1000 most common Maori words
Table of content
¤ Simple words¤ Easy words
¤ Medium words
¤ Hard Words
¤ Advanced Words
¤ Daily use Sentences
¤ Picture Dictionary
Here you learn top 1000 words in English with Maori translation. If you are interested to learn 1000 most common Maori words, this place will help you to learn common words in Maori language with their pronunciation in English. You may also learn Vocabulary words to learn Maori language quickly and also play some Maori word games so you get not bored. In this, we are separated into sections to learn easily (Simple words, Easy words, medium words, Hard Words, Advanced Words). These top 1000 words are useful in daily life conversations, basic level words are very helpful for beginners. So, it is very important to learn all words in English and Maori.

1000 words in English to Maori
Here is the list of 1000 most important common words in Maori language and their pronunciation in English.
Simple words / 2 letter words
Easy words
3 letter words
Act | mahi |
Add | tāpiri |
Age | tau |
Aim | whainga |
Air | hau |
All | katoa |
And | a |
Ant | popokorua |
Any | tetahi |
Ask | patai |
Bad | kino |
Big | nui |
Buy | hoko |
Cry | tangi |
Dam | pāpuni |
Die | mate |
Dry | maroke |
End | mutunga |
Ear | taringa |
Eat | kai |
Egg | hua manu |
Eye | kanohi |
Fat | ngako |
Fly | rere |
Fun | ngahau |
Get | tiki |
God | atua |
Hen | heihei |
Hot | werawera |
Job | mahi |
Leg | waewae |
Lie | teka |
Low | iti |
Mad | haurangi |
Man | tangata |
Not | kaore |
Now | inaianei |
New | hou |
Old | tawhito |
Own | ake |
Run | rere |
Sad | pouri |
Sea | moana |
See | kite |
Shy | whakama |
Sit | noho |
Sum | moni |
Sun | ra |
Tax | taake |
Try | tamata |
Use | whakamahi |
War | whawhai |
Wet | mākū |
Why | he aha |
Win | toa |
Yes | āe |
You | koe |
4 letter words
Also | hoki |
Baby | pepi |
Back | tuara |
Bake | tunua |
Bald | pakira |
Ball | pōro |
Bark | kirikiri |
Bath | pati |
Beet | pīti |
Bend | piko |
Best | pai rawa atu |
Bird | manu |
Bold | maia |
Bone | koiwi |
Book | pukapuka |
Born | whanau |
Both | e rua |
Busy | pukumahi |
Call | karanga |
Calm | marino |
Care | tiaki |
Come | haere mai |
Cost | utu |
Cute | orotika |
Crow | kaokao |
Dare | maia |
Dark | pouri |
Date | rā |
Deal | mahi |
Diet | kai |
Dish | rihi |
Door | tatau |
Down | ki raro |
Dust | puehu |
Each | ia |
Earn | whiwhi |
Easy | ngawari |
Edge | taha |
Evil | kino |
Exit | putanga |
Face | kanohi |
Fact | meka |
Fair | tika |
Fake | rūpahu |
Farm | pāmu |
Fast | tere |
Fear | wehi |
Feel | rongo |
Find | kitea |
Fine | pai |
Fish | ika |
Food | kai |
Fool | wairangi |
Free | kore utu |
Frog | poroka |
Full | ki tonu |
Gape | puapua |
Gift | koha |
Girl | kotiro |
Goat | koati |
Good | pai |
Grab | hopu |
Grow | tupu |
Half | haurua |
Hate | mauahara |
Head | upoko |
Hear | rongo |
Heat | werawera |
Help | awhina |
Here | konei |
Hide | huna |
High | teitei |
Hold | pupuri |
Hole | poka |
Home | kainga |
Huge | nui |
Hurt | mamae |
Idea | whakaaro |
Jump | pekepeke |
Just | tika |
Kill | patu |
Land | whenua |
Last | whakamutunga |
Late | tōmuri |
Left | maui |
Life | ora |
Line | raina |
Lion | raiona |
Long | roa |
Look | titiro |
Lost | ngaro |
Love | aroha |
Luck | waimarie |
Lung | pūkahukahu |
Many | maha |
Meet | tutaki |
Melt | rewa |
Milk | miraka |
Must | me |
Name | ingoa |
Near | tata |
Neat | matika |
Neck | kaki |
Need | hiahia |
Next | i muri mai |
Only | anake |
Pain | mamae |
Pair | takirua |
Park | pāka |
Path | ara |
Play | takaro |
Poor | rawakore |
Pull | toia |
Pure | parakore |
Quit | whakamutu |
Quiz | pātaitai |
Race | iwi |
Rain | ua |
Rare | onge |
Real | tūturu |
Rent | reti |
Rest | okiokinga |
Rich | whai rawa |
Ride | ekenga |
Rise | whakatika |
Risk | mōrea |
Room | ruma |
Rope | taura |
Rude | kino |
Sage | tohunga |
Sail | rere |
Salt | te tote |
Same | rite tonu |
Sand | kirikiri |
Save | whakaora |
Scam | tinihanga |
Seed | kākano |
Seek | rapu |
Self | whaiaro |
Sell | hoko atu |
Send | tuku |
Shop | toa |
Show | whakaatu |
Sick | mate |
Side | taha |
Site | pae |
Size | rahi |
Skin | kiri |
Slow | puhoi |
Soft | ngawari |
Soil | oneone |
Some | etahi |
Soon | tata nei |
Stay | noho |
Stop | mutu |
Such | penei |
Swap | whakawhiti |
Swim | kauhoe |
Take | tango |
Talk | korero |
Tall | teitei |
Team | kapa |
Tell | korero |
Tent | teneti |
That | tera |
Then | katahi |
Thin | kikokore |
This | tenei |
Tide | tai |
Time | wā |
Tour | haerenga |
Town | tāone |
Tree | rakau |
Trip | haerenga |
Turn | huri |
Ugly | kino |
Vase | ipu |
Vein | uaua |
Very | rawa |
View | tirohanga |
Wage | utu |
Wait | tatari |
Wake | maranga |
Walk | haere |
Wall | pakitara |
Want | hiahia |
Warm | mahana |
Warn | whakatupato |
Weak | ngoikore |
Wear | kakahu |
Week | wiki |
Well | pai |
Went | haere |
What | aha |
When | inahea |
Wide | whanui |
Wife | wahine |
Wild | mohoao |
Will | hiahia |
Wind | hau |
Wine | waina |
Wish | hiahia |
Wood | rakau |
Wool | huruhuru |
Word | kupu |
Work | mahi |
Worm | noke |
Yarn | miro |
Your | tou |
Zoom | topa |
5 letter words
Above | runga |
Adapt | urutau |
Admit | whakaae |
Adult | pakeke |
After | muri |
Again | ano |
Agree | whakaae |
Alert | mataara |
Allow | tuku |
Alone | anake |
Along | haere |
Anger | riri |
Angle | koki |
Angry | riri |
Asset | rawa |
Avoid | karo |
Awake | maranga |
Aware | mohio |
Begin | timata |
Birth | whanautanga |
Blood | toto |
Brain | roro |
Built | hanga |
Bring | kawe mai |
Build | hanga |
Camel | kamera |
Canal | awa |
Carry | kawe |
Cheap | iti |
Cheat | tinihanga |
Check | taki |
Chest | pouaka |
Claim | kereme |
Clean | ma |
Clear | marama |
Climb | piki |
Close | kati |
Cloth | kakahu |
Cloud | kapua |
Color | tae |
Crime | hara |
Crowd | mano tini |
Crown | karauna |
Daily | ia rā |
Dance | kanikani |
Death | mate |
Decay | pirau |
Delay | whakaroa |
Devil | rewera |
Dirty | paru |
Dress | kakahu |
Drink | inu |
Drive | taraiwa |
Dwell | noho |
Eager | hikaka |
Eagle | ekara |
Early | moata |
Earth | whenua |
Elder | kaumatua |
Empty | takoto kau |
Enemy | hoariri |
Enjoy | pārekareka |
Entry | urunga |
Equal | riterite |
Essay | tuhinga roa |
Event | takahanga |
Every | ia |
Exact | tika |
Exist | noho |
Extra | taapiri |
Faith | whakapono |
Fault | hē |
Fever | kirikaa |
Field | mara |
Final | whakamutunga |
Fleet | waka waka |
Float | mānu |
Flood | waipuke |
Floor | papa |
Flour | paraoa |
Fluid | wai |
Focus | arotahi |
Force | kaha |
Fraud | tinihanga |
Fresh | hou |
Front | mua |
Fruit | hua |
Ghost | wairua |
Globe | ao |
Going | haere ana |
Grain | witi |
Grant | karaati |
Grass | tarutaru |
Great | nui |
Group | roopu |
Guard | kaitiaki |
Guest | manuhiri |
Habit | tikanga |
Heart | ngakau |
Honey | honi |
Horse | hoiho |
House | whare |
Human | tangata |
Ideal | pai |
Issue | take |
Judge | kaiwhakawa |
Knife | maripi |
Labor | mahi |
Ladle | punetēpu |
Large | nui |
Laugh | katakata |
Learn | ako |
Leave | wehe |
Legal | ture |
Limit | rohe |
Lunch | tina |
Metal | whakarewa |
Mixed | whakauru |
Money | moni |
Month | marama |
Mount | maunga |
Mouth | waha |
Music | waiata |
Maize | kānga |
Naked | tahanga |
Never | kore rawa |
Night | po |
Niece | iramutu |
Noise | haruru |
Occur | puta |
Ocean | moana |
Onion | riki |
Offer | tuku |
Order | ota |
Organ | okana |
Other | atu |
Owner | rangatira |
Paddy | padi |
Panic | ohorere |
Peace | te rangimarie |
Place | wahi |
Plant | tipu |
Price | utu |
Pride | whakakake |
Proud | whakakake |
Prove | whakamatauria |
Quilt | whakakikorua |
Quick | tere |
Quite | tino |
Raise | whakaarahia |
Reach | tae atu |
React | tauhohe |
Ready | kua rite |
Reply | whakautu |
Right | tika |
Round | huri noa |
Rural | taiwhenua |
Saint | tapu |
Scope | whānuitanga |
Score | piro |
Sense | tikanga |
Shake | ruru |
Shape | ahua |
Share | tohatoha |
Sharp | koi |
Shrub | rakau riki |
Skill | pūkenga |
Sleep | moe |
Slope | titahatanga |
Small | iti |
Smell | kakara |
Smile | ataata |
Snake | nakahi |
Snore | ngongo |
Solid | mārō |
Sound | tangi |
Space | wāhi |
Speak | korero |
Speed | tere |
Spend | whakapau |
Spent | pau |
Sperm | parāoa |
Sport | hākinakina |
Stand | tu |
Steam | mamaoa |
Stone | kohatu |
Story | korero |
Taste | reka |
Teach | whakaako |
Teeth | niho |
Thank | mihi |
There | i reira |
These | enei |
Thick | mātotoru |
Thing | mea |
Tiger | taika |
Today | i tenei ra |
Total | katoa |
Treat | maimoatanga |
Trend | ahua |
Tried | whakamatauria |
Trust | whakawhirinaki |
Truth | pono |
Twice | rua |
Under | i raro |
Upper | runga |
Urban | tāone |
Visit | toronga |
Voice | reo |
Vomit | ruaki |
Waste | ururua |
Water | wai |
Wheat | witi |
Where | kei hea |
White | ma |
Whole | katoa |
Woman | wahine |
World | ao |
Worst | kino rawa atu |
Write | tuhi |
Wrong | hē |
Yield | hua |
Young | taitamariki |
Youth | rangatahi |
Medium words
6 letter words
Absent | ngaro |
Accept | whakaae |
Admire | whakamihi |
Advice | tohutohu |
Almost | tata |
Always | i nga wa katoa |
Animal | kararehe |
Answer | whakautu |
Appeal | piira |
Appear | puta |
Arrive | tae mai |
Artist | kaitoi |
Assist | awhina |
Attack | whakaeke |
Attach | whakapiri |
Attend | haere mai |
Bangle | poroporo |
Before | i mua |
Behind | kei muri |
Bellow | tangi |
Better | pai ake |
Borrow | tarewa |
Bottom | raro |
Broken | pakaru |
Budget | pūtea |
Cancel | whakakore |
Cancer | mate pukupuku |
Carrot | kāreti |
Cattle | kau |
Common | noa |
Compel | akiaki |
Corner | kokonga |
Couple | tokorua |
Course | akoranga |
Create | hanga |
Custom | ritenga |
Damage | kino |
Dancer | kaihaka |
Danger | mōrearea |
Decade | tekau tau |
Defeat | hinga |
Delete | whakakore |
Demand | tono |
Desire | hiahia |
Detail | taipitopito |
Dinner | tina |
Divine | atua |
Donkey | kaihe |
Double | rua |
Edible | kai |
Effect | pānga |
Either | ahakoa |
Empire | rangatiratanga |
Energy | pūngao |
Enough | nui |
Ensure | whakarite |
Entire | katoa |
Except | hāunga |
Expand | whakawhänui |
Expect | tumanako |
Export | kaweake |
Extend | whakaroa |
Facade | mata |
Family | whanau |
Famous | rongonui |
Faulty | hē |
Favour | manaaki |
Female | wahine |
Fiance | taumau |
Finish | mutu |
Flower | puawai |
Forest | ngahere |
Forgot | kua wareware |
Freeze | whakatio |
Friend | hoa |
Future | heke mai |
Garage | karati |
Garden | māra |
Garlic | karika |
Ginger | kanekane |
Global | ao |
Ground | whenua |
Growth | tupuranga |
Health | hauora |
Hidden | huna |
Honest | pono |
Honour | honore |
Hostel | whare noho |
Humble | whakaiti |
Hungry | hiakai |
Ignore | aro atu |
Impact | pānga |
Impure | poke |
Income | moni whiwhi |
Inform | whakamohio |
Insect | ngarara |
Inside | roto |
Jungle | ngaherehere |
Kidnap | kāhaki |
Kindle | whakawera |
Labour | mahi |
Leader | rangatira |
Length | roa |
Letter | reta |
Liquid | wai |
Little | iti |
Living | noho |
Lizard | mokomoko |
Locate | kimi |
Luxury | papai |
Making | hanga |
Mammal | whakangote |
Manage | whakahaere |
Manual | ā-ringa |
Market | maakete |
Mental | hinengaro |
Method | tikanga |
Middle | waenganui |
Monkey | makimaki |
Mother | whaea |
Muscle | uaua |
Narrow | whaiti |
Native | tangata whenua |
Nature | taiao |
Normal | noa |
Number | tau |
Object | ahanoa |
Office | tari |
Option | kōwhiringa |
Parent | matua |
Parrot | kākā |
People | tangata |
Person | tangata |
Pickle | pīkara |
Picnic | pikiniki |
Pigeon | kukupa |
Planet | aorangi |
Please | tēnā koa |
Plenty | nui |
Police | pirihimana |
Potato | riwai |
Praise | whakamoemiti |
Prayer | inoi |
Pretty | ataahua |
Prince | rangatira |
Profit | hua |
Proper | tika |
Public | tūmatanui |
Rabbit | rapeti |
Recent | tata nei |
Recipe | tunu |
Record | rekoata |
Reduce | whakaiti |
Regret | pouri |
Reject | whakakāhore |
Remind | whakamaumahara |
Remove | tango |
Repair | whakatikatika |
Repeat | tukurua |
Return | hoki mai |
Rotate | hurihuri |
Safety | haumaru |
Salary | utu |
Sample | tauira |
School | kura |
Screen | mata |
Script | tuhinga |
Scroll | panuku |
Search | rapu |
Season | taima |
Secret | ngaro |
Secure | haumaru |
Select | whiriwhiri |
Senior | kaumatua |
Shield | whakangungu rakau |
Should | kia |
Shower | ua |
Silent | wahangu |
Single | takakau |
Sister | tuahine |
Smooth | maeneene |
Social | pāpori |
Speech | whaikōrero |
Street | tiriti |
Strong | kaha |
Sudden | ohorere |
Summer | raumati |
Supply | tuku |
Talent | taranata |
Temple | whare tapu |
Thread | miro |
Thrill | whakahihiri |
Throat | korokoro |
Tittle | taitara |
Toilet | wharepaku |
Tomato | tōmato |
Tongue | arero |
Travel | haere |
Tunnel | kauhanga |
Turtle | honu |
Unseen | kore kitea |
Update | whakahou |
Urgent | ohorere |
Useful | whai hua |
Vacate | whakawātea |
Vacuum | korehau |
Vapour | kohu |
Verify | manatoko |
Virgin | wahine |
Wealth | taonga |
Weekly | ia wiki |
Weight | taumaha |
Winter | te hotoke |
Winner | toa |
Wonder | miharo |
Worker | kaimahi |
Writer | kaituhi |
Yearly | ia tau |
7 letter words
Achieve | tutuki |
Advance | mua |
Against | whakahē |
Already | kua |
Ancient | tawhito |
Anybody | tangata |
Approve | whakaae |
Apology | whakapāha |
Archive | pūranga |
Arrange | whakarite |
Arrival | te taenga mai |
Article | tuhinga |
Attempt | nganatanga |
Attract | kukume |
Average | toharite |
Bandage | takai |
Barrage | paheke |
Barrier | tauārai |
Because | no te mea |
Benefit | painga |
Between | i waenganui |
Cabbage | kāpeti |
Capture | hopu |
Careful | tūpato |
Carrier | kaikawe |
Century | rautau |
Certain | etahi |
Chamber | ruma |
Chapter | pene |
Charity | aroha |
Climate | āhuarangi |
Coconut | kokonati |
Collect | kohikohi |
College | kāreti |
Comfort | whakamarie |
Command | whakahau |
Comment | kōrero |
Company | kamupene |
Compare | whakatairite |
Concept | ariā |
Concern | āwangawanga |
Conduct | whakahaere |
Confirm | whakaū |
Connect | hono |
Contact | whakapā |
Control | mana whakahaere |
Convert | tahuri |
Correct | tika |
Costume | kākahu |
Cottage | whare whare |
Country | whenua |
Courage | maia |
Cucumber | kūkamo |
Curious | pākiki |
Declare | whakapuaki |
Defense | whakamarumaru |
Dentist | niho niho |
Deposit | putunga |
Despite | ahakoa |
Destiny | te mutunga |
Destroy | whakangaro |
Develop | whakawhanake |
Disease | mate |
Display | whakaatu |
Disturb | whakararuraru |
Dynasty | whare rangatira |
Eagerly | hihiko |
Earning | whiwhinga moni |
Eatable | kai |
Ecology | rauropi |
Economy | ōhanga |
Edition | putanga |
Elegant | huatau |
Enhance | whakarei |
Episode | wahanga |
Example | tauira |
Evening | ahiahi |
Exclude | whakakore |
Explain | whakamārama |
Explore | torotoro |
Educate | whakaako |
Factory | wheketere |
Failure | korenga |
Feature | āhuatanga |
Finance | pūtea |
Flavour | reka |
Fluency | matatau |
Forever | mo ake tonu atu |
Further | atu |
Garment | kakahu |
General | whānui |
Genuine | pono |
Glamour | whakahirahira |
Grammar | wetereo |
Grocery | hoko kai |
Habitat | nohonga |
Harmful | kino |
Harvest | hauhake |
Heading | pane |
Hearing | rongo |
Helpful | āwhina |
History | hītori |
Holding | pupuri |
Holiday | hararei |
Hundred | rau |
Husband | tane |
Hygiene | te akuaku |
Impress | whakamihi |
Improve | whakapai ake |
Include | whakauru |
Initial | tuatahi |
Inspect | tirotirohia |
Inspire | whakahihiri |
Journey | haerenga |
Justice | tika |
Leading | ārahi |
Leather | hiako |
Leaving | ka wehe atu |
Lecture | kauhau |
Liberal | atawhai |
Lovable | arohaina |
Luggage | tueke |
Manager | kaiwhakahaere |
Maximum | mōrahi |
Meaning | tikanga |
Measure | mehua |
Medical | hauora |
Message | karere |
Migrant | manene |
Mineral | kohuke |
Minimum | iti rawa |
Miracle | merekara |
Missile | perehana |
Missing | ngaro |
Mistake | pohehe |
Morning | ata |
Mustard | pua nani |
Mystery | mea ngaro |
Narrate | korero |
Natural | maori |
Naughty | kino |
Neglect | tauware |
Neither | kahore hoki |
Nervous | mataku |
Network | whatunga |
Nothing | kahore |
Observe | mātakitaki |
Opening | whakatuwheratanga |
Operate | mahi |
Opinion | whakaaro |
Organic | pararopi |
Ostrich | otereti |
Package | mōkihi |
Painful | mamae |
Partial | wahanga |
Passage | haere |
Patient | manawanui |
Payment | utu |
Penalty | whiunga |
Pending | tārewa |
Penguin | korara |
Pension | penihana |
Perfect | tino tika |
Perfume | kakara |
Popular | rongonui |
Pottery | hanga uku |
Poverty | te rawakore |
Prevent | aukati |
Privacy | tūmataiti |
Private | tūmataiti |
Problem | raruraru |
Produce | hua |
Propose | tuku |
Purpose | kaupapa |
Quality | kounga |
Quickly | tere |
Receive | whiwhi |
Regular | auau |
Related | whai pānga |
Release | tuku |
Replace | whakakapi |
Reptile | ngarara |
Request | tono |
Respect | whakaute |
Respond | whakautu |
Revenge | te utu |
Revenue | moni whiwhi |
Reverse | whakamuri |
Robbery | pahua |
Romance | whaiāipo |
Science | pūtaiao |
Serious | taumaha |
Servant | pononga |
Service | ratonga |
Similar | rite |
Society | hapori |
Sparrow | pihoihoi |
Special | motuhake |
Stomach | puku |
Student | tauira |
Success | angitu |
Suggest | whakaaro |
Suicide | whakamomori |
Support | tautoko |
Suspend | whakatarewa |
Teacher | kaiako |
Teenage | taiohi |
Tension | mānukanuka |
Tourism | tāpoi |
Trouble | raruraru |
Uniform | kākahu |
Utility | whaipainga |
Vacancy | waatea |
Variety | momo |
Vehicle | waka |
Village | kainga |
Vintage | waina |
Victory | wikitoria |
Violent | tutu |
Visible | kitea |
Visitor | manuhiri |
Vitamin | huaora |
Walking | haere haere |
Wanting | hiahia |
Warning | whakatūpato |
Wealthy | whai rawa |
Weather | huarere |
Wedding | marena |
Welcome | nau mai haere mai |
Welfare | oranga |
Winning | toa |
Working | mahi |
Worried | māharahara |
Worship | karakia |
Writing | tuhi |
8 letter words
Abnormal | rerehua |
Absolute | tino |
Accepted | whakaaetia |
Accident | aitua |
Accuracy | tika |
Activate | whakahohe |
Addition | tāpiritanga |
Adequate | rawaka |
Affected | pāngia |
Alphabet | piapa |
Anything | tetahi mea |
Anywhere | ki hea |
Appraise | arohaehae |
Approach | whakatata |
Approval | whakaaetanga |
Argument | tautohe |
Assemble | whakahuihui |
Attitude | huru |
Audience | minenga |
Attorney | roia |
Aviation | rererangi |
Backward | whakamuri |
Beginner | timata |
Birthday | huritau |
Bleeding | whakaheke toto |
Building | whare |
Campaign | pakanga |
Carriage | hariata |
Children | tamariki |
Cleavage | wehewehenga |
Complete | oti |
Conserve | tiaki |
Consider | whakaaro |
Consumer | kaihoko |
Continue | haere tonu |
Criminal | taihara |
Critical | arohaehae |
Daughter | tamahine |
Decision | whakatau |
Decrease | heke |
Delicate | ngawari |
Delivery | tukunga |
Delusion | pohehe |
Describe | whakaahua |
Disagree | whakahē |
Disallow | whakakorea |
Duration | roanga |
Economic | ōhanga |
Elephant | arewhana |
Eligible | e tika ana |
Employee | kaimahi |
Enormous | nui |
Entrance | tomokanga |
Envelope | pūhera |
Estimate | whakatau tata |
Everyday | ia rā |
Exercise | korikori tinana |
Explicit | mārama |
Exposure | whakakitenga |
External | waho |
Facility | whare |
Faithful | pono |
Favorite | tino pai |
Festival | hakari |
Flexible | ngawari |
Friction | waku |
Generate | whakaputa |
Greeting | tena koutou |
Guardian | kaitiaki |
Heritage | taonga tuku iho |
Horrible | whakamataku |
Hospital | hōhipera |
Humorous | whakakatakata |
Identity | tuakiri |
Incident | aitua |
Increase | piki |
Indicate | tohu |
Industry | ahumahi |
Jealousy | puhaehae |
Learning | ako |
Location | wāhi |
Majority | te nuinga |
Marriage | marena |
Material | rauemi |
Medicine | rongoa |
Moderate | āhua |
Mosquito | waeroa |
Mountain | maunga |
Narrator | kai korero |
Nutrient | matūkai |
Opposite | te ritenga atu |
Original | taketake |
Ornament | whakapaipai |
Painting | peita |
Particle | matūriki |
Patience | manawanui |
Pleasure | ahuareka |
Position | tūnga |
Positive | pai |
Possible | taea |
Postpone | whakaroa |
Powerful | kaha |
Precious | utu nui |
Pregnant | hapu |
Pressure | pehanga |
Previous | mua |
Progress | te ahunga whakamua |
Prohibit | rāhuitia |
Property | taonga |
Purchase | hokonga |
Quantity | rahinga |
Recovery | whakaora |
Regional | rohe |
Relevant | whai take |
Religion | karakia |
Remember | mahara |
Research | rangahau |
Resource | rauemi |
Response | whakautu |
Restrict | whakawhāiti |
Revision | whakahounga |
Sensible | whai whakaaro |
Sentence | rerenga korero |
Separate | wehe |
Stranger | tauhou |
Strategy | rautaki |
Strength | kaha |
Struggle | pakanga |
Suitable | e tika ana |
Superior | teitei |
Surprise | ohorere |
Swelling | te pupuhi |
Terrible | whakamataku |
Together | tahi |
Tomorrow | apopo |
Training | whakangungu |
Transfer | whakawhiti |
Transmit | tuku |
Treasure | taonga |
Umbrella | marara |
Universe | aorangi |
Vacation | hararei |
Validate | whakamana |
Vertical | poutū |
Vigorous | kaha |
Violence | tutu |
Vocation | mahi |
Vomiting | ruaki |
Wildlife | kararehe kararehe |
Yielding | tuku |
Yourself | koe |
Youthful | rangatahi |
Hard Words
9 letter words
Fantastic | whakamiharo |
Fertility | whai hua |
Financial | pūtea |
Generally | whānui |
Glamorous | whakahihiri |
Happening | tupu ana |
Household | whare |
Identical | ōrite |
Important | nui |
Incorrect | hē |
Incorrupt | pirau |
Influence | whakaawe |
Insurance | inihua |
Interview | uiuinga |
Intestine | whekau |
Introduce | whakataki |
Invention | hangahanga |
Invisible | kore e kitea |
Irregular | kōhikohiko |
Jewellery | whakapaipai |
Knowledge | matauranga |
Liability | taunahatanga |
Misbehave | mahi kino |
Narration | korero korero |
Necessity | hiahia |
Negotiate | whiriwhiringa |
Nutrition | kai tōtika |
Offensive | whakakino |
Partition | wehewehenga |
Political | tōrangapū |
Pollution | poke |
Potential | te kaha |
Practical | mahi |
Precision | tika |
Privilege | painga |
Procedure | tukanga |
Prominent | rongonui |
Professor | ahorangi |
Promotion | whakatairanga |
Provoking | whakapataritari |
Qualified | whai tohu |
Reference | tohutoro |
Repulsion | whakahē |
Residence | nohonga |
Sacrifice | patunga tapu |
Sensitive | tairongo |
Something | tetahi mea |
Statement | korero |
Subscribe | ohauru |
Substance | taonga |
Sugarcane | huka |
Sunflower | putirā |
Surrender | tukunga |
Technical | hangarau |
Temporary | rangitahi |
Terrorist | kaiwhakatuma |
Treatment | maimoatanga |
Variation | rerekētanga |
Vegetable | huawhenua |
Virginity | wahinetanga |
Yesterday | inanahi |
10 letter words
Abbreviate | whakapoto |
Absolutely | tino |
Absorption | horonga |
Acceptable | e manakohia ana |
Achievable | ka taea |
Additional | taapiri |
Admiration | whakamihi |
Adolescent | taiohi |
Adulterant | puremu |
Adventurer | kaihoroi |
Afterwards | muri iho |
Aggression | whakakino |
Alteration | whakarerekētanga |
Ambassador | karere |
Analytical | tātari |
Antibiotic | paturopi |
Anticipate | matapae |
Appreciate | maioha |
Artificial | hangahanga |
Aspiration | wawata |
Assignment | taumahi |
Atmosphere | huru |
Attachment | āpitihanga |
Attraction | whakahihiri |
Chloroform | hauhau |
Combustion | ngingiha |
Commission | kōmihana |
Compassion | aroha |
Compulsory | herea |
Conclusion | whakatau |
Confection | hangahanga |
Corruption | pirau |
Decoration | whakapaipai |
Dedication | whakatapua |
Deficiency | ngoikoretanga |
Definition | whakamāramatanga |
Department | tari |
Depression | pouri |
Dictionary | papakupu |
Discipline | ako |
Disclaimer | whakahē |
Disclosure | whakakitenga |
Discussion | korerorero |
Efficiency | whai huatanga |
Employment | mahi |
Engagement | whakaurunga |
Everything | nga mea katoa |
Everywhere | nga wahi katoa |
Exhibition | whakaaturanga |
Experience | wheako |
Experiment | whakamātau |
Expiration | paunga |
Expression | whakapuakitanga |
Fertilizer | tongi |
Foundation | turanga |
Generation | whakatipuranga |
Government | kāwanatanga |
Importance | hiranga |
Impossible | taea |
Inadequate | takarepa |
Incomplete | kāore i oti |
Incredible | whakaponohia |
Individual | takitahi |
Inspection | tirotiro |
Instrument | taputapu |
Irrigation | irrigation |
Journalism | purongo |
Management | whakahaere |
Moderation | whakaōrite |
Motivation | whakahihiri |
Negligible | iti noa |
Occupation | mahi |
Particular | motuhake |
Passionate | kaingākau |
Permission | whakaaetanga |
Population | taupori |
Production | hangahanga |
Prostitute | wahine kairau |
Protection | whakamarumaru |
Psychology | hinengaro |
Punishment | whiunga |
Quarantine | taratahi |
Retirement | whakatā |
Sufficient | rawaka |
Supervisor | kaitirotiro |
Supplement | tāpiringa |
University | whare wananga |
Vegetarian | kaiwhenua |
Visibility | kitea |
Vulnerable | whakaraerae |
Advanced Words
11 letter words
Accommodate | noho |
Achievement | paetae |
Acknowledge | whakaae |
Affirmation | whakaū |
Aggregation | whakahiatotanga |
Agriculture | ahuwhenua |
Alternation | tauhurihuri |
Anniversary | huritau |
Application | tono |
Appointment | whakarite |
Appreciable | whakamihi |
Approximate | tata |
Association | hononga |
Certificate | tiwhikete |
Competition | whakataetae |
Cultivation | ngaki |
Corporation | kaporeihana |
Cooperation | mahi tahi |
Dehydration | mate wai |
Discontinue | whakamutua |
Elimination | whakakorenga |
Environment | taiao |
Evaporation | whakaetonga |
Examination | whakamātautau |
Expenditure | whakapaunga |
Fabrication | tito |
Improvement | whakapai ake |
Independent | motuhake |
Information | nga korero |
Inspiration | whakahihiri |
Institution | whare whakahaere |
Instruction | tohutohu |
Intelligent | mohio |
Manufacture | hangahanga |
Measurement | inenga |
Mensuration | inenga |
Observation | mātakitaki |
Opportunity | whai waahi |
Participant | kaiuru |
Performance | mahi |
Preparation | whakarite |
Significant | nui |
Temperature | pāmahana |
Translation | whakamaoritanga |
Transparent | mārama |
Vaccination | werohanga |
12, 13 letter words
Abbreviation | whakapoto |
Administrate | whakahaere |
Appreciation | maioha |
Accommodation | noho |
Accompaniment | te haere tahi |
Administrator | kaiwhakahaere |
Advertisement | pānuitanga |
Administration | whakahaerenga |
Acknowledgement | mihinga |
Conformation | hangahanga |
Conservation | tiaki |
Constitution | kaupapa ture |
Construction | hangahanga |
Contribution | takoha |
Communication | whakawhitiwhitinga korero |
Classification | whakarōpūtanga |
Congratulation | mihi |
Disadvantage | ngoikoretanga |
Entrepreneur | kaipakihi |
Entertainment | whakangahau |
Extraordinary | faahiahia |
Horticulture | ahuone |
Intermediate | takawaenga |
Introduction | whakataki |
Investigation | whakatewhatewha |
International | ao |
Identification | tautuhi |
Justification | whakamana |
Knowledgeable | mohio |
Maintainable | ka taea te pupuri |
Organization | whakahaere |
Presentation | whakaaturanga |
Preservation | tiaki |
Purification | purenga |
Participation | whai wāhi |
Registration | rehitatanga |
Reproduction | whakaputa uri |
Satisfaction | te pai |
Self-confidence | te maia-whaiaro |
Transformation | hurihanga |
Transportation | kawe waka |

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Maori Vocabulary