Newspaper vocabulary words in Mizo and English - Common Mizo Vocabulary

Learn common Mizo vocabulary with this English-to-Mizo list of Newspaper vocabulary words. Essential for daily conversations, this will help to build your Mizo language skills through popular words and play Mizo quizzes and also play picture vocabulary, play some games so you do get not bored. If you think too hard to learn the Mizo language, then the 1000 most common Mizo words will help you to learn the Mizo language easily, they contain 2-letter words to 13-letter words. The below table gives the translation of Newspaper vocabulary words in Mizo.

Newspaper vocabulary words in Mizo and English - Common Mizo Vocabulary

Read also: A-Z Dictionary | Quiz | Vocabulary | Alphabets | Grammar

List of Newspaper vocabulary words in Mizo with English Pronunciation

Learn Newspaper in Mizo, along with their English pronunciation. This vocabulary guide helps beginners and language enthusiasts expand their Mizo vocabulary for daily conversations.

Newspaper vocabulary words - Mizo

Article thil
Books lehkhabu te
Business sumdawnna
Censor censor a ni
Check dap
Correspondent correspondent a ni
Critic critic
Department pawl
Desk dawhkan
Edit siamtha
Editor editor a ni
Especially bik takin
Exciting hlim
Exclusive hual bik
Experienced tawnhriat nei tawh
Experts mithiamte an ni
Famous lar
Feature nihphung
Fiction phuahchawp
Films film hrang hrangah a awm
Food chaw
Foreign ramdang
Important pawimawh
Income lakluh
Journalist chanchinbumi
Magazine chanchibu
Material bungrua
Media media a ni
Modify siam danglam rawh
Money sum
News chanchinthar
Newspaper chanchinbu a ni
Obtaining hmuh chhuah
Offensive huatthlala
Opinion ngaihdan
Paper lehkha
Particular bik
Permission phalna
Person mihring
Politics politics lam a ni
Post hmun
Publication tihchhuah a ni
Publish tihchhuah a ni
Qualified qualified a ni
Quality nihphung
Reliable rintlak
Reports report a ni
Sensation sensation a ni
Shocking a ti mangang hle
Special danglam bik
Sports infiamna lam a ni
Story thawnthu
Subject thupui
Text thumal
Topic thupui
Travel zin
Website website a ni
Writing ziak

Top 1000 Mizo words

Here you learn top 1000 Mizo words, that is separated into sections to learn easily (Simple words, Easy words, Medium words, Hard Words, Advanced Words). These words are very important in daily life conversations, basic level words are very helpful for beginners. All words have Mizo meanings with transliteration.

Eat ei
All zavai
New thar
Snore a bengchheng
Fast chak
Help tanpui
Pain na
Rain ruah
Pride chapona
Sense hriatna
Large hrawl
Skill thiamna
Panic hamhaih
Thank lawm
Desire chak
Woman hmeichhia
Hungry riltam

Daily use Mizo Sentences

Here you learn top Mizo sentences, these sentences are very important in daily life conversations, and basic-level sentences are very helpful for beginners. All sentences have Mizo meanings with transliteration.

Good morning Tukchhuah nuam le
What is your name Tunge i hming
What is your problem I harsatna chu eng nge ni?
I hate you Ka hua che
I love you Ka hmangaih che
Can I help you Ka pui thei che em?
I am sorry Ka ngaidam e
I want to sleep Mut ka duh
This is very important Hei hi a pawimawh hle
Are you hungry I ril a tam em?
How is your life I nun chu engtin nge a awm?
I am going to study Lehkha zir ka tum a
Mizo Vocabulary
Mizo Dictionary

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