There sentences in Mongolian and English

‘There’ sentences in Mongolian with English pronunciation. Here you learn English to Mongolian translation of There sentences and play There sentences quiz in Mongolian language also play A-Z dictionary quiz. Here you can easily learn daily use common Mongolian sentences with the help of pronunciation in English. It helps beginners to learn Mongolian language in an easy way. To learn Mongolian language, common vocabulary and grammar are the important sections. Common Vocabulary contains common words that we can used in daily life.

There sentences in Mongolian

There sentences in Mongolian and English

The list of 'There' sentences in Mongolian language and their pronunciation in English. Here you learn the list of English sentence to Mongolian translations.

There are a lot of problems we can't avoid Бид зайлсхийж чадахгүй олон асуудал бий
There are many fish in this lake Энэ нууранд олон загас байдаг
There are many problems to solve Шийдэх асуудал олон байна
There are many rats on the ship Усан онгоцон дээр олон харх байдаг
There are some books on the desk Ширээн дээр хэдэн ном байна
There is a cat under the bed Орны доор муур байна
There is a hole in his sock Түүний оймсонд нүх байна
There is a lot of money Маш их мөнгө байна
There is a very old temple in the town Энэ хотод маш эртний сүм байдаг
There is an exception to every rule Дүрэм болгонд үл хамаарах зүйл байдаг
There is an apple on the table Ширээн дээр алим байна
There is little hope of success Амжилтанд хүрэх найдвар бага байна
There is no doubt Эргэлзээгүй
There is no hope of his recovery Түүнийг эдгэрэх найдвар алга
There is no need for him to work Түүнд ажил хийх шаардлагагүй
There are a lot of problems we can't avoid Бид зайлсхийж чадахгүй олон асуудал бий
There are many fish in this lake Энэ нууранд олон загас байдаг
There are many problems to solve Шийдэх асуудал олон байна
There are many rats on the ship Усан онгоцон дээр олон харх байдаг
There are some books on the desk Ширээн дээр хэдэн ном байна
There is a cat under the bed Орны доор муур байна
There is a hole in his sock Түүний оймсонд нүх байна
There is a lot of money Маш их мөнгө байна
There is a very old temple in the town Энэ хотод маш эртний сүм байдаг
There is an exception to every rule Дүрэм болгонд үл хамаарах зүйл байдаг
There is an apple on the table Ширээн дээр алим байна
There is little hope of success Амжилтанд хүрэх найдвар бага байна
There is no doubt Эргэлзээгүй
There is no hope of his recovery Түүнийг эдгэрэх найдвар алга
There is no need for him to work Түүнд ажил хийх шаардлагагүй
There is no need for us to hurry Бидэнд яарах шаардлага байхгүй
There is nothing wrong with him Түүнд ямар ч буруу байхгүй
There isn't anyone in the room Өрөөнд хэн ч байхгүй
There no hot water Халуун ус байхгүй
There was a lot of snow last year Өнгөрсөн жил цас их орсон
There was a sudden change in the weather Цаг агаар гэнэт өөрчлөгдсөн
There was an accident at the intersection Уулзвар дээр осол гарсан
There was no bathroom Угаалгын өрөө байсангүй
There was nobody in the garden Цэцэрлэгт хэн ч байсангүй
There was nobody there Тэнд хэн ч байсангүй
There were a lot of empty seats Маш олон хоосон суудал байсан
There were many rotten apples in the basket Сагсанд олон ялзарсан алим байсан
There were five murders this month Энэ сард таван хүн амины хэрэг гарсан

‘There’ sentences in other languages (40+)

Top 1000 Mongolian words

Here you learn top 1000 Mongolian words, that is separated into sections to learn easily (Simple words, Easy words, Medium words, Hard Words, Advanced Words). These words are very important in daily life conversations, basic level words are very helpful for beginners. All words have Mongolian meanings with transliteration.

Eat идэх
All бүгд
New шинэ
Snore хурхирах
Fast хурдан
Help Туслаач
Pain өвдөлт
Rain бороо
Pride бахархал
Sense мэдрэмж
Large том
Skill ур чадвар
Panic сандрах
Thank баярлалаа
Desire хүсэл
Woman эмэгтэй
Hungry өлсөж байна
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