Household items names in Maori and English - Common Maori Vocabulary

Learn common Maori vocabulary with this English-to-Maori list of Household items names. Essential for daily conversations, this will help to build your Maori language skills through popular words and play Maori quizzes and also play picture vocabulary, play some games so you do get not bored. If you think too hard to learn the Maori language, then the 1000 most common Maori words will help you to learn the Maori language easily, they contain 2-letter words to 13-letter words. The below table gives the translation of Household items vocabulary words in Maori.

Household items names in Maori and English - Common Maori Vocabulary

Read also: A-Z Dictionary | Quiz | Vocabulary | Alphabets | Grammar

List of Household items names in Maori with English Pronunciation

Learn Household items in Maori, along with their English pronunciation. This vocabulary guide helps beginners and language enthusiasts expand their Maori vocabulary for daily conversations.

Household items names - Maori

Blanket paraikete
Bolster tautoko
Bolt tutaki
Bottle pounamu
Box pouaka
Brick pereki
Broom puruma
Brush paraihe
Bucket peere
Computer rorohiko
Colors tae
Chair tūru
Towel tauera
Dryer whakamaroke
Eraser kaikōmuru
Almirah aramira
Apartment whare noho
Ash pungarehu
Attic tuanui
Basement raro
Basket kete
Bathroom wharepaku
Bed moenga
Bedroom whare moenga
Button pātene
Candle kānara
Carpet whāriki
Casket pouaka
Cauldron kohua
Ceiling tuanui
Fan powhiriwhiri
Floss miro
Foam pahuka
Gym omaoma
Garbage paru
Globe ao
Gate kuwaha
Grater kuoro
Glass karaihe
Kettle pata
Kernel kākano
Umbrella marara
Uniform kākahu
Utensils taputapu
Atlas atlas
Book pukapuka
Bag putea
Barometer paetata
Blender whakaranu
Clothes kakahu
Containers ipu
Camera kāmera
Grain witi
Garment kakahu
Hammer hama
Hearth ahi ahi
Hose ngongo ngongo
Hook matau
Heater whakamahana
Headphones taringa
Ruler rangatira
Pen pene
Iron rino
Ice Cream aihikirimi
Jar oko
Juicer kai waiu
Jam tāmi
Jewelry whakapaipai
Kite kite
Kitten punua
Kitchen kīhini
Knives maripi
Lingerie lingerie
Lamp rama
Lock maukati
Ladle punetēpu
Light marama
Mugs kapu
Medicines rongoa
Mail mēra
Magnets aukume
Mop mopi
Makeup whakapaipai
Fryer parai
Plums paramu
Perfume kakara
Knife maripi
Pitcher oko
Printer pūreretā
Quilt whakakikorua
Radio reo irirangi
Raincoat koti ua
Ribbon riipene
Rifle raiwhara
Rouge rouge
Refrigerator pouaka whakamātao
Rugs whariki
Range awhe
Stereo tīwharawhara
Shades whakamarumaru
Socks tōkena
Stamps pane kuini
Spoon koko
Stapler kaitapa
Sneakers huu hu
Scarf tauera
Telephone waea
Trumpet tetere
Tapestry takai
Throws ka whiua
Timers taima
Tissues kopa
Toaster toa toa
Oven oumu
Torch rama
Vacuum korehau
Vent hau
Vase ipu
Washer kaihoroi
Watch mataara
Wardrobe kakahu kakahu
Hanger whakairinga
Yardstick rakau iri
Yogurt miraka pē
Yarn miro
Zipper kutumau

Top 1000 Maori words

Here you learn top 1000 Maori words, that is separated into sections to learn easily (Simple words, Easy words, Medium words, Hard Words, Advanced Words). These words are very important in daily life conversations, basic level words are very helpful for beginners. All words have Maori meanings with transliteration.

Eat kai
All katoa
New hou
Snore ngongo
Fast tere
Help awhina
Pain mamae
Rain ua
Pride whakakake
Sense tikanga
Large nui
Skill pūkenga
Panic ohorere
Thank mihi
Desire hiahia
Woman wahine
Hungry hiakai

Daily use Maori Sentences

Here you learn top Maori sentences, these sentences are very important in daily life conversations, and basic-level sentences are very helpful for beginners. All sentences have Maori meanings with transliteration.

Good morning Ata pai
What is your name Ko wai to ingoa
What is your problem He aha to raru?
I hate you E kino ana ahau ki a koe
I love you Aroha ana ahau ki a koe
Can I help you Ka taea e au te awhina i a koe?
I am sorry Ka pouri ahau
I want to sleep Kei te pirangi ahau ki te moe
This is very important He mea tino nui tenei
Are you hungry Kei te hiakai koe?
How is your life Kei te pehea to oranga?
I am going to study Kei te haere ahau ki te ako
Maori Vocabulary
Maori Dictionary

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