1000 most common Malay words
Table of content
¤ Simple words¤ Easy words
¤ Medium words
¤ Hard Words
¤ Advanced Words
¤ Daily use Sentences
¤ Picture Dictionary
Here you learn top 1000 words in English with Malay translation. If you are interested to learn 1000 most common Malay words, this place will help you to learn common words in Malay language with their pronunciation in English. You may also learn Vocabulary words to learn Malay language quickly and also play some Malay word games so you get not bored. In this, we are separated into sections to learn easily (Simple words, Easy words, medium words, Hard Words, Advanced Words). These top 1000 words are useful in daily life conversations, basic level words are very helpful for beginners. So, it is very important to learn all words in English and Malay.

1000 words in English to Malay
Here is the list of 1000 most important common words in Malay language and their pronunciation in English.
Simple words / 2 letter words
Easy words
3 letter words
Act | bertindak |
Add | Tambah |
Age | umur |
Aim | matlamat |
Air | udara |
All | semua |
And | dan |
Ant | semut |
Any | mana-mana |
Ask | bertanya |
Bad | teruk |
Big | besar |
Buy | beli |
Cry | menangis |
Dam | empangan |
Die | mati |
Dry | kering |
End | tamat |
Ear | telinga |
Eat | makan |
Egg | telur |
Eye | mata |
Fat | gemuk |
Fly | terbang |
Fun | seronok |
Get | dapatkan |
God | tuhan |
Hen | ayam |
Hot | panas |
Job | pekerjaan |
Leg | kaki |
Lie | berbohong |
Low | rendah |
Mad | gila |
Man | lelaki |
Not | bukan |
Now | sekarang |
New | baru |
Old | tua |
Own | sendiri |
Run | lari |
Sad | sedih |
Sea | laut |
See | lihat |
Shy | pemalu |
Sit | duduk |
Sum | jumlah |
Sun | matahari |
Tax | cukai |
Try | cubalah |
Use | guna |
War | peperangan |
Wet | basah |
Why | kenapa |
Win | menang |
Yes | ya |
You | awak |
4 letter words
Also | juga |
Baby | sayang |
Back | belakang |
Bake | bakar |
Bald | botak |
Ball | bola |
Bark | kulit kayu |
Bath | mandi |
Beet | bit |
Bend | bengkok |
Best | terbaik |
Bird | burung |
Bold | berani |
Bone | tulang |
Book | buku |
Born | dilahirkan |
Both | kedua-duanya |
Busy | sibuk |
Call | panggil |
Calm | tenang |
Care | jaga |
Come | datang |
Cost | kos |
Cute | comel |
Crow | gagak |
Dare | berani |
Dark | gelap |
Date | Tarikh |
Deal | perjanjian |
Diet | diet |
Dish | hidangan |
Door | pintu |
Down | turun |
Dust | habuk |
Each | setiap satu |
Earn | peroleh |
Easy | mudah |
Edge | hujung |
Evil | jahat |
Exit | keluar |
Face | muka |
Fact | fakta |
Fair | adil |
Fake | palsu |
Farm | ladang |
Fast | cepat |
Fear | rasa takut |
Feel | rasa |
Find | cari |
Fine | baiklah |
Fish | ikan |
Food | makanan |
Fool | bodoh |
Free | percuma |
Frog | katak |
Full | penuh |
Gape | ternganga |
Gift | hadiah |
Girl | perempuan |
Goat | kambing |
Good | baik |
Grab | merebut |
Grow | membesar |
Half | separuh |
Hate | benci |
Head | kepala |
Hear | dengar |
Heat | haba |
Help | membantu |
Here | di sini |
Hide | bersembunyi |
High | tinggi |
Hold | tahan |
Hole | lubang |
Home | rumah |
Huge | besar |
Hurt | sakit hati |
Idea | idea |
Jump | melompat |
Just | cuma |
Kill | bunuh |
Land | tanah |
Last | terakhir |
Late | lewat |
Left | ditinggalkan |
Life | kehidupan |
Line | barisan |
Lion | singa |
Long | panjang |
Look | tengok |
Lost | hilang |
Love | cinta |
Luck | nasib baik |
Lung | paru-paru |
Many | ramai |
Meet | berjumpa |
Melt | cair |
Milk | susu |
Must | mesti |
Name | nama |
Near | dekat |
Neat | kemas |
Neck | leher |
Need | perlukan |
Next | seterusnya |
Only | sahaja |
Pain | sakit |
Pair | sepasang |
Park | taman |
Path | laluan |
Play | bermain |
Poor | miskin |
Pull | tarik |
Pure | tulen |
Quit | berhenti |
Quiz | kuiz |
Race | bangsa |
Rain | hujan |
Rare | jarang |
Real | sebenar |
Rent | sewa |
Rest | berehat |
Rich | kaya raya |
Ride | perjalanan |
Rise | bangkit |
Risk | risiko |
Room | bilik |
Rope | tali |
Rude | kurang ajar |
Sage | bijak |
Sail | belayar |
Salt | garam |
Same | sama |
Sand | pasir |
Save | jimat |
Scam | penipuan |
Seed | benih |
Seek | mencari |
Self | diri sendiri |
Sell | jual |
Send | hantar |
Shop | kedai |
Show | tunjuk |
Sick | sakit |
Side | sebelah |
Site | tapak |
Size | saiz |
Skin | kulit |
Slow | lambat |
Soft | lembut |
Soil | tanah |
Some | sebahagian |
Soon | tidak lama lagi |
Stay | tinggal |
Stop | berhenti |
Such | sebegitu |
Swap | bertukar-tukar |
Swim | berenang |
Take | ambil |
Talk | bercakap |
Tall | tinggi |
Team | pasukan |
Tell | beritahu |
Tent | khemah |
That | itu |
Then | kemudian |
Thin | kurus |
This | ini |
Tide | air pasang |
Time | masa |
Tour | lawatan |
Town | bandar |
Tree | pokok |
Trip | perjalanan |
Turn | pusing |
Ugly | hodoh |
Vase | pasu |
Vein | urat |
Very | sangat |
View | pandangan |
Wage | upah |
Wait | tunggu |
Wake | bangun |
Walk | Jalan |
Wall | dinding |
Want | mahu |
Warm | hangat |
Warn | memberi amaran |
Weak | lemah |
Wear | pakai |
Week | minggu |
Well | baiklah |
Went | pergi |
What | apa |
When | bila |
Wide | lebar |
Wife | isteri |
Wild | liar |
Will | kehendak |
Wind | angin |
Wine | wain |
Wish | keinginan |
Wood | kayu |
Wool | bulu |
Word | perkataan |
Work | kerja |
Worm | cacing |
Yarn | benang |
Your | awak |
Zoom | zum |
5 letter words
Above | di atas |
Adapt | menyesuaikan diri |
Admit | mengaku |
Adult | dewasa |
After | selepas |
Again | sekali lagi |
Agree | setuju |
Alert | amaran |
Allow | benarkan |
Alone | bersendirian |
Along | bersama |
Anger | kemarahan |
Angle | sudut |
Angry | marah |
Asset | aset |
Avoid | elakkan |
Awake | terjaga |
Aware | menyedari |
Begin | bermula |
Birth | kelahiran |
Blood | darah |
Brain | otak |
Built | dibina |
Bring | bawak |
Build | membina |
Camel | unta |
Canal | terusan |
Carry | membawa |
Cheap | murah |
Cheat | menipu |
Check | semak |
Chest | dada |
Claim | tuntutan |
Clean | bersih |
Clear | jelas |
Climb | mendaki |
Close | dekat |
Cloth | kain |
Cloud | awan |
Color | warna |
Crime | jenayah |
Crowd | orang ramai |
Crown | mahkota |
Daily | setiap hari |
Dance | menari |
Death | kematian |
Decay | pereputan |
Delay | kelewatan |
Devil | syaitan |
Dirty | kotor |
Dress | berpakaian |
Drink | minum |
Drive | memandu |
Dwell | tinggal |
Eager | bersemangat |
Eagle | helang |
Early | awal |
Earth | bumi |
Elder | orang tua |
Empty | kosong |
Enemy | musuh |
Enjoy | nikmatilah |
Entry | kemasukan |
Equal | sama rata |
Essay | karangan |
Event | peristiwa |
Every | setiap |
Exact | tepat |
Exist | wujud |
Extra | tambahan |
Faith | iman |
Fault | kesalahan |
Fever | demam |
Field | padang |
Final | muktamad |
Fleet | armada |
Float | terapung |
Flood | banjir |
Floor | lantai |
Flour | tepung |
Fluid | bendalir |
Focus | fokus |
Force | memaksa |
Fraud | penipuan |
Fresh | segar |
Front | hadapan |
Fruit | buah-buahan |
Ghost | hantu |
Globe | glob |
Going | pergi |
Grain | bijirin |
Grant | pemberian |
Grass | rumput |
Great | hebat |
Group | kumpulan |
Guard | pengawal |
Guest | tetamu |
Habit | tabiat |
Heart | hati |
Honey | sayang |
Horse | kuda |
House | rumah |
Human | manusia |
Ideal | ideal |
Issue | isu |
Judge | Hakim |
Knife | pisau |
Labor | buruh |
Ladle | senduk |
Large | besar |
Laugh | ketawa |
Learn | belajar |
Leave | pergi |
Legal | sah |
Limit | had |
Lunch | makan tengah hari |
Metal | logam |
Mixed | bercampur-campur |
Money | wang |
Month | bulan |
Mount | lekapkan |
Mouth | mulut |
Music | muzik |
Maize | jagung |
Naked | telanjang |
Never | tidak pernah |
Night | malam |
Niece | anak saudara perempuan |
Noise | bunyi bising |
Occur | berlaku |
Ocean | laut |
Onion | bawang besar |
Offer | tawaran |
Order | pesanan |
Organ | organ |
Other | lain |
Owner | pemilik |
Paddy | padi |
Panic | panik |
Peace | kedamaian |
Place | tempat |
Plant | tumbuhan |
Price | harga |
Pride | kebanggaan |
Proud | bangga |
Prove | buktikan |
Quilt | selimut |
Quick | cepat |
Quite | agak |
Raise | menaikkan |
Reach | capai |
React | bertindak |
Ready | sedia |
Reply | balas |
Right | betul |
Round | bulat |
Rural | luar bandar |
Saint | orang suci |
Scope | skop |
Score | skor |
Sense | rasa |
Shake | goncang |
Shape | bentuk |
Share | kongsi |
Sharp | tajam |
Shrub | pokok renek |
Skill | kemahiran |
Sleep | tidur |
Slope | cerun |
Small | kecil |
Smell | bau |
Smile | senyum |
Snake | ular |
Snore | berdengkur |
Solid | padu |
Sound | bunyi |
Space | angkasa lepas |
Speak | bercakap |
Speed | kelajuan |
Spend | berbelanja |
Spent | dibelanjakan |
Sperm | sperma |
Sport | sukan |
Stand | berdiri |
Steam | wap |
Stone | batu |
Story | cerita |
Taste | rasa |
Teach | mengajar |
Teeth | gigi |
Thank | terima kasih |
There | di sana |
These | ini |
Thick | tebal |
Thing | perkara |
Tiger | harimau |
Today | hari ini |
Total | jumlah |
Treat | merawat |
Trend | trend |
Tried | mencuba |
Trust | amanah |
Truth | kebenaran |
Twice | dua kali |
Under | bawah |
Upper | atas |
Urban | bandar |
Visit | melawat |
Voice | suara |
Vomit | muntah |
Waste | membazir |
Water | air |
Wheat | gandum |
Where | di mana |
White | putih |
Whole | keseluruhan |
Woman | perempuan |
World | dunia |
Worst | paling teruk |
Write | menulis |
Wrong | salah |
Yield | hasil |
Young | muda |
Youth | belia |
Medium words
6 letter words
Absent | tidak hadir |
Accept | terima |
Admire | mengagumi |
Advice | nasihat |
Almost | hampir |
Always | sentiasa |
Animal | haiwan |
Answer | jawab |
Appeal | rayuan |
Appear | muncul |
Arrive | tiba |
Artist | artis |
Assist | membantu |
Attack | serang |
Attach | lampirkan |
Attend | hadir |
Bangle | gelang |
Before | sebelum ini |
Behind | belakang |
Bellow | melaung |
Better | lebih baik |
Borrow | meminjam |
Bottom | bawah |
Broken | rosak |
Budget | bajet |
Cancel | batalkan |
Cancer | barah |
Carrot | lobak merah |
Cattle | lembu |
Common | biasa |
Compel | memaksa |
Corner | sudut |
Couple | pasangan |
Course | kursus |
Create | cipta |
Custom | adat |
Damage | kerosakan |
Dancer | penari |
Danger | bahaya |
Decade | dekad |
Defeat | kekalahan |
Delete | padam |
Demand | permintaan |
Desire | keinginan |
Detail | terperinci |
Dinner | makan malam |
Divine | ilahi |
Donkey | keldai |
Double | berganda |
Edible | boleh dimakan |
Effect | kesan |
Either | sama ada |
Empire | empayar |
Energy | tenaga |
Enough | cukup |
Ensure | memastikan |
Entire | keseluruhan |
Except | kecuali |
Expand | mengembang |
Expect | jangkakan |
Export | eksport |
Extend | memanjangkan |
Facade | fasad |
Family | keluarga |
Famous | terkenal |
Faulty | rosak |
Favour | nikmat |
Female | perempuan |
Fiance | tunang |
Finish | selesai |
Flower | bunga |
Forest | hutan |
Forgot | terlupa |
Freeze | membekukan |
Friend | kawan |
Future | masa hadapan |
Garage | garaj |
Garden | taman |
Garlic | bawang putih |
Ginger | halia |
Global | global |
Ground | tanah |
Growth | pertumbuhan |
Health | kesihatan |
Hidden | tersembunyi |
Honest | jujur |
Honour | penghormatan |
Hostel | asrama |
Humble | merendah diri |
Hungry | lapar |
Ignore | abai |
Impact | kesan |
Impure | najis |
Income | pendapatan |
Inform | maklumkan |
Insect | serangga |
Inside | dalam |
Jungle | hutan belantara |
Kidnap | culik |
Kindle | menyalakan |
Labour | buruh |
Leader | Ketua |
Length | panjang |
Letter | surat |
Liquid | cecair |
Little | sedikit |
Living | hidup |
Lizard | cicak |
Locate | cari |
Luxury | kemewahan |
Making | membuat |
Mammal | mamalia |
Manage | mengurus |
Manual | manual |
Market | pasaran |
Mental | mental |
Method | kaedah |
Middle | tengah |
Monkey | monyet |
Mother | ibu |
Muscle | otot |
Narrow | sempit |
Native | asli |
Nature | alam semula jadi |
Normal | biasa |
Number | nombor |
Object | objek |
Office | pejabat |
Option | pilihan |
Parent | ibu bapa |
Parrot | burung nuri |
People | orang ramai |
Person | orang |
Pickle | jeruk |
Picnic | berkelah |
Pigeon | merpati |
Planet | planet |
Please | tolonglah |
Plenty | banyak |
Police | polis |
Potato | kentang |
Praise | pujian |
Prayer | solat |
Pretty | cantik |
Prince | putera raja |
Profit | keuntungan |
Proper | betul |
Public | awam |
Rabbit | arnab |
Recent | baru-baru ini |
Recipe | resepi |
Record | rekod |
Reduce | kurangkan |
Regret | penyesalan |
Reject | menolak |
Remind | ingatkan |
Remove | keluarkan |
Repair | pembaikan |
Repeat | ulang |
Return | kembali |
Rotate | berputar |
Safety | keselamatan |
Salary | gaji |
Sample | sampel |
School | sekolah |
Screen | skrin |
Script | skrip |
Scroll | tatal |
Search | cari |
Season | musim |
Secret | rahsia |
Secure | selamat |
Select | pilih |
Senior | senior |
Shield | perisai |
Should | sepatutnya |
Shower | mandi |
Silent | senyap |
Single | bujang |
Sister | kakak |
Smooth | licin |
Social | sosial |
Speech | ucapan |
Street | jalan |
Strong | kuat |
Sudden | mengejut |
Summer | musim panas |
Supply | bekalan |
Talent | bakat |
Temple | kuil |
Thread | benang |
Thrill | keterujaan |
Throat | tekak |
Tittle | tittle |
Toilet | tandas |
Tomato | tomato |
Tongue | lidah |
Travel | melancong |
Tunnel | terowong |
Turtle | penyu |
Unseen | ghaib |
Update | kemas kini |
Urgent | mendesak |
Useful | berguna |
Vacate | kosongkan |
Vacuum | vakum |
Vapour | wap |
Verify | mengesahkan |
Virgin | anak dara |
Wealth | kekayaan |
Weekly | setiap minggu |
Weight | berat badan |
Winter | musim sejuk |
Winner | pemenang |
Wonder | tertanya-tanya |
Worker | pekerja |
Writer | penulis |
Yearly | setiap tahun |
7 letter words
Achieve | capai |
Advance | terlebih dahulu |
Against | terhadap |
Already | sudah |
Ancient | kuno |
Anybody | sesiapa sahaja |
Approve | terima |
Apology | minta maaf |
Archive | arkib |
Arrange | mengatur |
Arrival | ketibaan |
Article | artikel |
Attempt | percubaan |
Attract | tertarik |
Average | purata |
Bandage | pembalut |
Barrage | rentetan |
Barrier | penghalang |
Because | kerana |
Benefit | faedah |
Between | antara |
Cabbage | kobis |
Capture | menangkap |
Careful | berhati-hati |
Carrier | pembawa |
Century | abad |
Certain | pasti |
Chamber | bilik |
Chapter | bab |
Charity | amal jariah |
Climate | iklim |
Coconut | kelapa |
Collect | mengumpul |
College | kolej |
Comfort | keselesaan |
Command | perintah |
Comment | komen |
Company | syarikat |
Compare | bandingkan |
Concept | konsep |
Concern | kebimbangan |
Conduct | kelakuan |
Confirm | mengesahkan |
Connect | menyambung |
Contact | kenalan |
Control | kawalan |
Convert | menukar |
Correct | betul |
Costume | pakaian |
Cottage | pondok |
Country | negara |
Courage | keberanian |
Cucumber | timun |
Curious | ingin tahu |
Declare | mengisytiharkan |
Defense | pertahanan |
Dentist | doktor gigi |
Deposit | deposit |
Despite | walaupun |
Destiny | takdir |
Destroy | memusnahkan |
Develop | membangun |
Disease | penyakit |
Display | paparan |
Disturb | mengganggu |
Dynasty | dinasti |
Eagerly | dengan penuh semangat |
Earning | pendapatan |
Eatable | boleh dimakan |
Ecology | ekologi |
Economy | ekonomi |
Edition | edisi |
Elegant | anggun |
Enhance | mempertingkatkan |
Episode | episod |
Example | contoh |
Evening | petang |
Exclude | mengecualikan |
Explain | terangkan |
Explore | meneroka |
Educate | mendidik |
Factory | kilang |
Failure | kegagalan |
Feature | ciri |
Finance | kewangan |
Flavour | rasa |
Fluency | kefasihan |
Forever | selamanya |
Further | selanjutnya |
Garment | pakaian |
General | umum |
Genuine | tulen |
Glamour | glamour |
Grammar | tatabahasa |
Grocery | barang runcit |
Habitat | habitat |
Harmful | memudaratkan |
Harvest | menuai |
Heading | tajuk |
Hearing | pendengaran |
Helpful | membantu |
History | sejarah |
Holding | memegang |
Holiday | cuti |
Hundred | ratus |
Husband | suami |
Hygiene | kebersihan |
Impress | menarik perhatian |
Improve | bertambah baik |
Include | termasuk |
Initial | permulaan |
Inspect | periksa |
Inspire | memberi inspirasi |
Journey | perjalanan |
Justice | keadilan |
Leading | mengetuai |
Leather | kulit |
Leaving | pergi |
Lecture | syarahan |
Liberal | liberal |
Lovable | disayangi |
Luggage | bagasi |
Manager | pengurus |
Maximum | maksimum |
Meaning | maksudnya |
Measure | mengukur |
Medical | perubatan |
Message | mesej |
Migrant | pendatang |
Mineral | galian |
Minimum | minimum |
Miracle | keajaiban |
Missile | peluru berpandu |
Missing | hilang |
Mistake | kesilapan |
Morning | pagi |
Mustard | mustard |
Mystery | misteri |
Narrate | menceritakan |
Natural | semula jadi |
Naughty | nakal |
Neglect | pengabaian |
Neither | tidak juga |
Nervous | gementar |
Network | rangkaian |
Nothing | tiada apa |
Observe | memerhatikan |
Opening | pembukaan |
Operate | beroperasi |
Opinion | pendapat |
Organic | organik |
Ostrich | burung unta |
Package | pakej |
Painful | pedih |
Partial | separa |
Passage | laluan |
Patient | sabar |
Payment | bayaran |
Penalty | penalti |
Pending | yang belum selesai |
Penguin | penguin |
Pension | pencen |
Perfect | sempurna |
Perfume | minyak wangi |
Popular | popular |
Pottery | tembikar |
Poverty | kemiskinan |
Prevent | mencegah |
Privacy | privasi |
Private | persendirian |
Problem | masalah |
Produce | menghasilkan |
Propose | meminang |
Purpose | tujuan |
Quality | kualiti |
Quickly | cepat |
Receive | menerima |
Regular | biasa |
Related | berkaitan |
Release | lepaskan |
Replace | menggantikan |
Reptile | reptilia |
Request | permintaan |
Respect | hormat |
Respond | membalas |
Revenge | membalas dendam |
Revenue | hasil |
Reverse | terbalik |
Robbery | rompakan |
Romance | percintaan |
Science | sains |
Serious | serius |
Servant | hamba |
Service | perkhidmatan |
Similar | serupa |
Society | masyarakat |
Sparrow | burung pipit |
Special | istimewa |
Stomach | perut |
Student | pelajar |
Success | kejayaan |
Suggest | cadangkan |
Suicide | bunuh diri |
Support | sokongan |
Suspend | menangguhkan |
Teacher | cikgu |
Teenage | remaja |
Tension | ketegangan |
Tourism | pelancongan |
Trouble | masalah |
Uniform | seragam |
Utility | utiliti |
Vacancy | kekosongan |
Variety | pelbagai |
Vehicle | kenderaan |
Village | kampung |
Vintage | vintaj |
Victory | kemenangan |
Violent | ganas |
Visible | nampak |
Visitor | pelawat |
Vitamin | vitamin |
Walking | berjalan |
Wanting | teringin |
Warning | amaran |
Wealthy | kaya raya |
Weather | cuaca |
Wedding | perkahwinan |
Welcome | selamat datang |
Welfare | kebajikan |
Winning | menang |
Working | bekerja |
Worried | risau |
Worship | ibadah |
Writing | menulis |
8 letter words
Abnormal | tidak normal |
Absolute | mutlak |
Accepted | diterima |
Accident | kemalangan |
Accuracy | ketepatan |
Activate | aktifkan |
Addition | tambahan |
Adequate | mencukupi |
Affected | terjejas |
Alphabet | abjad |
Anything | apa sahaja |
Anywhere | di mana-mana sahaja |
Appraise | menilai |
Approach | pendekatan |
Approval | kelulusan |
Argument | hujah |
Assemble | berhimpun |
Attitude | sikap |
Audience | penonton |
Attorney | peguam |
Aviation | penerbangan |
Backward | ke belakang |
Beginner | pemula |
Birthday | hari jadi |
Bleeding | berdarah |
Building | bangunan |
Campaign | kempen |
Carriage | gerabak |
Children | kanak-kanak |
Cleavage | belahan badan |
Complete | lengkap |
Conserve | memelihara |
Consider | pertimbangkan |
Consumer | pengguna |
Continue | teruskan |
Criminal | penjenayah |
Critical | kritikal |
Daughter | anak perempuan |
Decision | keputusan |
Decrease | berkurangan |
Delicate | halus |
Delivery | penghantaran |
Delusion | khayalan |
Describe | huraikan |
Disagree | tidak bersetuju |
Disallow | tidak membenarkan |
Duration | tempoh masa |
Economic | ekonomi |
Elephant | gajah |
Eligible | layak |
Employee | pekerja |
Enormous | sangat besar |
Entrance | pintu masuk |
Envelope | sampul surat |
Estimate | anggaran |
Everyday | setiap hari |
Exercise | senaman |
Explicit | eksplisit |
Exposure | dedahan |
External | luaran |
Facility | kemudahan |
Faithful | setia |
Favorite | kegemaran |
Festival | perayaan |
Flexible | fleksibel |
Friction | geseran |
Generate | menjana |
Greeting | salam |
Guardian | penjaga |
Heritage | warisan |
Horrible | ngeri |
Hospital | hospital |
Humorous | kelakar |
Identity | identiti |
Incident | kejadian |
Increase | meningkat |
Indicate | menunjukkan |
Industry | industri |
Jealousy | cemburu |
Learning | pembelajaran |
Location | lokasi |
Majority | majoriti |
Marriage | perkahwinan |
Material | bahan |
Medicine | ubat |
Moderate | sederhana |
Mosquito | nyamuk |
Mountain | gunung |
Narrator | pencerita |
Nutrient | nutrien |
Opposite | bertentangan |
Original | asal |
Ornament | perhiasan |
Painting | melukis |
Particle | zarah |
Patience | sabar |
Pleasure | kesenangan |
Position | kedudukan |
Positive | positif |
Possible | mungkin |
Postpone | menangguhkan |
Powerful | berkuasa |
Precious | berharga |
Pregnant | mengandung |
Pressure | tekanan |
Previous | sebelumnya |
Progress | kemajuan |
Prohibit | melarang |
Property | harta benda |
Purchase | pembelian |
Quantity | kuantiti |
Recovery | pemulihan |
Regional | serantau |
Relevant | relevan |
Religion | agama |
Remember | ingat |
Research | penyelidikan |
Resource | sumber |
Response | tindak balas |
Restrict | menyekat |
Revision | ulang kaji |
Sensible | masuk akal |
Sentence | ayat |
Separate | berasingan |
Stranger | orang asing |
Strategy | strategi |
Strength | kekuatan |
Struggle | perjuangan |
Suitable | sesuai |
Superior | atasan |
Surprise | kejutan |
Swelling | bengkak |
Terrible | dahsyat |
Together | bersama-sama |
Tomorrow | esok |
Training | latihan |
Transfer | pemindahan |
Transmit | menghantar |
Treasure | harta karun |
Umbrella | payung |
Universe | Alam semesta |
Vacation | bercuti |
Validate | mengesahkan |
Vertical | menegak |
Vigorous | cergas |
Violence | keganasan |
Vocation | kerjaya |
Vomiting | muntah-muntah |
Wildlife | hidupan liar |
Yielding | mengalah |
Yourself | diri sendiri |
Youthful | awet muda |
Hard Words
9 letter words
Accession | penyertaan |
Accessory | aksesori |
Accompany | menemani |
Actualize | merealisasikan |
Admirable | terpuji |
Advantage | kelebihan |
Advisable | dinasihatkan |
Affection | kasih sayang |
Affiliate | ahli gabungan |
Afternoon | tengah hari |
Aggregate | agregat |
Agreement | perjanjian |
Allowance | elaun |
Alternate | alternatif |
Ambiguous | samar-samar |
Animation | animasi |
Apologist | minta maaf |
Applicant | pemohon |
Architect | arkitek |
Associate | bersekutu |
Astronomy | astronomi |
Attention | perhatian |
Attribute | atribut |
Authority | pihak berkuasa |
Automatic | automatik |
Available | tersedia |
Awareness | kesedaran |
Beautiful | cantik |
Behaviour | tingkah laku |
Butterfly | rama-rama |
Calibrate | menentukur |
Candidate | calon |
Celebrate | meraikan |
Challenge | cabaran |
Confident | yakin |
Confusion | kekeliruan |
Conscious | sedar |
Crocodile | buaya |
Curiosity | rasa ingin tahu |
Dangerous | bahaya |
Delicious | sedap |
Democracy | demokrasi |
Dependent | bergantung |
Different | berbeza |
Difficult | sukar |
Discovery | penemuan |
Dishonest | tidak jujur |
Diversity | kepelbagaian |
Duplicate | pendua |
Education | pendidikan |
Effective | berkesan |
Emergency | kecemasan |
Equipment | peralatan |
Essential | penting |
Establish | menubuhkan |
Evolution | evolusi |
Excellent | cemerlang |
Expensive | mahal |
Fantastic | hebat |
Fertility | kesuburan |
Financial | kewangan |
Generally | secara amnya |
Glamorous | glamor |
Happening | berlaku |
Household | rumahtangga |
Identical | sama |
Important | penting |
Incorrect | tak betul |
Incorrupt | tidak korup |
Influence | pengaruh |
Insurance | insurans |
Interview | temuduga |
Intestine | usus |
Introduce | memperkenalkan |
Invention | ciptaan |
Invisible | tidak kelihatan |
Irregular | tidak teratur |
Jewellery | barang kemas |
Knowledge | pengetahuan |
Liability | liabiliti |
Misbehave | salah laku |
Narration | penceritaan |
Necessity | keperluan |
Negotiate | berunding |
Nutrition | pemakanan |
Offensive | menyinggung perasaan |
Partition | partition |
Political | politik |
Pollution | pencemaran |
Potential | potensi |
Practical | praktikal |
Precision | ketepatan |
Privilege | keistimewaan |
Procedure | prosedur |
Prominent | menonjol |
Professor | profesor |
Promotion | kenaikan pangkat |
Provoking | memprovokasi |
Qualified | berkelayakan |
Reference | rujukan |
Repulsion | penolakan |
Residence | kediaman |
Sacrifice | pengorbanan |
Sensitive | sensitif |
Something | sesuatu |
Statement | kenyataan |
Subscribe | melanggan |
Substance | bahan |
Sugarcane | tebu |
Sunflower | bunga matahari |
Surrender | menyerah diri |
Technical | teknikal |
Temporary | Sementara |
Terrorist | pengganas |
Treatment | rawatan |
Variation | variasi |
Vegetable | sayur |
Virginity | dara |
Yesterday | semalam |
10 letter words
Abbreviate | ringkaskan |
Absolutely | secara mutlak |
Absorption | penyerapan |
Acceptable | boleh diterima |
Achievable | boleh dicapai |
Additional | tambahan |
Admiration | kekaguman |
Adolescent | remaja |
Adulterant | penzina |
Adventurer | pengembara |
Afterwards | selepas itu |
Aggression | pencerobohan |
Alteration | pemindaan |
Ambassador | duta |
Analytical | analitikal |
Antibiotic | antibiotik |
Anticipate | jangkakan |
Appreciate | menghargai |
Artificial | tiruan |
Aspiration | aspirasi |
Assignment | tugasan |
Atmosphere | suasana |
Attachment | lampiran |
Attraction | tarikan |
Chloroform | kloroform |
Combustion | pembakaran |
Commission | komisen |
Compassion | belas kasihan |
Compulsory | wajib |
Conclusion | kesimpulan |
Confection | konfeksi |
Corruption | rasuah |
Decoration | hiasan |
Dedication | dedikasi |
Deficiency | kekurangan |
Definition | takrifan |
Department | jabatan |
Depression | kemurungan |
Dictionary | kamus |
Discipline | disiplin |
Disclaimer | penafian |
Disclosure | pendedahan |
Discussion | perbincangan |
Efficiency | kecekapan |
Employment | pekerjaan |
Engagement | pertunangan |
Everything | segala-galanya |
Everywhere | dimana - mana |
Exhibition | pameran |
Experience | pengalaman |
Experiment | eksperimen |
Expiration | tamat tempoh |
Expression | ungkapan |
Fertilizer | baja |
Foundation | asas |
Generation | generasi |
Government | kerajaan |
Importance | kepentingan |
Impossible | mustahil |
Inadequate | tidak mencukupi |
Incomplete | tidak lengkap |
Incredible | luar biasa |
Individual | individu |
Inspection | pemeriksaan |
Instrument | alat |
Irrigation | pengairan |
Journalism | kewartawanan |
Management | pengurusan |
Moderation | kesederhanaan |
Motivation | motivasi |
Negligible | boleh diabaikan |
Occupation | pekerjaan |
Particular | khususnya |
Passionate | bersemangat |
Permission | kebenaran |
Population | penduduk |
Production | pengeluaran |
Prostitute | pelacur |
Protection | perlindungan |
Psychology | psikologi |
Punishment | hukuman |
Quarantine | kuarantin |
Retirement | persaraan |
Sufficient | mencukupi |
Supervisor | penyelia |
Supplement | suplemen |
University | universiti |
Vegetarian | vegetarian |
Visibility | keterlihatan |
Vulnerable | terdedah |
Advanced Words
11 letter words
Accommodate | menampung |
Achievement | pencapaian |
Acknowledge | mengakui |
Affirmation | peneguhan |
Aggregation | pengagregatan |
Agriculture | pertanian |
Alternation | silih berganti |
Anniversary | ulang tahun |
Application | permohonan |
Appointment | pelantikan |
Appreciable | amat dihargai |
Approximate | anggaran |
Association | persatuan |
Certificate | sijil |
Competition | persaingan |
Cultivation | penanaman |
Corporation | perbadanan |
Cooperation | kerjasama |
Dehydration | dehidrasi |
Discontinue | hentikan |
Elimination | penyingkiran |
Environment | persekitaran |
Evaporation | penyejatan |
Examination | peperiksaan |
Expenditure | perbelanjaan |
Fabrication | fabrikasi |
Improvement | penambahbaikan |
Independent | bebas |
Information | maklumat |
Inspiration | ilham |
Institution | institusi |
Instruction | arahan |
Intelligent | bijak pandai |
Manufacture | pembuatan |
Measurement | pengukuran |
Mensuration | haid |
Observation | pemerhatian |
Opportunity | peluang |
Participant | peserta |
Performance | prestasi |
Preparation | persiapan |
Significant | ketara |
Temperature | suhu |
Translation | terjemahan |
Transparent | telus |
Vaccination | vaksinasi |
12, 13 letter words
Abbreviation | singkatan |
Administrate | mentadbir |
Appreciation | penghargaan |
Accommodation | penginapan |
Accompaniment | iringan |
Administrator | pentadbir |
Advertisement | iklan |
Administration | pentadbiran |
Acknowledgement | pengakuan |
Conformation | konformasi |
Conservation | pemuliharaan |
Constitution | perlembagaan |
Construction | pembinaan |
Contribution | sumbangan |
Communication | komunikasi |
Classification | pengelasan |
Congratulation | tahniah |
Disadvantage | keburukan |
Entrepreneur | usahawan |
Entertainment | hiburan |
Extraordinary | luar biasa |
Horticulture | hortikultur |
Intermediate | perantaraan |
Introduction | pengenalan |
Investigation | penyiasatan |
International | antarabangsa |
Identification | pengenalan |
Justification | justifikasi |
Knowledgeable | berpengetahuan |
Maintainable | boleh diselenggara |
Organization | organisasi |
Presentation | pembentangan |
Preservation | pemeliharaan |
Purification | penyucian |
Participation | penyertaan |
Registration | pendaftaran |
Reproduction | pembiakan |
Satisfaction | kepuasan |
Self-confidence | keyakinan diri |
Transformation | transformasi |
Transportation | pengangkutan |

Fruits Quiz

Animals Quiz

Household Quiz

Stationary Quiz

School Quiz

Occupation Quiz
Malay Vocabulary



















