Healthcare vocabulary words in Oromo and English - Common Oromo Vocabulary

Learn common Oromo vocabulary with this English-to-Oromo list of Healthcare vocabulary words. Essential for daily conversations, this will help to build your Oromo language skills through popular words and play Oromo quizzes and also play picture vocabulary, play some games so you do get not bored. If you think too hard to learn the Oromo language, then the 1000 most common Oromo words will help you to learn the Oromo language easily, they contain 2-letter words to 13-letter words. The below table gives the translation of Healthcare vocabulary words in Oromo.

Healthcare vocabulary words in Oromo and English - Common Oromo Vocabulary

Read also: A-Z Dictionary | Quiz | Vocabulary | Alphabets | Grammar

List of Healthcare vocabulary words in Oromo with English Pronunciation

Learn Healthcare in Oromo, along with their English pronunciation. This vocabulary guide helps beginners and language enthusiasts expand their Oromo vocabulary for daily conversations.

Healthcare vocabulary words - Oromo

Abdominal garaa keessaa
Abortion ulfa baasuu
Accident balaa
Abuse akka malee itti fayyadamuu
Addict araada kan qabu
Agony ciniinsuu
Ailment dhukkuba
Alcohol dhugaatii nama macheessu
Amputation qaama namaa irraa cituu
Anaesthetic qoricha sammuu namaa hadoochu
Bandage baandaajii gochuu
Bleed dhiiguu
Blind qaroo kan hin qabne
Bruit bruit jedhamuun beekama
Clinical kilinikaa
Contusion contusion (contusion) jedhamuun beekama
Convalesce fayyaa ta’uu
Convulsion raafamuu (convulsion).
Cough qufaa
Cramp dhiita’uu (cramp).
Cripple naafa ta’e
Crutch ulee (crutch) jedhamuun beekama
Cure fayyisuu
Dazzle dazzle jedhu
Debility dadhabbii ta’uu
Defecate manca’aa baasuu
Dejection gadda dhabuu
Deleterious miidhaa geessisu
Delirious delirious ta'e
Dentist ogeessa wal'aansa ilkaanii
Depression mukuu hamaa
Detoxify summii balleessuu
Diabetes dhibee sukkaaraa
Disease dhukkuba
Doctor dooktora
Emission gadi lakkifamuu
Erection qaama saalaa dhiiraa ka’uu
Febrile ho’a qaamaa kan qabu
Felon yakkamaa
Fever dhaqna gubaa
Fracture caccabuu (caccabbii)
Gargle gargle jechuun ni danda’ama
Gash gaasha
Gasp hafuura baafachuu
Genetic jeneetikii
Healer fayyisaa
Herbal baala mukaa
Lesion madaa (lesion) jedhamuun beekama
Ligament ligament jedhamuun beekama
Measles dhukkuba busaa
Medical kan wal'aansaa
Mental kan sammuu
Mite mite
Mutate jijjiirama (mutate) gochuu
Nurse narsii
Ovulation ovulation jedhamuun beekama
Pain dhukkubbii
Palpate palpate gochuu
Panting hafuura baafachuu
Paralyse laamsha’uu
Patient dhukkubsataa
Pervert kan duraanii irraa kaachisuu
Protein pirootiinii
Probe qorannoo (probe) jedhu
Pregnancy ulfa
Poultice poultice jedhamuun beekama
Relax of gadhiisuu
Relief furamuu
Sperm isparmii
Spew dhangalaasaa
Spine lafee dugdaa
Shiner shiner jedhamtu
Shiver rifachuu
Shock rifachuudha
Sneeze haxxiffachuu
Snivel snivel jechuun ni danda’ama
Snotty snotty jedhamuun beekama
Snuff snuff jechuun ni danda’ama
Suicide of ajjeesuu
Swelling dhiita
Tablet tablet
Taint xurii
Temperature ho'ina

Top 1000 Oromo words

Here you learn top 1000 Oromo words, that is separated into sections to learn easily (Simple words, Easy words, Medium words, Hard Words, Advanced Words). These words are very important in daily life conversations, basic level words are very helpful for beginners. All words have Oromo meanings with transliteration.

Eat Nyaachuu
All Hunda
New Haaraa
Snore Qufa'uu
Fast Ariifataa
Help Gargaaruu
Pain Dhukkubbii
Rain Rooba
Pride Boonuu
Sense Miira
Large Bal'aa
Skill Dandeettii
Panic Nahuu
Thank Galateeffachuu
Desire Hawwii
Woman Dubartii
Hungry Beela'aa

Daily use Oromo Sentences

Here you learn top Oromo sentences, these sentences are very important in daily life conversations, and basic-level sentences are very helpful for beginners. All sentences have Oromo meanings with transliteration.

Good morning Akkam bulte
What is your name Maqaan kee eenyu
What is your problem Rakkoon keessan maali?
I hate you Si jibba
I love you sin jaalladha
Can I help you Si gargaaruu danda'aa?
I am sorry Dhiifama
I want to sleep Rafuun barbaada
This is very important Kun baay’ee barbaachisaa dha
Are you hungry Beeloftee jirtaa?
How is your life Jireenyi kee akkam?
I am going to study Barachuuf deema
Oromo Vocabulary
Oromo Dictionary

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