Plant names in Nepali and English - Common Nepali Vocabulary

Learn common Nepali vocabulary with this English-to-Nepali list of Plant names. Essential for daily conversations, this will help to build your Nepali language skills through popular words and play Nepali quizzes and also play picture vocabulary, play some games so you do get not bored. If you think too hard to learn the Nepali language, then the 1000 most common Nepali words will help you to learn the Nepali language easily, they contain 2-letter words to 13-letter words. The below table gives the translation of Plant vocabulary words in Nepali.

Plant names in Nepali and English - Common Nepali Vocabulary

Read also: A-Z Dictionary | Quiz | Vocabulary | Alphabets | Grammar

List of Plant names in Nepali with English Pronunciation

Learn Plant in Nepali, along with their English pronunciation. This vocabulary guide helps beginners and language enthusiasts expand their Nepali vocabulary for daily conversations.

Plant names - Nepali

Acorn acorn acorn
Agriculture कृषि krsi
Angiosperm एंजियस्पर्म enjiyasparma
Autotroph स्वत: ट्राफ svata: trapha
Axilary bud axialry कोपिला axialry kopila
Biennial द्विवार्षिक dvivarsika
Blade ब्लेड bleda
Blossom खिल khila
Botany वनस्पति विज्ञान vanaspati vijnana
Bract खण्ड khanda
Branch साखा sakha
Bromeliad bromeliad bromeliad
Bud कोपिला kopila
Cactus क्याक्टस kyaktasa
Calyx क्यालिक्स kyaliksa
Canopy चन्दवा candava
Carpel कारपेल karapela
Clover क्लोभर klobhara
Cork बिक्रो bikro
Dicot डिकट dikata
Endosperm एन्डोस्पार्म endosparma
Epicotyl Epicotyl Epicotyl
Evergreen सदाबहार sadabahara
Fern फर्न pharna
Fertilizer मल mala
Filament फिलामेन्ट philamenta
Flora वनस्पति vanaspati
Flower फूल phula
Foliage पातहरू pataharu
Garden बगैचा bagaica
Germinate अंकुरण गर्नु ankurana garnu
Ginkgo जिन्कगो jinkago
Grain अन्न anna
Grass घाँस ghamsa
Grove ग्रोभ grobha
Grow बढ्नु badhnu
Gum गम gama
Hardy हार्डी hardi
Hastate हतार गर्नु hatara garnu
Herb जडिबुटी jadibuti
Horticulture बागवानी bagavani
Hybrid संकर sankara
Inflorescence पुष्पक्रम puspakrama
Internode इंटर्नोड intarnoda
Ivy आइवी a'ivi
Jungle जंगल jangala
Juniper जुनिपर junipara
Kudzu kudzu kudzu
Lamina lamina lamina
Leaf पात pata
Legume लेग lega
Meristem meristem meristem
Midrib मिड्रिब midriba
Monocot मोनोकट monokata
Moss काई ka'i
Nectar अमृत amrta
Needle सुई su'i
Node नोड noda
Nut नट nata
Ovary अंडाशय andasaya
Palm पाम pama
Palmate पाल्मेट palmeta
Peduncle पेडनकल pedanakala
Perennial बारहमासी barahamasi
Petal पंखुडी pankhudi
Petiole पेटीओल peti'ola
Phloem फ्लोम phloma
Photosynthesis प्रकाश संश्लेषण prakasa sanslesana
Pinnate pinnate pinnate
Pistil पिस्टिल pistila
Pith pith pith
Plumule प्लमुल plamula
Pollen परागकण paragakana
Pollinate परागकण paragakana
Prickle काँढा kamdha
Rachis rachis rachis
Reniform पुनर्जागरण punarjagarana
Resin राल rala
Reticulate जाली jali
Rings औंठी aunthi
Root मूल mula
Sap सार sara
Sapling बिरुवा biruva
Seed बीज bija
Seedling बिरुवा biruva
Sepal सिपाल sipala
Shamrock shamrock shamrock
Shoot शुट suta
Shrub झाडी jhadi
Soil माटो mato
Spine मेरुदण्ड merudanda
Spore बीजाणु bijanu
Sprout अंकुर ankura
Stalk डाँठ damtha
Stamen पुंकेसर punkesara
Stand खडा khada
Stem स्टेम stema
Stigma कलंक kalanka
Stipule शर्त sarta
Stoma स्टोमा stoma
Succulent रसीला rasila
Sunlight सूर्यको किरण suryako kirana
Tap root जरा ट्याप गर्नुहोस् jara tyapa garnuhos
Thorn कांडा kanda
Tree रूख rukha
Trunk ट्रंक tranka
Tuber कन्द kanda
Twig टहनी tahani
Understory अण्डरसेटरी andarasetari
Vascular plant संवहनी बोट sanvahani bota
Vein शिरा sira
Venation भाडा bhada
Vine दाखको बोट dakhako bota
Weed झार jhara
Whorled चक्कर cakkara

Top 1000 Nepali words

Here you learn top 1000 Nepali words, that is separated into sections to learn easily (Simple words, Easy words, Medium words, Hard Words, Advanced Words). These words are very important in daily life conversations, basic level words are very helpful for beginners. All words have Nepali meanings with transliteration.

Eat खानु khanu
All सबै sabai
New नयाँ nayam
Snore घुर्ने ghurne
Fast छिटो chito
Help मद्दत maddata
Pain दुखाइ dukha'i
Rain वर्षा varsa
Pride गर्व garva
Sense भावना bhavana
Large ठूलो thulo
Skill कौशल kausala
Panic डराउने dara'une
Thank धन्यवाद dhan'yavada
Desire इच्छा iccha
Woman महिला mahila
Hungry भोको bhoko

Daily use Nepali Sentences

Here you learn top Nepali sentences, these sentences are very important in daily life conversations, and basic-level sentences are very helpful for beginners. All sentences have Nepali meanings with transliteration.

Good morning शुभ प्रभात subha prabhata
What is your name तिम्रो नाम के हो Timro nama ke ho
What is your problem तिम्रो समस्या के हो? timro samasya ke ho?
I hate you म तपाईँलाई घृणा गर्छु Ma tapaimlai ghrna garchu
I love you म तिमीलाई माया गर्छु Ma timilai maya garchu
Can I help you के म तपाईँलाई मद्दत गर्न सक्छु? ke ma tapa'imla'i maddata garna sakchu?
I am sorry म दु: खी छु ma du: khi chu
I want to sleep म सुत्न चाहन्छु ma sutna cahanchu
This is very important यो धेरै महत्त्वपूर्ण छ Yo dherai mahattvapurna cha
Are you hungry के तिमीलाई भोक लगेको छ? ke timila'i bhoka lageko cha?
How is your life तिम्रो जिन्दगी कस्तो चलिराछ? timro jindagi kasto caliracha?
I am going to study म अध्ययन गर्न जाँदैछु ma adhyayana garna jamdaichu
Nepali Vocabulary
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