Did sentences in Norwegian and English

‘Did’ sentences in Norwegian with English pronunciation. Here you learn English to Norwegian translation of Did sentences and play Did sentences quiz in Norwegian language also play A-Z dictionary quiz. Here you can easily learn daily use common Norwegian sentences with the help of pronunciation in English. It helps beginners to learn Norwegian language in an easy way. To learn Norwegian language, common vocabulary and grammar are the important sections. Common Vocabulary contains common words that we can used in daily life.

Did sentences in Norwegian

Did sentences in Norwegian and English

The list of 'Did' sentences in Norwegian language and their pronunciation in English. Here you learn the list of English sentence to Norwegian translations.

Did he come by bus or by train? kom han med buss eller tog?
Did she go to see John? gikk hun for å se john?
Did he propose to you? fridde han til deg?
Did he say anything about it to you? sa han noe om det til deg?
Did he say anything about it? sa han noe om det?
Did he tell you what to do? fortalte han deg hva du skulle gjøre?
Did I hurt his feelings? såret jeg følelsene hans?
Did you call him up yesterday? ringte du han i går?
Did you do this on your own? gjorde du dette på egenhånd?
Did you do your homework? gjorde du leksene dine?
Did you drive her home last night? kjørte du henne hjem i går kveld?
Did you finish the job? ble du ferdig med jobben?
Did you get my point? skjønte du poenget mitt?
Did you have a fight with john? hadde du en kamp med john?
Did you fight? kjempet du?
Did he come by bus or by train? kom han med buss eller tog?
Did she go to see John? gikk hun for å se john?
Did he propose to you? fridde han til deg?
Did he say anything about it to you? sa han noe om det til deg?
Did he say anything about it? sa han noe om det?
Did he tell you what to do? fortalte han deg hva du skulle gjøre?
Did I hurt his feelings? såret jeg følelsene hans?
Did you call him up yesterday? ringte du han i går?
Did you do this on your own? gjorde du dette på egenhånd?
Did you do your homework? gjorde du leksene dine?
Did you drive her home last night? kjørte du henne hjem i går kveld?
Did you finish the job? ble du ferdig med jobben?
Did you get my point? skjønte du poenget mitt?
Did you have a fight with john? hadde du en kamp med john?
Did you fight? kjempet du?
Did you have a good sleep? har du sovet godt?
Did you have a nice summer? har du hatt en fin sommer?
Did you invite him? inviterte du ham?
Did you like the movie? likte du filmen?
Did you live here? bodde du her?
Did you make it by yourself? har du laget det selv?
Did you miss me? savnet du meg?
Did you see anybody there? så du noen der?
Did you speak at all? snakket du i det hele tatt?
Did you study by yourself? studerte du selv?
Did you take a bath? tok du et bad?
Did you watch the game? så du kampen?

‘Did’ sentences in other languages (40+)

Top 1000 Norwegian words

Here you learn top 1000 Norwegian words, that is separated into sections to learn easily (Simple words, Easy words, Medium words, Hard Words, Advanced Words). These words are very important in daily life conversations, basic level words are very helpful for beginners. All words have Norwegian meanings with transliteration.

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