed
I want to sleep Ech wëll schlofen
This is very important Dëst ass ganz wichteg
Are you hungry Hues du honger?
How is your life Wéi ass Äert Liewen?
I am going to study Ech ginn studéieren
Luxembourgish Vocabulary
Luxembourgish Dictionary

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