He sentences in Maltese and English
‘He’ sentences in Maltese with English pronunciation. Here you learn English to Maltese translation of He sentences and play He sentences quiz in Maltese language also play A-Z dictionary quiz. Here you can easily learn daily use common Maltese sentences with the help of pronunciation in English. It helps beginners to learn Maltese language in an easy way. To learn Maltese language, common vocabulary and grammar are the important sections. Common Vocabulary contains common words that we can used in daily life.

He sentences in Maltese and English
The list of 'He' sentences in Maltese language and their pronunciation in English. Here you learn the list of English sentence to Maltese translations.
He achieved his goal | hu laħaq l-għan tiegħu |
He accepted her gift | huwa aċċetta r-rigal tagħha |
He accepted my idea | huwa aċċetta l-idea tiegħi |
He accepted the job | huwa aċċetta l-impjieg |
He admitted his mistakes | ammetta l-iżbalji tiegħu |
He advised me not to smoke | ta parir biex ma npejjipx |
He attained his goal | huwa laħaq l-għan tiegħu |
He became famous | sar famuż |
He became irritated | sar irritata |
He began to run | beda ji;ri |
He broke the law | kiser il-liġi |
He can read and write | jaf jaqra u jikteb |
He can read English easily | jaf jaqra l-Ingliż faċilment |
He can run fast | huwa jista 'jiġri malajr |
He came into the room | daħal fil-kamra |
He achieved his goal | hu laħaq l-għan tiegħu |
He accepted her gift | huwa aċċetta r-rigal tagħha |
He accepted my idea | huwa aċċetta l-idea tiegħi |
He accepted the job | huwa aċċetta l-impjieg |
He admitted his mistakes | ammetta l-iżbalji tiegħu |
He advised me not to smoke | ta parir biex ma npejjipx |
He attained his goal | huwa laħaq l-għan tiegħu |
He became famous | sar famuż |
He became irritated | sar irritata |
He began to run | beda ji;ri |
He broke the law | kiser il-liġi |
He can read and write | jaf jaqra u jikteb |
He can read English easily | jaf jaqra l-Ingliż faċilment |
He can run fast | huwa jista 'jiġri malajr |
He came into the room | daħal fil-kamra |
He can swim very fast | jaf jgħum malajr ħafna |
He did not know what to say | ma kienx jaf x'jgħid |
He did not speak | ma tkellimx |
He doesn't need to work | m'għandux għalfejn jaħdem |
He easily gets angry | huwa faċilment jirrabja |
He doesn't sing well | ma jkantax tajjeb |
He got a lot of money | kiseb ħafna flus |
He got angry | irrabja |
He had an accident at work | kellu inċident fuq ix-xogħol |
He has a lot of money | għandu ħafna flus |
He has his own room | għandu l-kamra tiegħu |
He has left his family | ħalla lill-familja tiegħu |
He has ten cows | għandu għaxar baqar |
He was alone | kien waħdu |
He was brave | kien kuraġġuż |
He was cleaning his room | kien qed inaddaf il-kamra tiegħu |
He was at home | kien id-dar |
He was very busy all day | kien okkupat ħafna l-ġurnata kollha |
He was very happy | kien kuntent ħafna |
He writes books | jikteb kotba |
He was patient | kien paċenzja |
He walks slowly | jimxi bil-mod |
He wants to meet you | irid jiltaqa’ miegħek |
He was absent from school | kien nieqes mill-iskola |
He likes to read books | jħobb jaqra l-kotba |
He likes to run | jħobb imexxi |
He lost his job | tilef ix-xogħol tiegħu |
He likes to swim | jħobb jgħum |
He learned how to swim | tgħallem kif jgħum |
He looks healthy | jidher b'saħħtu |
‘He’ sentences in other languages (40+)
Top 1000 Maltese words
Here you learn top 1000 Maltese words, that is separated into sections to learn easily (Simple words, Easy words, Medium words, Hard Words, Advanced Words). These words are very important in daily life conversations, basic level words are very helpful for beginners. All words have Maltese meanings with transliteration.
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