Whose sentences in Mongolian and English
‘Whose’ sentences in Mongolian with English pronunciation. Here you learn English to Mongolian translation of Whose sentences and play Whose sentences quiz in Mongolian language also play A-Z dictionary quiz. Here you can easily learn daily use common Mongolian sentences with the help of pronunciation in English. It helps beginners to learn Mongolian language in an easy way. To learn Mongolian language, common vocabulary and grammar are the important sections. Common Vocabulary contains common words that we can used in daily life.

Whose sentences in Mongolian and English
The list of 'Whose' sentences in Mongolian language and their pronunciation in English. Here you learn the list of English sentence to Mongolian translations.
Whose car is that? | Энэ хэний машин бэ? |
Whose friend is he? | Тэр хэний найз вэ? |
Whose guitar is this? | Энэ хэний гитар вэ? |
Whose house is across from yours? | Танайхын эсрэг талд хэний байшин байдаг вэ? |
Whose is this? | Энэ хэнийх вэ? |
Whose pencil is this? | Энэ хэний харандаа вэ? |
Whose turn is it? | Хэний ээлж вэ? |
Whose sound is it? | Хэний дуу вэ? |
Whose child is it? | Хэний хүүхэд вэ? |
Whose eyes are red? | Хэний нүд улаан вэ? |
Whose decision was final? | Хэний шийдвэр эцсийнх байсан бэ? |
Whose problem will it be? | Энэ нь хэний асуудал болох вэ? |
Whose boyfriend are you? | Чи хэний найз залуу вэ? |
Whose movie was it? | Хэний кино байсан бэ? |
Whose dog is barking outside? | Гадаа хэний нохой хуцаж байна вэ? |
Whose car is that? | Энэ хэний машин бэ? |
Whose friend is he? | Тэр хэний найз вэ? |
Whose guitar is this? | Энэ хэний гитар вэ? |
Whose house is across from yours? | Танайхын эсрэг талд хэний байшин байдаг вэ? |
Whose is this? | Энэ хэнийх вэ? |
Whose pencil is this? | Энэ хэний харандаа вэ? |
Whose turn is it? | Хэний ээлж вэ? |
Whose sound is it? | Хэний дуу вэ? |
Whose child is it? | Хэний хүүхэд вэ? |
Whose eyes are red? | Хэний нүд улаан вэ? |
Whose decision was final? | Хэний шийдвэр эцсийнх байсан бэ? |
Whose problem will it be? | Энэ нь хэний асуудал болох вэ? |
Whose boyfriend are you? | Чи хэний найз залуу вэ? |
Whose movie was it? | Хэний кино байсан бэ? |
Whose dog is barking outside? | Гадаа хэний нохой хуцаж байна вэ? |
Whose room was this? | Энэ хэний өрөө байсан бэ? |
Whose book is this? | Энэ хэний ном бэ? |
Whose life is in danger? | Хэний амь насанд аюул заналхийлж байна вэ? |
Whose voice is this? | Энэ хэний хоолой вэ? |
Whose Responsibility Is It? | Энэ нь хэний хариуцлага вэ? |
Whose birthday is it today? | Өнөөдөр хэний төрсөн өдөр вэ? |
Whose flag is shown here? | Энд хэний далбаа харагдаж байна вэ? |
Whose idea is this? | Энэ хэний санаа вэ? |
Whose life is perfect? | Хэний амьдрал төгс төгөлдөр вэ? |
Whose tea is this? | Энэ хэний цай вэ? |
Whose security are we talking about? | Бид хэний аюулгүй байдлын тухай ярьж байна вэ? |
‘Whose’ sentences in other languages (40+)
Top 1000 Mongolian words
Here you learn top 1000 Mongolian words, that is separated into sections to learn easily (Simple words, Easy words, Medium words, Hard Words, Advanced Words). These words are very important in daily life conversations, basic level words are very helpful for beginners. All words have Mongolian meanings with transliteration.
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