He sentences in Marathi and English
‘He’ sentences in Marathi with English pronunciation. Here you learn English to Marathi translation of He sentences and play He sentences quiz in Marathi language also play A-Z dictionary quiz. Here you can easily learn daily use common Marathi sentences with the help of pronunciation in English. It helps beginners to learn Marathi language in an easy way. To learn Marathi language, common vocabulary and grammar are the important sections. Common Vocabulary contains common words that we can used in daily life.

He sentences in Marathi and English
The list of 'He' sentences in Marathi language and their pronunciation in English. Here you learn the list of English sentence to Marathi translations.
He achieved his goal | त्याने आपले ध्येय साध्य केले tyane apale dhyeya sadhya kele |
He accepted her gift | त्याने तिची भेट स्वीकारली tyane tici bheta svikarali |
He accepted my idea | त्याने माझी कल्पना स्वीकारली tyane majhi kalpana svikarali |
He accepted the job | त्याने नोकरी स्वीकारली tyane nokari svikarali |
He admitted his mistakes | त्याने त्याच्या चुका मान्य केल्या tyane tyacya cuka man'ya kelya |
He advised me not to smoke | त्याने मला धूम्रपान न करण्याचा सल्ला दिला tyane mala dhumrapana na karanyaca salla dila |
He attained his goal | त्याने आपले ध्येय गाठले tyane apale dhyeya gathale |
He became famous | तो प्रसिद्ध झाला to prasid'dha jhala |
He became irritated | तो चिडचिड झाला to cidacida jhala |
He began to run | तो धावू लागला to dhavu lagala |
He broke the law | त्याने कायदा मोडला tyane kayada modala |
He can read and write | तो लिहू आणि वाचू शकतो to lihu ani vacu sakato |
He can read English easily | तो इंग्रजी सहज वाचू शकतो to ingraji sahaja vacu sakato |
He can run fast | तो वेगाने धावू शकतो to vegane dhavu sakato |
He came into the room | तो खोलीत आला to kholita ala |
He achieved his goal | त्याने आपले ध्येय साध्य केले tyane apale dhyeya sadhya kele |
He accepted her gift | त्याने तिची भेट स्वीकारली tyane tici bheta svikarali |
He accepted my idea | त्याने माझी कल्पना स्वीकारली tyane majhi kalpana svikarali |
He accepted the job | त्याने नोकरी स्वीकारली tyane nokari svikarali |
He admitted his mistakes | त्याने त्याच्या चुका मान्य केल्या tyane tyacya cuka man'ya kelya |
He advised me not to smoke | त्याने मला धूम्रपान न करण्याचा सल्ला दिला tyane mala dhumrapana na karanyaca salla dila |
He attained his goal | त्याने आपले ध्येय गाठले tyane apale dhyeya gathale |
He became famous | तो प्रसिद्ध झाला to prasid'dha jhala |
He became irritated | तो चिडचिड झाला to cidacida jhala |
He began to run | तो धावू लागला to dhavu lagala |
He broke the law | त्याने कायदा मोडला tyane kayada modala |
He can read and write | तो लिहू आणि वाचू शकतो to lihu ani vacu sakato |
He can read English easily | तो इंग्रजी सहज वाचू शकतो to ingraji sahaja vacu sakato |
He can run fast | तो वेगाने धावू शकतो to vegane dhavu sakato |
He came into the room | तो खोलीत आला to kholita ala |
He can swim very fast | तो खूप वेगाने पोहू शकतो to khupa vegane pohu sakato |
He did not know what to say | त्याला काय बोलावे ते कळेना tyala kaya bolave te kalena |
He did not speak | तो बोलला नाही to bolala nahi |
He doesn't need to work | त्याला काम करण्याची गरज नाही tyala kama karanyaci garaja nahi |
He easily gets angry | त्याला सहज राग येतो tyala sahaja raga yeto |
He doesn't sing well | तो चांगला गात नाही to cangala gata nahi |
He got a lot of money | त्याला खूप पैसे मिळाले tyala khupa paise milale |
He got angry | त्याला राग आला tyala raga ala |
He had an accident at work | कामावर त्याचा अपघात झाला kamavara tyaca apaghata jhala |
He has a lot of money | त्याच्याकडे खूप पैसा आहे tyacyakade khupa paisa ahe |
He has his own room | त्याची स्वतःची खोली आहे tyaci svataḥci kholi ahe |
He has left his family | त्याने त्याचे कुटुंब सोडले आहे tyane tyace kutumba sodale ahe |
He has ten cows | त्याच्याकडे दहा गायी आहेत tyacyakade daha gayi aheta |
He was alone | तो एकटा होता to ekata hota |
He was brave | तो धाडसी होता to dhadasi hota |
He was cleaning his room | तो त्याची खोली साफ करत होता to tyaci kholi sapha karata hota |
He was at home | तो घरी होता to ghari hota |
He was very busy all day | तो दिवसभर खूप व्यस्त होता to divasabhara khupa vyasta hota |
He was very happy | तो खूप आनंदी होता to khupa anandi hota |
He writes books | तो पुस्तके लिहितो to pustake lihito |
He was patient | तो सहनशील होता to sahanasila hota |
He walks slowly | तो हळू चालतो to halu calato |
He wants to meet you | त्याला तुम्हाला भेटायचे आहे tyala tumhala bhetayace ahe |
He was absent from school | तो शाळेत गैरहजर होता to saleta gairahajara hota |
He likes to read books | त्याला पुस्तके वाचायला आवडतात tyala pustake vacayala avadatata |
He likes to run | त्याला धावणे आवडते tyala dhavane avadate |
He lost his job | त्याने त्याची नोकरी गमावली tyane tyaci nokari gamavali |
He likes to swim | त्याला पोहायला आवडते tyala pohayala avadate |
He learned how to swim | तो पोहायला शिकला to pohayala sikala |
He looks healthy | तो निरोगी दिसतो to nirogi disato |
‘He’ sentences in other languages (40+)
Top 1000 Marathi words
Here you learn top 1000 Marathi words, that is separated into sections to learn easily (Simple words, Easy words, Medium words, Hard Words, Advanced Words). These words are very important in daily life conversations, basic level words are very helpful for beginners. All words have Marathi meanings with transliteration.
Eat | खाणे khane |
All | सर्व sarva |
New | नवीन navina |
Snore | घोरणे ghorane |
Fast | जलद jalada |
Help | मदत madata |
Pain | वेदना vedana |
Rain | पाऊस pa'usa |
Pride | अभिमान abhimana |
Sense | अर्थ artha |
Large | मोठे mothe |
Skill | कौशल्य kausalya |
Panic | घबराट ghabarata |
Thank | धन्यवाद dhan'yavada |
Desire | इच्छा iccha |
Woman | स्त्री stri |
Hungry | भुकेले bhukele |
Marathi Vocabulary

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