Occupation names in Maori and English - Common Maori Vocabulary

Learn common Maori vocabulary with this English-to-Maori list of Occupation names. Essential for daily conversations, this will help to build your Maori language skills through popular words and play Maori quizzes and also play picture vocabulary, play some games so you do get not bored. If you think too hard to learn the Maori language, then the 1000 most common Maori words will help you to learn the Maori language easily, they contain 2-letter words to 13-letter words. The below table gives the translation of Occupation vocabulary words in Maori.

Occupation names in Maori and English - Common Maori Vocabulary

Read also: A-Z Dictionary | Quiz | Vocabulary | Alphabets | Grammar

List of Occupation names in Maori with English Pronunciation

Learn Occupation in Maori, along with their English pronunciation. This vocabulary guide helps beginners and language enthusiasts expand their Maori vocabulary for daily conversations.

Occupation names - Maori

Accountant kaikaute
Actor kaiwhakaari
Actress kaitapere wahine
Advocate kaiwawao
Agent kaihoko
Architect hoahoanga
Artist kaitoi
Auctioneer kaihoko hokohoko
Author kaituhi
Baker kaihanga taro
Barber kaitukino
Betel Seller kaihoko betel
Blacksmith parakimete
Boatman tangata poti
Brasier karekau
Broker kaihokohoko
Bus driver taraiwa pahi
Butcher kaipatu
Butler kaiwhakainu
Carpenter kamura
Carrier kaikawe
Cashier putea
Chauffeur kaitaraiwa
Chemist tohunga kemu
Cleaner kaihoroi
Clerk karaka
Coachman kaiarataki
Cobbler kaipahua
Collector kaikohi
Compositor kaitito
Compounder whakahuihui
Conductor kaikawe
Confectioner kaipahua
Constable Katipa
Contractor kaikirimana
Cook tunu kai
Coolie kuihi
Craftsman tohunga mahi
Dancer kaihaka
Dentist niho niho
Designer kaihoahoa
Doctor tākuta
Draftsman kaitoi
Dramatist kaiwhakaari whakaari
Draper karekau
Druggist kai tarukino
Dyer waikano
Editor ētita
Electrician tohunga hiko
Engineer miihini
Examiner kaitirotiro
Farmer kaiahuwhenua
Fireman kaipatu ahi
Fisherman kaihao ika
Florist kaihoko putiputi
Gardener kai mahi kari
Glazier whakarara
Goldsimth koura
Hairdresser kai makawe
Hawker kaihoko
Inspector kaitirotiro
Jeweller kaikoi
Journalist kairīpoata
Judge kaiwhakawa
Labourer kaimahi
Landlord tangata whenua
Lawyer roia
Lecturer kaikōrero
Librarian whare pukapuka
Lifeguard kaitiaki ora
Magician tohunga makutu
Manager kaiwhakahaere
Mason mason
Mechanic miihini
Merchant kaihokohoko
Messenger karere
Midwife kaiwhakawhanau
Milkmaid wahine miraka
Milkman tangata miraka
Minister minita
Model tauira
Musician kaiwaiata
News reader kaipānui rongo
Novelist kaituhi pukapuka
Nurse nēhi
Oilman tangata hinuhinu
Operator kaiwhakahaere
Optician tohunga mata
Painter kaipeita
Peon peona
Perfumer tangata whakakakara
Pharmacist kai rongoā
Photographer kaitango whakaahua
Physician rata
Pilot kaiurungi
Plumber paipa
Poet kaitito
Policeman pirihimana
Politician kaitōrangapū
Postman tangata poutapeta
Potter kaipokepoke
Priest tohunga
Printer pūreretā
Proprietor rangatira
Publisher kaiwhakaputa
Receptionist kaikawe manuhiri
Retailer kaihokohoko
Sailor heramana
Scientist kaiputaiao
Sculptor tohunga whakairo
Secretary hekeretari
Seedsman tangata kakano
Shoemaker te hanga hu
Shop assistant kaiawhina toa
Shopkeeper toa
Soldier hoia
Surgeon tākuta
Sweeper kaihoroi
Tailor taihoa
Taxi driver taraiwa taxi
Teacher kaiako
Translator kaiwhakamaori
Travel agent kaihoko haere
Treasurer kaitiaki pūtea
Turner kaihurihuri
Vaccinator kano kano
Veterinary doctor tākuta kararehe
Waiter kaitaita
Waitress kaitaita
Washerman kaihoroi
Washerwoman wahine horoi
Watchman kaitiaki
Weaver kaiwhatu
Workers kaimahi
Writer kaituhi

Top 1000 Maori words

Here you learn top 1000 Maori words, that is separated into sections to learn easily (Simple words, Easy words, Medium words, Hard Words, Advanced Words). These words are very important in daily life conversations, basic level words are very helpful for beginners. All words have Maori meanings with transliteration.

Eat kai
All katoa
New hou
Snore ngongo
Fast tere
Help awhina
Pain mamae
Rain ua
Pride whakakake
Sense tikanga
Large nui
Skill pūkenga
Panic ohorere
Thank mihi
Desire hiahia
Woman wahine
Hungry hiakai

Daily use Maori Sentences

Here you learn top Maori sentences, these sentences are very important in daily life conversations, and basic-level sentences are very helpful for beginners. All sentences have Maori meanings with transliteration.

Good morning Ata pai
What is your name Ko wai to ingoa
What is your problem He aha to raru?
I hate you E kino ana ahau ki a koe
I love you Aroha ana ahau ki a koe
Can I help you Ka taea e au te awhina i a koe?
I am sorry Ka pouri ahau
I want to sleep Kei te pirangi ahau ki te moe
This is very important He mea tino nui tenei
Are you hungry Kei te hiakai koe?
How is your life Kei te pehea to oranga?
I am going to study Kei te haere ahau ki te ako
Maori Vocabulary
Maori Dictionary

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