1000 most common Mizo words
Table of content
¤ Simple words¤ Easy words
¤ Medium words
¤ Hard Words
¤ Advanced Words
¤ Daily use Sentences
¤ Picture Dictionary
Here you learn top 1000 words in English with Mizo translation. If you are interested to learn 1000 most common Mizo words, this place will help you to learn common words in Mizo language with their pronunciation in English. You may also learn Vocabulary words to learn Mizo language quickly and also play some Mizo word games so you get not bored. In this, we are separated into sections to learn easily (Simple words, Easy words, medium words, Hard Words, Advanced Words). These top 1000 words are useful in daily life conversations, basic level words are very helpful for beginners. So, it is very important to learn all words in English and Mizo.

1000 words in English to Mizo
Here is the list of 1000 most important common words in Mizo language and their pronunciation in English.
Simple words / 2 letter words
Easy words
3 letter words
Act | thilti |
Add | belh |
Age | kum |
Aim | tin |
Air | boruak |
All | zavai |
And | leh |
Ant | ant |
Any | engpawh |
Ask | zawt |
Bad | chhia |
Big | lian |
Buy | lei |
Cry | tap |
Dam | tuikhuah |
Die | boral |
Dry | ro |
End | tawp |
Ear | beng |
Eat | ei |
Egg | artui |
Eye | mit |
Fat | thau |
Fly | thlawk |
Fun | hlimawm |
Get | nei |
God | pathian |
Hen | hen |
Hot | sa |
Job | hna |
Leg | ke |
Lie | dawt |
Low | hniam |
Mad | a |
Man | mipa |
Not | lo |
Now | tunah |
New | thar |
Old | upa |
Own | nei |
Run | tlan |
Sad | lungngai tak a ni |
Sea | tuipui |
See | hmu |
Shy | zakzum |
Sit | thu |
Sum | belhkhawm |
Sun | ni |
Tax | chhiah lak a ni |
Try | bei |
Use | hmang |
War | indona |
Wet | huh |
Why | engati nge |
Win | chak |
Yes | Awle |
You | nangmah |
4 letter words
Also | pawh |
Baby | naute |
Back | hnung |
Bake | ur |
Bald | bald a ni |
Ball | thilmum |
Bark | bauh |
Bath | inbual |
Beet | beet a ni |
Bend | tikul |
Best | tha ber |
Bird | sava |
Bold | tumruh |
Bone | ruh |
Book | lehkhabu |
Born | piang |
Both | pahnihin |
Busy | buai |
Call | ko |
Calm | reh |
Care | care |
Come | lokal |
Cost | man |
Cute | duhawm |
Crow | choak |
Dare | dare |
Dark | thim |
Date | tarikh |
Deal | inremna |
Diet | ei leh in |
Dish | chawhmeh |
Door | kawngkhar |
Down | hnuailam |
Dust | vaivut |
Each | vek |
Earn | hlawh |
Easy | awlsam |
Edge | kotlang |
Evil | sual |
Exit | chhuak |
Face | hmai |
Fact | thudik |
Fair | dik |
Fake | lem |
Farm | lo |
Fast | chak |
Fear | hlau |
Feel | hria |
Find | zawnghmu |
Fine | tha |
Fish | sangha |
Food | chaw |
Fool | mawl |
Free | zalen |
Frog | utawk |
Full | khat |
Gape | gape |
Gift | thilpek |
Girl | hmeichhe naupang |
Goat | kel |
Good | tha |
Grab | tham |
Grow | thang |
Half | chanve |
Hate | hua |
Head | lu |
Hear | ngaithla |
Heat | sa |
Help | tanpui |
Here | hetah |
Hide | biru |
High | sang |
Hold | chelh |
Hole | kua |
Home | in |
Huge | lian |
Hurt | na tuar |
Idea | ngaihtuahna |
Jump | zuang |
Just | chiah |
Kill | that |
Land | ram |
Last | hnuhnung ber |
Late | tlai |
Left | kalsan |
Life | nunna |
Line | rinngil |
Lion | sakeibaknei |
Long | sei |
Look | en |
Lost | bo |
Love | hmangaihna |
Luck | vanneihna |
Lung | lung |
Many | tam tak |
Meet | intawk |
Melt | tuiral |
Milk | bawnghnute |
Must | ngei |
Name | hming |
Near | hnai |
Neat | felfai |
Neck | nghawng |
Need | mamawh |
Next | dawtchiah |
Only | chauh |
Pain | na |
Pair | kawppui |
Park | hung |
Path | kawng |
Play | inkhel |
Poor | rethei |
Pull | pawt |
Pure | fir |
Quit | bang |
Quiz | zawhna |
Race | intlansiak |
Rain | ruah |
Rare | vang |
Real | tak |
Rent | hawh |
Rest | hahchawl |
Rich | hausa |
Ride | chuang |
Rise | chhuak |
Risk | tum chhin |
Room | pindan |
Rope | hruizen |
Rude | sual |
Sage | mifing |
Sail | leng |
Salt | chi |
Same | inang |
Sand | vut |
Save | humhim |
Scam | inbumna |
Seed | thlai chi |
Seek | zawng |
Self | mahni |
Sell | hralh |
Send | thawn |
Shop | dawr |
Show | lantir |
Sick | dam lo |
Side | sir |
Site | hmun |
Size | lenzawng tehna |
Skin | vun |
Slow | muang |
Soft | nem |
Soil | lei |
Some | engemawzat |
Soon | vat |
Stay | cham |
Stop | tawp |
Such | chutiang |
Swap | thlakthleng |
Swim | tuihleuh |
Take | la |
Talk | bia |
Tall | sang |
Team | pawl |
Tell | hrilh |
Tent | puan in |
That | sawmi |
Then | tichuan |
Thin | liver |
This | hei |
Tide | inherna |
Time | hun |
Tour | zinvak |
Town | khawpui |
Tree | thingkung |
Trip | tlu |
Turn | inher |
Ugly | hmelchhia |
Vase | bursei |
Vein | vein a ni |
Very | lutuk |
View | thlir |
Wage | hlawh |
Wait | nghak |
Wake | harh |
Walk | kal |
Wall | bang |
Want | duh |
Warm | lum |
Warn | vau |
Weak | chak lo |
Wear | ha |
Week | kar |
Well | Awle |
Went | kal |
What | engnge |
When | engtikah |
Wide | zau |
Wife | nupui |
Wild | ramhnuai |
Will | duhdan |
Wind | thli |
Wine | uain |
Wish | duhsak |
Wood | thing |
Wool | sahmul |
Word | thumal |
Work | hnathawk |
Worm | rulhut |
Yarn | yarn a ni |
Your | i |
Zoom | zoom a ni |
5 letter words
Above | chungah |
Adapt | insiamrem |
Admit | pawm |
Adult | puitling |
After | hnuah |
Again | leh |
Agree | pawmpui |
Alert | inring |
Allow | phalsak |
Alone | a malin |
Along | zuiin |
Anger | thinrimna |
Angle | thil kawm |
Angry | thinrim |
Asset | thilhlu |
Avoid | hawisan |
Awake | harh |
Aware | ngaihven |
Begin | bultan |
Birth | pian chhuahna |
Blood | thisen |
Brain | thluak |
Built | sa |
Bring | keng |
Build | sa |
Camel | sanghawngsei |
Canal | canal |
Carry | phur |
Cheap | tlawm |
Cheat | bum |
Check | dap |
Chest | awm |
Claim | hauh |
Clean | fai |
Clear | fiah |
Climb | lawn |
Close | khar |
Cloth | puan |
Cloud | chhum |
Color | rawng |
Crime | suahsualna |
Crowd | mipui |
Crown | lallukhum |
Daily | nitin |
Dance | lam |
Death | thihna |
Decay | tawih |
Delay | titlai |
Devil | ramhuai |
Dirty | bal |
Dress | thawmhnaw |
Drink | in |
Drive | khalh |
Dwell | cheng |
Eager | nghakhlel |
Eagle | mupui |
Early | hma |
Earth | khawvel |
Elder | upa |
Empty | ruak |
Enemy | hmelma |
Enjoy | hmang nuam |
Entry | entry a ni |
Equal | intluktlang |
Essay | thuziak |
Event | hunbik |
Every | engpawh |
Exact | chiah chiah |
Exist | awm |
Extra | chuangliam |
Faith | rinna |
Fault | diklohna |
Fever | khawsik |
Field | mual |
Final | final a ni |
Fleet | fleet a ni |
Float | lang |
Flood | tuilian |
Floor | chhuat |
Flour | chhangphut |
Fluid | tuiril |
Focus | tumbik nei |
Force | tilui |
Fraud | a lem |
Fresh | tharlam |
Front | hma |
Fruit | thei |
Ghost | thlahrang |
Globe | globe a ni |
Going | kal |
Grain | buhfang |
Grant | phalsak |
Grass | phul |
Great | ropui |
Group | pawl |
Guard | veng |
Guest | mikhual |
Habit | tihdanphung |
Heart | thinlung |
Honey | Khawizu |
Horse | sakawr |
House | in |
Human | mihring |
Ideal | duhthusam |
Issue | buaina |
Judge | roreltu |
Knife | chemte |
Labor | inhlawhfa |
Ladle | ladle a ni |
Large | hrawl |
Laugh | nui |
Learn | zir |
Leave | kalsan |
Legal | dan angin |
Limit | limit |
Lunch | chawchhun |
Metal | thir |
Mixed | mixed a ni |
Money | sum |
Month | thla |
Mount | mount a ni |
Mouth | ka |
Music | rimawi |
Maize | maize a ni |
Naked | saruak a ni |
Never | ngai lo |
Night | zan |
Niece | vahnu |
Noise | bengchheng |
Occur | thleng |
Ocean | tuipui |
Onion | purunsen |
Offer | thilhlan |
Order | thupek |
Organ | organ tih a ni |
Other | thildang |
Owner | neitu |
Paddy | buh chi a ni |
Panic | hamhaih |
Peace | remna |
Place | hmun |
Plant | thlai |
Price | man |
Pride | chapona |
Proud | chapo |
Prove | tifiah |
Quilt | rizai |
Quick | rang |
Quite | engemaw chen |
Raise | tisang |
Reach | thleng |
React | react rawh |
Ready | inpeih |
Reply | chhang |
Right | dik |
Round | bial |
Rural | thingtlang |
Saint | mi thianghlim |
Scope | huang |
Score | tilut |
Sense | hriatna |
Shake | thing |
Shape | riruang |
Share | intawm |
Sharp | hriam |
Shrub | shrub a ni |
Skill | thiamna |
Sleep | mu |
Slope | awn |
Small | te |
Smell | rim |
Smile | nui |
Snake | rul |
Snore | a bengchheng |
Solid | sakhat |
Sound | ri |
Space | awl |
Speak | tawng |
Speed | chak |
Spend | hmang |
Spent | hmang |
Sperm | sperm a ni |
Sport | sport |
Stand | ding |
Steam | hu |
Stone | lung |
Story | thawnthu |
Taste | tem |
Teach | zirtir |
Teeth | ha |
Thank | lawm |
There | sawtah |
These | hengte |
Thick | chhah |
Thing | thil |
Tiger | sakei |
Today | vawiin |
Total | belhkhawm |
Treat | enkawl |
Trend | kalphung |
Tried | tum |
Trust | ring |
Truth | thudik |
Twice | nawn |
Under | hnuai |
Upper | chunglam chu a ni |
Urban | khawpui |
Visit | tlawh |
Voice | aw |
Vomit | luak |
Waste | thilchhia |
Water | tui |
Wheat | chhangphut buh |
Where | khawnge |
White | var |
Whole | pumpui |
Woman | hmeichhia |
World | khawvel |
Worst | chhe ber |
Write | ziak |
Wrong | dik lo |
Yield | hmuchhuak |
Young | naupang |
Youth | tleirawl |
Medium words
6 letter words
Absent | awm lo |
Accept | pawm |
Admire | ngaisang |
Advice | thurawn |
Almost | teuh |
Always | englaipawhin |
Animal | ransa |
Answer | chhanna |
Appeal | ngen |
Appear | langchhuak |
Arrive | thleng |
Artist | mi themthiam |
Assist | tanpui |
Attack | bei |
Attach | zawm belh |
Attend | tel |
Bangle | bangle a ni |
Before | hmaah |
Behind | hnungah |
Bellow | bellow a ni |
Better | tha zawk |
Borrow | hawh |
Bottom | mawng |
Broken | keh |
Budget | sum hmanna |
Cancel | Titawp |
Cancer | ngawt |
Carrot | carrot |
Cattle | bawng |
Common | uar |
Compel | compel rawh |
Corner | kil |
Couple | kawpchawi |
Course | kawng |
Create | siam |
Custom | chindan |
Damage | tichhia |
Dancer | zai thiam |
Danger | hlauhawm |
Decade | kum sawm |
Defeat | hneh |
Delete | ti reh |
Demand | beisei |
Desire | chak |
Detail | chipchiar |
Dinner | zanriah |
Divine | thianghlim |
Donkey | sabengtung |
Double | thiang |
Edible | ei theih a ni |
Effect | nghawng |
Either | zawk zawk |
Empire | empire a ni |
Energy | chakna thahrui |
Enough | tawk |
Ensure | enzui |
Entire | zavaiin |
Except | hmaih |
Expand | tilian |
Expect | beisei |
Export | thawnchhuak |
Extend | tizau |
Facade | facade a ni |
Family | chhungkua |
Famous | lar |
Faulty | a dik lo |
Favour | duhsak |
Female | hmeichhia |
Fiance | kawppui hual |
Finish | zo |
Flower | pangpar |
Forest | ramhnuai |
Forgot | theihnghilh |
Freeze | khang |
Friend | ṭhianpa |
Future | hma hun |
Garage | motor dahna |
Garden | huan |
Garlic | purunvar |
Ginger | sawhthing |
Global | khawvel huap |
Ground | chhuat |
Growth | thang |
Health | hrisel |
Hidden | thuhruk |
Honest | rinawm |
Honour | zahawmna |
Hostel | hostel ah a awm a |
Humble | inngaitlawm |
Hungry | riltam |
Ignore | haider |
Impact | insu |
Impure | bawlhhlawh tak |
Income | lakluh |
Inform | hriattir |
Insect | rannung |
Inside | chhunglam |
Jungle | jungle a ni |
Kidnap | kidnap a ni |
Kindle | kindle tih a ni |
Labour | inhlawhfa |
Leader | hruaitu |
Length | dung |
Letter | lehkhathawn |
Liquid | tuiril |
Little | te |
Living | nung |
Lizard | laiking |
Locate | locate rawh |
Luxury | nawmchenna |
Making | siam a ni |
Mammal | rannung (mammal) a ni |
Manage | enkawl |
Manual | kuta thawh |
Market | bazar |
Mental | rilru |
Method | tihdan |
Middle | lai |
Monkey | zawng |
Mother | nu |
Muscle | tihrawl |
Narrow | zim |
Native | a rammi |
Nature | nihphung |
Normal | pangngai |
Number | a zat |
Object | thil |
Office | office |
Option | duhthlanna |
Parent | nu leh pa |
Parrot | vaki |
People | mi |
Person | mihring |
Pickle | pickle a ni |
Picnic | picnic a ni |
Pigeon | parva |
Planet | planet a ni |
Please | khawngaihin |
Plenty | tam |
Police | sipai |
Potato | alu |
Praise | fak |
Prayer | tawngtai a ni |
Pretty | mawi |
Prince | lal fapa |
Profit | hlep |
Proper | dik tluang |
Public | vantlang |
Rabbit | sazupui |
Recent | tunhnai |
Recipe | eisiamna hmanrua |
Record | chhinchhiah |
Reduce | titlem |
Regret | inchhir |
Reject | hnawl |
Remind | hriatnawntir |
Remove | paih |
Repair | siamtha |
Repeat | tinawn |
Return | kirlet |
Rotate | rotate rawh |
Safety | sahimna |
Salary | hlawh |
Sample | enchhinna |
School | sikul |
Screen | puanzar |
Script | thuziak |
Scroll | scroll rawh |
Search | zawng |
Season | sik leh sa hun bi |
Secret | thuruk |
Secure | him |
Select | thlang |
Senior | upa zawk |
Shield | phaw |
Should | tur |
Shower | ruahsur |
Silent | reh |
Single | mal |
Sister | unaunu |
Smooth | mam |
Social | vantlang |
Speech | thusawi |
Street | khawlai |
Strong | chak |
Sudden | thut |
Summer | nipui |
Supply | pechhuak |
Talent | talent nei tha tak a ni |
Temple | biakin |
Thread | la |
Thrill | thrill a ni |
Throat | hrawk |
Tittle | tittle tih a ni |
Toilet | ekin |
Tomato | tomato |
Tongue | lei |
Travel | zin |
Tunnel | tunnel a ni |
Turtle | sumsi |
Unseen | hmuh theih loh |
Update | tharlam |
Urgent | hmanhmawhthlak |
Useful | tangkai |
Vacate | vacate rawh |
Vacuum | boruak awm lohna |
Vapour | vapor a ni |
Verify | tichiang |
Virgin | thianghlim |
Wealth | hausakna |
Weekly | kar tin |
Weight | buk |
Winter | thlasik |
Winner | hnehtu a ni |
Wonder | ngaihtuah |
Worker | hnathawk |
Writer | ziaktu a ni |
Yearly | kum tin |
7 letter words
Achieve | hlawhchhuak |
Advance | ti lawk |
Against | kalh |
Already | diam |
Ancient | hmanlai |
Anybody | tu pawh |
Approve | remti |
Apology | ngaihdam dil rawh |
Archive | dahthatna |
Arrange | remfel |
Arrival | thleng |
Article | thil |
Attempt | bei |
Attract | hip |
Average | tlanglawn |
Bandage | bandage hmanga siam a ni |
Barrage | barrage a ni |
Barrier | daltu |
Because | avang |
Benefit | chhawr tangkai |
Between | karah |
Cabbage | zikhlum |
Capture | la |
Careful | fimkhur |
Carrier | carrier a ni |
Century | za |
Certain | chiang |
Chamber | chamber-ah dah a ni |
Chapter | bung khat a ni |
Charity | thilthlawnpek |
Climate | sik leh sa |
Coconut | coconut a ni |
Collect | khawlkhawm |
College | zirna in |
Comfort | thlamuan |
Command | thupek |
Comment | sawizui |
Company | company |
Compare | khaikhin |
Concept | a thuphung |
Concern | chanpual |
Conduct | kalphung |
Confirm | nemnghet |
Connect | zawm |
Contact | inbepawp |
Control | thunun |
Convert | inthlakthleng |
Correct | dik |
Costume | incheina |
Cottage | thlam |
Country | ram |
Courage | huaisenna |
Cucumber | fanghma |
Curious | dilchhut |
Declare | puang chhuak rawh |
Defense | defense lam a ni |
Dentist | ha siamtu |
Deposit | dahlut |
Despite | nimahse |
Destiny | hmahun |
Destroy | tichhia |
Develop | tihmasawn |
Disease | natna |
Display | tarchhuak |
Disturb | tibuai |
Dynasty | lalram (dynasty) a ni |
Eagerly | duhthusam takin |
Earning | hlawh chhuah |
Eatable | ei theih a ni |
Ecology | ecology chungchang a ni |
Economy | sum leh pai lam |
Edition | edition tihchhuah a ni |
Elegant | nalh |
Enhance | tizual |
Episode | episode a ni |
Example | entirna |
Evening | tlailam |
Exclude | paih chhuak rawh |
Explain | hrilhfiah |
Explore | zawngchhuak |
Educate | zirtirna pe rawh |
Factory | thil siamna hmunpui |
Failure | hlawhchhamna |
Feature | nihphung |
Finance | sum lam |
Flavour | flavor a ni |
Fluency | fluency a ni |
Forever | chatuan |
Further | hla zawk |
Garment | thawmhnaw |
General | tlanglawn |
Genuine | dik tak |
Glamour | glamour a ni |
Grammar | grammar hman dan |
Grocery | inchhung mamawh |
Habitat | chenna |
Harmful | hrisello |
Harvest | sengkhawm |
Heading | heading a ni |
Hearing | hriatna a nei |
Helpful | tangkai |
History | hmanlai hun zirna |
Holding | holding a ni |
Holiday | chawlh |
Hundred | za |
Husband | pasal |
Hygiene | hriselna |
Impress | tilungawi |
Improve | hmasawn |
Include | telh |
Initial | a tirah |
Inspect | enfiah rawh |
Inspire | fuih |
Journey | zinkawng |
Justice | rorelna tha |
Leading | hmahruaitu |
Leather | savun |
Leaving | chhuahsan ta |
Lecture | lecture neih a ni |
Liberal | liberal a ni |
Lovable | hmangaih theih a ni |
Luggage | zin bungrua |
Manager | kaihruaitu |
Maximum | a tam ber |
Meaning | awmzia |
Measure | teh |
Medical | damdawi lam |
Message | thuthawn |
Migrant | mi pem lut |
Mineral | mineral a ni |
Minimum | a tlem berah chuan |
Miracle | thilmak |
Missile | missile hmanga siam a ni |
Missing | bo |
Mistake | tihsual |
Morning | zing |
Mustard | mustard a ni |
Mystery | thilmak |
Narrate | sawi rawh |
Natural | dan pangngai |
Naughty | nalh tak a ni |
Neglect | ngaihsak lo |
Neither | ni lo ve ve |
Nervous | zam |
Network | inzawmkual |
Nothing | engmah |
Observe | chik |
Opening | hawn a ni |
Operate | operate a ni |
Opinion | ngaihdan |
Organic | organic a ni |
Ostrich | ostrich tih hi a ni |
Package | bawm |
Painful | hrehawm tak a ni |
Partial | a then a ni |
Passage | kalkawng |
Patient | dawhthei |
Payment | pe |
Penalty | penalty a ni |
Pending | hmabak |
Penguin | penguin a ni |
Pension | pension pek a ni |
Perfect | sawisel bo |
Perfume | perfume a ni |
Popular | lar |
Pottery | bêl siamna hmun |
Poverty | retheihna |
Prevent | veng |
Privacy | mimal zalenna |
Private | mimal |
Problem | harsatna |
Produce | pechhuak |
Propose | rawtna siam rawh |
Purpose | chhan |
Quality | nihphung |
Quickly | rang takin |
Receive | dawng |
Regular | inang rual |
Related | inzawm |
Release | tichhuak |
Replace | thlakthleng |
Reptile | reptile (reptile) a ni |
Request | ngen |
Respect | zahna |
Respond | chhanglet |
Revenge | phuba |
Revenue | chhiah |
Reverse | letling |
Robbery | rukrukna a ni |
Romance | romance a ni |
Science | Science |
Serious | tihtakzet |
Servant | chhiahhlawh |
Service | thawhna |
Similar | inang |
Society | khawtlang |
Sparrow | sparrow a ni |
Special | danglam bik |
Stomach | pumpui |
Student | zirlai |
Success | hlawhtling |
Suggest | thurawn |
Suicide | mahni intihhlum |
Support | rinchhan |
Suspend | suspend a ni |
Teacher | zirtirtu |
Teenage | tleirawl lai a ni |
Tension | phawklek |
Tourism | tourism lam a ni |
Trouble | buaina |
Uniform | rual khat |
Utility | tangkaina |
Vacancy | hna ruak a ni |
Variety | danglamna |
Vehicle | motor |
Village | thingtlang |
Vintage | thiltha bik |
Victory | hnehna a chang |
Violent | tharum |
Visible | hmuh theih a ni |
Visitor | tlawhtu a ni |
Vitamin | vitamin a ni |
Walking | kal |
Wanting | duhthusam |
Warning | vaulawkna |
Wealthy | hausa |
Weather | khawchin |
Wedding | inneihna |
Welcome | chibai |
Welfare | hamthatna |
Winning | hnehna chang |
Working | hnathawk |
Worried | mangang |
Worship | chawimawina |
Writing | ziak |
8 letter words
Abnormal | thil pangngai lo tak a ni |
Absolute | absolute tih a ni |
Accepted | pawm a ni |
Accident | chesual |
Accuracy | dik chiahna |
Activate | activate rawh |
Addition | belhna |
Adequate | awm tawk |
Affected | a nghawng a ni |
Alphabet | alphabet a ni |
Anything | engpawh |
Anywhere | khawi hmunah pawh |
Appraise | appraise rawh |
Approach | hmachhawn |
Approval | nemnghehna |
Argument | inhnialna |
Assemble | assemble khawm rawh |
Attitude | rilru puthmang |
Audience | ngaithlatu |
Attorney | attorney a ni |
Aviation | aviation lam a ni |
Backward | hnunglam hawi |
Beginner | a bul tanna tur a ni |
Birthday | piancham |
Bleeding | thisen chhuak |
Building | in |
Campaign | beihrual |
Carriage | tawlailir a ni |
Children | naupang |
Cleavage | cleavage a ni |
Complete | zo |
Conserve | humhalh rawh |
Consider | ngaihtuah |
Consumer | consumer tih a ni |
Continue | chhunzawm |
Criminal | misual tihna a ni |
Critical | khirhkhan |
Daughter | fanu |
Decision | thutlukna |
Decrease | titlem |
Delicate | nem |
Delivery | sem |
Delusion | delusion (delusion) a ni |
Describe | hrilhfiah |
Disagree | a pawm lo |
Disallow | phal loh |
Duration | rei zawng |
Economic | sum leh pai inrelbawlna |
Elephant | sai |
Eligible | ni thei |
Employee | hnathawktu |
Enormous | lian |
Entrance | luhka |
Envelope | lehkhathawn bawm |
Estimate | chhut |
Everyday | nitin nitin |
Exercise | insawizawi |
Explicit | chiang takin a sawi |
Exposure | inphochhuak |
External | pawnlam |
Facility | remchanna |
Faithful | rinawm |
Favorite | duhbik |
Festival | kutpui |
Flexible | fan thei |
Friction | friction a ni |
Generate | pechhuak |
Greeting | chibai bukna |
Guardian | enkawltu a ni |
Heritage | rochun |
Horrible | rapthlak |
Hospital | damdawi in |
Humorous | nuihzatthlak tak a ni |
Identity | nihna |
Incident | thilthleng |
Increase | belh |
Indicate | kawk |
Industry | khawl hmunpui |
Jealousy | inhuatna a ni |
Learning | zir |
Location | hmun |
Majority | tamzawkin |
Marriage | inneihna |
Material | bungrua |
Medicine | damdawi |
Moderate | thunun |
Mosquito | rulhut a ni |
Mountain | tlang |
Narrator | thawnthu sawitu |
Nutrient | nutrient a ni |
Opposite | lehlam |
Original | dik tak |
Ornament | thil cheimawi |
Painting | rawng hnawih |
Particle | particle a ni |
Patience | dawhtheihna |
Pleasure | nuam |
Position | dinhmun |
Positive | dik |
Possible | thei |
Postpone | sawnhla |
Powerful | thiltithei |
Precious | hlu |
Pregnant | rai |
Pressure | delh |
Previous | hma chiah |
Progress | hmasawn |
Prohibit | khap tlat |
Property | thilneih |
Purchase | lei |
Quantity | zat |
Recovery | lakletlehna |
Regional | regional-a awm a ni |
Relevant | inphu |
Religion | sakhua |
Remember | hrereng |
Research | zirchianna |
Resource | resource a ni |
Response | chhanna |
Restrict | phal lo |
Revision | ennawn |
Sensible | hrethei |
Sentence | thutlukna |
Separate | inthenhrang |
Stranger | hmelhriatloh |
Strategy | remhriatna |
Strength | chakna |
Struggle | bei |
Suitable | inhmeh |
Superior | chungnung |
Surprise | mak ti |
Swelling | vung |
Terrible | chhe tak |
Together | huho |
Tomorrow | naktuk |
Training | inzirna |
Transfer | sawn |
Transmit | transmit a ni |
Treasure | ro |
Umbrella | nihliap |
Universe | universe a ni |
Vacation | chawlhhun |
Validate | validate rawh |
Vertical | ding ngil |
Vigorous | chak tak a ni |
Violence | tharumthawh |
Vocation | kohna (vocation) a ni |
Vomiting | luak chhuak |
Wildlife | ramsa te |
Yielding | yielding a ni |
Yourself | nangma |
Youthful | tleirawl lai a ni |
Hard Words
9 letter words
Accession | accession a ni |
Accessory | accessory a ni |
Accompany | a zui ve bawk |
Actualize | actualize rawh |
Admirable | ngaihsanawm tak a ni |
Advantage | hamthatna |
Advisable | advisable a ni |
Affection | ngaihsakna |
Affiliate | affiliate a ni |
Afternoon | chawhnu |
Aggregate | aggregate a ni |
Agreement | inremna |
Allowance | allowance pek a ni |
Alternate | alternate a ni |
Ambiguous | hriatthiam har |
Animation | animation hmanga siam a ni |
Apologist | ngaihdam diltu a ni |
Applicant | diltu a ni |
Architect | duangtu |
Associate | thawhpui |
Astronomy | astronomy lam a ni |
Attention | ngaihven |
Attribute | hnamhnawih |
Authority | thuneitu |
Automatic | automatic a ni |
Available | remchang |
Awareness | inhriattirna |
Beautiful | mawi |
Behaviour | nungchang |
Butterfly | phengphehlep |
Calibrate | calibrate rawh |
Candidate | candidate tur a ni |
Celebrate | lawm |
Challenge | chona |
Confident | inringtawk |
Confusion | rilru tibuai |
Conscious | harhfim |
Crocodile | rulhut (crocodile) a ni |
Curiosity | dilchhut |
Dangerous | hlauhawm |
Delicious | tui |
Democracy | mipui rorelna |
Dependent | dependent a ni |
Different | danglam |
Difficult | harsa |
Discovery | hmuhchhuah a ni |
Dishonest | rinawm lo |
Diversity | chi hrang hrang |
Duplicate | duplicate a ni |
Education | zirna |
Effective | hlawkthlak |
Emergency | rikrum |
Equipment | hmanrua |
Essential | tul |
Establish | din |
Evolution | thanglian chho |
Excellent | a tha lutuk |
Expensive | manto |
Fantastic | thatak |
Fertility | nau neih theihna |
Financial | sum lam |
Generally | tlangpuiin |
Glamorous | glamorous tak a ni |
Happening | thil thleng mek a ni |
Household | inlam thil |
Identical | inang |
Important | pawimawh |
Incorrect | dik lo a ni |
Incorrupt | chhe lo |
Influence | zirtir |
Insurance | inpeizawnna |
Interview | inkawm |
Intestine | intestine a ni |
Introduce | inhmelhriattir |
Invention | thil siam chhuah a ni |
Invisible | hmuh theih loh |
Irregular | mumal lo tak a ni |
Jewellery | jewellery te pawh a awm |
Knowledge | hriatna |
Liability | hlohna |
Misbehave | nungchang dik lo |
Narration | thawnthu sawina |
Necessity | a tulna a ni |
Negotiate | indawn |
Nutrition | ei leh in |
Offensive | huatthlala |
Partition | inthen darh a ni |
Political | politics lam hawi |
Pollution | tibawlhhlawh |
Potential | theihna |
Practical | tih theih |
Precision | precision tih a ni |
Privilege | duhsakna |
Procedure | zawm tur |
Prominent | pawimawh |
Professor | professor a ni |
Promotion | kaisanna |
Provoking | provoking tih hi a ni |
Qualified | qualified a ni |
Reference | kawhhmuh |
Repulsion | hnawhchhuahna (repulsion). |
Residence | chenna in a ni |
Sacrifice | inhlan |
Sensitive | hriatna tha |
Something | engemaw |
Statement | thu |
Subscribe | subscribe rawh |
Substance | thupui |
Sugarcane | sugarcane a ni |
Sunflower | ni zung (sunflower) a ni |
Surrender | inpe |
Technical | technical lam a ni |
Temporary | nghet lo |
Terrorist | firfiak a ni |
Treatment | tihdamna |
Variation | danglamna (variation) a ni |
Vegetable | thlai |
Virginity | nula thianghlim nihna |
Yesterday | nimin |
10 letter words
Abbreviate | tih tawifel a ni |
Absolutely | Ni chiah e |
Absorption | absorption a ni |
Acceptable | pawm theih a ni |
Achievable | tih theih a ni |
Additional | belhna |
Admiration | ngaihsan a hlawh hle |
Adolescent | tleirawl a ni |
Adulterant | uire thiam |
Adventurer | adventurer a ni |
Afterwards | a hnuah chuan |
Aggression | tharum thawhna (aggression) a ni |
Alteration | tihdanglamna (alteration) a ni |
Ambassador | ambassador a ni |
Analytical | thlirletna (analytical) a ni |
Antibiotic | antibiotic a ni |
Anticipate | ringlawk |
Appreciate | lawm |
Artificial | siamchawp |
Aspiration | duhthusam (aspiration) a ni |
Assignment | tihtur |
Atmosphere | boruak (atmosphere) a ni |
Attachment | zawm |
Attraction | hipna |
Chloroform | chloroform hmanga siam a ni |
Combustion | kangmei chhuahna (combustion) a ni |
Commission | lachhawng |
Compassion | lainatna |
Compulsory | loh theih loh |
Conclusion | tawpna |
Confection | confection hmanga siam a ni |
Corruption | eirukna a awm |
Decoration | cheimawina a ni |
Dedication | inhlanna |
Deficiency | tlakchhamna a awm |
Definition | hrilhfiahna |
Department | pawl |
Depression | lungngaihna |
Dictionary | tawng lehlinna lehkhabu |
Discipline | khuakhirhna |
Disclaimer | disclaimer tih a ni |
Disclosure | thupuan chhuah a ni |
Discussion | sawiho |
Efficiency | tlin tak |
Employment | hna |
Engagement | inhualna |
Everything | engpawh |
Everywhere | hmun tinah |
Exhibition | inphochhuahna |
Experience | tawnhriat |
Experiment | enchhinna |
Expiration | expiration a ni tawh |
Expression | tilangchhuak |
Fertilizer | fertilizer hmanga siam a ni |
Foundation | bulthut |
Generation | thlah chhawng |
Government | sawrkar |
Importance | pawimawhna a ni |
Impossible | theihloh |
Inadequate | tling lo |
Incomplete | a kim lo |
Incredible | ropui tak |
Individual | mimal |
Inspection | enfiah a ni |
Instrument | hmanrua |
Irrigation | tui pek a ni |
Journalism | journalism lam a ni |
Management | enkawltu |
Moderation | moderation a ni |
Motivation | fuihthar |
Negligible | ngaihthah mai mai a ni |
Occupation | hnathawh |
Particular | bik |
Passionate | tuichilh |
Permission | phalna |
Population | mipui |
Production | siamchhuahna |
Prostitute | nawhchizuar |
Protection | venhimna a ni |
Psychology | rilru lam thiamna (psychology) a ni |
Punishment | hremna pek a ni |
Quarantine | khunghrang |
Retirement | pension a nih chuan |
Sufficient | tawk |
Supervisor | endiktu |
Supplement | supplement a ni |
University | zirna sang |
Vegetarian | vegetarian a ni |
Visibility | hmuh theihna |
Vulnerable | hlauthawnawm |
Advanced Words
11 letter words
Accommodate | accommodate a ni |
Achievement | hlawhtlinna |
Acknowledge | hriatpui |
Affirmation | nemnghehna a ni |
Aggregation | aggregation tih a ni |
Agriculture | thlawhhma lak lam |
Alternation | inthlak danglamna (alternation) a ni |
Anniversary | champhaphak |
Application | dilna |
Appointment | hunruat |
Appreciable | ngaihhlut tak a ni |
Approximate | approximate a ni |
Association | pawl |
Certificate | hriatpuina lehkha |
Competition | inelna |
Cultivation | loneih a ni |
Corporation | corporation a ni |
Cooperation | inlungrualna |
Dehydration | tui tlakchhamna (dehydration). |
Discontinue | tihtawp a ni |
Elimination | tihbo a ni |
Environment | chenna khawvel |
Evaporation | a vawt (vaporation) a ni |
Examination | exam neih a ni |
Expenditure | sum hmanna (expenditure) a ni |
Fabrication | thil siam chhuah (fabrication) a ni |
Improvement | hmasawnna |
Independent | mahnia inrelbawl |
Information | hriattirna |
Inspiration | fuihtu |
Institution | institution tih a ni |
Instruction | zirtirna pek a ni |
Intelligent | remhria |
Manufacture | siam chhuah |
Measurement | tehna a ni |
Mensuration | mensuration tih a ni |
Observation | hmuhdan |
Opportunity | huntha |
Participant | tel tur a ni |
Performance | chetdan |
Preparation | inbuatsaihna |
Significant | pawimawh |
Temperature | lum leh vawt tehna |
Translation | lehlin a ni |
Transparent | langtlang |
Vaccination | invenna |
12, 13 letter words
Abbreviation | abbreviation tih a ni |
Administrate | enkawl dan tur |
Appreciation | lawmpuina |
Accommodation | chenna |
Accompaniment | accompaniment tih a ni |
Administrator | administrator a ni |
Advertisement | fakna |
Administration | administration lam a ni |
Acknowledgement | hriatpuina a ni |
Conformation | conformation (conformation) a ni |
Conservation | humhalhna |
Constitution | constitution siam a ni |
Construction | buatsaihna |
Contribution | thawhkhawm |
Communication | inbiaktawnna |
Classification | classification a ni |
Congratulation | lawmthu kan sawi e |
Disadvantage | harsatna tawk |
Entrepreneur | sumdawngtu |
Entertainment | intihhlimna |
Extraordinary | tha bik |
Horticulture | horticulture lam a ni |
Intermediate | inkar |
Introduction | inhmelhriattirna |
Investigation | chhui chian a ni |
International | khawvel ram inkar |
Identification | hriat chian theihna |
Justification | dikna (justification) a ni |
Knowledgeable | hriatna nei |
Maintainable | enkawl theih a ni |
Organization | pawl |
Presentation | hrilhfiahna |
Preservation | humhalh a ni |
Purification | tihthianghlimna |
Participation | telna tur a ni |
Registration | registration tih a ni |
Reproduction | reproduction tih hi a ni |
Satisfaction | lungawina |
Self-confidence | mahni inrintawkna |
Transformation | inthlak danglamna |
Transportation | thilthawnna |

Fruits Quiz

Animals Quiz

Household Quiz

Stationary Quiz

School Quiz

Occupation Quiz
Mizo Vocabulary