List of Prefix in Oromo and English

To learn Oromo language common vocabulary is one of the important sections. Common Vocabulary contains common words that we can used in daily life. Here you learn Prefix words in English with Oromo translation. If you are interested to learn the most common Oromo Prefix words, this place will help you to learn Prefix words in Oromo language with their pronunciation in English. Prefix words are used in daily life conversations, so it is very important to learn all words in English and Oromo.

List of Prefix in Oromo and English

Read also: A-Z Dictionary | Quiz | Vocabulary | Alphabets | Grammar

List of Prefix words in Oromo

Here is the list of prefixes in Oromo language with meanings and their pronunciation in English.


Deactivate hojii irraa oolchuu
Debate falmii
Decade waggaa kudhan
Decent fudhatamaa
Decision murtoo
Declare labsuu
Decode decode gochuu
Decomposition manca’iinsa
Decrease hir'isuu
Deduction hir’ifama
Default durtii
Defeat mo'uu
Defend irraa ittisuu
Deforest bosona ciruu
Deformation difoormeeshinii
Degeneration degeneration (degeneration) jechuun ni danda’ama
Demand barbaaduu


Disaccord waliigaltee dhabuu
Disaffection mufannaa dhabuu
Disagree walii hin galan
Disappear baduu
Disapprove hin raggaasisu
Discharge baasuu
Discipline naamuusa
Discompose discompose gochuu
Discount gatii gadi bu'aa
Discover argachuu
Displeasure mufannaa dhabuu
Disqualify ulaagaa guutuu dhabuu


Exceed darbuu
Exchange waljijjiiruu
Exhale hafuura baafachuu
Explain ibsuu
Explosion dhohinsa
Export alergii


Impair miidhaa geessisuu
Impassion quuqama (passion) qabaachuu
Implant implant gochuu
Import biyya alaatii galchuu
Impossible kan hin danda'amne
Impress ajab nama jechisiisuu
Improper sirrii hin taane
Improve fooyyessuu


Inaction gocha dhabuu
Inactive hin sochoone
Inadequate gahaa hin taane
Income galii
Incorrect sirrii miti
Indirect al-kallattiin
Insecure kan ofitti hin amanne
Inside keessa
Invisible kan hin mul’anne


Interaction walitti dhufeenya
Interchange wal jijjiiruu
Intermission boqonnaa
International idil-addunyaa
Internet interneetii
Interview af-gaaffii


Irradiation irradiation jedhamuun kan beekamu
Irrational irrational kan hin qabne
Irregular sirna hin qabne
Irrelevant barbaachisaa hin taane
Irreplaceable bakka hin buune
Irreversible kan hin deebine


Midday walakkeessa guyyaa
Midland midland jedhamuun beekama
Midnight halkan walakkaa
Midway karaa walakkaa
Midwife deessiftuu


Misaligned wal hin simne
Misguide karaa dogoggoraa
Misinform odeeffannoo dogoggoraa beeksisuu
Mislead dogoggorsa
Misplace bakka hin taane
Misrule bulchuu dogoggoraa
Misspelt dogoggoraan barreeffame
Mistake dogoggora
Misunderstand dogoggoraan hubachuu
Misuse itti fayyadama dogoggoraa


Non existent kan hin jirre
Non pareil non pareil jedhamuun beekama
Nonchalant kan hin ilaalle
Nonfiction asoosama hin taane
Nonsense waanuma hin taane
Nonstop dhaabbachuu malee


Overcharge kaffaltii garmalee kaffalu
Overcome dandamachuu
Overflow dhangala’aa ta’uu
Overlap wal-irra bu’uu
Overload fe’iinsa garmalee
Overlook bira darbuu
Overpower humna moo’achuu
Overrate garmalee safaruu
Overrule irra darbuu


Predefine dursee hiikuu
Prefix durtii
Prehistory seenaa duraa
Prepay dursee kaffalu
Prepossess dursee qabachuu
Prevail mo’achuu
Preview dursee ilaaluu


Proactive proactive ta’uu isaati
Proceed itti fufi
Proclaim labsaa
Profess ni himatu
Profit bu'aa
Profound baay'ee jabaa
Program sagantaa
Progress fooyya'iinsa
Prolong dheeressuu


React deebii kennuu
Reappear deebi’ee mul’achuu
Reclaim deebisee argachuu
Recollect yaadadhu
Recommendation yaada kennuu
Reconsider irra deebi’ii ilaali
Recover haala duraaniitti deebi'uu
Redo irra deebi’ii hojjedhu
Rewrite irra deebi’anii barreessi


Telecommunication telekoomii
Telegram telegiraamii
Telepathic telepathic jedhamuun kan beekamu
Telephone bilbilaan bilbiluu
Telescope teleskooppii jedhamuun beekama
Television televijiinii


Transfer dabarsuu
Transform jijjiirraa
Transgender saala jijjiirrate
Translation hiikkaa
Transparent of keessa dabarsuu
Transport geejjiba


Undo duubatti deebisuu
Unequal wal hin qixxaanne
Unhappy gammachuu dhabuu
Unpack hiikuu
Unseen kan hin mul’anne
Unstable tasgabbaa’aa hin taane
Unusual kan hin baratamin


Update odeeffannoo dhiyeenyaa
Upgrade sadarkaa isaa guddisuu
Uphill ol ba’uu
Uphold kabajuu
Upset aaruu
Upstairs ol ka’aa
Upward gara oliitti

Top 1000 Oromo words

Here you learn top 1000 Oromo words, that is separated into sections to learn easily (Simple words, Easy words, Medium words, Hard Words, Advanced Words). These words are very important in daily life conversations, basic level words are very helpful for beginners. All words have Oromo meanings with transliteration.

Eat Nyaachuu
All Hunda
New Haaraa
Snore Qufa'uu
Fast Ariifataa
Help Gargaaruu
Pain Dhukkubbii
Rain Rooba
Pride Boonuu
Sense Miira
Large Bal'aa
Skill Dandeettii
Panic Nahuu
Thank Galateeffachuu
Desire Hawwii
Woman Dubartii
Hungry Beela'aa

Daily use Oromo Sentences

Here you learn top Oromo sentences, these sentences are very important in daily life conversations, and basic-level sentences are very helpful for beginners. All sentences have Oromo meanings with transliteration.

Good morning Akkam bulte
What is your name Maqaan kee eenyu
What is your problem Rakkoon keessan maali?
I hate you Si jibba
I love you sin jaalladha
Can I help you Si gargaaruu danda'aa?
I am sorry Dhiifama
I want to sleep Rafuun barbaada
This is very important Kun baay’ee barbaachisaa dha
Are you hungry Beeloftee jirtaa?
How is your life Jireenyi kee akkam?
I am going to study Barachuuf deema
Oromo Vocabulary
Oromo Dictionary

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