I sentences in Malay and English
‘I’ sentences in Malay with English pronunciation. Here you learn English to Malay translation of I sentences and play I sentences quiz in Malay language also play A-Z dictionary quiz. Here you can easily learn daily use common Malay sentences with the help of pronunciation in English. It helps beginners to learn Malay language in an easy way. To learn Malay language, common vocabulary and grammar are the important sections. Common Vocabulary contains common words that we can used in daily life.
![I sentences in Malay](/images/are/i-sentences-in-malay.jpg)
I sentences in Malay and English
The list of 'I' sentences in Malay language and their pronunciation in English. Here you learn the list of English sentence to Malay translations.
I accepted her invitation | saya menerima pelawaannya |
I agree | saya setuju |
I agree with you | saya setuju dengan awak |
I admire his talent | saya mengagumi bakatnya |
I agree with your opinion | saya setuju dengan pendapat awak |
I am a student | saya seorang pelajar |
I am going to study | saya akan belajar |
I am interested in swimming | saya minat berenang |
I am just going for a walk | saya hanya pergi berjalan-jalan |
I am feeling tired today | saya berasa letih hari ini |
I am glad to be with you | saya gembira dapat bersama awak |
I am not a teacher | saya bukan seorang guru |
I am sorry | saya minta maaf |
I am talking with my mother | saya bercakap dengan ibu saya |
I am thinking about my children | saya sedang memikirkan tentang anak-anak saya |
I accepted her invitation | saya menerima pelawaannya |
I agree | saya setuju |
I agree with you | saya setuju dengan awak |
I admire his talent | saya mengagumi bakatnya |
I agree with your opinion | saya setuju dengan pendapat awak |
I am a student | saya seorang pelajar |
I am going to study | saya akan belajar |
I am interested in swimming | saya minat berenang |
I am just going for a walk | saya hanya pergi berjalan-jalan |
I am feeling tired today | saya berasa letih hari ini |
I am glad to be with you | saya gembira dapat bersama awak |
I am not a teacher | saya bukan seorang guru |
I am sorry | saya minta maaf |
I am talking with my mother | saya bercakap dengan ibu saya |
I am thinking about my children | saya sedang memikirkan tentang anak-anak saya |
I am very pleased to meet you | saya amat berbesar hati bertemu dengan anda |
I apologize if I hurt your feelings | saya minta maaf jika saya menyakiti perasaan awak |
I arrived there too early | saya tiba di sana terlalu awal |
I believe you | saya percaya awak |
I bought it last week | saya beli minggu lepas |
I can do this job | saya boleh buat kerja ni |
I can run faster | saya boleh berlari lebih laju |
I can sing well | saya boleh menyanyi dengan baik |
I can speak English | saya boleh berbahasa inggeris |
I can swim | saya boleh berenang |
I can’t believe it | saya tidak percaya |
I can't come | saya tidak boleh datang |
I can't follow you | saya tak boleh ikut awak |
I can't agree with you | saya tidak boleh bersetuju dengan anda |
I can't remember his name | saya tidak ingat namanya |
I can't hear you | saya tak boleh dengar awak |
I can't see anything | saya tidak nampak apa-apa |
I didn't like it | saya tidak menyukainya |
I disagree with you | saya tidak setuju dengan awak |
I do not understand | saya tidak faham |
I don’t know | saya tidak tahu |
I don't have any money | saya tidak mempunyai wang |
I don't like the color | saya tidak suka warnanya |
I had a good idea | saya mempunyai idea yang baik |
I like it very much | saya sangat sukakannya |
I need more time | saya perlukan lebih masa |
I want to sleep | saya mahu tidur |
I wish you good luck | Semoga anda berjaya |
‘I’ sentences in other languages (40+)
Top 1000 Malay words
Here you learn top 1000 Malay words, that is separated into sections to learn easily (Simple words, Easy words, Medium words, Hard Words, Advanced Words). These words are very important in daily life conversations, basic level words are very helpful for beginners. All words have Malay meanings with transliteration.
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