List of Prefix in Malay and English
To learn Malay language common vocabulary is one of the important sections. Common Vocabulary contains common words that we can used in daily life. Here you learn Prefix words in English with Malay translation. If you are interested to learn the most common Malay Prefix words, this place will help you to learn Prefix words in Malay language with their pronunciation in English. Prefix words are used in daily life conversations, so it is very important to learn all words in English and Malay.

Read also: A-Z Dictionary | Quiz | Vocabulary | Alphabets | Grammar
List of Prefix words in Malay
Here is the list of prefixes in Malay language with meanings and their pronunciation in English.
Deactivate | nyahaktifkan |
Debate | perbahasan |
Decade | dekad |
Decent | lumayan |
Decision | keputusan |
Declare | mengisytiharkan |
Decode | nyahkod |
Decomposition | penguraian |
Decrease | berkurangan |
Deduction | potongan |
Default | lalai |
Defeat | kekalahan |
Defend | mempertahankan |
Deforest | penebangan hutan |
Deformation | ubah bentuk |
Degeneration | degenerasi |
Demand | permintaan |
Disaccord | perselisihan faham |
Disaffection | rasa tidak puas hati |
Disagree | tidak bersetuju |
Disappear | hilang |
Disapprove | tidak bersetuju |
Discharge | pelepasan |
Discipline | disiplin |
Discompose | meleraikan |
Discount | diskaun |
Discover | menemui |
Displeasure | rasa tidak puas hati |
Disqualify | hilang kelayakan |
Exceed | melebihi |
Exchange | pertukaran |
Exhale | Hembus nafas |
Explain | terangkan |
Explosion | letupan |
Export | eksport |
Impair | merosakkan |
Impassion | keghairahan |
Implant | implan |
Import | import |
Impossible | mustahil |
Impress | menarik perhatian |
Improper | tidak betul |
Improve | bertambah baik |
Inaction | tidak bertindak |
Inactive | tidak aktif |
Inadequate | tidak mencukupi |
Income | pendapatan |
Incorrect | tak betul |
Indirect | tidak langsung |
Insecure | tidak selamat |
Inside | dalam |
Invisible | tidak kelihatan |
Interaction | interaksi |
Interchange | pertukaran |
Intermission | rehat |
International | antarabangsa |
Internet | internet |
Interview | temuduga |
Irradiation | penyinaran |
Irrational | tidak rasional |
Irregular | tidak teratur |
Irrelevant | tidak relevan |
Irreplaceable | tiada gantinya |
Irreversible | tidak dapat dipulihkan |
Misaligned | tidak sejajar |
Misguide | sesat |
Misinform | maklumat yang salah |
Mislead | menyesatkan |
Misplace | silap tempat |
Misrule | salah peraturan |
Misspelt | salah eja |
Mistake | kesilapan |
Misunderstand | salah faham |
Misuse | salah guna |
Non existent | tidak wujud |
Non pareil | bukan pareil |
Nonchalant | acuh tak acuh |
Nonfiction | bukan fiksyen |
Nonsense | mengarut |
Nonstop | tanpa henti |
Overcharge | caj berlebihan |
Overcome | diatasi |
Overflow | melimpah |
Overlap | bertindih |
Overload | terlebih beban |
Overlook | terlepas pandang |
Overpower | kuasai |
Overrate | overrate |
Overrule | tolak |
Predefine | pratakrif |
Prefix | awalan |
Prehistory | prasejarah |
Prepay | prabayar |
Prepossess | mendahului |
Prevail | menang |
Preview | pratonton |
Proactive | proaktif |
Proceed | teruskan |
Proclaim | mengisytiharkan |
Profess | mengaku |
Profit | keuntungan |
Profound | mendalam |
Program | program |
Progress | kemajuan |
Prolong | memanjangkan |
React | bertindak |
Reappear | muncul semula |
Reclaim | menuntut semula |
Recollect | ingat balik |
Recommendation | cadangan |
Reconsider | pertimbangkan semula |
Recover | pulih |
Redo | buat semula |
Rewrite | menulis semula |
Telecommunication | telekomunikasi |
Telegram | telegram |
Telepathic | telepati |
Telephone | telefon |
Telescope | teleskop |
Television | televisyen |
Transfer | pemindahan |
Transform | mengubah |
Transgender | transgender |
Translation | terjemahan |
Transparent | telus |
Transport | pengangkutan |
Undo | buat asal |
Unequal | tidak sama rata |
Unhappy | tidak berpuas hati |
Unpack | membongkar |
Unseen | ghaib |
Unstable | tidak stabil |
Unusual | luar biasa |
Update | kemas kini |
Upgrade | naik taraf |
Uphill | menanjak |
Uphold | menegakkan |
Upset | kecewa |
Upstairs | tingkat atas |
Upward | ke atas |
Top 1000 Malay words
Here you learn top 1000 Malay words, that is separated into sections to learn easily (Simple words, Easy words, Medium words, Hard Words, Advanced Words). These words are very important in daily life conversations, basic level words are very helpful for beginners. All words have Malay meanings with transliteration.
Daily use Malay Sentences
Here you learn top Malay sentences, these sentences are very important in daily life conversations, and basic-level sentences are very helpful for beginners. All sentences have Malay meanings with transliteration.
Good morning | Selamat Pagi |
What is your name | Siapa nama awak |
What is your problem | Apakah masalah kamu? |
I hate you | saya benci awak |
I love you | Saya sayang awak |
Can I help you | boleh saya tolong awak? |
I am sorry | saya minta maaf |
I want to sleep | saya mahu tidur |
This is very important | Ini sangat penting |
Are you hungry | Adakah awak lapar? |
How is your life | Bagaimanakah kehidupan anda? |
I am going to study | saya akan belajar |
Malay Vocabulary

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