Did sentences in Nepali and English
‘Did’ sentences in Nepali with English pronunciation. Here you learn English to Nepali translation of Did sentences and play Did sentences quiz in Nepali language also play A-Z dictionary quiz. Here you can easily learn daily use common Nepali sentences with the help of pronunciation in English. It helps beginners to learn Nepali language in an easy way. To learn Nepali language, common vocabulary and grammar are the important sections. Common Vocabulary contains common words that we can used in daily life.

Did sentences in Nepali and English
The list of 'Did' sentences in Nepali language and their pronunciation in English. Here you learn the list of English sentence to Nepali translations.
Did he come by bus or by train? | उनी बसबाट आएका थिए कि रेलबाट ? Uni basabata a'eka thi'e ki relabata? |
Did she go to see John? | के उनी जोनलाई भेट्न गइन्? ke uni jonala'i bhetna ga'in? |
Did he propose to you? | के उसले तिमीलाई प्रस्ताव गर्यो? ke usale timila'i prastava garyo? |
Did he say anything about it to you? | के उसले तपाईलाई यसको बारेमा केहि भन्यो? ke usale tapa'ila'i yasako barema kehi bhan'yo? |
Did he say anything about it? | के उसले यसको बारेमा केहि भन्यो? ke usale yasako barema kehi bhan'yo? |
Did he tell you what to do? | के उसले तपाईलाई के गर्ने भन्यो? ke usale tapa'ila'i ke garne bhan'yo? |
Did I hurt his feelings? | के मैले उसको भावनालाई चोट पुर्याएको छु? ke maile usako bhavanala'i cota purya'eko chu? |
Did you call him up yesterday? | के तिमीले उसलाई हिजो कल गरेका थियौ? ke timile usala'i hijo kala gareka thiyau? |
Did you do this on your own? | के तपाई आफैले यो गर्नुभयो? ke tapa'i aphaile yo garnubhayo? |
Did you do your homework? | के तपाईंले आफ्नो गृहकार्य गर्नुभयो? ke tapa'inle aphno grhakarya garnubhayo? |
Did you drive her home last night? | के तपाईंले हिजो राती उसलाई घर चलाउनुभयो? ke tapa'inle hijo rati usala'i ghara cala'unubhayo? |
Did you finish the job? | के तपाईंले काम पूरा गर्नुभयो? ke tapa'inle kama pura garnubhayo? |
Did you get my point? | तपाईंले मेरो कुरा बुझ्नुभयो? tapa'inle mero kura bujhnubhayo? |
Did you have a fight with john? | के तपाईको जोनसँग झगडा भयो? ke tapa'iko jonasamga jhagada bhayo? |
Did you fight? | तिमी लड्यौ? timi ladyau? |
Did he come by bus or by train? | उनी बसबाट आएका थिए कि रेलबाट ? Uni basabata a'eka thi'e ki relabata? |
Did she go to see John? | के उनी जोनलाई भेट्न गइन्? ke uni jonala'i bhetna ga'in? |
Did he propose to you? | के उसले तिमीलाई प्रस्ताव गर्यो? ke usale timila'i prastava garyo? |
Did he say anything about it to you? | के उसले तपाईलाई यसको बारेमा केहि भन्यो? ke usale tapa'ila'i yasako barema kehi bhan'yo? |
Did he say anything about it? | के उसले यसको बारेमा केहि भन्यो? ke usale yasako barema kehi bhan'yo? |
Did he tell you what to do? | के उसले तपाईलाई के गर्ने भन्यो? ke usale tapa'ila'i ke garne bhan'yo? |
Did I hurt his feelings? | के मैले उसको भावनालाई चोट पुर्याएको छु? ke maile usako bhavanala'i cota purya'eko chu? |
Did you call him up yesterday? | के तिमीले उसलाई हिजो कल गरेका थियौ? ke timile usala'i hijo kala gareka thiyau? |
Did you do this on your own? | के तपाई आफैले यो गर्नुभयो? ke tapa'i aphaile yo garnubhayo? |
Did you do your homework? | के तपाईंले आफ्नो गृहकार्य गर्नुभयो? ke tapa'inle aphno grhakarya garnubhayo? |
Did you drive her home last night? | के तपाईंले हिजो राती उसलाई घर चलाउनुभयो? ke tapa'inle hijo rati usala'i ghara cala'unubhayo? |
Did you finish the job? | के तपाईंले काम पूरा गर्नुभयो? ke tapa'inle kama pura garnubhayo? |
Did you get my point? | तपाईंले मेरो कुरा बुझ्नुभयो? tapa'inle mero kura bujhnubhayo? |
Did you have a fight with john? | के तपाईको जोनसँग झगडा भयो? ke tapa'iko jonasamga jhagada bhayo? |
Did you fight? | तिमी लड्यौ? timi ladyau? |
Did you have a good sleep? | के तपाईलाई राम्रो निद्रा लाग्यो? ke tapa'ila'i ramro nidra lagyo? |
Did you have a nice summer? | के तपाईसँग राम्रो गर्मी छ? ke tapa'isamga ramro garmi cha? |
Did you invite him? | के तपाईंले उसलाई निम्तो दिनुभयो? ke tapa'inle usala'i nimto dinubhayo? |
Did you like the movie? | के तपाईंलाई चलचित्र मन पर्यो? ke tapa'inla'i calacitra mana paryo? |
Did you live here? | के तपाई यहाँ बस्नुभयो? ke tapa'i yaham basnubhayo? |
Did you make it by yourself? | के तपाई आफैले बनाउनुभयो? ke tapa'i aphaile bana'unubhayo? |
Did you miss me? | के तिमीले मलाई मिस गर्यौ? ke timile mala'i misa garyau? |
Did you see anybody there? | तपाईंले त्यहाँ कसैलाई देख्नुभयो? tapa'inle tyaham kasaila'i dekhnubhayo? |
Did you speak at all? | के तिमीले नै बोल्यो ? ke timile nai bolyo? |
Did you study by yourself? | के तिमी आफैले अध्ययन गर्यौ ? ke timi aphaile adhyayana garyau? |
Did you take a bath? | तपाईंले नुहाउनु भयो? tapa'inle nuha'unu bhayo? |
Did you watch the game? | के तपाईंले खेल हेर्नुभयो? ke tapa'inle khela hernubhayo? |
‘Did’ sentences in other languages (40+)
Top 1000 Nepali words
Here you learn top 1000 Nepali words, that is separated into sections to learn easily (Simple words, Easy words, Medium words, Hard Words, Advanced Words). These words are very important in daily life conversations, basic level words are very helpful for beginners. All words have Nepali meanings with transliteration.
Eat | खानु khanu |
All | सबै sabai |
New | नयाँ nayam |
Snore | घुर्ने ghurne |
Fast | छिटो chito |
Help | मद्दत maddata |
Pain | दुखाइ dukha'i |
Rain | वर्षा varsa |
Pride | गर्व garva |
Sense | भावना bhavana |
Large | ठूलो thulo |
Skill | कौशल kausala |
Panic | डराउने dara'une |
Thank | धन्यवाद dhan'yavada |
Desire | इच्छा iccha |
Woman | महिला mahila |
Hungry | भोको bhoko |
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